Sword God

Vol 21 Chapter 73: Sword Emperor Supreme

Tiangu Shenquan blasted down, as if Cangtian collapsed, one side repressed.

Time and space stagnate!

With a mighty and powerful punch, carrying terrifying power, it fell like a mountain bombardment, and the fierce human race emperors and demons stopped their hands because the terrible breath spread to their bodies and made them extremely horrified. The body is difficult to move.

It felt like his body was about to be crushed.

The savior who recovered his strength in the distance would also secretly confide in his heart. The ancient demon master could even perform such a terrible attack, which is much more arrogant than his trick.


Believe that this punch goes down, the Terran Sword Emperor can't resist at all, and will be blasted into **** instantly.

Everyone stared with wide eyes, holding their breath one by one, attracting everyone's attention.

This blow will determine life and death.

"No thought, no intentions, vast kendo ..."

The vast air became more intense and filled the whole body. Chen Zong's whole person seemed to turn into a ray of wind, blowing in the void, turning into a cloud, floating between heaven and earth.

"Inadvertent sword!"

From the deepest voice in the heart and the deepest soul, Chen Zongxin waved his sword.

There is no need for specific postures, and the sword can be cast at any angle. There is no fixed trajectory.

Swords are not made for the sake of the sword.

This sword was previously realized by Chen Zong, and he realized it. Now, under the terrible coercion of the ancient **** fist Tiangu Shenquan, Fu Lin's heart burst into inspiration before he could cast it out.

One sword is vast!

The solidified void was pierced, and the snoring sounded, and the fist that the ancient ancient master burst out with full force, the terrible fist shadow was immediately pierced.

The sword that reaches the peak seems to be integrated into the world, there is no trace, no evasion, and no defense.

The ancient **** master can only watch a beam of Jianguang break through the air to kill him. The Jianguang is constantly changing in the void, completely unaware of where it will be stabbed, unable to evade and resist.


Since you can't evade or resist, you will have a full-scale outbreak and strengthen your defense.

A burst of power emerged in an instant, turning into a black oval to cover the whole body.

This method has always been shameless. He prefers to use his brilliant martial arts to crack the attack of the opponent, but he has to do so.

A sword strikes, runs through that layer of black power defense, and kills the ancient **** master like a bamboo.

The snoring sounded, the heart of the ancient ancient demon was pierced.

Extremely pure magic erupted again, gripping the sword body tightly, the ancient demon's main face was gaunt, his bloodthirsty red light burst, and he pointed out and stabbed Chen Zong's head, as if to blast Chen Zong's head.

Under normal circumstances, the heart is pierced, it will be greatly damaged, it is difficult to counterattack at all, but the ancient ancient master seems to be unaffected, the powerful counterattack is very terrible, and he wants to kill Chen Zong.

To die, you must also pull a back, not to mention that you may not die.

Facing this finger, Chen Zong's eyes flashed, his left hand was scratched back, holding the hilt of the extinguishing evil sword, and the sword sprang out like an aurora, and an evil spirit spread.

The off-white sword light was cut off instantly.

One finger of the ancient ancient demon master was chopped, causing severe pain, letting the ancient ancient demon master loose his heart, the red flame stream front sword twisted along, the terrible sword gas broke out.

The two swords were violent, rolled up an amazing blade storm, and slashed out in madness. Each sword carried terrible power.

Chop Chop!

Everyone was stunned.

Can only watch as the ancient ancient Lord is engulfed by the fierce sword light.

Since the time when Tian Gu Mo's shot was taken, the time is actually very short. The power of Tian Mo will only recover 30%, but at this moment, he is not allowed to continue to restore power.

The eruption broke into the air, killing Chen Zong fiercely.

The extinguished sword gas shook, a extinguished sword gas shot through the air, and the sword light was instantly broken. The off-white sword momentum was like a broken bamboo, with the ultimate breath of silence, so that the demon would be creepy and afraid to connect.

After the sword light, the body of the Lord of the Ancient Gods was broken and fell down, like a piece of ground meat. If you look closely, the ground meat is dried up like a withered bark.

The wicked evil sword swallowed up all the vitality of the ancient god.

After entering the forbidden area and slaying the void demons and devouring vitality, there have been some changes in the Blade of Silence. For example, now, it will devour the vitality of others. In the hands of Yi Qianqiu, there is no such ability.

Thousands of years ago, the Megatron Continent swept the Canglan Continent with the ancient ancient temple, which brought great disaster. Even the semi-sacred power of the time could not kill it, but it could only be suppressed under the sea For thousands of years, now the ancient ancient master who has become more powerful is dead.

In the strict sense, even the semi-holy class of the year was not really a semi-holy class.

The contrast is too big, and all of them suddenly become sluggish.

It was as if a big demon raging all over the world was suddenly killed, without being vigorous.

There was silence all around, silent.

Thirteen magic flags in the ancient palace of the ancient magic of the emperor were dumbfounded.

In their minds, the Lord of the Ancients was extremely strong and could not be killed, but now he died and was killed by the human sword emperor, and he could not react at all for a while.

The demon will also be shocked.

There is no doubt that the strength of Tiangu Mozhu is stronger than himself. Now, he has been beheaded and his bones are missing. His end is extremely miserable.

This was originally a conspiracy under the cloth of the Devil and the Demon. The purpose was to kill the sword emperor of the human race. Unexpectedly, the kill was impossible, and even the life of the ancient demon master was put in.

If the God of Ancient Demons still has a little consciousness, it is probably puzzled why.

More than a thousand years ago, even if he was defeated and suppressed, he was still alive. Now he is more powerful and is destined to unify the Canglan continent. How could he die and be so aggrieved.

For Chen Zong, it was a pity that he could not condense the blood of the ancient demon master into blood beads. After all, the power contained in the blood of a top demon emperor is quite a lot, which is very useful to himself.

Regretful to return to regret, Chen Zong was not immersed in it, the extinguished evil sword returned to the sheath, the red flame flow front sword stroked, the sword light broke, and killed the demon general.

The God of the Ancient Demons is dead, and a great calamity has been eliminated. Only the top demons will be killed by the Demons, and the demons will be defeated at their convenience.


The demon had little power left, and immediately went away.

Nothing can be done. It is better to go first, and then ask for help, so that more demons can enter the surface and kill this people.

Heaven Heart Sword!

A sword is cut off, and the sky is magnificent, like the wrath of the sky, which makes the demon tremble in his heart.

This sword is difficult to dodge and responds with full force.

With a bang, the demon dropped his figure.

Chen Zonghua quickly approached with a sword light, and one sword cut out.

The snoring sounded, and blood splattered into the sky.

The demon's head was severed, and blood spewed out from the neck like a spring.

The blood demonstrating technique is performed, and the demon is instantly refined into blood beads.

The Sky Demon will be a demon clan, which is very arrogant in nature and a top demon emperor, with a very strong blood.

First, the ancient demon master, then the demon general, the two top demon emperors died one after another, letting the demons' morale fall, and Chen Zong held a sword to kill other demon emperors.

Kill kill!

With one sword in hand, even the high-level demon emperor could only be slaughtered within the three swords. The invincible, coupled with the restraint of the human tribe, soon all the twenty-two demon emperors died and became twenty-two blood beads.


Tens of thousands of demon elite troops could not escape, and were beheaded by human warriors.

Demon morale fell to the extreme. The strength of the demonic army was difficult to reach the ultimate. In the end, the human race completely killed tens of thousands of elite demons with minimal loss, and the corpses ran across the wild, shocking, but it was encouraging.

This is the biggest victory they have seen so far.

Two top demon emperors, a high demon emperor and a middle demon emperor, and an elite army of tens of thousands of demons, the whole army was overwhelmed, none of them escaped.

"Let's chase down and kill the town fortress." A high-level emperor said immediately, then looked at Chen Zong: "Supreme sword emperor, what do you think?"

Chen Zong nodded.

Indeed, the morale of the human race is now rising, and one by one the war is the best time to counterattack.


The army moved forward with mighty force, entered the continent, and cleared away the magical forces.

Losing the top powerhouse, the magic road side has little resistance at all, and is instantly defeated, such as a bird-like escape.

Push all the way and go west.

There are still many Demon guards at the town fortress, and some lower-level demon emperors. It is not clear what happened. An army composed of a human triumphal strongman and a human triumphal realm is pushed to kill ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Kill without amnesty!

Although the environment here is more favorable to the Demons and the Terrans, the Demons can't resist the war-torn Terrans.

Chen Zong was also among them. When the sword was cut out, a demon emperor fell and was refined into blood beads.

Several demon emperors died one after another, and the remaining demons were also beheaded.

"Destroy the channel."

This is the top priority. If the channel is not destroyed, the demons will open the channel again, enter the surface, and attack the Canglan continent again.

Dominated by Chen Zong and supplemented by a tribe of tyrants, the space channel opened up by the Devil with a lot of power was destroyed in an instant.

Of course, someday in the future, maybe the Demons will open up a space channel again, land on the surface again, and launch an offensive again, but it is not known how many years later it has nothing to do with Chen Zong.

An era has its own leader.

This attack was countless deaths and injuries. I do n’t know how many strong people have died and how many inheritances have been cut off. If we do it again, we will not know how many years the martial arts level in the Canglan continent will regress.

However, there are disadvantages and advantages. Under the pressure of the Devil and the Demon, many people in the human race also have soaring potentials and rise in the chaos.

However, no one can compare with the Supreme Sword Emperor Chen Zong.

Supreme Sword Emperor, one person, one sword, one eastward, one westward, one sword in hand, one invincible, I do n’t know how many demons and how many demons are killed, and under the sword, I do n’t know how much demons are infected with blood. Into the earth's magic abyss, with the power of one person and one sword, to cut and kill countless demons strong, can be called a legend.

Those who are peers of Supreme Sword Emperor are overshadowed.

Supreme Sword Emperor, a sword eastward, split the new era.

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