Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 60: Tiansha (middle)

With a bang, like a hurricane crossing, trees within 100 meters were destroyed by a terrible force, and debris was flying.

With a weight of 98,000 kilograms, the heavy dragon sword exerted amazing power under the strength of Chen Zong, blocking the opponent's huge axe directly.

Seeing his own mountain axe was blocked by the front of the opponent, this strong man was shocked, but his axe weighed thousands of pounds, and was smashed out with high-end semi-sacred power. The power burst out in an instant Extremely amazing, even a small hill will be directly split by itself.

One axe was blocked by Chen Zong, and he immediately raised it. The second axe was cut again, and it became more fierce, as if he would not smash Chen Zong to swear.

Chop Chop!

The terrible giant axe was cut off wildly, every axe was exerting its best, the axe light rolled up the terrible storm of destruction and destroyed everything.

Madman Battle Axe!

This axe is a sacred subordinate, which is terrible in the sacred subordinate. The power will continue to increase as soon as it is unfolded.

Not crazy, not live.

Chen Zong's face was dignified, the opponent's axe was terrible, and it became more and more powerful at first, and it seemed that he would not stop killing himself.

This is a very absolute axe.

The eighth layer of Taiyuan Moyun Gong is running at full power, the nine spiritual wheels are fully open, and the super spiritual power is pulsating endlessly in the body.


Hitting head to head, Chen Zong relies on his arrogant physique and strength, and each strike is positive resistance.

Terrible force burst out, and the ground shattered and collapsed.

"My current strength, even when compared with the more powerful high-end semi-holy level, is not too much." Chen Zong said secretly.

It is really terrible to practice with the limit of transcendental realm, but to have the ability to compete with the more powerful high-end semi-holy level.

"So now, take you to try the first trick of the dripping sword that I learned."

The thoughts flashed by, Chen Zong's expression was calm, his eyes faintly filled with a ray of murderousness, and the eyes and pupils seemed to render a layer of redness in an instant.

The super-spiritual power runs, the blood rushes endlessly, the heavy dragon sword trembles, there seems to be a vague dragon groan, and a ray of blood spreads on the sword front.

The strong Han's eyebrows flickered, and a stun in his eyes flashed, at the same time, Chen Zongyi sword waved.

Dripping Blood Sword: One sword soars blood!

This sword is a sword that pays attention to speed.

The brawny man's expression changed drastically, his body shape was absent, and he immediately evaded to the side while waving his axe to resist.

But the sword missed his huge axe and killed it directly, scratching his cheeks dangerously, tearing a hole, blood dripping.

Chen Zong was a little sorry, but the brave man was creepy and terrified.

Almost, if it wasn't for the omen that the other side had discovered the omen before the sword was issued, and then reacted in advance, I was afraid that it would not be avoided, and the eyebrows would be directly penetrated.

He is a normal person. If the eyebrows are penetrated, the brain will be destroyed, and there will be no doubt then.

The slightest difference is the difference between life and death. Nowadays, just cheek injuries, it is nothing at all, and there is no obstacle at all, but at the same time, this strong man is also furious, almost killed himself, to the extreme.

"Unfortunately, my cultivation is not enough, and I don't have enough knowledge of the sword of dripping blood." Chen Zong secretly regretted it.

It's just a little bit worse, that sword can kill the opponent.

It's a pity that a little difference is so big.

When the sword came out, there was blood light spreading. This kind of omen is very obvious. No wonder he will be avoided by the opponent.

This is also because his cultivation is not clever enough to truly control the holy top-grade swordsmanship. Another reason is that the dripping swordsmanship is only a preliminary understanding and preliminary practice, and it is not enough to get started.

However, its power is indeed good, if you change to an ordinary high-order semi-holy level, I'm afraid that you can't avoid it and die with a sword.

"Strong arm ... Black Mountain Axe!" In a violent drink like a beast, under the fury of a brave man, amazing power surged into his arms instantly, and a terrible sound sounded, as if something burst, the sleeves of his arms were in the moment Shocked and crushed by the terrible force, the arms that were originally thick also swelled, as thick as thighs.

The terrible vitality is spreading from the thick arms like the python coiling, straight through the giant axe in his hand. The giant axe permeates the extremely black light, as if a black mountain emits terrible waves. Dropped instantly.

There was a roar and it moved in shock.

Chen Zong's complexion changed suddenly.

This axe fell, as if the sky became dark, and it seemed to be rendered with a layer of black. Looking closely, it was as if a huge black mountain fell into the air, as if to smash the ground.

The black mountain is like a giant axe that has been magnified countless times, permeating with arrogance, majestic, majestic, overbearing and violent momentum, crushing everything.

The power of this axe is more than doubled than before.

This is the combination of mystery and tricks, and it is the strongest blow that the strong man can burst out.

Such power makes Chen Zong's solemn look startled.

Hard to resist.

In this case, don't resist.

The nine magic changes!

Suddenly, the body is divided into two, the true and false are difficult to distinguish, one is holding the sword to kill the sky, as if the moth flew toward the fire, the other is holding the sword to the strong man, the sword is dark, in the sky Passing, leaving an eternal trace.

The shape of the axe rushing to Montenegro was instantaneous, and then collapsed into powder, but it also made the axe slightly stopped, restrained instantly, and restrained his shape instantly.

Another figure was killed, making the strong man creepy, his eyes and pupils shrinking like needles.

The pervasive murder of this sword made him tremble.

When he was in danger, he quickly released the huge axe in his hand, and he was all light, as if he was unloading a heavy bag. His body retreated quickly like a rapid, and at the same time he flew a foot to burst out a terrible power, as if he could blast the rocks Kicked towards Chen Zong's belly.

I have to say that this brave man is extremely rich in combat experience and has a very good temporary response ability.

Chen Zong had already given his body a stab, but he immediately let go and let go of the giant axe, to get rid of the pause brought by Chen Zong directly, and retreat quickly. At the same time, he was able to kick out the powerful A kick.

If Chen Zong's combat experience is not enough and the reaction speed is not enough, don't say to kill him, he is expected to suffer directly.

The power of this foot is very fierce, and it can directly kill the ordinary mid-level semi-holy master.

However, Chen Zong has experienced countless battles, with rich combat experience. He has already become an instinct. The reaction speed is needless to say. The body twists in an instant. The lightness is like a flying feather and the snake is free from the kick. Sword sharp empty.


The air was like cloth. The brave man quickly raised his arm to resist the sword, the golden iron and iron symphony sounded, the heavy dragon sword cut on the opponent's arm, and spewed countless sparks.

I do n’t know when the brawny man ’s forearm is covered with a layer of bronze armour. It is that armour that blocked Chen Zong ’s sword and beheaded, otherwise the flesh would be cut off directly.


The strong man looked dignified, crossed his arms in front of him, and made two long marks on the ground with his feet.


Even if there is no giant axe in hand, the strength of this brave man is not affected, the armour is next to him, his fists are bombarded like meteorites, the power is terrible.

Chen Zong was even more surprised.

Such practitioners, who are good at both axe and boxing, are rare, or in other words, practitioners who are good at martial arts in two different systems.

After all, people's energy and time are limited. If they are used together, they don't feel enough. How can they refine the second one?

But this brave man is a little unexpected, the boxing is very strong and fierce.

After punching out two punches, the strong man stepped back again. Immediately, he saw a pill of elixir, the elixir was black and red, and there was a sense of anger.

"Forcing me to take Rage Dan, you deserve to die a hundred times." The strong man said angrily, swallowing elixir.

"Crazy Dan!" Chen Zong's face looked stunned, and the memory of King Taiyuan surfaced.

Rage Dan is also a famous elixir in ancient times.

As the name suggests, once you take it, you will get violent power, so that your strength soars a level in an instant, and it is often used as a counterattack.

Many people have succeeded in counterattacking, and the Jedi counterattacked.

The strength of the original strong man was a relatively high-end semi-holy level. So when taking Randan, his strength became more terrible, his strength soared, and he was infinitely close to entering the sanctuary ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The boxing strength is like the roar of the demon dragon. The fist pressure hits first, which suffocates Chen Zong. The long hair robe is uncontrolled and flutters directly backward, as if to be torn.


Extremely violent.

The strong man's eyes are flashing with a violent and violent light, which is a side effect of the violent Dan, which will make people crazy.


Chen Zong only felt as if he was hit by an ancient monster, and flew back instantly, his blood was surging, and he couldn't help spitting against the blood, his viscera was burning, his muscles were trembling and tender.


The strong man blasted his second fist like crazy, venting the violent power in his body.

"Tiansha!" Chen Zong whispered.

Instantly, Chen Xi's eyes opened in the sea of ​​knowledge, a terrible breath permeated, like a tide and a volcanic eruption, and the power was extremely fierce and mysterious, spreading rapidly, permeating ten meters around Chen Zong's body.

The brawny man was all over, his face changed greatly, the mad look in his eyes turned into consternation, doubt, and struggle, only feeling an indescribable evil spirit that continued to impact the repression, as if he was about to fall into the blood of a corpse, killing himself, Shen, his strength also became disordered.


Only momentarily, the strength of the strong man was directly weakened by 70%.

Tiansha force field showed prestige.

"Kill!" Seizing a momentary opportunity, Chen Zong was killed by a sword, but it was just an ordinary sword, but it came to the extreme, turning into a black streamer, and it was like a black thunderbolt.

The brave man could only watch this Jianguang break through the air, but when he tried to dodge, he found that his mind seemed to fail to respond, and his body was numb and unable to respond.

A sword was cut across the thick blue tendon.

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