Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 52: Unfathomable old man

The empty hall was dark, with four monsters and three humans. Chen Zong stared at the last entrant, and immediately knew that he was the source of all his anxieties.

In other words, this person has been secretly following, playing the role of the last hunter.

The disciples in Zifeng of Gufeng House were also scared and angry, and their faces were cold.

"Heysha people, really have a haunting spirit." The disciples of the ancient robes of the purple robe said coldly.

But this person didn't respond at all. In fact, he was annoyed in the heart. He was walking in the dark, but now he was suddenly pierced and exposed to the public eye. The feeling was absolutely unpleasant.

The four-headed beasts all had good sages, and immediately started to fly towards three humans.

Anyway, kill three humans first.

A fierce battle is about to begin in this empty hall. Suddenly, the indescribable breath permeates from all directions, as if the sky is collapsing. The breath is magnificent and ancient, filled with amazing chill and evil spirit.

As soon as the breath came out, the bodies of the three monsters and four monsters were directly suppressed and moved, and the cold air came from the bottom of the heart, and a trace of heart palpitations emerged from the depths of the soul.

As if the master of the breath had a single idea, he could erase them all and completely disappear between the heavens and the earth.

"My dear, the old man let you enter here, but it didn't make you splash here." The hoarse voice sounded with a vast ancient charm, it seemed to come from all directions, as if from the heart of everyone.

The words fell, and a figure appeared silently, seemingly there since ancient times, standing in front of the crowd, suspended in mid-air.

It was an old man wearing an ancient silver robe. The ancient silver robe had blood-stained lines on it, which were woven like silk. They were drawn into a mysterious pattern. You ca n’t look at it at all, or you will feel dizzy.

The old man's face was vague, and there seemed to be smog, making it difficult to see his appearance clearly.

The old man in the ancient silver blood-patterned robe was suspended in the air of the hall, and there was a feeling of becoming a central hub, as if the hall existed by him.

This is an extremely terrifying strongman, and it is impossible to speculate to what extent his strength reaches.

The four-headed monster and the three did not struggle at all because there was no need for that.

The opponent is too strong, if you want to kill them, just think of it.

"Sleeping for too long and too long, I forgot that the master's heritage is not what the monsters can do." The old man smiled suddenly, his deep eyes turned and swept across the four monsters.

For no reason, a big terror rose from the hearts of the four-headed monster.

They are struggling madly, exploding their own power despite desperation, but unable to move, completely suppressed by invisible power.


Four consecutive sounds sounded, and four powerful monsters were in the moment, under the gaze of the three Chen Zong, were squeezed by invisible forces and burst in an instant, but did not explode, but were limited to a certain Within the range, it quickly collapsed and compressed, and finally coagulated into four whole-body red beads.

Each bead looks bright red and crystal clear, like the most beautiful works of art, extremely seductive.

"These four blood dandelions are the combination of the flesh and blood essence of the four monsters and the wicked dandelion essence." The old man said with a wave of beating, the four blood dandelions flew away and fell into his hands.

The three of them were shocked when they heard what they said.

The four-headed monster beast was very valuable. Although its body is not as good as the monster, it can also sell a good value.

However, the blood Dan formed by the combination of flesh essence and Yao Dan essence, I am afraid that it is even more extraordinary, and its value is definitely better than Yao Dan.

The three of Chen Zong were even more shocked by each other's means.

I have never heard anyone who can shatter four living beasts in a split second, directly extract the essence of flesh and blood, and condense it into four blood blazes in an instant. These methods are sensational.

"These four blood dandelions should be regarded as a good treasure for you." The old man's face seemed to have a playful smile on his face, sweeping the three Chen Zong, and the four blood dandelions fluttered in his hands.

"Taking this Xuedan, you can exercise qi and blood without side effects to strengthen your body, and you can also improve your qi training."

Hearing that the three of Chen Zong's faces changed greatly.

Wherever elixir has side effects, the monster's monster contains the power of the monster, but it is violent and difficult to absorb directly.

I did not expect that this Xuedan could be directly absorbed without side effects, and had great effects on refining and training.

Even if you are an uncultivated practitioner, it is also a good thing to have a stronger physique, which can improve your own survivability and so on.

For a moment, all three were excited.

But no one spoke.

"Do you really want these four blood dandelions?" The old man asked back, the teasing in his tone seemed to become more obvious, as if to make something prank: "If you want, then please satisfy the old man, as long as the old man thinks Satisfied, a blood dan will be rewarded. "

"Why not answer?"

"Don't you want these four Blood Dans?"

"Although they are lower-level, they should work well for you."

The old man was a little surprised. Why didn't the three Chen Zong respond and asked again and again, it seemed that they hadn't spoken for too long and wanted to say enough.

Immediately, the old man seemed to suddenly realize that he patted his mind.

"The old man has forgotten that you are suppressed by the old man's momentum and cannot move."

In the next breath, the three Chen Zong only felt that the terrible breath of restraint and suppression had disappeared in an instant and was able to move again.

However, at this time, the disciples in the ancient robes of Zifengpao did not dare to deal with Chen Zong. Who knows if this horrible and unfathomable old man will be unhappy.

"I don't know what the juniors should do to make the seniors satisfied?" Disciples of the Purple Robe of the Ancient Fengfu immediately began to bow and salute and asked very respectfully.

"What to do to make the old man feel satisfied ..." The old man moaned suddenly, and seemed to be thinking.

Because what was just said was a temporary intention, and there was no preparation at all.

So, how can you be satisfied?

The old man thought hard and meditated, and a hint of depression breathed out in the hall.

The three just heard murmured self-talks.




It seemed like he was trapped in a magic wand. The old man kept repeating his thoughts. The depressed atmosphere became more and more obvious. The three of Chen Zong seemed to be caught in the deep sea. They were squeezed frantically by invisible pressure, and they felt breathing difficulties. Collapsed.


This old man is really terrifying.

The three Chen Zong felt that they would be crushed by this terrible pressure.

"Forget it, the three juniors can't make the old man happy." After a while, the old man said just now, his tone was a little stunned and his eyes were stunned.

"Let's do this ..." The old man waved his hand, and the four blood dans flew out, turning into four blood rays and rushing through the empty hall: "You can do your best, who can catch the blood dan, Who owns it. "

As soon as the old man's voice fell, the three of them were overjoyed, and the fastest speed erupted immediately.

There are four Blood Dans, and there are four Blood Lights, which are scattered separately. They are as flexible as fish swimming in the water, as tricky as a viper, and as fast as lightning.

For a time, the three men who broke out at full speed could not even chase.

In terms of cultivation, Chen Zong is the lowest among the three, and it is just a transcendental realm, while the other two are both into the sanctuary. There is a big difference in the level of cultivation.

In this way, Chen Zong is obviously inferior to those two in terms of speed.

But the old man looked at it with amusement, and was a little surprised.

"The cultivation of this son is obviously only the limit of transcendental realm, but the speed is so fast, much faster than the ordinary middle-level semi-holy level, close to the ordinary high-level semi-holy level." The old man secretly wondered.

As an unfathomable strong man, the old man can naturally see some signs from some clues, and then speculate.

"I did not expect that this son turned out to be a king-level genius. Such a speed is also among the king-level geniuses." The old man secretly said, "I just don't know what the strength is?"

Suddenly, if you are interested, you will naturally pay more attention. With this attention, the old man was shocked because he saw more, saw more, learned more, and became more interested.

"The practice of qi is very clever. It seems that the exercises are very clever, and it is estimated that they are holy grades."

"Extremely vigorous and **** ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has also a good cultivation practice."

"It also has a strange fire of the earth."

"Oh, I used to practice Qi Qi to seal a part of my left hand seal, if I release it ..."

When the old man thought of it, Chen Zong also realized this.

Originally, he used part of his super-spiritual power to wrap up the Hexa Mark to prevent his blood from leaking out. However, he also restrained some of his strength and caused his strength to decline.

But now, but in a place where they don't know where, these two obviously have to chase and kill themselves. In this case, is it necessary to cover up the breath of Heisha mark?


In that case, take back that part of the power.

Suddenly, the breath on Chen Zong's body skyrocketed, and his speed increased in an instant and became faster.

"High-order semi-holy!"

"This is the speed that an emperor-level genius can have."

"If it's his strength ..." The old man was instantly excited and didn't come.

A transcendental limit, but possessing high-end semi-holy level of strength, should be the emperor-level genius, and no longer bad, is also the top genius among the king-level.

Of course, there is a gap between the king level and the emperor level.

But in any case, Chen Zong's talent made the old man interested, so he was excited.

He didn't expect that he just woke up once too long and wanted to have some fun, but was able to meet such a genius. Is it fate?

For a while, the old man's mind came alive, and the thoughts that had been deeply buried in the past came up again.

Maybe ... maybe there is such a hope.

Chen Zong didn't know for a moment. There were many thoughts in the old man's mind. Now Chen Zong only has one thought, which is to catch up with the blood dandelion, and at least one must be won, which is very good for himself.

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