Sword God

Vol 22 Chapter 84: Final battle

Here, it is the deepest part of the giant city. There are towers on the left and right sides. The towers are the same height, some remain intact, and some completely collapse into ruins.

However, there are a lot of void demons standing on the ruined towers or the ruins of the tower. Every void demons are filled with amazing breath fluctuations.

Chen Zong's eyes slowly swept past and landed in front of him.

It was a huge mansion, it should be the main city of the giant city, but it is the tallest building with the largest area in the giant city, but the city main house is also broken and there is a figure standing in the only complete hall.

The figure was about two meters high, and its appearance looked extremely robust. The whole body was covered with black scale armor, which was distributed like dragon scales.

Chen Zong's appearance of this void demon was first seen.

Existing like a half-demon dragon and a half-human, a pair of eyes are vertical pupils, broken golden, cold and indifferent.

This Void Demon crossed his arms on his chest. A long tail seemed to sway unconsciously. The tip of the tail was extremely sharp, cutting the air easily like a sword blade, making a slight snoring sound, leaving a scratch.

Semi-Holy Order!

This is a semi-sacred high-level vanity demon, very powerful. Its breath makes Chen Zong extremely jealous, and his broken golden vertical pupil stares, which makes Chen Zong completely negligible. Substantial as if the sword was forced to kill, bringing intense invisible pressure to Chen Zong.

Ordinary low-order semi-holy level, Chen Zong can be killed.

An ordinary mid-level and semi-holy level, Chen Zong is not sure if he can be killed, but he can counter it.

As for how strong the ordinary high-end semi-holy level is, Chen Zong is not clear.

After all, among the three ranks of the semi-holy level, the gap in strength is also very obvious.

Standing on the left and right sides of the high-end semi-holy level Nether Demon Dragonman, two sentry towers 100 meters apart from each other, each stood a tall figure up to four meters tall.

Wearing a black heavy armor, the shape of a tauren, four meters in height, exuding astonishing coercion like a tower, oppresses all around, and ripples through the layers of space like waves.

Two extremely strong bullheads, four meters in height, each hold two heavy axes, each with a length of two meters. The axe is huge like a wheel. The axe blade is extremely sharp, emitting a trace of blood-red light, and A ox-headed void demon holds two black sledgehammers, like a pumpkin that has been magnified many times, and is full of spikes.

The breath fluctuations emitted by these two ox-headed void demons are only weaker than the dragon-ren void demons.

Intermediate semi-holy level!

In addition, there are eight low-order semi-holy levels of the Nether Demon standing in all directions.

Hundreds of non-semi-level void demons, eight low-order semi-sacred void demons, two middle-order semi-sacred void demons, and one high-order semi-sacred void demons.

This kind of strength is very strong, very strong, and the pressure on Chen Zong is all-round. It is the pressure from all aspects of Jingqi Shen. Chen Zong has a heavy feeling of suffocation.

But no matter what, to this day, we can only fight.

You must also win. Hundreds of Void Demons here, whether they are not in the semi-holy level or semi-holy level, whether they are low-order semi-holy level or intermediate semi-holy level or high-order semi-holy level, must be killed. All beheaded, so that I can leave here.

Taking a deep breath, the nine spiritual wheels continued to rotate, the super-spiritual force was vigorous and vigorous, and kept circulating in the body, slightly weakening the pressure on Chen Zong.

This kind of pressure is enough to soften the legs of ordinary low-level semi-holy masters, even middle-level semi-holy masters will be suppressed, but Chen Zong did not, but resisted.

Chen Zong's will is extremely tough and powerful, so he can maintain his state under such terrible pressure.

His eyes swept away, and the position and posture of each void demon were all captured in his eyes. His thinking turned sharply, and his thoughts were like electricity. Chen Zong knew that the next battle would be an extremely difficult battle.

This battle is life.

Well, it is necessary to make all preparations.

Once such a battle begins, any mistake will lead to death.

The super-strong soul allowed Chen Zong to grasp all the positions of hundreds of void demons, and all movements were reflected in his mind.

For a moment, Chen Zong seemed to be standing on a high place overlooking the whole world.

The indescribable pride is astonishing, erupting like a volcano erupting from the deepest heart.

"Kill!" A roar, from the deepest part of Chen Zong's throat, roaring and roaring like thunder, roaring in all directions, like the first **** of thunder.

The high-end semi-holy level Nether Demon Dragon Man spit out a word that Chen Zong couldn't understand, but could feel its icy and killing breath.

Suddenly, hundreds of vanities and demons moved, and an astonishing speed broke out, approaching Chen Zong from all sides in various attitudes.

Direct shock!

Arc turns!

Falling from the sky!

Ground Assault!

Instantly, Chen Zong was confronted with attacks from all directions by the demons of the void. Each hit was terrible, and each hit threatened Chen Zong's life.

Chen Zong was not afraid, but became more and more excited. An unspeakable excitement burst out from the deepest part of his heart. It filled the whole body, like a thunderbolt, and made a blood boil. The muscles and muscles tremble together, making it even more amazing the power of.

Following this, Long Li rioted.

Although Chen Zong is unable to exert the power of the centering sword and cannot combine the powers of the two cultivation systems into one, the power of the supersoul is many times stronger than the power of the previous centering sword.

This is not to say that Chen Zong's refining dragon power is useless.

In fact, arrogant physique is still very useful, allowing Chen Zong to have strong power and extraordinary speed and amazing defense, can survive better, and better adapt to various environments.

In addition, the refining dragon power can also be urged. When urged, you can make your physical strength stronger, faster and stronger defense.

In previous battles, Chen Zong only used super-spiritual power. Then this time, in addition to super-spiritual power, the refining dragon power must also be cast. One can better protect himself, and the other can better burst out of his own power And speed, stronger and faster.


The dragon power of the refining body erupted, and a powerful force was issued between the muscle contraction and swelling. The super-spiritual force swept through the heavy dragon sword, and the sword was swept across, like sweeping thousands of troops.

The majestic black sword light swept across like a thick pen and heavy ink, and surrounded it in a circle, bursting out an incredible power, and the amazing weight of the heavy dragon sword's 98 thousand pounds was also fully exerted.

Under a sword, an approaching Void Demon suddenly approached.

With his shoulders swaying, Chen Zong's body is as light as a flying feather, and as fast as a blast, changing like a cloud, and cut into the void demons between the two heads. A Void Demon slashed.

Even though the Void Demon has tenacious vitality, but after being cut by the waist, he also loses his combat ability and dies quickly.

You know, the fierce blow of Chen Zong's dragon sword is very scary.

One step suddenly stepped on the ground. The sole of the foot was the axis before, and the waist was twisted, and the figure was rotated to bring about a whirlwind-like terror. The heavy dragon sword beheaded and killed another vanity demon.

See also waist cut.

Hundreds of Nether Demons were beheaded and killed by Chen Zong, but for hundreds of Nether Demons, there are two more heads and two less heads, which is not much different.

The high-ranking semi-holy class of the Void Demon Dragon Man's broken golden pupils is cold and ruthless, indifferent to life, overlooking the sky like a god, staring at Chen Zong, and absorbing all his actions.

It was watching, watching every move of Chen Zong, looking for flaws and killing with one blow.

The more powerful the Void Demon is, the higher the wisdom, if you treat the Void Demon as a beast with only strength and no mind, you will definitely suffer.

Humans are intelligent beings, as are wicked demons.

In the eyes of humans, the void demons are heterogeneous. In the eyes of the void demons, why are they not aliens?

The two mid-level semi-holy-level Void Demon heads did not move, and the eight low-order semi-Holy Void demons did not move. They all stared at Chen Zong and observed the human.

Void demon is the enemy of almost all living beings in the void of the universe. It can be called the enemy of all races. As the enemy of all races, in addition to being strong, you must also understand the advantages of other races to further improve yourself ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ In this way, we can guarantee the permanent existence of the Nether Demons, occupy more worlds, and strengthen our race.

Therefore, in the eyes of these semi-holy void demons, this human race has great potential and can learn from its strengths.

Although this evil war was created by the ancient ice emperor with his own power to urge the secret treasure, the void demons in it are almost the same except that they are not real void demons. This is for the genius who enters here. Void Demon has a more intuitive understanding.


There are extremely fierce battles, hundreds of void demons are not afraid of death, each one is proficient in fighting and killing, each move is blasted to Chen Zong, and Chen Zong is killed as a slag, leaving Chen Zong to face Great challenge.

However, under this extremely suffocating pressure, Chen Zong's spirit and spirit were continually condensed and brought to the peak, all mysteries emerged, extremely clear and extremely clear.

Under control!

From time to time, the five-foot sword is unbroken, blocking all the attacks of the Void Demon, and then defending it as an offensive, killing the Void Demon.

The heads of void demons were beheaded by Chen Zong under the heavy dragon sword, and Chen Zong's strength was constantly being consumed.

Hundreds of Nether Demon are really strong and strong, replaced by an ordinary low-order semi-holy level, has long been unable to support being beheaded, but Chen Zong still supported and beheaded more than twenty Nether Demon.

When the dead Void Demon reached fifty heads, the Dragon Void Demon said something. Suddenly, the eight-headed, low-level, half-holy level Void Demon moved in unison, swept across the sky, and shot out in eight directions Amazing shame, carrying a terrible blow with amazing power.

It ’s amazing!

With this blow, he wanted to destroy Chen Zong and smash Chen Zong.

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