Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 73: Qiankun Garden

"I have never participated in a wine tasting conference. I don't know what the taste of the wine is." A wild young man with long hair fluttered and gave a grand laugh.

"It is said that the Qiankun Sun and Moon Wine not only makes people linger for a long time, but also inspires their own potential, and goes a step further." The spirited female practitioner has bright eyes and full of expectations.

"It's just this time, drinking Qiankun Sun and Moon wine, defeating the genius." The arrogant youth smiled coldly, his words revealing supreme confidence.

"Not to be careless, each of Tianjiao Tianjiao has extraordinary strength." The woman said utterly.

"Well, how about that, I'm more genius." The sneer on the face of Wu Ao's youth became more apparent.

Qiankun Garden, located in the east of Xuanming City, is a huge garden whose owner is a strange and well-known wine respecter.

The Supreme Master of Wine does not show up at all times, and has been staying in Qiankun Garden to make wine. His fine wine, even if many powerful people in the Holy Land need to taste, it is very difficult. The strongest peak is useless.

If you are not a bird, you are not a bird.

Come hard?

The wine respecter is not afraid. Once there was a strong man who had entered the sacred realm and wanted to buy the wine of the wine lord. The wine lord saw that he was not pleasing to the eye, but he did not sell. Unsuccessful, he was wounded by His Holiness, and fled.

Since then, many people know that the strength of the wine respecter is not trivial and cannot be easily provoked.

It is not a wise choice to fight against some fine wines and wine lords.

The gates of Qiankun Garden are usually closed, and those who are not important are denied entry. Today, the gates of Qiankun Garden are open to welcome guests from all directions.

Having said that, only the young generation Tianjiao who got the invitation is eligible to enter.

At the door, there is no one to guard, and there is no need to verify the invitation. Be aware that if you do n’t get the invitation to break in, the wine lord will not be confused, and will directly kill without mercy.

This kind of thing has happened in the past.

When Chen Zong stepped into Qiankun Garden, he suddenly developed a wonderful feeling.

Everything here, whether it is vegetation, rockery, or flowing water, is filled with the mysterious and mysterious feeling inside, as if suddenly stepping into another world.

All the hustle and bustle is far away, it seems that the whole world is left with only itself, but it is clear that there are other people walking in front of and behind itself, as if from the projection of another world.

Quiet, but not lonely, there is a kind of enjoyment, the mind relaxes unknowingly, and seems to relieve the heavy burden.

The rubble-paved trails, such as sapphire, white jade, and red jade, staggered and spread in different directions. I saw that different people would randomly choose different trails to enter.

Chen Zong chooses a cloud-colored trail to walk in. He is alone on the road, and is planted with turquoise green bamboos on both sides. The delicate bamboo leaves sway with the breeze, and a hint of bamboo fragrance pervades.

The trail was quiet, only the sound of the breeze rustling.

Chen Zong's footsteps were unpleasant. He walked for about a quarter of an hour before walking out of the trail, and found a figure walking out of the other trails.

"Different paths share the same goal." Chen Zong smiled slightly, raising a burst of enlightenment, which may be useless now and settle down, and will reappear when the opportunity is suitable in the future.

Cultivators, one step at a time, whether they are intentional or unintentional, are all accumulations, some accumulate their own feelings, and some accumulate their own feelings.

Some accumulations are immediately effective, while others are waiting for the right time to show their extraordinaryness.

Many trails share the same goal, but there is some kind of truth, but some people can understand and some people ignore it.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of all the people, Chen Zong rose again.

"There is practice everywhere." Chen Zong secretly said.

Gongfa martial arts is cultivation, a type of practice, but practice is not simple and contains thousands of things.

A grass has its mysterious charm, and a leaf has its deep texture.

For a time, Chen Zong had a sudden and cheerful feeling.

Entering into the deepest part of Qiankun Garden, it is a huge circle. Around the circle, there is a round roulette with a square shape. There are many mysterious patterns carved on the roulette. It looks very complicated, and it seems to be a hundred flowers. The pattern seems to be a beast pattern, as if it is a landscape pattern.

The roulette surrounds a huge circular platform, suspended two meters above the circular platform, with a total of dozens.

Each figure leaped up, developed a mysterious figure, landed on the roulette, and sat cross-legged.

Chen Zong also knew something. With a little thought, his body leapt up, like a plume of smoke, like a flying feather, and fell to one of the roulette wheels.

Suddenly, the strong wind struck, with a bit of sternness, and seemed to pierce his body. Chen Zong saw a person coming from another place quickly, as if the sword was broken, and the target was his own choice. Roulette.

There are still many empty roulettes, but they have to fight with themselves, but Chen Zong did not mean to fight with each other.

A round roulette, if the other wants it, give it to him.

Of course, if only the last roulette was left, then Chen Zong would not let it go.

In the final analysis, Chen Zong's realm is better than the other, and his mind is above the other. This kind of confrontation is completely unnecessary.

The body flickered in the air, seemingly simple, but in fact brilliant, fell to another empty roulette.

The contenders with Chen Zong, with a bit of pride, fell on the roulette originally chosen by Chen Zong, and this scene was naturally taken by many people.

"Zhao Yuan is acting too mad, and sooner or later he will lose." The wild youth frowned slightly.

"His personality has always been this way, and you don't know it." Yingqi Nuxi smiled bitterly: "Perhaps, only when he really suffers a big loss can he change."

"It's hard to say." The wild youth shook his head.

This is the case for some people. Some talents and some patience are touted. They become proud and overconfident, become aggressive and aggressive, and everywhere want to prove that they are stronger than others. Subconscious ones will look down on this and look down on that. .

Such people do suffer a big loss, but it is only a matter of time.

Once you have suffered a big loss, there are often two consequences, one is to be hit, and then you are lost, and the other is to regret after thinking about it, your heart is greatly increased, and you become introverted.

The latter is often more difficult than the former.

To Chen Zong, they were very impressed.

This approach is plainly a kind of provocation. If you are a bad-tempered person or a person with a bad heart, you will definitely fight for your higher self and even a real fire.

But what's the point in the end?

Meaningless, purely meaningless struggle.

That's what low-end practitioners do. Really savvy practitioners, regardless of their temperament, have a high state of mind and mentality, and they rarely do meaningless struggles for no reason.

Of course, everything is not so absolute. Some people with fierce temperament can take care of their low-end, high-end and whatever peace of mind.

Still others are moody and kill casually.

But anyway, they both admire Chen Zong.

This has always been Chen Zong's temperament. He usually looks peaceful and introverted. Like a sword in a sheath, some small, meaningless battles, Chen Zong has never been involved, even if it involves himself, he can Avoid it and avoid it.

Some people see it clearly and agree with it, but others disagree. In the final analysis, it is actually a difference between personal disposition and principle of action.

"Huh, I thought there was something remarkable about the people in the Ming Bang." The proud young man who occupied Chen Zong's selected roulette sneered, staring at Chen Zong squinting, his voice was not concealed.

"Zhao Yuan, it's enough." The wild youth frowned and whispered.

"Why, do you think I'm wrong?" Zhao Yuan countered.

Chen Zong ignored it.

Not long after, there were people sitting on the forty roulettes. Immediately, a small roulette rose from the original roulette and floated in front of everyone. The small roulette was complicated and opened from the center like an institution. Like a flower blooming.

Immediately, a wine bottle carved from an ancient jade rose slowly, the bottle contained an amber liquid, an indescribable fragrance permeated, refreshing, and for a time, people were enchanted.

Good wine!

Fine wine!

"Is this the Qiankun Sun Moon Wine?" Chen Zong secretly wondered, but also many people's doubts.

"Of course this isn't Qiankun Sun Moon Wine ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's just the wine that our elders have tasted for us." The insider raised an eyebrow and said contentedly.

To put it plainly, this is equivalent to an aperitif. As for the real big head, the Qiankun Sun Moon Wine that can be brewed in the past ten years has not yet appeared.

Moreover, not everyone can get Qiankun Sun Moon Wine, the quantity is very limited.

According to the past, those who can get Qiankun Sun and Moon wine are as many as seven or eight, as few as two or three. Everything depends on the meaning of the wine respecter.

"Good wine, good wine." Someone couldn't wait to hold the wine bottle to taste it, and suddenly fluttered, couldn't help shouting.

Everyone else was immediately aroused interest and picked up the bottles.

With a pinch of his fingers, Chen Zong lifted the wine bottle and did not rush to taste it, but first sniffed and sniffed near the tip of the nose. The wine was very strong, but it did not directly fill the nasal cavity. Diffuse rises, floats into the nasal cavity, straight through the heart and lungs.

For a moment, Chen Zong only felt that his body was soaked in incomparable comfort. The whole person seemed to be flying, fascinating, and seemed to be intoxicated without knowing where he was, but knew everything soberly.

Taking a sip gently, the fine wine slipped down the throat of the wine, and a blast of coolness exploded inside the body, straight into the limbs, and Chen Zong felt his blood was cheering.

This feeling is really wonderful.

"My previous wine is not as good as it is." Chen Zong couldn't help sighing.

But Chen Zong also didn't have the idea that the previous wine was drunk. After all, I haven't drunk so much wine, how can I know that the wine is delicious now, without contrast, there is no gap.

Chen Zong also found that although this wine is extremely delicious, it cannot be drunk too much at one time, but can only be tasted slowly, and the spirit and energy of the whole person will be in a state of fullness and strength.

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