Sword God

Vol 21 Chapter 32: Set to death and come back (below)


A group of Demon Strongmen roared.

There are dozens of human races appearing nearby, so close, they even try to touch the space channel, all **** it, all **** it.

"Protect the passage!" A demon yelled in anger.

He thought that the purpose of these twenty-nine strong men was to destroy the space channel.

After all, it is not a good thing to enter the space channel and enter the earth magic deep, at least for the human race, so the normal idea is to destroy the space channel.

When Chen Zong and others heard it, they were very tacit, and they would count.

Do not let the other party know that the purpose of waiting for someone is to use the space channel to enter the earth's abyss, so the defense will be different.

This situation is obviously more favorable to themselves and others.

But thousands of superior demons attacked, terrible attacks tore the world, countless forces condensed into the overwhelming black light, shattered all the bombardment, and drowned everyone like a raging wave.

The five demon emperors were distributed in front of the space passage, while protecting the space passage, they also shot and killed everyone.

These attacks are terrible. Once they are hit, all protections are difficult to resist. If they persist, they may be shattered and disappear completely between heaven and earth.

Extremely dangerous.

Everyone has already expected that this situation will be faced, one after another broke out, using means to fight back.

Use offensive to offensive, as far as possible to defend the opponent's attack outside a certain range, but also to maximize their physical skills.

The three Emperor Monarchs, the twenty-six Heavenly Realms and the Nine-Strength Powers, all have extraordinary methods, facing thousands of demons and five Emperors The first wave of attack approached the space channel a hundred meters.

"Destroy it at all costs," the Heavenly Sword Emperor suddenly shouted.

The crowd already knew each other, and immediately understood the meaning of the Heavenly Sword Emperor. Immediately, after blocking the first wave of attacks, they shot into the space channel.

Seeing the power of the hand, it was all about destroying the space channel.

Is it really so?

No, because everyone knows that compared to them, the Demons are more reluctant to destroy and destroy the space channel.

You know, the space channel was destroyed many years ago, and the power it took to get through it again is even more amazing.

If it is destroyed again this time, then within a short period of time, at least a few years, I would never expect to open the space channel again.

Without a space channel, the chaos and magic of the Earth's Demon can't flow into the surface, the Canglan continent can't be slowly eroded and transformed, and the reinforcements of the Demons can't enter the surface.

In this way, once the Demon Warrior Demon Warrior has consumption and cannot be replenished, the situation will become very unfavorable. Finally, let alone repulse the human race and demon race, occupy the Canglan continent, or even hold onto the occupied The site is still unknown.

So in any case, the space passage must be preserved.

The five demon emperors took immediate action to intercept the attack. Some of the thousands of demons also attacked the attack, and some attacked everyone. As a result, the pressure on everyone was reduced.

The crowd immediately launched a second attack, and the target was still the space channel.

Taking this opportunity, everyone approached the space channel again.

But the closer you are, the stronger the offensive power of the Demon Stronger you endure. After all, the closer you are, the higher the attack frequency.

For a while, everyone's pressure increased greatly, it was simply difficult to make a third shot.

"Kill them."

"Blast it all."

The five demon emperors hate and anger, and thousands of superior demons are relentless.

Even so, when they shot, they also bombarded the force forward to avoid reaching the space channel.

The space channel has already been stabilized. As long as the attack is not too strong, the ordinary power spreads, and it is difficult to hurt the slightest. Otherwise, the demons would not dare to shoot here.

At this time, all the protections of one of the Heavenly Realms were torn, and even the protection of the defensive treasures was shattered. The real body was exposed to the attacks of many demons, and it was impossible to dodge, and other people were unable to rescue.

"You guys, you have to complete the task." The celestial realm suddenly roared, bursting out all power, the light pervaded the whole body, as if turned into a golden man, rushed to the side against several attacks, and rushed directly The superior Demon Strong.

With a bang, not far from a superior Demon Clan powerhouse, it exploded instantly. The terrible golden light was like the sun's wanton erupting destructive force, irritating in all directions, covering the entire area of ​​100 meters.

This is self-destructing!

The self-detonation of the Heavenly Xuanjing Nine-Strong Power has been powerful enough to threaten to pose some threats to the powerful Emperor.

Under the detonation, more than twenty superior demons were killed directly, but this number was nothing to thousands of superior demons, but everyone saw a hope.

"I'll go too, you guys have to complete the task."

At this time, the three heavenly realms, Jiu Zhong, roared suddenly, bursting out all power, and rushing forward instantly.

Their protective strength was instantly torn and shattered, and their bodies were bombarded with scars, but they approached each other and then exploded.

The self-detonation of the three heavenly realms of the nine strongest men is undoubtedly even more amazing. It directly killed hundreds of superior demons and even the five demons had to be treated with caution.

In this way, a passage was exploded to let everyone approach.


"I come."

"I'm coming too."

There were also five respected ancestors who were desperate to advance, and then blew themselves up.

The self-destructive power of the five heavenly enclaves is even more terrible, and the five emperors are also horrified.

One was horrified by the power of self-detonation, and approaching these five statues were all nine extreme extreme powers in Tianxuan Realm, which was extraordinary.

These forces will already threaten the stability of the space channel, and even if it cannot be destroyed, it will be damaged.

The five demon emperors naturally cannot let this self-destructive power affect the space channel at all.

Twenty-nine people, only twenty left.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the three emperors and fierce powers broke out to open the way, and they rushed away first. Seventeen others also broke out and followed closely.

Taking three powerful emperors first, Chen Zong and Yi Qianqiu were the strongest under the emperor, followed closely by them, and the other fifteen were about the same, rushing towards the passage.

Suddenly, the three powerful emperors rushed down.

"Not good, their purpose is not to destroy the space channel." A demon emperor saw this scene before reacting.

If they knew from the beginning that they were not destroying the passage of space, they would respond differently.

But now, it's a little late.


Yes, it is all right. Once you try your best, you can even kill most people, but the problem is that it is already a space channel. If you try your best, it will most likely cause damage to the space channel. The collapse of the space channel has serious consequences.

"Let them go." A demon uttered a voice, preventing other demons from taking action.

"Yes, let them go." The other demons also responded.

In this way, a dry Demon strong stared at the figures, watching them quickly fall, and entered the space of the earth through the space channel.

The speed of falling is extremely fast, and the cold and cold breath turns into a violent wind blowing from underneath, as if to tear everyone's bodies.

Above, the demons began to close the space channel.

The space passage began to close, and the terrible atmosphere was oppressed from all directions, causing the faces of the falling people to change greatly.

Once the space passage was closed, it had not landed to its destination, and there was only a dead end waiting for everyone. Even the emperor was not immune.

Over the sky, the five Demon Emperors stared coldly.

"You want to enter the Earth Demon Realm, you really want to die."

In their opinion, even if they can survive the closed space passage and enter the Earth Demon Deep, they cannot leave.

You know, the last three layers of the Earth Demon are very dangerous, not only there are powerful demons, but also powerful demons, there are some dangerous places and so on.

It is just a joke that what kind of damage the 20 human races will enter the Earth Demon Plain is just a joke.

Just like entering the Canglan world with twenty Demon strongmen, and wanting to do great damage in the Canglan world, that is impossible.

The closer the space channel is, the more pressure it brings, so large that everyone will collapse.

One by one burst out, falling constantly, and getting faster and faster. It felt very uncomfortable as if my body seemed to be torn.

At this time, I can't take care of the others ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I can only take care of myself.

Rush Rush!

The tyrannical physique took effect at this time. Chen Zong surpassed the mad ghost in one fell swoop and was on par with Emperor Mingyu.

Suddenly, there was a shock in the void, and the terrible force came from all directions, and the pressure became more and more, and when it was difficult to bear, Chen Zong burst into full force and slashed out.

Suddenly, the terrible force split the void into a rift, without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately rushed to the rift and immediately fell into it.

A roar rang at the same time behind him. Vaguely, Chen Zong seemed to have heard a scream. Someone should have been crushed by the power of the space channel and died completely.

I don't know how many of the twenty people will eventually be able to enter the Earth Demon.

If you want to come to those three powerful emperors, you should be able to enter, as well as Yi Qianqiu. As for the other fifteen, luck is yours.

His body plummeted, Chen Zong retracted his thoughts, his body was still in midair, and he quickly swept around.

The dim sky seemed to be covered by a large piece of black, which was about to be depressed, and it seemed very depressed, which made Chen Zong feel hard to breathe.

The air was filled with chaos and magic, and it was incredibly majestic and innocent.

The ground below was also dark, and it was so dark.

"I don't know how many layers of the Earth Demon?" Chen Zong continued to glance around, guessing secretly.

The level of vigor and purity of this chaotic and magical spirit should be the last three layers of the Earth Demon. It is true, but it is not known whether it is the seventh layer or the eighth layer or the last ninth layer.

Each level is somewhat different.

With a bang, Chen Zong's body dropped, and he felt only the moment when his feet touched the ground. The hard feeling made him feel clearly through his feet.

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