Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 74: Ice Spirit Xuanji Fruit

A light and shadow flew across the sky, and it kept going away for thousands of meters, and stopped until the power was exhausted.

"It turned out that I had to use Migrating Secrets. See you next time, I will cut you under the sword." Shan Jianhou's face filled with resentment, killing him.

This moved secret treasure is a life-saving thing given to him by Zongmen. It can only be used once and is very precious.

Zongmen gave him the purpose of moving the secret treasure, naturally to save his life, when he encountered an irresistible danger, he could quickly get out and save his life.

However, I did not expect that such a life-saving opportunity was actually used up, or because of a shame from a cultivator from Qingtian.

As everyone knows, such feelings have never been more than one since Chen Zong's debut.

Chen Zong was a bit regretful that he was not able to stay, but he didn't feel frustrated.

"My current strength should be at the level of Hou class genius, but compared with the other party, I still have a lot of room for improvement." After a fight, combined with the memory of King Taiyuan, Chen Zong was more affirming his genius level.

Jun class!

Your genius level should be equivalent to the monarchy of the ancient times or the heavenly realm.

Above the king level, there is a king level, and there is a higher emperor level. The monarch level is nothing at all.

If your genius level is really king, then the highest level of genius in Optimus Celestial Realm is just king.

Compared with Tianyuan Sanctuary, the gap is too big.

Want to come to the other three genius genius levels are similar.

It's no wonder that the Mountain Sword Hou will be so contemptuous of himself, that kind of contempt is not only for himself, but for the practitioners of the entire Heavenly Realm, and even for the practitioners of the Four Great Realms.

It's like the gap between the upper and lower domains.

This is how the practitioners who were born in the upper realm and cultivated in the upper realm look at those in the lower realm.

From the sense of superiority in the bones.

Defeating Shan Jianhou and verifying his current strength, Chen Zong walked fast, but this time Chen Zong did not cast the Ten Shadows and Ten Phantoms. This is the Holy Inferior Body Method, which is very fast. And very mysterious, but the power consumed is also amazing.

Therefore, Chen Zong applied it as a hole card.

Go forward, while looking for things that are useful to you, and see if you can meet Fu Yunxiao or Yu Nianxin again.

After all, only three people in Baiyun Mountain entered the ice emperor's secret place, and it is best to leave alive.

Chen Zong continued to go deep into the ice emperor's secret place, and there was no one around him, as if there were no traces of people.

Occasionally, Chen Zong can see some traces, which seem to be traces left by the War of the Ancients, but if it is not a sword mark, the value to Chen Zong is very low. Of course, a low value does not mean no value. The accumulation of ways helps.

Moving forward, searching, and enlightenment, such a cycle, Chen Zong's accumulation is becoming deeper and deeper.

The icy wind roared and swept across with amazing chill. The frost and frost covered the sky as if to freeze Chen Zong, but Chen Zong continued to march forward against the snow and snow, suddenly, his eyes shot out extremely hard Jingmang, staring ahead.

In the snow storm, a frosty tree seems to be independent from the last days. Even if the snow and ice blow against it, it will stand tall and stand still.

The ice tree is about five meters high, and its branches extend more than three meters, as if carved from ice.

Although this ice tree is exquisite in appearance and looks like a work of art, it is not attractive to Chen Zong. What attracts Chen Zong is the three fruits condensed on the ice tree.

If it was before, Chen Zong did not recognize what this fruit was, because his knowledge was limited, but after absorbing the remnant soul of Taiyuan King, and the memory of Taiyuan King, Chen Zong's knowledge increased countless times. Although not completely absorbed, it really exist As long as you see the corresponding thing, the corresponding information will appear.

Seeing those three fruits, part of the memory of King Taiyuan also appeared, so that Chen Zong knew what the fruits were.

Ice Spirit Xuanji Fruit!

This is a rare treasure of heaven and earth. It is a holy medicine, not even seen in ancient times.

Bingling Xuanji fruit can't improve cultivation and can't recover the injury. The effect is very simple and seemingly wasteful, but it has great value.

The only role of Bingling Xuanji fruit is to assist in the cultivation of exercises.

For example, it takes a long time to change the practice method, but if the ice spirit Xuanji fruit is used as an auxiliary, the time can be greatly shortened. As for the shortening effect, it is related to the individual, at least ten times, twenty It is possible to make it 30 times or even 50 times. In the memory of King Taiyuan, it seems that someone has shortened the time by nearly a hundred times, which is equivalent to an increase in efficiency of nearly a hundred times.

hundred times!

This shocked Chen Zong.

Although the effect of Bingling Xuanji fruit is single, it is of great use to itself.

Either transfer to practice or improve the level of practice, the effect is very significant.

In other words, if you take the ice spirit Xuanji fruit and practice Baiyun Lingxiao, you can practice to the fifth layer or even the sixth layer in a short period of time. The power is stronger, and you can even master it completely and replace the original Baiyunjigong. Its basic strength is not impossible.

For most of the transcendental realms, holy level exercises cannot be enlightened at all, nor can they be practiced. Very few transcendental realms can enlighten and practice holy level exercises, but it is only limited to this and can only be used as a hole card Use, such as Gao Hongjing Bai Xiyue Fu Yunxiao and others.

It is difficult and difficult to practice holy-level exercises to the point of replacing the original spiritual-level exercises.

One requires a sufficiently talented one, and the other requires a corresponding inheritance.

In the entire Heavenly Realm, no one of the transcendental practitioners has practiced the Holy Level exercises to replace the original Spirit Level exercises. There are talent factors, but they are not entirely talent factors. Corresponding heritage.

Enough talent combined with the right methods can make extraordinary.

In Tianyuan Sanctuary, although the inheritance is precious, it also exists. Of course, only those powerful forces have it. They are different and have become the secret of the inheritance of the ancestors. It is because he has practiced the Holy Level Gongfa to the point where he replaced the original Spirit Level Gongfa.

In the memory of King Taiyuan, there is such a heritage, which was also cultivated by King Taiyuan, and Chen Zong can naturally learn it easily.

However, even if there is a corresponding inheritance, there must be enough time to cultivate.

In memory, it seems that it took Taiyuan King nearly half a year to practice it, so it is estimated that it would take several months for him to practice it, so that Baiyun Lingxiao Gong can replace Baiyunji true power.

It's nothing to spend a few months in peacetime, but it's too long for now.

"But as long as I get these three Ice Spirit Xuanji fruits, I can try to train them in a short time." Chen Zong's eyes twinkled.

After a short period of time, the strength will increase greatly, and then the ice emperor's secret realm will have an advantage.

The spiritual knowledge covered 100 meters. Chen Zong moved Bai Yun Ling Xiao Gong, and his pure spiritual power also changed, becoming more pure and powerful.

Three ice spirit Xuanji fruits are in front of him, but Chen Zong dare not relax his guard, and no one knows whether there will be a sudden danger.

As soon as Chen Zong approached the ice tree and was about to pick the first ice spirit Xuanji fruit, a slight to extreme windbreak sounded, extremely sharp.

When the wind broke, the terrible attack had already killed Chen Zong's back, several times faster than the speed of the sound.

Chen Zong had been prepared for the cold light to tore, tearing the sky and tearing Chen Zong's body at the same time, but that was just an afterimage.

Ten shadows and ten illusions are cast, and the true and false are difficult to distinguish. Chen Zong appeared on the side of the assassin. The sword of the dragon took out a phantom and quickly cut off.


If you do n’t do it, it ’s a thunderous blow.

Chen Zong's response was too fast, and the speed was even more amazing. Ten black sword lights broke through the air, and the five-meter-high ice spirit body was instantly slashed, and this half-holy strength ice spirit spirit sword Split flying and a violent blow left a few sword marks on the arrogant body of the ice spirit.

The body of the semi-holy ice spirit is too hard to destroy easily. Before it was replaced, Chen Zongshi's Shen Xinjian could only leave a shallow sword mark.

Now every sword light can leave deep sword marks, the power increase is very obvious.

Ten Shadows and Ten Illusions!

The ten figures were so variable that the half-holy ice spirit could not attack Chen Zongzhen's body at all, but it was a long night dream, and the battle was decided quickly.


Chop Chop!

The left arm of Ice Spirit was cut off and flew up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A little while, the right arm was also cut off and flew up.

Then, the neck of this half-holy ice ghost was also severed and completely died.

After killing each other, Chen Zong's figure was displayed, and the ten phantoms changed, as if ten arms were stretched out at the same time, as if he was holding hands with flowers.

Cracks began to appear on the ice tree, shattered and turned into a **** of ice.

"Find a place to retreat." Chen Zong's eyes glanced over, thinking carefully, and thinking about the path he had passed before, if there was a suitable place for retreat.

After a few dozen breaths, Chen Zong thought of a secret place.

His body flickered, Chen Zong walked towards the circuit. After half an hour, he stopped and found a hidden ice cave. Then he sealed the entrance of the ice cave and erased some traces to make it look like nothing from the outside. Without flaws, and deploying some means in the ice tunnel, Chen Zong went deep into the ice cave and began to retreat.

This ice cave was the habitat of several ice spirits that Chen Zong encountered before. All of them were killed by Chen Zong. Now, it has also become a temporary training retreat for Chen Zong.

Sitting cross-legged, Chen Zong took out a Bingling Xuanji fruit and looked up carefully.

Bingling Xuanji fruit is about the size of a baby's fist and looks like a human heart, but the whole body is ice-blue. There are traces of veins imprinted on it like veins and veins.

Chen Zong did not directly swallow the Bingling Xuanji fruit, but first learned the exercises.

The purpose of Chen Zong this time was not Bai Yun Ling Xiao Gong, but Taiyuan Mo Yun Gong.

As a holy class, it is much stronger than Bai Yun Ling Xiao Gong.

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