Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 82: Goodbye Void Demon


Amazing gas explosions rang out in all directions, and the terrible air current was pulsating endlessly in the ice channel, as if it were a raging sea, like a row of mountains.

Powerful sinking, like the magnificence of the mountains, the vastness of the sea.

Under Chen Zong's gaze, this fist seemed to be flawless, strong everywhere and integrated.

Such opponents are undoubtedly the most headache.

Chen Zong's figure is extremely light, not affected by the opponent's fist pressure, avoiding, but wielding a sword.

Suddenly, hundreds of sword shadows exploded out of the heavy dragon sword. Together with Chen Zong's figure, he surrounded the little giant and cut it off.

The harsh golden iron and iron symphony kept ringing, and each collision would burst into fierce Mars spattering in all directions. In a split second, hundreds of swords from Mars would be densely populated in all directions and looked like a round of hot sun.

Chen Zong is trying to test the weakness of this little giant's general, and then kill it by following the weakness.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any weakness. There are no dead ends in the whole body. Even if Chen Zong attacks, he can't break the defense. The armor is completely integrated and too tough.

"Ten Blades!"

Chen Zongshi exhibited holy swordsmanship, one sword was killed, and ten black sword lights tore through the sky and fell.

The sixth layer of Taiyuan Moyun Gong's super-spiritual decisive power is even more powerful.

However, when the ten swords were slain on that general, they still failed to break through the defense, only to burst out a more intense spark.

Ten Blades Kill!

The ten sword lights continuously slashed out, as if the folding fan was opened and closed in an instant, the slain was in the same place on the general.

This sword was already the strongest attacking sword of Chen Zong, but he was still unable to cut the opponent's defense. The force of the shock caused Chen Zong's sword to almost escape.

For a moment of fierce battle, Chen Zong could not help each other, at most, leaving no deep and shallow sword marks on his body, which would disappear after less than ten breaths.


The force is strangely large. If you are hit, you have to be hurt.

Chen Zong simply gave up.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Zong opened his distance from the battle.

This little giant battle will immediately pursue, but compared with Chen Zong's speed, but the difference is obvious, blinked, he was cast off by Chen Zong.

"It seems that it is not to defeat the opponent, but to get rid of the opponent's pursuit." Chen Zong looked back, the little giant war general and his distance was getting farther and farther, a hint of understanding filled the mind.

As Chen Zong continued to move forward, the footsteps behind him were getting weaker and weaker, until he could not hear them.

No matter how long the ice passage is, Chen Zong saw a light.

Suddenly, Chen Zong kept in shape, plunging his head into the light, first it was dark, and then a dead world appeared before his eyes.

"This is ..." Chen Zong's eyes were dignified.

The dark sky seems to have black cloud fragments solidifying, and a trace of black hair like coils of hair in the sky, faint red light flickers, permeating the tragic end of the world.

The cracked and arid land saw wolf smoke everywhere, like embers and smoke. A broken body was scattered on the broken land, looking extremely desolate, as if after a **** battle.

The billowing smoke soared into the sky, and in the distance, an old and dilapidated giant city stood, which added a bit of silence to this dark world.

Like the ruins after a **** battle.

Chen Zong was frightened, but also a little dazed.

Why did you come here?

What is it here?

There was a paste in my head and I had no idea what was going on.

"Is it a fantasy?" A thought popped up, Chen Zong immediately closed his eyes and held his breath, and Kendo's fourth emphasis on the sword theory allowed himself to break through the obstacles without being confused.

And the super soul and spiritual knowledge also have the amazing effect of resisting the illusion.

A moment later, Chen Zong opened his eyes and saw still a broken scene of ruins that looked like the end of the world.

"Isn't it a fantasy?" Chen Zong was even more puzzled.

There are only two possibilities to explore without their own capabilities.

First, here is the illusion, but it is an extremely high-level illusion.

Second, this is not a fantasy, but it is real. Since it really exists, there is no exploration.

Take a deep breath, the breath here is cold and full of amazing cold chill.

Energized, Chen Zong unfolded and flew forward.

Spiritual knowledge spreads out, covering all directions, including as many kilometers as possible to avoid accidents.

Soon, Chen Zong came to the broken giant city.

The gate of the giant city was half closed and half broken to reveal a pothole more than ten meters high. Through the pothole, Chen Zong saw several broken corpses and his blood had dried up.

Standing in front of the broken city gate, Chen Zong did not immediately step into it, because there was always a trace of ominousness in his heart.

It seemed that upon entering the gate, there would be an unpredictable danger.

But what if you do n’t step into the gate and enter the giant city?

Entering the ancient ice palace is to find opportunities, not to waste time by staying in place.

"Life and death can't help it ..." Chen Zong seems to have a further understanding of this sentence.

In this case, let's move forward, no matter what the danger, cut it with your own sword.


Stepping forward, Chen Zong shook his shoulders and went directly through the hole in the gate to enter the giant city.

Looked around.

Except for some of the broken corpses, this giant city has long been deserted, and the originally standing towers collapsed like abandoned ruins, but I do n’t know why, Chen Zong always felt a hint of crisis lingering in his heart. Lingering.

Moving forward, Chen Zong was extremely vigilant to guard against possible dangers at any time.

When Chen Zong moved forward for about a thousand kilometers, suddenly, a black light burst out from a half-collapsed building on the side, instantly tearing the sky, the cold light flickered endlessly, and came to death with extreme murderous power.

The killing intention was amazing, and the evil spirit was rolling, and it instantly invaded Chen Zong's body, causing Chen Zong's hair to stand upside down.

When he was in danger, Chen Zong's response was extremely fast and accurate. The heavy dragon sword turned into a black light lasing, and a sword smashed and blasted out like a mountain. It was like a sky breaking into a sky.


Under this arrogant sword, not only resisted the sudden black light of killing, but also shattered it and directly bombarded that black shadow.

However, Chen Zong's expression changed suddenly, because when that sword hit the opponent, Chen Zong felt a force of shock. Through the force of the shock, Chen Zong could feel the arrogance of the opponent's body.

As expected, it should have been broken by his own sword, but the result was only minor injuries.

At a glance, Chen Zong was startled.

That black figure made Chen Zong familiar.

The whole body is black, like a armored body, about three meters high, with scarlet eyes, a pair of arms with long arms, sharp claws, and all over the body exuding amazing killings.

Void Demon!

Chen Zong never thought that he would encounter the Void Demon here.

But the thoughts turned, here is under the cloth of the ancient ice emperor, and the ancient ice emperor could have sniped the army of the void demons and killed countless void demons.

In this way, in the Ice Emperor's Palace left by the ancient ice emperor, there will be a void demon appearing to be justified. Perhaps this is a means of assessment.

After all, the Ice Emperor Palace is a chance, but the chance is not at hand, otherwise it is too precious.

Laws are not lightly transmitted, words are not lightly spoken, and things that are easy to reach will always be despised, and only those who have been through hardships and hardships will be cherished.

In addition, only by passing the corresponding assessment to prove their ability, can they be eligible for the opportunity.

Two birds with one stone!

So, cut it.

The heavy dragon sword was raised, Chen Zong stepped out, and one sword blasted out.


Only one sword was available. Chen Zong has already tried out the strength of that demon, and he must use his real strength.

The ten-blade slashed out of the air and immediately cut and shattered the body of the Void Demon.

Chen Zong had come into contact with this kind of life of the Nether Demon before and had some understanding.

There are many types of void demons, or many appearances. At least Chen Zong has seen dozens of species before.

And each kind of vanity demon has an amazing physique, and it also has terrible vanity evil forces, that kind of force is very evil, full of erosion, and threatening.

The strength of this void demon is very strong. Chen Zong estimates that even if he can win, he must go through some hard work.

But now, with one stroke of ten strokes, he can kill directly.

After being beheaded, the Void Demon's body was broken and disappeared ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Only a ray of ice-blue breath flew towards Chen Zong, clinging to the back of Chen Zong's left hand and bending around.

Chen Zong stared at the icy blue lines on the back of his left hand, and frowned, not knowing why.

Feel it carefully, but you seem to feel nothing, you can only give up.

This may be the means of the eternal ice emperor, take it one step at a time.

Chen Zong is still quite open-minded. Regarding things that cannot be seen through, Ignore them for the time being, and the time is right, naturally.

Continue to move forward, and then there are Nether Demon appeared, and instantly shot and killed.

There are many types of Nether Demon, and they have all kinds of abilities.

Some voids are good at frontal combat, pushing sideways all the way, some void demons are amazingly fast, some void demons are tricky, and some void demons can hide their breath and close to the target to kill.

There are also some special Nether Demons with even more amazing abilities.


Void demon head after head was beheaded and killed by Chen Zong. Each beheaded head of the void demon will not leave a corpse, but will disappear into smoke, and there is an ice-blue breath attached to the back of Chen Zong's left hand. Entangled with the previous breath, it seems to condense into something.

If this is an assessment, how can I pass the assessment?

Chen Zong didn't know. If he was confused, then kill it, continue to kill, and kill Qingming.

The fourth Nether Demon, cut!

Fifth Void Demon, Cut!

The sixth Void Demon, cut!

There were three Void Demon all at once, one of them stormed from the front, and the immense evil breath continued to strike, one burst into assault at an astonishing speed from the side, and the other was shot down from above, like a shooting star. Extremely terrible.

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