Sword God

Vol 21 Chapter 59: One Sword Crosswise (3)

The demon's eyes are closed and hidden, and the wicked evil sword returns to its sheath.

The evil eye has protection similar to the power of the Sword of Extinction. It is very unique and different. It is self-contained and circulates endlessly. It is difficult to break the ordinary power, but it will be destroyed and melted.

The annihilation evil sword comes out, the annihilation sword gas blasts, the power is similar, and immediately breaks its cycle balance, attacking the magic eye itself, causing damage.

Immediately, Chen Zong's eyes were as bright as cold electricity, lasing into the sky, staring at the direction of the country of magic flames, and his super strong sense made Chen Zong feel the danger coming.

This danger did not let Chen Zong retreat, but a hint of warfare emerged from the deepest part of his heart.

I have a sword, and I do not fear.

With a firm conviction and no evil, the sword heart becomes more transparent and pure, like a flawless crystal.

Chiyan Liufeng's sword was in his hand, and one sword was in front of him. Chen Zong's feet seemed to step on the hard and thick ground, waiting for the adversary to come quietly, his eyes gazing at the front, calm as water and deep as abyss.

Wh ... **** ... hw ... **** ...

Chen Zong's breathing grew longer and more subtle, but all around, suddenly, an astonishing sound sounded, as if heaven and earth were breathing, in line with Chen Zong's breathing frequency.

The battle of life and death can best inspire potential. Unconsciously, Chen Zong fits into this heaven and earth, without the need to pervade spiritual knowledge, close his eyes, and by perception, he can master everything within a kilometer.

The dust floated between your fingers.

The mysterious and mysterious feeling spreads throughout the body and penetrates the soul.

This day, this place, this wind, this darkness ...

Everywhere, everything.


Chen Zong's body gradually rendered a layer of clear light, such as the condensed waves of the rivers and oceans, with slight fluctuations. Unconsciously, the entire person and the eighth layer of the earth and the magic land became more and more consistent.

The fourteen tyrants raging into the sky torn the sky, like fourteen giant knives, tearing the low and depressed sky into fourteen openings, stretching for countless miles.

The amazing violent atmosphere mixed with the cold killing intentions swept through, like an invisible killing storm, passing Chen Zong's body, leaving Chen Zong trembling unconsciously, as if falling into the deep cold, and conscious, Instantly get out of that state that fits the world.

But the short fit with the heaven and earth has brought a lot of benefits to Chen Zong. At least Chen Zong can feel all the fluctuations in the atmosphere around him more sensitively. He can feel that he is in this world, becoming more flexible and restrained. smaller.

Although Xiuwei didn't have any improvement, but because he was more in line with the relationship between heaven and earth, he improved his strength in disguise.

Chen Zong's eyes stared directly at the fourteen powerful rainbows, especially the first one, which brought the most serious crisis to Chen Zong.

Very strong!

Very strong!

Compared with the higher demon emperor who chased himself and was beheaded by himself before, he is much stronger.

"Top Demon Emperor!" Chen Zong looked slightly dignified.

The four realms of feudal class, low middle, high, and top, the top demons are the strongest demons.

Based on the information he has obtained, there is only one top demon emperor on the eighth floor of the Earth Demon Valley, which is the owner of the Demon Flame Country.

Unexpectedly, all the lords of the Demon Flame Kingdom personally dispatched to kill themselves.

In addition to the top demon emperor of the Demon Flame Kingdom, Chen Zong was brought to a sense of danger, and one of the 13 rainbows also brought a sense of danger to Chen Zong. It's also dangerous.

There are no half fears, and some are excitement, excitement, and warfare from the heart.

The eyes of the Demon Flame Lord and the 13 Demon Flame Dragon Guards all gazed at Chen Zong, their eyes were clear, and Lingtian was killed.


The thirteen magic flames of the Dragon Guard came out instantly, the long black knife tore the sky, and the thirteen swords cut off the world, and it was extremely powerful.

The Lord of the Flames grabbed his right hand forward, as if grabbing a void, holding it in his hand, condensing into a fist print, violently blasting out, terrifying.

Thirteen sword lights, ten of them are from the middle demons, and they pose little threat to Chen Zong, but Chen Zong can also feel the killing will contained in that knife light. Kill a blood path.

In the light of the sword, the bones were floating and horrifying.

That punch was a repression of all eternity, everything was a courtier, and died.

This kind of attack is extremely horrible. No higher demons can dodge and will be killed instantly.

However, Chen Zong's face remained unchanged, his body twisted, as if shuttled through the void, and avoiding the thirteen sword lights, a sword was drawn.

The sword glowed with strong golden light, and collided with that punch, but not a frontal collision, but a light blow from the side.

A terrible force broke out from the fist print immediately, impacting the sword body, shaking the sword body at the same time, and also slamming along the sword body, wishing to destroy Chen Zong's arm.

The arm trembled, the power rushed, and the power was instantly destroyed. By the way, to avoid the punch, the body flashed, as if a shadow shuttled through the void to approach the Lord of Flames.

Centering Sword!

A sword was drawn out, straight to the Zhongzheng, killing the Lord of the Flames, and the moment the sword came out, the sword light hit instantly, so that the Lord of the Flames was frightened, arms crossed, blocking the sword.

The terrible power waved on his arms. After shattering the sword light directly, as the Lord of the Flame Flame shook his arms, the terrible cross energy blasted the sky into Chen Zong, but it fell through.

Chen Zong's body had already passed the Demon Flame Lord and killed 13 figures behind him.

The fourteen emperors that Chen Zong has to do is to cut off the weaker emperor first, then kill the stronger demon emperor, and finally, to slay the demon lord of the flame.

In an instant, the 13 magic flames of the Dragon Guard shifted to form a joint trend, faintly like a battle array, and 13 breaths were connected to form a whole.

The strength of the Demon Flame Dragon Warrior who formed a battle array is undoubtedly becoming more terrible, as if turned into a giant sword, with the strongest higher demon as the blade, two other higher demon as the blade, and ten medium demon For the blade, terrible power erupted, cutting the world.

This kind of power fully reaches the level of the top magic emperor.

It is equal to Chen Zong facing two top demons at the same time.

It's almost unimaginable.

The top magic emperor was placed on the Canglan continent, enough to sweep one side.

Because in the Canglan continent, there are very few top feudal powers.

Throughout the eighth floor of the Moyuan, there is only one known top demon emperor, which is the Lord of the Flames.

Of course, it is difficult to say whether there are still top-level magic emperors in the hidden world.

Although Chen Zong's strength was greatly improved at this time, it was still very difficult and the pressure increased sharply against one of the top two demons.

Fortunately, Chen Zong has entered an inexplicable state, which is more in line with the heaven and earth on the eighth floor of the Earth Demon Valley, and is less constrained, otherwise, he has already lost.

The battle was difficult. The pressure was so high that it was difficult for Chen Zong to breathe, but Chen Zong was more excited and more excited.

Stress can make people collapse, and it can also motivate people to explode, and the potential is exciting. Chen Zong is the latter.

Moreover, although the battle array of thirteen powerful demons embodies their strengths and forms one body, which is comparable to the top demons, after all, they are not alone. Their battle array is not pure enough, and Chen Zong's spirit Super knowledge, coupled with the eighth layer of heaven and earth in this place, the perception is even more amazing.

Find a flaw and kill it with a sword.

Centering Sword!

When the Sword of Concentration was cast, Chen Zong's mind was extremely stable, even if the world collapsed in front of his eyes, it would not affect the slightest.

Under the sword of concentration, all the fluctuations in the atmosphere around it are like the violent sea being smoothed by invisible forces, and become calm, like a mirror, unbearable.

Under this sword, even the spirit of the Lord of the Flame Flames was affected by the slightest, and the violent murder and anger in his heart were reduced a little.

As for the Thirteen Demon Flame Dragon Guards, their minds are extraordinary and they have been cultivated from countless killings, and their cultivation methods are also different from the normal Demon Strong.

It can be said that to some extent, the Thirteen Demon Flame Dragon Guards have been separated from the original life form, and the distortion of their minds has been affected more subtlely.

However, this sword follows the flaws of the opponent's battle line and directly breaks the joint force of the 13 magic flames.

The second sword is killed, and the sword and man are united.

Doraemon, a medium demon emperor was passed by Jian Guang.


A middle-level demon emperor died, and the heartache was the Demon Flame Lord. After all, the Demon Flame Dragon Dragon Guard of the Demon Flame Kingdom was only thirteen. It has been cultivated through the ages and has existed for thousands of years. Any one Very important.

But the look of the twelve Demon Flame Dragon Guards did not change half, as if it was not their companions that were killed, but the insignificant ants.

Instantaneous change ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Connected to the battlefield again, Daoguang broke the air and killed Chen Zong.

The Lord of the Flames came with a fist, and the sky shattered and the sky shattered.

This fist suffocated Chen Zong, feeling that he was going to be smashed, his bones were gone, and an astonishing killing ran across all directions, overwhelming and silent.

Centering Sword!

With a sword out, calm and calm, Chen Zong once again avoided the Phantom Lord's punch, and entered the Phantom Dragon Battle.

Kill another medium devil.

When he first entered Dimon Demon, a middle demon emperor was enough to kill Chen Zong, but now, a middle demon emperor in front of Chen Zong is nothing, and he can be easily killed. Only the high demon emperor can have peace Chen Zong's strength in World War I.

The creation of the Sword of Concentration is a big step across history to surpass the limit, and it has greatly increased the strength of Chen Zong. Not only that, the more profound influence is the follow-up cultivation method.

There is no doubt that this is a promising road. Chen Zong himself cannot predict how high he can go down the road.

But the premise is to be alive.


The third middle demon emperor was beheaded by Chen Zong.

The centering sword is a one-stroke sword, and it is also a unique technique. It can be used not only on the sword, but also on the strength of the body, etc., to improve itself in all directions.

Kill a middle-level demon emperor, and practice the ultimate blood-thirsty technique, condensing it into blood beads and taking it into the ring.

The main body of the Demon Flame Country will be as furious as General Demon Flame, and the anger will almost burn itself to ashes, extremely violent.

"Extreme demon soul power!" With a roar, a terrible black flame suddenly appeared on the body of the Demon Flame Lord. The flame was like a substance and swaying like a ghost. It seemed to come from nothing, making people feel To the slightest temperature, it was terrifying.

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