Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 47: Huang Fu Fei Huang

The snow is vast and endless. The deeper the snow is, the thicker it is. A figure flew out on the thick, pure white snow. The tip of the toe was light, and it flew for several kilometers in an instant.

No trace of snow!

The figure quickly and quietly did not seem to cause any windbreaking sounds, and was extremely smart, such as the sky's floating clouds changing.

Chen Zong was flying quickly towards the extreme north of the snowy area, no one nearby.

Before that, I encountered the siege of the snow wolf group, the snow mountain collapse caused by the fierce battle caused avalanche, and then continued to move forward, encountered another snow storm.

The snow storm can be ten times more intense than the previous avalanche, and it is more dangerous. It has a wider scope and a longer duration, and directly disperses more than 300 people.

After the ice storm passed, Chen Zong had no one else around him, and he didn't know where he was drawn.

Snow storms of that intensity must be taken seriously, even by semi-holy powers.

Although the original trajectory was swept away by the snow storm, Chen Zong resolved his direction and found a northward direction to continue.

When a person exerts his body skills, flying galloping on the vast snowy field, he cannot see other creatures. A long time will inevitably produce a sense of loneliness, as if the whole world is left with only itself.

Loneliness and loneliness have always been the natural enemies of human beings.

Especially in this endlessly pure white snow, the openness, silence, and coldness, the kind of invisible sky will intensify the feeling of loneliness in the invisible form, and it will be forced to the heart.

Chen Zong's heart is strong and tenacious, and he will not feel at a loss even if he is running alone in the endless expanse of snow.

Because he has a firm mind and a purpose.

If you have a goal, you will have motivation. Under your resolute character, you will never go back without fear of difficulties and dangers.

Here, it is difficult for Chen Zong to feel the passing of time, and unknowingly, night falls.

The snow under the night seemed more quiet and seemed to be more empty.

The starlight is dotted in the infinite night sky, so clear and agile between the flashes, as if you can reach out with your hand.

The night sky in such a region is really starry and wide, and no, it should be said that the starry and snowy area is wide.

The snowy area under the night is more quiet than usual, but the chill is deeper. Fortunately, Chen Zong's cultivation is not low, and he has strong and vigorous blood to resist this amazing chill. It is estimated that those of the fourth echelon If a genius does not practice, he will have to spend more of his strength to resist this chill.

Even though it was dark at night, Chen Zong didn't mean to stop his footsteps. He didn't need to take a break and went to his destination as soon as possible.


Suddenly, the sound of crickets came, very subtle, if Chen Zong's five senses were sharp and amazing, it would be difficult to detect.

As soon as his consciousness was swept away, Chen Zong saw a figure swimming in the snow several kilometers away, and it was a snow python.

Snow pythons in snowy areas are more peculiar. They like to hunt for prey at night.

Chen Zong was the prey he was staring at.

Approaching, the snow python suddenly rose from the snow, and it was even thicker than the strong man's body. It issued an astonishing fierce power, a big mouth of blood, a smell of wind like a strong wind, and a shadow covering Chen Zong's body.

This is the snow python of the spirit-level Jiu Pin. The extraordinary extraordinary realm of the Nine Limits is caught off guard, and in all likelihood, it will be swallowed.

But Chen Zong's expression did not change half, as if everything was under control.

The heavy dragon sword came out of the sheath, and the dark sword light sprayed like aurora, and it seemed like a meteor struck the night sky.

Opening his **** mouth, the snow python suddenly stunned, and then slammed on the ground. The snow wave rolled away.

Even if this snow python is several times more powerful, it cannot stop Chen Zongyijian.

After killing Xue Mang, Chen Zong left quickly, because Xue Mang's blood flowed out and the blood smell was strong. He was soon smelled by other snow monsters and rushed in. If Chen Zong was found, he would definitely launch an attack .

In such a place, it is not wise to kill the monster and it is avoided.

In the dark, Chen Zong hurried on his way at full speed, and also killed some snow monsters that appeared in the night by sword.

It was getting bright, and Chen Zong saw snowy icebergs standing in front of him.

The deeper the snow, the deeper the chill, and the snowy mountains gradually become icebergs. Each iceberg is also covered by snow, which gradually condenses into ice as time passes.

The icebergs are like giant ice giants standing on the snow and heading straight into the sky.

At this time, a figure flickered through the sky with a flash of gold flames at an astonishing speed, and came in a fast direction, in the same direction as Chen Zong.

Chen Zong saw each other, and the other party saw Chen Zong.

It is the first child of Huangfu's family, a woman like a king daughter.

Huangfu flying Phoenix!

Huangfu Feihuang was slightly surprised to see Chen Zong, but he ignored it.

In theory, the two are in a competitive relationship.

Huang Fu Feihuang was surrounded by golden flames constantly spraying out, surrounded by the same stream of water, and continued to move forward with her figure, extremely fast.

Chen Zong's speed was not slow at all, and they were several kilometers apart as if they were two parallel lines, each exhibiting speed, and kept going to the extreme north of the snow.

Huangfu Feihuang has always been strong, and her talent is the highest in Huangfu's century. She is determined to set aside Chen Zong.

However, Chen Zong's speed was not slow at all, even went hand in hand.

The heart of victory seemed to be excited. Huang Fu flew his shoulders, his golden flame streamer fluctuated in an instant, spread and condense behind his shoulders, and turned into two light wings that fluttered like ribbons. Huangfu Feihuang's body suddenly moved forward at a rapid speed, but it was not obtrusive at all, but there was a kind of indescribable agility, as if the sky was flying.

Only in an instant, the speed of Huangfu flying Huanghuang increased by 30%, which directly broke the trend of going hand in hand with Chen Zong, leaving Chen Zong far away.

On a whim, Chen Zong's muscles and muscles trembled slightly, and there seemed to be a dull sound, terrible invisible power fluctuations shaking in all directions, bursting with layers of ripples, the snow beneath his feet instantly shattered, and a dozen meters of snow burst wave.

An overwhelming force recoiled, causing Chen Zong's speed to increase sharply, over a few kilometers in an instant, and once again flush with Huangfu Feihuang.

Huangfu Feihuang was secretly shocked, but he vowed to do his best and vowed to set aside Chen Zong.

As one of the most outstanding children of the Huangfu clan for centuries, she is like a prince and has pure and noble bloodlines. She was born well, and she has developed a supreme idea in her heart.

How can a cultivator without blood be compared with a noble blood such as himself, even if the other is the chief disciple of Baiyunshan Waizong.

For bloodline practitioners, they attach more importance to the level of life. They believe that bloodline practitioners have a higher essence of life and are born to be superior.

And Huangfu Feihuang, as the extremely pure blood of Huangfu's family, values ​​bloodlines more.

Now, a non-blood trainer is even with her in speed, making her unacceptable.

As more Jin Yan streamers condensed, the light wings became more solid, and Huang Fu's speed increased again.

Chen Zong trampled the snow step by step, each step falling out with amazing power, splashing thousands of layers of snow waves, the arrogant force caused Chen Zong's speed to surge, each time like an aurora breaking through, no less inferior to Huang Fu flying Phoenix.

The two were separated by several kilometers, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

In the end, the light wings behind Huangfu Feihuang are lifelike, just like the wings of Tianhuang. With one move, the speed of Huangfu Feihuang doubles dramatically.

Chen Zong also used his strength to make his body more than double his speed.

After a period of time, the two still didn't tell who was faster or slower. One surpassed, and the other would catch up with it instantly, surpass it, and then be caught up.

In this situation of constantly catching up with each other, the two figures quickly went deep into the snow.


An earth-shattering violent sound suddenly sounded, as if ground-breaking thunder was billowing, and the astonishing sound was huge. Miles of icebergs trembled slightly under the roar, and some snow covered the iceberg fell.

There was even a crack in the iceberg that was closer to the roar.

The complexions of Chen Zong and Huangfu Feihuang changed slightly. From the roar, the two heard a threat.

Very strong snowy monster!

Even more powerful than the previous Snow Wolf King.

A snow-white figure quickly enlarged in the eyes of the two, and when they saw the figure, their pupils shrank.

A snow ape.

This is a snow ape up to ten meters in height ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The body is white and white, the muscles of the huge and powerful body are bulging, as if compressed by thousands of years of ice, and it contains terrible power. Come out, enough to destroy the mountains and destroy Yue.

To be honest, the ten-meter-high snow ape is actually not very large. The hundred-meter-high monster Chen Zong has all seen it. This snow ape really doesn't have any advantage in body size.

However, the breath fluctuations diffused by this snow ape are very tyrannical, directly surpassing the level of transcendental realm, reaching the semi-holy level.

This is a monster with semi-holy strength.

The strength of the semi-holy level is the body of the monster, which is stronger and more terrifying than the ordinary semi-holy level.

This half-sacred snow ape already felt the breath of Chen Zong and Huangfu Feihuang, and a pair of ruby-like eyes swept over them, faintly excited.

From the male human race, it felt amazing blood, very majestic, if you swallow it, it will bring a lot of benefits to it, but the female human race, although there is no such majestic strong blood Fluctuations, but there is a noble atmosphere fluctuations, bloodlines are extraordinary, if swallowed, it will also bring great benefits to yourself.


Eat it all!

The Snow Ape has a big appetite. It will swallow both of these two human races, absorb and refine the blood and blood of the other person's body into their own use, and then integrate into their own, so as to break their own puppets, maybe they can break into a holy demon in one fell swoop. beast.

As a semi-sacred powerful monster, it is also an ape-like monster. Although the snow ape cannot speak, but its wisdom is not low, it is not inferior to the normal human race.

What is good for himself is very clear to the snow ape, and under its keen sense, he can feel that although the strength of these two human races is very strong, they are still not as good as themselves.

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