Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 71: Rookie

Blood beads tumbled in the midst of the sky, and the sun shined brightly, falling slowly.

The figure collapsed in an instant, and it appeared not far away as a transposition.

Lin Heming had a lingering fear, and the sword was just too fast, and he was almost hit. Although he avoided it in time, a sword injury was also cut on the back of his hand, and two drops of blood spilled.

In this case, the other party was able to avoid his sword, and Chen Zong had to be amazed.

The heavy dragon sword returned to its sheath, and Zhan Yuejian appeared in his hand.

Zhan Yuejian is much heavier than the heavy dragon sword, but it does not have much impact on Chen Zong as a whole. On the contrary, the heavier weight can explode more powerfully, and Zhan Yuejian is a Chinese semi-sacred weapon. With mid-level semi-holy power, the increase is even more obvious.

Seeing Chen Zong changing his sword, the pressure that pervaded the sword, Lin Heming's eyes narrowed for a moment.

It was just a little injured on the back of the hand that did not affect the strength.

The arms shook, and the rays of light swirled out like flying feathers. They surrounded the arms and condensed into a pair of armbands. The armbands were connected with gloves, which made Lin Heming's arms and hands change greatly. An amazing breath followed It's permeated.

Semi-holy artifact!

Moreover, it is still a high-order semi-holy artifact!

With his arms flying and his body leaping, such as the sky crane flying in the sky, the volley was rushed to the sky, and Yun Heba's eight-handed hand was again displayed.

Under the high-end semi-holy artifact, the power of Yunhe Ba's every move became more terrible and more amazing.

However, Chen Zong, who used Yue Jian to cut the sword, did not break the sword circle, and the mixed yuan did not break. The five-foot circle was able to resist all the attacks of Lin Heming.

Chen Zong once again explained the power without breaking the sword circle.

The unbreakable sword circle under the realm of heart is even more terrible.

Not only did Lin Heming's Yun Heba ’s eight hands be completely blocked, but he also fought back through weak points. Each sword had a powerful counterattack, which made Lin Heming have to fight against it, and the continuous offensive was repeatedly interrupted.

"Tianhejue!" A low groan, but like the sharp and high-pitched tweet of Baihe, the breath was like flames, and turned into a white crane's shadow, soared into the sky, turned perfectly and dived down.


Bai He's virtual shadow entered the body, Lin Heming's momentum soared.

Yun Heba's eight-handed power is even stronger.

"Tianjing war body!" Chen Zong also exhibited the secret method.

Tianjing warfare is already small, and the increase in its own strength is more and more obvious.

Ten Shadows and Ten Blades Kill!

Suddenly, the sword was transformed into a body. Ten figures of ten swords ran in all directions, killing Lin Heming.

Cultivation, martial arts, and secret methods are all performed.

Lin Heming burst into full force, and Chen Zong also took out his full strength.

The fighting became more and more fierce.

This man named Chen Zong was able to fight Lin Heming to such an extent.


"This person definitely has the power of the underdog."

"If he can defeat Lin Heming ..."

In a word, a storm broke out in the hearts of everyone.

The 108th place on the Blackboard has not changed for a year, or the change in ranking has been limited to those in the Blackboard, and no newcomer has successfully challenged to be ranked on the Blackboard.

Is it true that one year has been broken today?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Whether Lin Heming is still able to win and continue to maintain the position on the bottom of the rankings, everyone is not really concerned about it. Relatively speaking, if Lin Heming defeats, it will be even more exciting, because it means that another master with the power of the bottom rankings appear.

Hold each breath, watching Chen Zong and Lin Heming fighting fiercely, expecting secretly.

Lin Heming's servant clenched his fists and secretly encouraged his master, hoping that he could defeat the opponent again.

The master and servant share the same shame.

If Lin Heming is defeated, he will naturally be affected.

After a series of attacks, Lin Heming's look became more and more dignified. Keeping this high-intensity attack for him has a lot of power, and he has to deal with the opponent's severe and heavy counterattack. His heart is very expensive. Compared with Chen Zong, in terms of toughness, Lin Heming obviously has some shortcomings.

Of course, if it is a relatively ordinary high-grade semi-holy level, it is better than many.

Lin Heming's strength is very strong, so that Chen Zong feels great pressure. Without using the strength of Shura's avatar, it is difficult to win, even now he can only remain unbeaten.

This is a tug of war.

But Chen Zong can also feel that in this high-intensity battle, his own potential is inspired by a little bit of squeezing.

This is also what Chen Zong needs. Squeezing stimulates his own potential, allowing Qi practice to go a step further, creating a perfect Qi practice foundation, and then breaking through to the semi-holy level, so as to bring his own potential and talent Give full play to it.

Chen Zong could feel that the bottleneck on his own Qi training seemed to loosen a little bit, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.


Constantly squeezing your own power, constantly resisting counterattacks, and forcing the other party to exert more strength as much as possible.


Bao Jianfeng emerged from sharpening, without sharpening, how to create a peerless edge.

Lin Heming did his best, and he also wanted to find opportunities for breakthroughs. Chen Zong is undoubtedly a very good opponent. Perhaps, he can further stimulate his potential and then let himself find opportunities for breakthroughs.

Both have their own purpose, but they are the same, and do their best.

Fight fight!

The collision of fist and sword, the power stirred in all directions, like a storm overflowing.

Power was drastically consumed, and Bai Yanyu continued to emerge from the two men, rising.

"Yun Heba's best hand ... he went out of the air!"

Lin Heming's look was extremely dignified, his robe agitated, his black hair dancing wildly, as if the wind was roaring and blowing, the final power broke out in an instant without reservation. This blow was also the last blow, the power of the blow, and powerless.

If this attack cannot defeat Chen Zong, there will be no strength to fight again.

This is also the strongest move that Lin Heming has mastered. It is a move that he has learned within the past six months.

Put your fingers together on your right hand, and all the forces gathered turbulently. A white imagination spread its wings, its long neck was bent, and its sharp mouth moved forward. It seemed to fit into the right hand.

With a slight movement, an extremely sharp and high-pitched voice sounded, wearing a golden cracked stone, so that everyone around Wudoutai changed his complexion, only feeling that the eardrum seemed to be punctured and torn, and the pain was endless.

First, Chen Zong's complexion was extremely dignified. The sharp voice pierced into the eardrum, and seemed to smash his mind.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's soul is very strong, his spiritual will is extremely tenacious, and his knowledge of the sea is stable. This level of sonic shock is not enough to affect.

Lin Heming struck to death like a white crane. This strike was extremely sharp. It seemed that nothing in the world could resist it. Any hardness would be broken by life.

Under super perception, Chen Zong can feel the power of this attack, it is indeed much stronger than the previous crane wings.

Even excluding the increase in secret methods and high-end semi-holy artifacts, it is stronger than the previous crane wings, at least 30% stronger.

Reaching this level of strength, and the 30% increase in strength is undoubtedly very scary.

This attack is not only powerful, but also a kind of conviction and a kind of utter despair. It is as if the attack has come to an end. Such an attack is the most difficult to resist.

That's the kind, even if you are a strong person in the sacred realm, I will hit you absolutely with a blow.

With a single strike, Chen Zong looked extremely dignified, the realm of the heart evoked to the extreme, the power of the mind was consumed madly, as if burned by fire.

This is also the first time that Chen Zong has inspired the realm of the heart. Everything in the five-meter circle seems to become clearer. Vaguely, Chen Zong has a sense of control over everything in the five-meter circle.

Chen Zong was even more shocked by the sharp and incisive blow into the realm of the heart, and the speed dropped sharply.

But at the same time, Chen Zong also found flaws in it.

Lin Heming did not fully grasp this attack, so although his power is very strong, in the realm of the heart, its flaws are more obvious than that of He Yi.

Following the flaw, Chen Zong burst into full force, flashing blood, scrolling in all directions.

Sword of blood!


The sound of breaking air was so sharp that a ray of blood seemed to tear the sky apart.

Lin Heming's shock hit the world in a flash, and it was about to hit Chen Zong, but it dissipated like smoke.

Zhan Yuejian killed with aftermath, and directly blasted Lin Heming, vomiting blood.

Desperate to show the crane's blow in the air, Lin Heming has no power himself, and naturally cannot resist the aftermath of Chen Zong's sword.

"Master!" Lin Heming's servants exclaimed.

Lin Heming flew a hundred meters backwards ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After landing, his feet slipped back a few meters before he stood firmly, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, pale, and his eyes were tired.

Chen Zong has a sword in his hand and his back is as straight as a sword. There is a breath of breath in his body, soaring into the sky.

It seems that Chen Zong is still very strong, like a sword after opening, but Chen Zong knows that he has almost exhausted his super-spiritual power, and his power of mind has also consumed as much as 70%.

This battle is quite difficult.

Of course, Chen Zong still has the power to fight again, that is, the strength of refining.

Cultivation to the Fire Prison, Chen Zong's refining strength is strong enough to defeat the ordinary low-level semi-holy level.

Looking at Chen Zong who is still very powerful, Lin Heming can't help showing a bitter smile. He doesn't know if Chen Zong is now a strong foreign player or he still has the power, but he really did his best, there was no fighting force at all.

In this battle, I can only admit defeat. The only pity is that I did not have the opportunity to find a breakthrough.

Gong Gongshou, Lin Heming turned and walked down the Wudoutai, his servant immediately rushed to help.

There was silence all around, and the crow and sparrow were silent, and immediately exploded, with a sound like a tsunami.

Lin Heming was defeated, and not by the people on the Mingbang, but by a newcomer. This means that Lin Heming's name will disappear from the Mingbang, and Chen Zong will replace it.

The rules of the Blacklist are so simple and straightforward. The defeated, regardless of your previous ranking, will be replaced. If you are defeated by someone who is also on the Blacklist, it is a swap of rankings. If you are defeated by a newcomer, The ranking will be replaced by the newcomer, and your own name is naturally excluded from the bottom list. If you want to be included in the bottom list again, you will have to challenge again.

From now on, the name Chen Zong is included in the 105th place on the Underworld List, which is like a storm that has officially made a name for Xuanming City.

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