Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 52: Contention (4)

The snow-white sky renders purple and black rays, shining in all directions, as if thunder clouds are collapsing in the sky.




Each blade was exhausted with ten percent strength, and the purple and black thunders were dense and intertwined with horror to the extreme, and each blade left stunning blade marks in the void.

Three consecutive swords!

The three swords beheaded at the same place in the pothole, and the figure inside the pothole was beheaded.

Close the knife, thunder, clear.

A huge pit full of tens of meters appeared on the ice and snow ground, surrounded by cracks, shocking.

The snow and ice ground in the Blizzard Secret is extremely hard and far better than the outside world. It is more than ten times more difficult to blast a pothole of dozens of meters than the outside world.

"Should be dead." The figure from above stood down and overlooked, his eyes twinkling with purple and black thunder, staring deep into the pothole, as if to see through it, said to himself, feeling a sense of relief.

Finally, Yu Nianxin was beheaded and killed, and there is no need to take care of it in the future.

"However, I can only feel more secure if I want to see a dead person if I want to see a dead person." The man said to himself again, his body dropped rapidly.

He was originally unable to fly in the air. The previous short suspension was only formed when he launched the knife with a strong force and pushed the air back. Now when he retracts the knife, he can no longer maintain a suspended state.

At the same time when the figure fell, his left hand was scratched in the air, and the purple and black thunder lights flickered and gathered quickly, like a thunder dragon's claws trying to grab a piece of ground.


The purple-black light shone on the world, shining one side of the space extremely brightly, and the light shone.

The thunderclaw caught in the pit, but suddenly shocked, as if being bombarded by a force of direct force, and immediately shattered apart. The owner of the thunderclaw suddenly changed his face, and turned into a purple-black electro-optic light without half a minute Hesitantly retreated.

The retreat of the figure left countless afterimages, and a beam of green aurora shot through the ice with extremely light agility and sharpness, crushing and crushing the afterimages.

At the next breath, an extremely sharp and high-pitched tweet sounded, and the golden sea, the rock and the clouds shattered through the sea, and the indescribably noble and wonderful breath permeated.

The blue sky rose, and a faint shadow of a blue bird could be seen.

There are three feathers on the top of the flying bird that are soft and fluttering in the wind. The spread wings seem to be burning with a layer of green flame, but not a flame. At first glance, it feels like a swaying heart. The whole spiritual will is disturbed and becomes uncertain.

As soon as the eyes condense, the purple and black electric light flickers and jumps, and this kind of influence is quickly shaken away, but the heart is terrified.

What kind of power is this?

The cloudless bird flew up into the sky, and there were six blue feathers at the tail, each of which was straight and hard, emitting an astonishing sharpness like a sword.

The misty flying bird rushed into the air for hundreds of meters, as if to tear the sky, and then screamed again, making a high-pitched tweet, tearing the world.

The graceful and elegant body turned at a high altitude, crossing a perfect and rapid trajectory, diving down.

It was as fast as the aurora, and rushed into the pothole. The ice and snow ground suddenly trembled, and cracks spread quickly. From the cracks, blue rays spewed out like swords.


Amazing blue light soared like a volcanic magma, and it seemed like a round of blue sun was shining in all directions. The amazing power fluctuations made the person who flew back a few kilometers away incomparably dignified.

"What kind of power is this?" The man's face was solemn and unwilling.

Obviously, they have been splitting Zhongyu Nianxin, and they have rushed to kill them with three swords. They have no vitality, but why they have such an amazing power.

Is it a substitution?

The next breath, as the green flames continued to gush, a figure quickly floated from under the pothole.

It is Yu Nianxin.

At this time, Yu Nianxin's eyes were permeated with blue light, and her long black hair was also rendered with three layers of blue light, as if fluttering in the wind.

Three feet off the ground!

At this moment, Yu Nianxin was full of glorious Guanghua around his body. Guanghua seemed very strong, but it was not dazzling at all, and his body seemed to have lost all its weight floating.

It is similar to Royal Air flight.

"Lü Yijue, you **** it." The savage savage sent out from Yu Nianxin's mouth, sweeping through with the stress of breaking through the golden stone, making Lu Yijue's heart tremble unconsciously, as if it were invisible The impact of power is the same.

"Bloodline!" Lu Yi's complexion became extremely ugly: "You actually awakened the bloodline."

After entering the Wujietian Palace, Lu Yijue's talent has been stimulated to a greater extent. He has practiced more sophisticated exercises and martial arts, and cultivated in a better environment. His cultivation and strength have greatly improved. His knowledge has also increased as his strength has increased.

Therefore, Lu Yijue made a judgment, Yu Nianxin awakened the power of blood.

Lu Yi was definitely not sure whether the power of the bloodline had been awakened before, or whether he was awakened by continuous attacks just now. Lu Yi was absolutely not sure, but he was shocked.

Once the cultivator awakens the power of the blood, his strength will be significantly enhanced.

If the awakening is a low-order blood, then the enhancement effect is more common. If it is a awakening of a middle-order blood, then the effect of the enhancement is quite obvious.

Lu Yi never knew what level of bloodline Yu Nianxin awakened, but it should not be a low-level bloodline. After all, the vision inspired by the low-level bloodline is not so obvious.


Lu Yizhe was very jealous. He was jealous that Yu Nianxin had awakened the power of blood, but he did not.

If you can also awaken the power of blood, your talent will be further enhanced, and your strength will be further enhanced.

As the thoughts turned, the blue light flashed in front of him, fast, extremely fast, almost at the flash of blue light, the amazing and powerful killings had already penetrated through the void to assassinate him, so that Lu Yijue had a feeling of being penetrated throughout. , The spiritual will is even slightly affected, as if a flame blown by the wind, instantly swaying.

Fortunately, Lu Yijue's spiritual will was very strong, and he immediately got rid of this influence and cut it out.

The purple-black thunder lingered on the long sword, and the blade shook, as if smashing the void and slashing it with a slash.

The speed of thunder is extremely fast, and the power is even more violent, but in an instant, the purple-black thunder light smashed, and the long knife leaped high, as if to fly off the hand, and the green sword light with a twist of silky arc light killed to Incomparably dazzling, he was assassinated in front of Lu Yijue.

In a moment of danger, Lu Yijue's hair was upside down, and the subconscious ruptured from life and death broke out several times. A knife traversed the void and the sword blocked the sword.

With a bang, the blade of the sword stabbed on the blade. The terrible sharpness and strength impacted the blade, causing the blade to slap on Lu Yijue's chest like a door. The powerful force made Lu Yijue retreat quickly, and the blood was surging. The force was shaking, and a spit of blood couldn't help spitting out.

But Geng Luyi was frightened by a terrible assault storming through the blade directly into the sea of ​​knowledge and towards his own spiritual will.

As if the violent wind roared and the hurricane roared, Lu Yijue's spiritual will was shaken in an instant and hesitated instantly.

At the moment of swiftness, the second sword light shook the blade and drove straight in.

After all, Lu Yizhe came through many life and death tears. His subconsciousness is extraordinary and he responds best in an instant, but he is still slow, his shoulders are directly penetrated by the blue and white sword light, and the terrible shame rushes again Spiritual will.

Lu Yiju crushed a purple thunder ball, and thunder and lightning quickly wrapped his body into a purple thunder escaping away at an astonishing speed. Just blinking, he has leap out of thousands of kilometers, and then blinking, he leaps. Out of 10,000 meters, Qi Nianxin made Yu Nianxin react, but it was too late to catch up.

When Lu Yijue's figure disappeared, Yu Nianxin's halo filled with blue and halo seemed to be restrained, Yu Nianxin's body also fell from the air, and the moment his feet touched the ground, he felt as if he had lost all his strength and fell to the ground.

Consciousness is sober, but the body seems to be drained of strength, and softly can't lift any strength. If Lu Yijue returns at this time or some snow beast appears, Yu Nian's heart is in distress.

Fortunately, this weakness is only temporary, and a new force is constantly permeating from the deepest part of Yu Nianxin's body. It is the blood-derived power that is rapidly recovering its own power.

Resting in ten percent.

After ten breaths, Yu Nianxin's power completely recovered to its previous peak ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but that was just the previous peak.

Eleven Breaths!

Strength increased by 10% from its original limit.

Twelve Breaths!

Strength is increased by 20% over the original limit.

Thirteen Breath!

Fourteen breath!

Fifteen Breaths!

Sixteen breath!

Seventeen breath!


Twenty Breaths!

Yu Nianxin's strength is not growing.

Even so, Yu Nianxin felt that his strength had increased by 10% in a vacuum, and his strength had soared in a short period of 20 interest rates.

It's not over yet, Yu Nianxin feels that the changes in his body are still going on, this time it's not a change of strength, but a change of extraordinary mystery.

With the change of the extraordinary mystery, then, a trace of thoughts appeared out of thin air, as if spreading from the deepest part of the blood, poured into the sea of ​​knowledge and poured into the soul and absorbed by Yu Nianxin.

After a quarter of an hour, Yu Nian stood up and felt that her body became lighter and more agile, as if she could take off in the air with a single leap, like the wind.

"I didn't expect my blood power to wake up so quickly." Yu Nianxin smiled slightly.

When she was still in Baiyun Mountain before, she happened to coincide with the signs of awakening the power of blood, but it took a long time to get to the real awakening, maybe one year or two years or three years.

I did not expect to suddenly encounter Lu Yishu's assassination and kill himself. He was almost beheaded. The crisis of death actually inspired the bloodline and completely awakened.

As soon as he awakened, he gave Yu Nianxin a powerful force to smash Lu Yi. If Lu Yi had no secrets to save his life, it is estimated that this time, Xiao Ming would be accounted for here.

Although he failed to kill Lu Yishu, the awakening of the bloodline did bring great benefits to Yu Nianxin.

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