Sword God

Vol 21 Chapter 24: 1 Sword East Comes (6)

Today, the wind is cloudy and the sky is cold, and there is a scarlet blood staining the sky, which is the day of beheading and public display.

The magic flag fluttered, swayed in the strong wind, swayed wantonly, and released the magic prestige.

20,000 Demon Army soldiers are distributed in all directions, and all are blocked. Even after a mosquito comes in, they cannot fly out alive. Amazing magic air is permeated and entangled with each other, as if extinct.

At the center, a superior demonic powerhouse stood in the air, two demons: blood prison demons and copper mountain demons, and the feudal powerhouse of the traitor, Ban Zhongquan, was also present.

Below, there are nearly a hundred figures, each wearing white prison clothes, with a shawl radiating, his hands tied behind his back, a wooden sign stuck in his back, kneeling on the ground in humiliation, waiting for his head to be cut off.

This is the punishment that some kingdoms used to punish ordinary people, but now it is used to deal with a group of military masters, which is purely humiliating.

20,000 Demon Warriors were silent, but filled with terrible magic, waiting.

"Ban Zhongquan, are you sure Duan Guchun will come?" The blood prisoner asked impolitely.

"It will come." Ban Zhongquan smiled with a firm tone.

At the time, Duan Guchun was the master of Ban Zhongquan. What was Duan Guchun's temperament, Ban Zhongquan knew very well.

The wind was getting sharper, and the dark clouds were drooping, depressed, cold, and killing.

"Come here." The sound of Ban Zhongquan suddenly sounded, and the Blood Demon Emperor and the Copper Mountain Demon Emperor also widened their eyes and looked forward.


Two rays of light flew across the sky, flying from a distance at an astonishing speed.


It was Duan Guchun and Jitian Sword Emperor.

Originally, the two discussed with each other, one appeared first and the other hidden, waiting for the opportunity. After deduction, they abandoned the plan because it could not be achieved.

The opponent has two demon emperors, and even class power may appear. In addition to the 20,000 demon army and hundreds of superior demon powers, they face each other alone, and they are likely to be defeated in a short time. In addition, It is difficult for one person to rescue.

In this case, the two of them appear together, do their best, and die.

"Have courage." The Copper Mountain Devil smiled, his huge body exuding astonishing coercion like a mountain.

"Although the races are different, this emperor admires the courage and humanity of both of you." The blood prison devil laughed, his words were sincere, and he really admired it. As he said this, he also glanced at Ban Zhongquanyi. Take, with a little contempt.

Ban Zhongquan saw it, but his expression remained unchanged, but he stared at Duan Guchun.

Duan Guchun also stared at Ban Zhongquan. The hatred in his eyes was like a volcano, and he was about to erupt.

Ban Zhongquan and Duan Guchun looked at each other, his eyes were calm, and a smile hung from the corner of his mouth.

"Brother ..." Ban Zhongquan said, his voice sounded like a cold wind: "I hate me, right, I admire you who can't wait for my skin to be cramped and frustrated but can't help me."

In a word, the anger of Duan Guchun suddenly broke out, and the tyrannical strength of the emperor class was not retained, and it turned into a breathtaking atmosphere that swept the world and exploded.

Jitian Sword Emperor also swept across at a glance. His sharp eyes were like sharp swords piercing through the sky, falling on Ban Zhongquan's face, making Ban Zhongquan's pupils unconsciously shrink.

Very sharp!

The sword of Jitian Sword Emperor, Ban Zhongquan, is very daunting, because if he is stabbed, he will be severely hit if he does not die.

Of course, if you really start one-on-one, Ban Zhongquan is not afraid. The sword of Jitian Sword Emperor is powerful and he is not weak.

Moreover, it is now three to two, and there is a demon warrior and a demon warrior. These two are dead.

Since he was Emperor Duan Guchun, Ban Zhongquan knows that the other party will come to find himself, and he will eventually be injured with the evil evil skills of his own hard work. Without his own shot, he ca n’t be lifted at all The power of evil power will be continuously eroded, and eventually no vitality.

In this way, he was relieved.

I didn't expect it to be better, and the strength was completely restored.

Ban Zhongquan was curious, how did Duan Guchun recover from his injury?

This is important.

Because the evil spirit of Han prison is a terrible martial art, in order to cultivate this martial art, how much hardship you have endured and how much effort you have to pay, only you can know.

"Your purpose is me, let them go." Duan Guchun looked away from Ban Zhongquan's face, swept over the kneeling people below, and then stared at the two demon emperors, saying word by word, his face was full of majesty .

"I admire you, but ..." The blood prisoner suddenly smiled, and then waved his hand, a **** man broke like a blade, slashed down, and at an amazing speed, all the nearly a hundred human masters kneeling on the ground directly Beheaded.

Duan Guchun's anger erupted, his sword came out of his sheath, Jianguang took Huanghuang Tianwei, cut it off in the air, and mercilessly killed the blood prisoner.

The Tongshan Demon Emperor raised his fist, his fist was huge, like a meteorite bombarded and killed, carrying a terrible amount of violent violence, fiercely bombarded Duan Guchun's sword.

The sword of Jitian Sword Emperor also squirts out and kills Tongshan Demon Emperor.

Two-to-three, one of them is already in an unfavorable situation. If you want to make a strange move, you should abolish one of them first, and you will have to hit it badly to make it worse.

Ban Zhongquan also shot in an instant, with a palm in the air, a black strand in the palm, and the yin-to-evil breath spread instantly.

Cold prison meditation!

This palm directly hit the Emperor Sword Emperor, not his sword.

As far as Ban Zhongquan is concerned, he only needs to kill Jitian Sword Emperor and Duan Guchun. As to whether the Tongshan Demon Emperor and the Blood Prison Demon will be injured, he does not care.

The look of Jitian Sword Emperor suddenly changed. From the palm of Ban Zhongquan, he felt a breath that made him scary. This breath made him very daunting.

Without hesitation, his wrist trembled, and he stabbed a sword at Tongshan Demon Emperor, and immediately shifted his direction, stabbing at Ban Zhongquan.

This is not the extreme style, because in this case, it is not appropriate to cast the extreme style. Even so, the sword is very powerful.


At the same time, the Blood Emperor Emperor also shot, and the palm of his hand was cut like a knife, and a blood mane tore the sky like a knife and killed Duan Guchun.

As for Ban Zhongquan, the Blood Devil Emperor despised him from the bottom of his heart and ignored him.

The battlefield of the Demon Army has been in operation, and the breath of hundreds of superior Demon Powers has also locked Jitian Sword Emperor and Duan Guchun. Once the timing is right, they will shoot, even if they cannot hurt them, Will cause some interference to them.

In the battle of the strong, a trace of interference may reverse the situation.


Jitian Sword Emperor and Duan Guchun drank together. They did not flinch and dodge, but burst into full force. Jitian Sword Emperor displayed Jitian style.

Here, you are ready for death. Before you die, you will do your best for the people of Mingjianzhou and the sword killing of Jijian.

Duan Guchun's sword also killed Ban Zhongquan at the same time.

Ban Zhongquan became the target of Jitian Sword Emperor and Duan Guchun.

"Damn!" Ban Zhongquan's expression changed suddenly.

They are not weak enough to defeat one of them, but they cannot resist the joint efforts of the two.

In this regard, the Tongshan Demon Emperor and the Blood Prison Demon Emperor did not have the intention of half-reinforcement. Instead, they only shot at a moment's notice. Such a time made Ban Zhongquan passive.

It stands to reason that the Emperor Feng is very strong, and this kind of error should not occur, that is, the intention of the Tongshan Demon Emperor and the Blood Prison Demon Emperor.

By the hands of Duan Guchun and Jitian Sword Emperor, let Ban Zhongquan suffer, but they can also take this opportunity to get rid of Duan Guchun and Jitian Sword Emperor, killing two birds with one stone.

Even if the situation is unfavorable to him, Duan Guchun and Jitian Sword Emperor still have no intention of closing up, because they have set aside life and death, and have only one goal, which is Ban Zhongquan.

This eunuch's generation, this human traitor, **** it. It's not overkill to kill a hundred or a thousand times.

"Help me." Ban Zhongquan yelled, he could feel the intention of killing, completely aimed at his own intention of killing, and would not stop killing himself, even if he had given his life for it.

Duan Guchun took Huanghuang Tianwei with a sword, beheaded and killed, colliding with Ban Zhongquan's Han Yuming's evil powers, canceling each other out.

The sword of the Emperor Sword Emperor is as bright as a meteor, passing through the sky in an instant, extremely dazzling, across the sky, and lasting forever, piercing the body of Ban Zhongquan.

One sword directly penetrated Ban Zhongquan's chest, and the terrible sword qi burst instantly in a spiral-like rotation, tearing Ban Zhongquan's chest instantly, the amazing sword qi strangling and banging Ban Zhongquan's chest A fist-sized wound was made, with the front chest straight through the back.

This injury was very serious, especially the extreme sword qi spread quickly from the wound, constantly strangling the body, and the pain was extremely painful.

Ban Zhongquan's figure fell down ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The attack of the Copper Mountain Demon Emperor and the Blood Prison Demon came all at once.

One killed Xiangjitian Emperor, and one killed Duan Guchun.

The two had just made a full effort to deal with Ban Zhongquan. At this moment, they could barely raise their strength to resist the attack of the two demons.

With two roars, the Emperor Jiantian and Duan Guchun were blasted and spewed blood instantly.

Especially Jitian Sword Emperor, Jitian Kendo is extremely extreme, and his attack power is unmatched, but his defense is a bit inadequate, and his injuries are a little heavier than Duan Guchun.

The two looked pale, with a weak breath, and were not hurt lightly, leaving only 70% of their usual strength.

10% strength, can only barely confront the two demons, not to mention only 70% strength.

Even so, the two did not have any fear, but instead smiled at each other, and broke out again to kill the two demon emperors.

What about death?

Only war.

It is a pity that this time only traumatized Ban Zhongquan and did not really kill it.

The landing Ban Zhongquan has long been lurking and difficult to find, just like a poisonous snake.

"That being the case, I will give you to Chen Zong." Duan Guchun said secretly, with a flash of determination in his eyes, he resolutely died.

But even if you are going to die, you must pull back as much as possible. A demon emperor may be a very good funerary.

Putting life and death out, Duan Guchun ’s explosive strength became very amazing. One sword after another, he slashed to the Blood Emperor, and the Tianwei carried on each sword became stronger and stronger. Rich, every sword will bring a terrible thunderous burst, that thunder burst symbolizes the wrath of the sky.

The sword of Jitian Sword Emperor is becoming more and more extreme. Regardless of his own load, he constantly exhibits the Jitian style, the terrible power that runs through the tyrannical body of Tongshan Demon Emperor.

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