Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 66: Dark walks alone

The body was engulfed in darkness, as if submerged in a layer of cold and deep water, and then passed through.

An unspeakable sense of openness and loneliness sprang up.

"Sister Yu ... Brother Fu ..." Chen Zong's eyes quickly swept past, and at the same time he whispered quietly, but did not get a response, nor could he see the slightest trace.

It seems that Yu Nianxin and Fu Yunxiao have not entered the general.

But Chen Zong was extremely sure that Yu Nianxin and Fu Yunxiao had entered here before themselves. The difference between them was only three interest rates, and the short interest rate time was gone?

That's impossible, the two will never leave alone as soon as they enter, unless something unpredictable is encountered.

However, under careful search and identification of Chen Zong, no trace was found, and any trace that someone entered earlier than himself.

Chen Zong made a clear judgment, there are two possible situations.

In the first case, as soon as Yu Nianxin and Fu Yunxiao entered here, they were wiped out by some terrible force, leaving no trace.

In the second case, this is a mysterious place, and everyone who enters will be separated.

Chen Zong is more inclined to the second case. If it is the first case, then he can't resist the obliteration of that terrible force, and can't continue to stand here to think about anything.

"Still alone." Chen Zong shook his head and smiled slightly.

When he walks alone, Chen Zong is always used to it, but he feels relaxed.

Raising perception to the extreme, spiritual knowledge also diffuses and adjusts to an optimal distance: a circle of 100 meters.

The spiritual consciousness covers a hundred meters, and consumption and recovery are flat. It is also at a distance where Chen Zong perceives danger and can quickly react.

It was dark all around, but under Chen Zong's sharp eyes and super strong consciousness, he was "seen" clearly.

This is a one-sided cliff, which looks like an irregular oval-shaped cliff. It has a radius of several hundred meters.

There is nothing over the hundreds of meters of round cliffs, not even a stone, but the ground is a bit uneven and potty.

At the tip of the cliff, there is a suspension bridge. The suspension bridge is composed of black wooden boards, and on both sides are black iron cables with the thickness of the arms.

The suspension bridge seemed long, and there was no end to it. Below it was an endless abyss.

Walking to the suspension bridge, Chen Zong looked down. The dark abyss was not bottomed, and there was a hint of cloudy wind blowing, and there was a roar, as if it came from a distant place, spreading in time and space. Come, there is still a feeling of deterrent.

Chen Zong's eyes were as flat as water, his steps were firm and he moved forward with great courage and fearlessness.

When the footsteps fell on the suspension bridge, the entire suspension bridge shook slightly, as if it was not under the same force. It made Chen Zong feel that the suspension bridge seemed to break, fall, fall, and he couldn't help but burst out of heart, but the fact was only an illusion, which challenged people's mental capacity .

Chen Zong was calm, didn't step back and took the second step.

The suspension bridge swayed again and again, as if it were really going to fall apart, but there was a bottomless dark magical abyss.

This is like a suspension bridge over the dark magic deep, which challenges human nerves at all times. It is on the edge of life and death, and it is extremely stimulating, which makes the heart almost burst.

Chen Zong's look remained the same, and he stepped forward step by step with his feet, but the speed of the suspension bridge was getting faster and faster. Finally, he ran on the suspension bridge, as if moving forward with a streamer.

The light footsteps were full of regularity, and they continued to sound step by step. They passed into Chen Zong's ears, but disappeared as far away as possible, seemingly swallowed by darkness.

This suspension bridge seems to see no end, this darkness seems to be endless, and this magic abyss seems to be bottomless.


An indescribable loneliness came from all directions, so suddenly, it was so natural, it seemed to exist between heaven and earth, in the breath, everywhere.

This loneliness surrounded Chen Zong, and another lonely quietly breeded from the heart, as if the seeds sprouted out of the soil, gradually grew, and gradually became strong.

At first, this loneliness did not affect Chen Zong in the slightest. After all, Chen Zong has always been accustomed to walking alone. From Donglu to step by step, he has always been lonely and has gone through many dangers. He has already sharpened an extremely tough person. The heart and the extremely tough will, coupled with the liquefaction of the soul, are stronger and more resistant.

But this sense of loneliness will not be obliterated by Chen Zong's natural resistance, but will gradually strengthen with the passage of time.

And the inner loneliness was awakened, and gradually grew stronger. The combination of inside and outside, had some influence on Chen Zong.

But such an influence is still relatively weak for Chen Zong.

Run around!

Chen Zong unfolded himself and ran forward on the suspension bridge. The rules of this suspension bridge are very special. He can only run on it. He cannot fly in the air at all, otherwise he will be suppressed by an invisible force.

Chen Zong did not know how long he was running on this suspension bridge, it is estimated that there are several hours.

It stands to reason that at its own running speed, even if it is not full speed, it is also very amazing. Running continuously for several hours is enough to run far and far, but now you can't see the end of the suspension bridge, which is incredible.

"Unfortunately, with this situation, the feeling of loneliness is getting stronger and stronger, and the combination of inside and outside will eventually affect my mind." Chen Zong felt a growing sense of loneliness, and his heart sank slightly.

Solitude has always been the invisible natural enemy of intelligent beings.

Some people have a stronger ability to withstand loneliness, can take longer, and some are weaker.

Being in loneliness for a long time will affect the nature of the intelligent beings, from becoming indifferent to speaking, and from being distorted.

In addition to loneliness, there is also a kind of bewilderment. You can't see the end of bewilderment. You don't know where you want to go or where you want to go. This feeling will strengthen loneliness invisibly.

In addition, Chen Zong also noticed that the environment here is very strange and permeated with intangible breath. Such breath will erode people's minds, impair their minds, and make loneliness more likely to grow and grow.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong adhered to his heart to eliminate all distractions, his fortitude looked cold, and he continued to move forward.

To some extent, the enlightenment of the Heart Sword and the True Scriptures has continuously improved Chen Zong's mind, strengthened his tenacity, and had a stronger resistance to external evils.

In a sense, loneliness is a kind of external evil.

Chen Zong hasn't really reached the point where all evils can't be invaded, he just has a little.

Time continues to pass, but it is difficult to feel, it is vague, and the sense of loneliness is getting stronger and stronger, and it begins to affect Chen Zong's mind.


Sinking ...


The thoughts of letting yourself relax and stop appearing constantly, and there are many thoughts, completely out of your control.

Chen Zong's footsteps also became slow, unknowingly, gradually changing from the original fast running to jogging, and then gradually from jogging to walking.

There are more and more distractions, as if invisible ghosts continue to pour into Chen Zong's heart, constantly attacking Chen Zong's mind and shaking his mind.

Gradually, Chen Zong's pace was getting slower and slower. He seemed to be under a heavy load of invisible mountains and took a step up. He took a few breaths before falling forward. Two steps.


Two breaths!

Three Breaths!


The time interval is getting longer and longer. In the end, Chen Zong's footsteps fell, and he never lifted again. The whole person stood still on a suspension bridge like a sculpture.

Countless thoughts are constantly emerging, constantly invading Chen Zong's mind, chaotic and utterly strange, but in one breath, there are hundreds of thoughts, which can not be removed, as if to defeat Chen Zong's mind, Chen Zong's soul shattered, making him a walking dead, staying here forever.

A gust of wind blew from the dark bottom of the deep bottom, as if the dragon was breathing, as if the tornado swept up instantly, causing the suspension bridge to shake violently, and Chen Zong's figure standing on the suspension bridge also moved accordingly. stand up.

The violent wind swept across Chen Zong's body, and Chen Zong's body suddenly flew, and his feet gradually lifted off the suspension bridge and floated upward, as if to leave the suspension bridge and fall into the bottomless abyss.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's eyes burst out with unparalleled brilliance. The exuberant breath was like a magic sword coming out of the sheath, the sword was soft, the air was clear and rippling in all directions, and rippled like water.

"No matter how evil you invade the body, my heart will stand still ... broken!" Tongzhanchunlei, Thunderming Zhenkong, and the emptiness of the clear sword Jianming ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Every word from Chen Zong's mouth, They all carry the thunderous power of thunder and the power of the sky and the sky, crushing everything and crushing everything.

Suddenly, the feeling of loneliness that continued to invade was dissipated, and then instantly dissipated like the smoke blown by the wind.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt that an indescribable edge permeated the body, stirred up in the consciousness of the sea, condensed in the soul, cut off all miscellaneous thoughts, broke away all evil intentions, and had a clear mind and a clear heart.

Unconsciously, Chen Zong's state of mind has even further improved. Vaguely, Chen Zong has a third sense of breaking through the realm of Kendo.

Of course, it is just a feeling now. It is not so easy to want a real breakthrough. Its difficulty is many times more difficult than the breakthrough of transcendental realm to semi-holy level.

Once it breaks through, the overall impact on Chen Zong will be huge.

The body was twisted, and an indescribable sharpness permeated it, as if the sword was tearing into the cloudy sky, and then fell unaffected, and fell back again, standing on the suspension bridge that was shaking violently, and his feet seemed to stick to the suspension bridge. It seems to be integrated with the suspension bridge, and it will shake as the suspension bridge shakes, but it will not escape.

Clear-minded, tough-minded, transparent inside and outside, not evil.

At this moment, Chen Zong is like a sword of openness, and the whole person exudes an indescribable edge.


One step out, the body seemed to be a sharp sword to tear the air, the resistance was minimized, and Chen Zong's speed was also increased to the extreme.

When the chirping sound sounded, Chen Zong had already appeared outside the kilometer, and the speed was extremely amazing.

Rush Rush!

As if the sword was like a sword breaking, Chen Zong faintly saw a trace of outline, a trace of outline with light.

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