Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 1: 5 Taoists

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The white clouds are long and swaying, the sky is clear, the world is quiet.

Feiyun Taoist sat in the front, behind him, there were ten people, the ten disciples of Baizong Waizong.

From time to time, Gao Hongjing's eyes swept across the three men, Chen Zong, Fu Yunxiao, and Yu Nianxin. He seemed to want to see what he felt. After these three people got the so-called chance to enter the Holy Spirit, their breath became He became more and more mysterious, making him jealous.

With or without entering the Ice Queen's secret realm, the gap began to manifest.

After all, the opportunity in the ice emperor's secret territory is really great. Even if you don't enter the ice emperor's palace, the harvest is not small. Just watching the traces of the fighting in ancient times will bring you a lot of gains, not to mention other various aspect.

Fu Yunxiao asked Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin for a message, and the three of them talked, and finally realized that there were opportunities after being dispersed at the time, but Fu Yunxiao eventually failed to enter the Ice Emperor's Hall because his strength was a bit weaker and he could not. Through those kilometers of snow and ice.

But even so, Fu Yunxiao's gains are not small.

"After going back this time, I intend to break through the retreat to the semi-holy level." Fu Yunxiao said, the ice emperor's secret realm and his team have reached the true limit of accumulation in the extraordinary realm, Fu Yunxiao himself can clearly feel.

Therefore, if you continue to accumulate, you will not be able to improve any more. It is just a waste of time and energy. Instead of breaking through to the semi-holy level, you can continue to improve.

As for Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin, they did not intend to break through to the semi-holy level, because Chen Zong felt that he was at the level of transcendental realm, and could continue to improve, such as cultivating Taiyuan Mo Yun Gong to a higher level and possessing a stronger super spirit Force, so, strength will be stronger.

In addition, you can further master the sacred martial arts, and you can continue to enlighten the mystery of the heart sword.

Yu Nianxin has inspired the power of high-level blood, his talent has been improved, his strength has been improved, his potential has also been improved, and there is still room for further improvement.

At this time, there were thirty-six geniuses who entered the ice emperor's secret realm, but thirty people left. In other words, six people died in the ice emperor's secret realm.

Thirty-six people died and six people died, and the remaining thirty people got a good opportunity. Such an opportunity is considered very good.

After all, if you want to harvest, you have to pay. The ice emperor's secret place is not a house, but six people are killed, which is a small loss.

They left one by one and returned to their respective gates.

Chen Zong stared at the back of Feiyun Taoist, and carefully felt the slightest fluctuation of the breath of Feiyun Taoist, and finally determined that Feiyun Taoist was the strongest who entered the sacred state.

There are nine points in the transcendental realm, and there are also nine points in the sanctuary.

At the pinnacle of sacred realm, that is the strongest person who entered the sacred realm.

In other words, the five Taoist masters in Baiyun Mountain are all nine strong men who have entered the sanctuary. As for whether there are other nine strong men who have entered the sanctuary, Chen Zong does not know.

All the way back, Chen Zong's thoughts fluttered, thinking of the king-class powerhouse.

The feudal king is a title, a kind of honor, and a representative of strength.

Each of the feudal king-level strong has a powerful strength beyond the ordinary into the sacred realm.

Fly out of the snow, across the forests of mountains, rivers, rivers, and forests, I finally saw the sea of ​​clouds and white clouds.

Chen Zong and others were relieved, some relaxed.

After all, when they left, everyone was excited, and they were vigilant and cultivated at all times.

Although the other seven did not get into the holy opportunity to enter the ice emperor's secret territory, but they practiced in the snow, their strength became more pure, and they also gained some gains and strength.

After returning to Baiyun Mountain, the seven people left separately, but Chen Zong, Fu Yunxiao and Yu Nianxin were taken by the Feiyun Taoist to the highest peak in Baiyun Mountain.

The name of that mountain peak is very direct, it is called Baiyun Peak.

The Baiyun Hall on Baiyun Peak is the main hall of Baiyun Mountain.

The three went to the main hall of Baiyun Peak Baiyun. This is a normal situation. After all, the three have entered the ice emperor's secret place.

This is also the first time Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin stepped into the main hall since entering Baiyun Mountain.

The white cloud of the main hall of Baiyun is white, as if it is compressed and condensed by white clouds. It is harder than semi-holy artifacts and is covered with a layer of invisible power.

The main hall of Baiyun is very wide. The top of the hall is hundreds of meters high. The clouds under the blue are filled with white clouds. The air is constantly changing, and sometimes it turns into a bird soaring into the sky. Sometimes it turns into a fish. Like a monkey leaping in the forest, sometimes running like a cheetah on the field.

The three Chen Zong suddenly looked up and stared at the sky, suddenly lost their sight.

It feels as if standing on a wide field, looking up and looking at thousands of miles of clear sky, watching clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds, fantasy, freedom, ethereal, and vast.

At the deepest part of the hall, there are five huge chairs, distributed in a semicircle, and a figure appears on it. Each figure is filled with amazing breath fluctuations, each with its own mystery.

When they appeared, their eyes fell on Chen Zong, Fu Yunxiao and Yu Nianxin, but they didn't bother.

Those who enter Baiyun's main hall for the first time will inevitably be attracted by the dome of the main hall, and will often have some gains. As for the height of the harvest, it is closely related to the individual.

The five Taoists are very patient. For them who have reached the pinnacle of sacred realm, it is extremely difficult and impossible to further improve. Unless there is a great opportunity, the opportunity is often relatively.

Perhaps it is an opportunity for transcendental heaven, and it is very common to enter the sanctuary. Therefore, the opportunity to make the peak of the sanctuary further is extremely rare.

They haven't met for at least so many years.

However, the peak of entering the sacred realm, Shou Yuan is very long, and they are among the strongest in the top of the sky, they have few opponents, so they have fewer shots.

Without a shot, it is self-cultivation and patience.

A few minutes later, Fu Yunxiao was awake first, and was a little confused, feeling that there seemed to be something to gain, nothing seemed to him, and he couldn't tell what the road was.

After another quarter of an hour, Yu Nianxin woke up, feeling the same as Fu Yunxiao.

As for Chen Zong, he was still immersed in it.

Under Chen Zong's gaze, the dome clouds changed.

From time to time into beasts, from time to time to become vegetation, sometimes to mountains, and sometimes to the sea. In the end, no matter what the change, all will condense into a sword.

Beast sword, grass sword, wooden sword, earth sword, stone sword, mountain sword, sea sword ...

Over time, under Chen Zong's gaze, the sky seemed to disappear, and the white clouds seemed to disappear. There was only one sword light around, and each sword light was tangled with clouds of white sword spirit.

The five Taoist masters looked in surprise, and there seemed to be a flash of surprise in their eyes.

The realm of Fu Yunxiao and Yu Nian's heart is not enough, so they have no feeling, but they have a feeling, they only feel that the dome of the main hall of Baiyun seems to have countless swords pervading, if true or false.

"This is such an amazing talent." Liuyun Taoist exclaimed, only the other four Taoist masters could hear his voice.

"Under enlightenment, turning Qi into a sword, this sword is extremely talented." The head of Tianyun Tao said slowly.

Among the five Taoists, Tianyun Taoist is the oldest and most qualified.

"Magic cloud, this son is the one you brought back to Shanmen, and has a fate with you." The Lianyun Taoist laughed: "If you don't mind, I can do it."

"You can't teach him," said Yun Yun Taoist Xu Xuji.

The meaning of Daoyun Taoist is to accept Chen Zong as a disciple, but the meaning of Daoyun Taoist is not to be a disciple of Chen Zong.

Listening to the words of Yunyun Taoist, there is no dissatisfaction with the refining Yundaoist.

Looking at Chen Zong's growth record and current enlightenment, indeed, the five Taoists are not qualified to become Chen Zong's masters.

What is a master?

Preach his way to dispel qi, guide his path and direction, and provide help within his ability.

The talents shown by Chen Zong are extremely high, and they have exceeded the level they can teach. If they try to teach, they will cause deviation.

The true genius only needs to give some guidance, and the rest will go on his own to advance, and Chen Zong belongs to this.

Otherwise, the imaginary Taoist master would have taken Chen Zong as an apprentice.

"This time, you can't compete with me." Feiyun Tao said suddenly, the four Taos understood what she was talking about ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Time passed slowly, a blink of an eye is a The hour passed, but Chen Zong was still in the state of enlightenment and did not wake up.

Fu Yunxiao and Yu Nianxin did not bother Chen Zong. Although they felt enlightened, they seemed to be gaining, but they did not seem to be gaining, but they also understood that this state was hard to come by, not to mention whether there was gain, at least they felt refreshed. Cool, even thinking is more active than usual.

The two did not talk, but looked around carefully.

Everything in Baiyun's main hall looks so simple, but if you look closely, you will find that it is not simple. Everything is placed with care, and it is natural, just like a miracle of nature. .

Each sculpture looks wonderful to the top, and seems to grow naturally, just like the texture of leaves.

Two hours passed, Fu Yunxiao and Yu Nianxin were still looking at the main hall, and Chen Zong still didn't wake up, but the sword's sharp edge in the air seemed to be more intense, making the five Taoists even more shocked.

This kind of kendo talent is really amazing, it is really not something that can be taught by others and others, and a trace of luck in the heart is also shattered.

However, they are also happy. After all, such a genius is a disciple of Bai Yunshan.

Three hours passed, the five Taoists could feel that the sword energy had permeated the whole hall, and it seemed to be everywhere.

At the fourth hour, Fu Yunxiao and Yu Nianxin finished their examination, but they could not see the five Taoists.

Suddenly, there seems to be a sound of a sword sounding, as if pulling out a sword, the sword light dances in the sky, even Fu Yunxiao and Yu Nianxin both feel it. The sword sound was sent out, and Chen Zong was sober.

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