Sword God

Vol 21 Chapter 10: Demon Guardian Road (5)

A bang, like a black wave of sword light, beheaded and killed the elder Li's big sword, and the tiger-shaped sword lightly paused, but it was defeated for a moment.

The elder Li's face changed greatly, but he did not dare to retreat. He broke his scalp and burst out with all his strength. He resisted the dreadful sword as much as possible. He was chopped back and forth, only to feel that the big knife in his hand was almost released and the blood surged. , Could not help but spit a blood, the whole person flew out, violently crashed into the Weidaolou.

From the appearance of Elder Li to being hit by a fly, the time was actually very short. Elder Ming and Zhong Zhonglao, the giant hand, appeared at the same time, holding Elder Li's body left and right, only feeling a strong force pulling, letting them keep going. Later, fortunately, he did his best to stop himself when he hit Wei Dao Lou.

The three looked very dignified.

"Fourfolds of heaven!" Elder Li's heart sank.

The gap between Tianxuanjing Triple and Tianxuan Jing Triple is not small.

One person is enough to overpower the three of them.

Elder Li and others have speculated that the peace in recent days is a turbulent undercurrent, but they never thought that such powerful people would appear in the magic power.

In their information, the strongest of the evil demons in the area of ​​Dazhen City was the double reconstruction of the Tianxuan Realm. Three people in the Dazhencheng Weidao Building could deal with him, and they were not afraid of it.

But now the situation is unexpected, a master of the four levels of magic in the realm of heaven and mystery is undoubtedly very strong.

"The three of us dragged him down and let the disciples evacuate first." Elder Ming chuckled.

There is a four-layered magical powerhouse in Tianxuan Realm. The three of them do their best to join forces, and they can hold on for a while, but they cannot kill each other. The other two high-powered heavenly realms in Weidaolou are the same.

Today, the situation is the attack of a four-layer magical power of the heavens and heavens, and then, the two heavenly powers of the shadowy gates have also appeared, and they also bring dozens of masters of the spiritual realm to Weidaolou. Very unfavorable.

Green hills are left without worry.

At this time, they forgot the fact that Chen Zong also possessed the dual reconstruction of Tian Xuan Jing. After all, Chen Zong did not take action in front of them, and the contact time was short.

"People of the evil demons obey orders, killing without pardon." The somber and obscure voice of the owner of the evil demons sounded, full of amazing murderous power.

"Kill!" One hundred and thirty people of the Yinmen Gate yelled at the masters of the spiritual realm, killing them, and turning them into a void of night wind.

"Kill!" Another shout sounded from the inside of Weidao Tower, which was the disciples of Taiyuan Tianzong in Weidao Tower.

The polar realm, the terrestrial realm, and the two elders who rebuilt the heavens and the mysterious realm rushed out.

A man-to-man environment is opposite to a man-to-man environment, a terrestrial state is opposite to a terrestrial state, and a celestial realm is opposite to a celestial realm, and a fierce battle begins.


Feng Shigui Zhengzheng and others have sought out the masters of the psychic spirits of the Yin Momen, but they have not been so far away, but they are looking for someone they can deal with.

For a time, the Daolou Tower was the center, and the right path and the magical roads were mixed together. The terrible force hit all directions and sabotage. Fortunately, a large area around the Daolou floor was empty. In this way, it could cause greater damage.

But as soon as the battle here opened, the entire Dazhen City had been alarmed, especially the first feeling around the Wei Dao Lou, one by one awakened from their dreams, looking pale and escaping away, lest they be affected.

In this fierce battle, he was affected and died, and there is no place for justice.

Elder Li, Elder Ming, and Zhong Changlao joined forces to make every effort to hold on to the four-layered Dark Slayer of the Mysterious Realm that day. It was very difficult, and I didn't know how long it could support it.

The other two elders met the host and elders of the Infernal Gate.

It ’s just that the two elders of Weidaolou were rebuilt as Tianxuanjing. One to one, they can fight against the Elder of the Demon Gate, but they are not as good as the Master of the Demon Gate. Tian Xuan Realm is twofold.

"Dead!" The obscure voice sounded from all directions and forced into the elder's ear. The elder's complexion suddenly changed. He couldn't tell where the sound came from. He just felt the storm coming and his body was cold.

Immediately, a number of figures appeared, such as ghosts, rolling in with the overcast wind, with the intention of killing, killing the elder.

The elder's heart sank and his body was cold.

The opponent's strength is very strong, completely surpassing himself, even the three moves can not be carried.

This trick, even if he did not die, he would be badly hit.

How to do?

If you are killed yourself, the situation will be even more unfavorable to your side.

After turning his thoughts, the elder suddenly became fierce, and quickly poured a force into the wheel of the sky, detonating it, and sharing it with the other party.

"Wait a moment." A gentle voice seemed to be empty, and it passed into his ears, so that the elder suddenly felt inexplicable.

Then, a ray of sword light ripped through the darkness and slain.

Heaven and earth seemed to be torn at this moment.

The shadow master's figure was also forced out instantly, as if the sun was shining and the shadow was gone.

Even the sound was too late to be heard, and the sword light slashed across the body of the Lord of the Sorcerer Gate as if it were bamboo.

The master of the evil demon gate was split directly by the sharp sword light, and his body was torn.

The sword light did not dissipate after killing the Lord of the Onyx Gate, but continued to kill it, and then killed six masters of the Onyx Gate before disappearing.

The might of a sword, as strong as Xeon, suddenly made the side of the evil spirit gate look sideways, terrifying.

The two masters of Tianxuan Realm were beheaded and killed by one sword. Who is this?

The four-layered Yinxuanqi of Tianxuan Realm will also be shocked. Extremely sharp eyes will pass by, as if to hide everything through.

The sword was slashed, and the sword light came out like a wave, and it turned into three amazing sword lights, which instantly repelled the three elders.

"Come out for Ben!" With a violent drink, the killing was shocking, and once again he broke out with a knife, and the sword knife wanted to smash Weidaolou.

Elder Li and others were repelled, and they could not stop the knife at all. It was said that sooner or later, at the moment when Wei Dao Lou was about to be split, a fascinating sword light appeared, like the sky breaking through the clouds. Eye-catching, as in the eyes of everyone.

When Jianguang passed, the knife light was in a flash, and then broke.

This scene immediately shocked the three elders Li.

who is it?

Who in the end is able to defeat the sword of the four-fold magical powers of the Xuan Realm with one sword, and its strength is certainly not inferior to the opponent.

A glimmer of hope suddenly emerged from everyone's heart, as if setting off the dark clouds to see the bright moon.

A figure stood in front of the Weidao Tower out of thin air, the figure did not look tall, at least compared to the Weidao Tower, it seemed so small, not even one-tenth of the Weidao Tower, no, not even one-twentieth. .

But the seemingly small figure stood in front of the Weidaolou, but was like a giant in the sky, protecting the Weidaolou firmly, and no one could break it.

Chen Zong!

That figure is Taiyuan Tianzong Cang Yushan's peerless Tianjiao Chen Zong.

Didn't you say that the dual cultivation of Tian Xuan Jing?

Why does its strength seem to be more simple than just Tian Xuanjing?

However, Chen Zongnai is a peerless arrogant, and the challenge of leapfrogging is not difficult for him at all.

It is just that the two-fold cultivation of Tianxuan Realm is the fourfold against Tianxuan Realm. This kind of strength leap seems to be a little too big to be incredible.

For a while, the elders and others just felt that their brains were not enough.

However, the Demon Strong of the Insidious Banner already has a knife, and the body is radiated like an arrow off the string. It seems like a black lightning strokes the night sky. The long knife tears everything, with the ultimate intention of killing. Kill to Chen Zong.

This sword can break the mountains.

In the face of the Sword of the Demon Swordsman, Chen Zong looked cold and without panic, as if the beheading was not a sword that could break the mountains but a sea of ​​breeze.

Han Feng's sword was in his hand, and it didn't move until the opponent killed him with a single stroke.

The sword light was on, and Han Mang was shocked. A sword smashed the opponent's knife light and killed him.

Thrilling, the strong man of the Yinmo Banner was horrified to the extreme. He shuddered, and burst into full force, turning into a shadowy afterglow. It was difficult to distinguish the true from the false, trying to avoid Chen Zong's counterattack.

The sword gave him a feeling of extreme danger, and if he could not escape, he might die.

He was too late to think about why there was such a terrible powerhouse here, which was not mentioned in the intelligence at all.

Dozens of shadows surround it, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. With a knife, Chen Zong is killed from all directions. This is a brutal force that can confuse the enemy and instantly counter the enemy.

With this move, this devil will kill many powerful enemies. This time, he thinks that he can also work.

However, dozens of shadows were gathered together, and then, as if shattered in smoke, a beam of sword light directly penetrated one of the shadows, and the shadows were revealed, which is the magical power of the evil flag.

"Why do you know it's me ..." The obscure voice was full of confusion.

Baiying's killing is extremely mysterious. It is the martial arts of Yinyinqi and the Emperor. It is very clever. He has cultivated for many years.

However, the other party did not hesitate to kill a sword and penetrate directly into his true body. The terrible sword gas raged in his body and killed himself.

"Because ... you're too weak ..." Chen Zong's tone was very bland ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Han Fengjian pulled from the opponent's body without any trace of blood.

Han Fengjian left the body and took away the vitality of this magic general, his body fell towards the bottom, but the machete and storage ring in his hand fell into Chen Zong's hands, becoming Chen Zong's trophy.

Seeing that the doorkeeper died first, the Tianguo Demon Strongman was also killed by the opponent with one sword. All the masters of the magic road were horrified one by one, terrified and even shivered.

Without any hesitation, the Elder of the Demon Gate immediately moved, erupting at full speed and speed, and quickly rushed away in other directions, intending to escape from here.

However, Chen Zong's eyes fell on the figure of the Elder Demon Gate, which was tens of meters away, and he was fleeing at a full speed without a sense of tremor. The extreme chill seemed to surge out of the soul and froze. all.

The next breath, Chen Zong waved his sword.

A beam of sword light penetrated 10,000 meters in an instant, and also penetrated the elder's body.

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