Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 49: Endless blood

Ziming City can only be regarded as a small city in Zishan Prefecture. There are megaliths standing six hundred miles south of Ziming City, and a dark shadow lurks behind a megalith, as if attached to the megalith.

"Why can't you feel the wave of the Hexa Mark?" The shadow that seemed to be attached to the boulder was secretly startled.

He is one of the Heisha members who chased from the Hexa branch of Gufengfu. He can chase Chen Zong, and has his own good ability and some luck.

In the Gufeng Heixa Division, he is of the Bronze level, as long as he completes the task again, he can be promoted to Yinsha.

There is a big difference between Tongsha and Yinsha.

"Estimated by what means was temporarily concealed."

But now is not the time to shoot, because there is a Zipao disciple of the ancient style house, its strength is not trivial.

"You were arrested, and I went back to Gufeng Mansion to wait for trial." Disciples in the purple robes of Gu Fengfu said absently, and the flat tone seemed to tell a fact. Immediately, the eyes suddenly became cold and deep in their eyes. It was a ray of murder, and his tone became faint: "Let me interrupt your hands and feet, interrupt your spine, and drag you back like a dead dog."

They were sent to chase Chen Zong's disciples, and the task was not to slay Chen Zong on the spot, but to get it back. As for the complete and intact capture or half-death, then he could do it, as long as he did not die.

As for why you should take it alive, naturally you have to try it openly and let other practitioners of other forces see it and dare to challenge Gufengfu's end.

Will Chen Zong be obedient and go to trial with the other party?

will not!

Will Chen Zong make the other person interrupt his hands and feet?


So there is only one battle.

The heavy dragon sword quickly emerged from the sheath, the dark sword turned into a remnant moon and slashed out, and the amazing sword pressure instantly tore the ground.

The disciples of the ancient robes of the purple robe suddenly sneered.

A semi-sacred strength, even dare to take action against himself, really brave.

It should be noted that the gap between the semi-holy level and entering the holy realm is like Tianyuan. Even the semi-sacred level of the genius can not compete with the most ordinary entering the holy realm.

This is the truth of the world.

"That being the case, let me break your arrogance, kill you half of your life, and drag you back." A disciple smiled on the face of the disciple of Zifeng, Gufengfu.

In the face of the scorching moon-like black sword light that Chen Zong broke through and killed, there was no meaning of dodging. With a wave of his robe sleeve, there seemed to be a roar of excitement. It raged in all directions, pouring into the sleeve of the robe.

Immediately, a palm blasted out from it, and a brightly printed palm print instantly bombarded, and the void shook as if to be broken.

As soon as he touched, the dark sword light destroyed the shattered shattered shattered, the palm quickly enlarged in front of Chen Zong's eyes, it seemed to cover up half of the sky, flooded the whole world, and a touch of darkness came.

The terrible pressure directly bombarded Chen Zong, only feeling that an oppressive force came from all directions, as if it were the power of heaven and earth.

"So smart martial arts!" Chen Zong secretly was shocked.

The spiritual martial arts mobilizes the vitality of the heavens and the earth and the power of some heavens and earth is often exhibited with great momentum, but at the holy level, it has undergone transformation, and the power of accepting the heaven and earth has been strengthened and enhanced.

Tianyuan Sacred Realm is different from the Outer Realm and higher than the Outer Realm. Here, the sacred martial arts practice is even more amazing.

Although Chen Zong was also baptized in Tianyuan, he was not originally a person in Tianyuan Sanctuary and had not fully adapted. Tianyuan baptism did change Chen Zongfa, and it was only initially not excluded by the rules of Tianyuan Sanctuary.

It takes some time to fully adapt to it and give full play to your strengths, just like the practitioners born and raised in the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary.

That palm is constantly enlarged, then the five fingers are bent, as if captured by a heavenly hand. The lines on each finger are extremely clear, and each stripe road releases a breathtaking atmosphere, as if the dragon and snake dance wildly, arrogantly. Nine days in general, there is a storm raging in my palm, sweeping madly and destroying everything.

With this one hand, Chen Zong felt desperate, as if he could not be avoided or irresistible, even if he broke out of a high-end semi-holy strength, he could not resist it.

Chen Zong looked dignified and didn't panic. Since he can't deal with the opponent with his own strength, he can only use his hole cards.

The back of the right hand suddenly burst into a **** light, and the light was filled with amazing breath fluctuations.

In the next breath, a ray of **** light came out like a sword coming out of a sheath and tearing through the sky, rolling up an astonishing frenzy, its speed as streamer, and it was beyond description.

Dripping Blood Sword: One sword soars blood!

This trick, Chen Zong only performed once in the Yinhuo Tomb of the Great Heavenly Realm, and it was a good show. This was the second time.

For a moment, Chen Zong had a deeper understanding and understanding of this trick.

The blood-colored sword is extremely sharp, with immense mighty imposing power, as if tearing and breaking through the sky.

Suddenly, the fierce **** sword light collided with that palm, bursting out an astonishing power, and directly crushing the storm out of the palm of his hand.

But the power of that palm was also very amazing, like a mountain of repression, crushing the sword light.


The blood-colored sword light shattered, and the palm print was shot down. It seemed to crack the earth, causing the earth to shake. Between the dust, a crack spread like a spider web.

At the same time, phantoms came to life, hurried away.

"I still want to escape under my eyelids." The disciples of the ancient robe of the purple robe suddenly became angry, and the robe sleeves waved, as if driven by a storm, flying forward at an amazing speed, like a gust of wind It was like, howling around.

The speed of Zifengpao disciples in this ancient style is too fast, which Chen Zong cannot compare at all.

Suddenly, the blood glow surging like a sea, as if a sea of ​​blood emerged out of thin air, filled with terrifying horror, filled the sky, and it seemed that the entire sky was turned into a sea of ​​blood, and then the whole sea of ​​blood was suppressed by air. Next, the Zipao disciple in Degufeng House changed his face greatly.

In the face of this terrible momentum, he felt a small feeling for no reason at all.

"Okay!" Disciples of Gufengfu Zipao were very excited. He was just trying to complete the task, one was to maintain the reputation of Gufengfu, and the other was rewarded. He didn't expect such secrets on him.

The method used by the founder is very good, enough to make the other side reluctantly compete with himself at the semi-holy level. Especially now, the power is even more amazing, and he even feels surprised.

If you succeed, you may be more powerful if you use your strength to urge.

Neither Chen Zong nor the disciples of the ancient robes of the ancient wind government knew that a figure behind them always followed silently, as if the snakes were lurking in the dark, but at the slightest opportunity, they would immediately wait for the opportunity and kill them. .

Whether it is killing Chen Zong, a black traitor, or killing a purple robe disciple in Gufengfu, it is not a small feat. Not only can he be promoted to Yinsha, but he can also get a lot of benefits.

It is axiom that people act for their own benefit.

Especially those who are such dark forces have their interests first.

The sea of ​​blood is condensing in an empty air, turbulent and roaring, roaring and roaring, covering one side of the world, as if it is constantly spreading out, to become endless, the terrible power rages in it, drowns everything and devours everything.

The terrible momentum was suppressed in the air, and the world was shocked.

The sea of ​​blood is endless!

There are three tricks of the dripping sword technique inside the dripping sword seal.

The first trick is to smash blood with a sword, the main speed is amazing, the second trick is to smash the blood with a sword, the main force, an instant burst of incredible power.

The third and final move is the strongest one. It is the perfect combination of the first move and the second move to generate deeper changes and mysteries, and it turns into an endless blood sea to suppress the void, so it is named Blood Sea Endless. .

Even if the **** sword fell on Chen Zong, when he did this trick, he still had a laborious feeling, and his super-spiritual force was directly pulled away from most.

In other words, such a trick, Chen Zong can only perform twice in a row.

However, taking a move away from most of his super-spiritual power, the power is indeed very terrible. Under the terrible repression, the speed of the disciples of the ancient robes of the purple robe suddenly dropped. UU reading book www.uukanshu.com looked slightly dignified and must be taken seriously. .

Heisha Tongsha, who followed in the distance, was also secretly shocked. This defector had such a means.

It seems that the inspection in Heisha seems to have missed something, but it doesn't matter, in the end everything will belong to himself.

You are the final winner. Now, let the disciple of Gufeng House and the defector fight for a life or death. It is best to lose both. At that time, you can solve them together and become the biggest winner.

When I think of it, the copper can't help but feel a little excited, but he hasn't been affected much and has lost his mind. He is still very secretly pursuing.

"The palm of the gale ... the gale rises and the clouds fly!" The disciples of the ancient robes of the purple robes fluttered, and the wide robe sleeves of their arms swung suddenly, rolling up a wave of violent wind, the storm was raging and violent, and all went into the holy The strength of the situation is fully exerted.

The Zipao disciple who can become the ancient style mansion is naturally unusual in his ability to enter the sacred realm. It can be compared with all-out efforts, and his power is even more amazing.

The storm ravaged the world, as if it had turned into a stormy mountain and stormy sea, and collided with the endless sea of ​​blood that roared down and down.

Suddenly, it seemed that two oceans collided with each other, as if two mountains collided with each other. The terrible power stirred all directions, the explosion smashed everything, and within thousands of kilometers, it was plunged into terrible power. Everything in it would Destroyed and crushed.

The disciples of the ancient robes of the purple robe changed greatly, and quickly pulled back to cast their body skills to the extreme.

While Chen Zong was shocked, he also broke out with the fastest speed and the impact of the explosion, and the whole person went away like a meteor.

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