Sword God

Vol 21 Chapter 61: My heart is heaven


Faced with multiple attacks, Chen Zong displayed his body to the extreme, light and agile, and seemed to shuttle between reality and reality, but still couldn't avoid it, and was bombarded by the Lord of the Flames.

Hengjian was ahead, blocking this punch, terrible as the dragon fist broke out, as if the volcano had accumulated thousands of years of power, once it broke out, the power was terrible.

Unloading, Chen Zong's body also kept flying back.

The corpse of the demon emperor was as close as a meteorite, and directly struck. The demon flame dragon's long sword tore the void, killing it violently, the main body of the demon flame country gave a meal, and once again blasted a furious and overbearing punch.

Taking another punch, Chen Zong flew higher.

The qi and blood surged, and the long sword trembled.




Seizing the opportunity, the master of the flames of the flames continuously bombarded with continuous punches, and each punch carried horrific power and constantly bombarded Chen Zong.

Chen Zong drew his full strength, the cross sword came first, and resisted again and again.

Qi and blood surged, and I couldn't help spitting out, but the breath did not fade, but instead became more cohesive, more agile, and more misty, and the fit with this world seemed deeper.

Chen Zong's eyes were brighter.


The Demon Flame Lord slammed again with a punch, hitting the sword body, and the terrible power directly caused Chen Zong's body to rise upwards, but the Chiyan Sword did not damage it at all, even if it was a semi-holy weapon, The power of a semi-holy class cannot be damaged, not to mention less than a semi-holy class.

The demon corpse's body rushed to the ground with violent power, which made Chen Zong once again highlight his blood, and his body was raised again.

Chen Zong's body seemed to have lost weight, soaring into the sky, and instantly disappeared into the eternal dark clouds, disappearing.

The eternal dark clouds, like giant monsters, engulfed Chen Zong's body.

The Lord of the Flame Flames and a dry Flame Flame Dragon Guard stood under the dark clouds, looked up and gazed, their eyes flickered out, searching carefully for careful induction.

The corpse of the Emperor was suspended beside the Lord of the Flames, motionless and very sluggish, and it was hard to imagine that it could explode with amazing power.

However, the breath of that human race disappeared without a trace, and it could not be sensed or captured at all.

A dry flame of flame and dragon guard immediately rushed into the sky, smashed into the clouds, looking for Chen Zong.

After suffering so many attacks and spitting blood twice, the Terran was definitely not badly damaged, and it was the perfect time to kill it.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the dark flames that searched for tens of thousands of meters of dark clouds appeared one after another, shaking their heads at the flame flame kingdom.

Didn't find Chen Zong, that tribe really disappeared.

This is impossible!

It is impossible for a human race to disappear completely under its nose.

Abrupt changes occur!

I saw a faint light shining directly from the dark clouds above, penetrating the eternal dark clouds, as if the sun was falling.



Third way!

You know, there are no sun, moon, or stars in the earth demon. There are only dark clouds. The further down the cloud is, the more magnificent it is. The dark cloud is not an ordinary thing. The product has been around for countless years.

Probably, it will appear with the birth of Dimon Demon.

Now, it seems that there are rumors of sunlight penetrating the clouds and falling.

Unusual, instantly made the Lord of the Flames and a dry Demon Dragon Guard extremely vigilant.

Abnormal regeneration!

There seemed to be an extremely pleasant buzzing sound, and the rays of light were connected into one, tearing the dark clouds out of a huge gap, and the amazing light was shot down from it like a sky sword.

Tianwei Huanghuang!

In this way, Tianwei was close to the mind, and the Demon Flame Lord and a dry Demon Dragon Guard were instantly lost, and only felt their hearts sinking, as if suppressed by an invisible boulder.

That feeling is like facing the power of the sky, overcoming all obstacles and pressing the heart.


The light shot down with Tianwei, like the advent of a heavenly sword, and the power was unmatched.

On the occasion of danger, the Lord of the Flames yelled, his fists blasted out with the power of terror, and the flames of the Dragon Guards also retaliated, and the body of the Emperor also rose into the sky.

The second roar, all the offensives were defeated, and the demon emperor's body was hit by the mighty sword light, as if the flying bird of the arrow fell like a meteorite, bombarded in the hard ground and smashed a huge hole , The ground shakes.

The Lord of the Fiery Flames froze. The power of this light was unexpected.

The second Tianwei Jianguang fell off.

After losing the resistance of the demon emperor's body, three middle-level demon flame demon dragon guards were bombed and killed, and the sturdy body suddenly shook into a mist of empty blood. Doesn't work, refining blood beads.

The third Tianwei Jianguang was cut again.

One after another, as if endless, as if the sky ruled.

Nine consecutive Tianwei Jianguang shot down, only two figures were suspended in mid-air.

One was the corpse of the demon emperor, but it was broken, one arm and one thigh were missing, and the chest had a huge sword mark, which almost split the body in half.

This kind of serious injury is difficult to bear even if it is a magic emperor level, but it has already died, it is just a corpse, and there is no concept of injury or injury.

Another figure is the Lord of the Flames.

Relatively speaking, the Lord of the Flames is just a little bit embarrassed and not seriously injured. The main reason is that the corpse of the Emperor blocked most of the attack power before he was spared.

Thirteen Demon Flame Dragon Guards have all died, and under the light of the nine Taoist Emperor Tianwei swords, they are irresistible and the bones are not left.


The heart of the Demon Flame Lord was shaking.

To be sure, the nine sword-lights that just happened were exactly what the people did, and they couldn't figure out why the people could perform such a brutal attack, and they didn't have time to think carefully.

The loss is heavy, the heart is bleeding, an unspeakable fear emerges from the heart and cannot be suppressed.

As the master of a country and the strongest on the eighth floor of the Earth Demon, the Lord of the Flames has long forgotten the taste of fear, because there is nothing that can make him feel fear, even the best on the ninth floor of the Earth Demon. Nor can the strong.

But now, in a human race, he felt fear.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a ray of light flashing over the sky, and immediately, a huanghuangtianwei sword light shot down again.


The corpse of the Emperor met, and the broken head was crushed and fell from the air in an instant.

In this scene, the inner fear of the Lord of the Flames exploded, and with a loud roar, he fled immediately and flew towards the direction of the Flames at an amazing speed.

When the Lord of the Flames disappeared and disappeared, a figure landed from above, and the speed was very fast. It fell like a meteorite, and the forceful body blasted the ground out of a pothole.

In the pothole, the body was squatting halfway, and then stood slowly after three breaths, as if overwhelmed. The body trembled slightly, his face pale, and no blood was seen.

It is Chen Zong.

Chen Zong, who was attacked consecutively and vomited blood, wounded into the dark clouds, and his breath blended with the dark clouds, regardless of each other, and the dark clouds emerged from the birth of the Earth Demon Deep. Eight levels are closely connected.

Chen Zong seems to be closely connected with the heaven and earth on the eighth floor of the Earth Demon Demon, and it is like one body. The previous epiphany, the deeper connection, played a huge role.

The more condensed soul and further enlightenment brought Chen Zong into a state of unity between heaven and man, and further enhanced the understanding of the true sword of the heart and sword, and realized more mysteries, as if shortening the time in years In an instant, the change of mind changed the ninth change, and the power of the heart sword also broke through, reaching the sixth level, and the power was strengthened.

The unity of heaven and man allows Chen Zong to realize more of the mystery of the true sword of the heart and sword, to understand more of the mystery of the heaven and earth on the eighth floor of Moyuan, and to mobilize more of the power of heaven and earth on the eighth floor of Moyuan.

The Sword of Concentration makes Chen Zong's mind clear, free from distractions of foreign objects, clear-minded and clear-minded.

The combination of the two allowed Chen Zong to create a second sword.

Heaven Heart Sword!

My heart is the heart of the sky. For the skywalk, the sky is magnificent, and it turns into the sky sword. The sky sword is before the world, and everything is judged.

The Tianxin Sword carries the power of the eighth floor of the Earth Demon Demon, which is extremely magnificent and amazingly powerful. It slays a dry flame of the Dragon Guard before and after it, and then smashes the body of the Emperor.

It is not that Chen Zong did not kill the Lord of the Flames and deliberately let him escape, but he couldn't.

Although the power of the Tianxin Sword is unmatched and terrible, even the top demons cannot bear it, but the cost of casting is too great.

My own strength is okay, only twice as much as the casting of the sword, and it can bear it, mainly due to the consumption of the mind.

Integrate the heaven and earth with your mind and mobilize a lot of the power of heaven and earth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It also needs to be aggregated, which is very exhausting.

Rao is Chen Zong's powerful and amazing mind, but it is almost exhausted when he casts the ten swords. If he casts the eleventh sword, although he can kill the Lord of the Flame Flames, he may also collapse.

The consequences of the collapse of the mind are very serious.

It can be damaged even if the mind is not broken, and it takes a lot of time to recover slowly.

It's not a good deal to pay such a price for killing a Demon Flame Lord, because after you recover your mind, you can enter the Devil Flame Kingdom and beheaded.

Sitting cross-legged, Chen Zong dismissed his thoughts and regained his strength.

Xu entered the unity of heaven and man, or for other reasons, Chen Zong's speed of recovery was even shocked by himself, faster than before, at least twice as fast.

After a while, the mind that almost consumed all the air recovered a little. As time passed, it seemed like a trickle, and the mind continued to recover, as if the water was poured into an empty lake, and the water level continued to rise.

The mind gradually recovered, and Chen Zong's complexion gradually returned to rosy.

After two hours, Chen Zong's mind was completely restored, and there was a vague feeling that it seemed possible to break the limit and go further.

This is not an illusion, but a real feeling. It is just that if you want to really take it one step further, it won't be done in a short time. It takes some time.

Chen Zong is not in a hurry.

Jing Qi Shen completely recovered, reaching the peak directly, Chen Zong rose up in the air, bursting into an extremely amazing speed, and flew towards the direction of the magic flame country.

Hurry up!

As lightning tore through the sky, leaving a long scratch, it fits better with the eighth layer of earth and earth, condensing a little blessing of the power of heaven and earth, and doubling the speed of Chen Zong, compared to the Lord of the Flame Flame Even faster.

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