Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 25: 98,000 jin sword

Many eyes fell on Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin at the same time, and some fell on Chen Zong's hands with dark swords and dark gold swords.

"Master, this sword is called Chonglong and weighs 98,000 kilograms, which is right for you." Yu Nianxin smiled and said.

It seems that a sword of normal length and width has a weight of 98,000 kilograms. It is extremely amazing. I do n’t know what material it is forged. Chen Zong can feel its amazing weight, but also the meaning contained in it. Terrible majestic and sharp.

Good sword!

With this sword in hand, you should be a little stronger.

"Sister, this heavy dragon sword was borrowed from me first, and then returned to the sister." Zong Zong stared at Yu Nianxin, his eyes were sober, he said in a right voice.

If it is only the fifth or sixth grade magical tool, Chen Zong would accept it, but this is a high value nine-grade spiritual tool.

From Chen Zong's eyes and tone, Yu Nianxin felt firm and determined, and nodded after a little hesitation. In fact, she really wanted to give this sword to Chen Zong.

After all, to myself, although this sword is good, it is not suitable.

Sword practitioners hold the sword and should hold the right sword.

The sword is chosen, and the sword is also chosen.

People who walk the fierce and majestic way are not suitable for holding a dagger, and those who follow a tricky way are not suitable for the epee. The reason is the same.

The heavy dragon sword weighs 98,000 kilograms. This weight is not much for the later period of extraordinary realm. It can be easily lifted again when it is doubled by the spiritual power, but it will intensify the spiritual power in the invisible. Consume.

But the epee is the epee, and this cannot be changed.

Yu Nianxin practiced Qi and did not refine the body, and the heavy sword was indeed inappropriate, while Chen Zong had physical exercises and was strong-headed. He could play with tens of thousands of pounds without using spiritual power. It's nothing in your hands.

The others were shocked when they heard the conversation between Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin.

Ninety-eight thousand catty epee!

What a weight it is, between powerful waves, the power that erupts will be more terrifying and violent.

Watching Chen Zong's left hand hanging on the waist with a heavy dragon sword unaffected, many disciples trembled unconsciously. Imagine the scene of confrontation with Chen Zong and being chopped by that heavy sword.

The power of the 98 thousand-pound epee generated by rapid swing, not only hundreds of thousands of jins, but the strength of Chen Zong itself will only be more terrifying.

The duel on the ring continues, one after the other, with different outcomes.

Yu Nianxin met Yu Suyuan.

Yu Suyuan's strength is unquestionable and very strong. Under the full force of Yu Nianxin, he was eventually defeated.

So far, there are only a handful of winners, only four, Fu Yunxiao, Bai Xiyue, Ning Tianming, and Chen Zong.

Fu Yunxiao and Bai Xiyue were in the top three of the previous Cloud List. Although Ning Tianming was not, it was also the fourth in the previous Cloud List. Naturally, Chen Zong was a rising star and defeated Gao Hongjing.

On the ring, Chen Zong's frontal convenience was the expression of Ning Tianming.

Against Chen Zong, Ning Tianming had a lot of pressure in his heart, because the strength shown by Chen Zong and Gao Hongjing before the war was too arrogant, so he didn't have much confidence.

But Ning Tianming is not an ordinary disciple. He has enough strength and a strong mind, and will not retreat without a fight.


The hands trembled, and the light burst out, and Shuangxu appeared in his hands.

The bronze quadrangular double cymbals are covered with flowers, birds, insects and beasts, which look very mysterious and unique.

This pair of puppets is a nine-pin spirit, each weighing 10,000 kilograms, which is quite a heavy weapon.

"Brother Chen, please." As soon as Ning Tianming's voice fell, his eyes suddenly burst into a terrifying spirit, and his legs suddenly kicked. The terrible force bombarded the ground through his feet and rippled away. A powerful crossbow shot at Chen Zong.

The double tremble shook, and the simple and magnificent light also emerged, rolling up an amazing storm raging on all sides to Chen Zong.

At the moment of the shot, Shuangxu was violent and domineering like a tiger, and was so powerful that the astonishing coercion seemed to crush Chen Zong's body.

The power of ten thousand pounds of double maggots erupted under the dancing of Ning Tianming was terrible, enough to break the mountains, the wind was roaring and roaring in all directions, and it was trembling.

But Chen Zong not only did not have any intention of dodging, but stood still, waiting for Ning Tianming's double crickets to bombard him.

Closer, a terrible breath came under pressure, and seemed to crush Chen Zong's body.

Hold the scabbard with your left hand, and slightly push the thumb against the dragon's blade. The heavy dragon sword suddenly sprayed out of the scabbard, grabbed a buckle in the right hand, held the stalk and waved forward across it. .

With a weight of 98,000 kilograms, the heavy dragon sword came out of the sheath, and under the force of Chen Zong's mighty power, it burst out with incredible strength.

The dark blade of the sword crossed in the air, leaving a dark trace, like a thick ink.


This sword is very powerful!

This sword is X Gang!

This sword is violent and overbearing!

This sword is unparalleled in power!

This sword makes Chen Zong feel hearty.

Because the sword is heavy enough, the power released is even stronger.

Ning Tianming's complexion suddenly changed, and the power of that sword was even more terrible than his double-headed power. The amazing sword pressure was as majestic as the mountains, and he had a terrible sharpness.

Too fast, the coercion is too strong, Ning Tianming can only swing his double slam to slam the black sword body hard and hit hard.

The majestic roaring, shattering like the roar of all beasts, the shock of extreme power, Ning Tianming only felt a terrible and powerful force bombarded, the force was fierce and overbearing, and even unreasonable. It is directly crushed.

Ning Tianming was able to win the fourth place in the previous Cloud List. In addition to his strong strength, he also had its advantage, that is, strength.

It can use the double scorpion weighing 20,000 kilograms as a weapon. Its physique is inherently extraordinary. The martial arts it cultivates are also focused on strength. It is fierce and unmatched. Under the superposition, the power of each hit is very terrible, breaking everything. .

It is precisely this that Ning Tianming defeated one opponent after another with double wins, and finally won the fourth place in the previous cloud list.

Five years of cultivation, Ning Tianming's own strength has made great progress, and even Shuangyu has also upgraded, from the original five thousand pounds to ten thousand pounds, and strengthened horizontally, but now under the positive collision of this force, Was directly repelled by a sword.

On the other hand, Chen Zong's body shape remained motionless.

One step out, the heavy dragon sword fell off again.

No subtle moves, no changeable skills are needed, the horror weight of 98 thousand pounds is directly cut off, and a sword can break the mountain.

Long Lijing ’s later revision of the Ninth Edition made Chen Zong ’s body astonishing, with strength of hundreds of thousands of kilograms in a single arm, and the mastery of his own strength, which brought out every strength to the fullest. The heavy heavy sword is naturally not difficult.

If it is replaced with spiritual power, it will increase the consumption of spiritual power, which is not good for yourself.

The sword is a good sword, but not everyone can use it.

If this sword is placed in the hands of Ning Tianming, it will not be able to exert any power, because he does not have such amazing power as Chen Zongna.


The second sword was cut off, and an astonishing sound exploded, shaking the world, and the air was undulating, and a vacuum zone was split directly under the sword.

Ning Tianming quickly backed away, and did not dare to resist Chen Zong at all, that power was too terrible.

The third sword!


One sword after another, one after another.

The 98,000-pound heavy dragon sword is fierce and violent and overbearing. Each sword is as mighty and mighty as possible, but in the hands of Chen Zong, he does not see the slightest reluctance. Like, flexible.

There is no gap between each sword, and it is continuously cut off, so that Ning Tianming can only continuously dodge and then dodge, there is no chance of counterattack at all.

Ning Tianming was waiting, waiting for Chen Zong's exhaustion, it was time for him to fight back.

With a ninety-eight thousand-pound sword, he did not believe that Chen Zong could wave it all the time, after all, the weight was too amazing.

Every sword cut out made everyone feel that the void of the ring was shaking, which was very amazing.

Ten swords!

Twenty swords!

Thirty Swords!

Chen Zong not only showed no signs of exhaustion, but seemed to be more spiritual and more powerful. His eyes were daring to shoot out, becoming more and more terrible.

To Chen Zong, although this sword is heavy, it is still not heavy enough to bear. It is just right.

Its weight can make full use of one's arrogant strength.

Every sword brings an amazing storm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ wreaking havoc in all directions.

Ning Tianming felt uncomfortable. There were sword winds rolled up by Chen Zongzhonglong sword all over the ring. The violent strangulation of everything was extremely thrilling.

Boom boom!

Ning Tianming had to wield his double cricket to crush the storm and get enough dodge space for himself. In the past, this situation would only happen to his opponent, but now he has realized it for himself.

There is no more violent, only more violent.

Chen Zong seems to change his previous fighting style, pushing everything with his own power.

In this scene, everyone's eyelids jumped, even if it was Gao Hongjing. This power is so amazing that it will hurt when you rub it and die.

Under constant dodging, Ning Tianming was shocked to find that he could not dodge, because he was forced to die by Chen Zong and could only resist.

Breathing deeply, exploding all power, Shuangpi bloomed an astonishing light, as if the volcano erupted, Shuangpi raised high and blasted out, breaking the boat.

"Good time!" Chen Zongha laughed, the momentum was shocking, and the heavy dragon sword slashed out without fear.


The two crickets were split immediately, and the terrible power was as powerful as the mountains. They moved horizontally to the extreme, no matter what was ahead, they were pushed horizontally and crushed.

Ning Tianming felt that his arms were almost unconscious, his blood was scattered, and the terrible force was directly impacted, as if to crush his body. The feeling was like being directly hit by an ancient monster to almost fall apart. I couldn't help but retreat back and forth, and eventually fell into the ring.


But defeat is defeat.

Yu Nian's heart is full of smiles from her heart, such as blooming flowers.

Chen Zong, holding a heavy dragon sword, was really mighty and domineering, making people feel enchanted.

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