Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 79: Fighting Evil Wolf

In Xuanming District, Xuanming District, a violent breath suddenly burst into the sky, faintly accompanied by a terrible howl of wolves, as if in an empty screaming valley, showing amazing assault and murderous power.

In the next breath, the violent breath and the murderous retreat like tide water were instantly restrained.

A figure also appeared in the courtyard, a black robe, eyes cold and extremely murderous, it was the evil wolf.

He was wounded by the drinker and thrown out of the Qiankun Garden. The fierce wolf was not badly damaged. After returning to Xuanmingyuan, he was fully healed and healed until now. He also recovered because the drinker did not give a heavy hand, otherwise This injury is not so simple, it may even be directly killed.

Even if Li Xielang died under the Wine Lord, the Sirius Gate was helpless. They used the power of the entire martial arts, and they were not opponents of the Wine Lord.

During the healing period, Li Xielang's hatred for Chen Zong and His Holiness was full. Even if the river water was poured out, it could not be washed away. Now that the wound is healed after the wound is healed, the murderous heart grows crazy.

The lord of wine is too strong. He is not an opponent when he enters the peak of the sacred realm. Even the first master of Sirius is not an opponent. He can only temporarily suppress the hate. When he has a chance in the future or his strength is sufficient, he will retaliate. .

As for now, kill Chen Zong first.

Qiankun Garden had a chance, but unfortunately was interrupted by His Holiness, and he had to find an opportunity, preferably as soon as possible, or it would take a long time, after Chen Zongxiu was promoted to a high-grade semi-holy level, it would be more difficult to kill him by himself. Already.


Cultivation practice is that the dragon power realm is equivalent to the transcendent realm, and the mixed heaven realm is equivalent to entering the holy realm.

Therefore, the power of the mixed heaven is also called the mixed heaven power, and the semi-holy level of the refining body is also called the half mixed heaven, and the power is called the half mixed heaven power.

At this moment, Chen Zong's Qi training is a low-order semi-holy level, while refining training is a low-order semi-mixed heaven.

The levels are the same, but the power of the two is not the same. The semi-hybrid strength of the practice of the body is stronger than the semi-holy level of the practice of qi.

Lieshan Fire Prison is a saint-class lower grade exercise method, while Taiyuan Moyun is a saint-grade top grade. Taiyuan Moyun is more powerful.

However, Chen Zong ’s Taiyuan Moyun Gong practiced to the ninth floor, but the fierce mountain fire prison practice has been cultivated to a satisfactory state, so the strength of the force is different, which makes Chen Zong ’s refining strength at this time higher than his Qi training strength. Of course, if you talk about strength, the strength of refining is somewhat worse than the strength of training.

After all, the level of strength is not only determined by cultivation, but also by martial arts.

Chen Zong's martial arts in refining are only sacrificial and inferior.

Of course, in terms of strength, there is not much difference between the strength of training and the strength of refining, which should be almost the same.

Inhale, like the whale **** water, directly absorb the air and the vitality of the whole courtyard.

Exhaling, as strong as a dragon, and as a storm-like attack, the entire Xuanmingyuan was shaking, and seemed to be raged by the storm.

The powerful body cultivation brought terrible physique, and the powerful physique also caused Chen Zong's physical functions to increase dramatically, and even breathing became extremely amazing.

Chen Zong couldn't help but imagine, if the strong man in the big mixed heavens breathed away, could a mountain be broken down and destroyed.

Pulling the sword, the light flashed, and it broke quickly, like lightning. A blood stain remained in the sky for a long time, and the **** sword light directly hit the edge, killing the protective power of Xuanmingyuan, rippling away. .

Sword of blood!

Compared to before the breakthrough, this sword is faster and more powerful, and it has improved a lot.

No matter how pure the super-spiritual power is, it can even be stronger than the semi-spiritual power, but in essence it always belongs to the level of the spiritual power. The semi-spiritual power is different. It has surpassed the level of the spiritual power and started to approach the divine power.

The sacred martial arts is undoubtedly the most appropriate to use the sacred power.

Although the semi-holy power is not the holy force, it is closer to the holy force. It is more suitable to spur the use of holy martial arts. The power of the half-holy force is greatly improved.

Chen Zong silently estimates that his practice today is a low-order semi-holy level, and the semi-holy power is also a low-level, and its strength is probably equal to the super spiritual power that Taiyuan Moyun practice has been cultivated to the tenth floor before the breakthrough.

However, the power of a sword splattered by this half-holy power is better than that of a sword splattered by the tenth-level Taiyuan Moyun Gong Super Spirit.

30% of the effort, the gap is very obvious.

This means that Chen Zong's training strength will be stronger than expected.

Practice sword!

Chen Zong is adapting to new forces.

Although my mastery of my own power has reached an astonishing height, after all, it is a new power, adapt as much as possible, and strive for more thorough mastery. At least, I can clearly know how much power can work with martial arts.

After practicing swordsmanship, Chen Zong also practiced some violent mountain fire prisoners.

Both Lieshan Palm and Fire Prisoner have been mastered, and Lieshan Fire Prisoner is a combination of the two.

Chen Zong also found that when his practice broke through to the low-order semi-holy level, another benefit was manifested, which was the advantage of the soul.

The strength of his soul reaches the level of the soul gathering late in the sea, which is equivalent to the level of the strong in the late stage of entering the sacred realm. However, his cultivation is very low, which limits the potential of the soul to a certain extent.

For example, like a bucket, the soul is the longest board, and the repair is the shortest board.

It is now repaired to break through to the semi-holy level, and the shortest plank has also been strengthened and extended, and the natural water level has risen.

As a result, Chen Zong, the blaze mountain fire prisoner, quickly mastered it.

"It's time to find the fierce wolf." Chen Zong secretly said, a smile hanged at the corner of his mouth, but a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, sharp and unmatched.

The fierce wolf has a strong murderous power against Chen Zong. Qiankun Garden has no mercy, and it is even more necessary to use the slash to kill himself. If it is not for the wine lord, he will have exposed the power of Shura's avatar.

Although the Supreme Master of Wine stopped it, the threat of Li Xielang still existed. It was a genius, powerful, and there were some backers. Chen Zong didn't want to be stared at by such people.

Besides, the other party wants to kill himself and act according to himself, that is, to kill the other party in turn.

If you want to kill each other, why delay time?

Now the strength of the deity is enough to start.

Immediately left the Xuan Ming Yuan on the 105th and went to the Xuan Ming Yuan on the 93rd.

The door opened, and the evil wolf gazed at Chen Zong with some surprises. At the same time, his eyes had the undisguised killing intention.

"Li Xie wolf, if you want to kill me, I will give you a chance." Chen Zong said without fear of Li Xie wolf's murderous eyes, "Tomorrow, Wudoutai will die."

Hearing Chen Zong's words, Li Xielang's pupils shrank like a needle at once, and then he smiled coldly and promised to come down.

He was trying to figure out **** Chen Zong. I never expected that Chen Zong would come to his own door. Is there any better opportunity than this?

Moreover, the birth and death were still in Wudoutai. That is, no other force can interfere, even the Supreme Master of Wine.

"Young Master, I'm afraid there is something wrong with it." Li Xielang's guard, the strong man with the quadruple restoration of the sanctuary, frowned slightly.

Under normal circumstances, knowing that you are inferior to the other party, it is not reasonable to take the initiative to propose a life-and-death battle. Normally, you should be afraid to avoid it.

"Perhaps he thought he could barely fight with me in Qiankun Garden. Now that his strength has improved, he thinks that he can deal with me." Li Xielang thought for a while and said, this is indeed a possibility: "I feel from me Threatening, so I want to kill me as soon as possible, so as not to be killed by me in the future. "

The quadruple strong person who nodded his head slightly nodded, so this statement would work, but I don't know why, there is always a bad feeling in my heart.

"Relax, Uncle Liu, I did not use all the means in the Qiankun Garden." Li Xie wolf sneered at the corner of his mouth. If Chen Zong thought it was his full strength, he was very confident in dealing with himself , Will definitely regret it.


"Big event and big event, Chen Zong, the one hundred and fifty-five mixed sword of the Ming Dynasty, challenged the 93rd evil wolf of the Ming Dynasty.

"Not just a challenge, but a life-and-death battle."

"Life-death battle, what kind of hatred do the two have, even escalated to life-death battle?"

"Don't you know what happened in Qiankun Garden?"

The news was like a storm. It quickly swept away and was known by many people.

This time, it was more fierce and lively than when Chen Zong challenged Lin Heming last time. After all, the last time Chen Zong was an unknown person, this time, he was a rookie.

In addition, the words of life and death are also very influential ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Most of the challenges in Wudoutai are divided into high and low, and there is very little division between life and death.

In this way, it will cause great repercussions, and even many powerful people will be alarmed.

"Mingbang Tianjiao's life and death?"

"Check, what's going on?"

Soon, the main city of Xuanming City took action and investigated.

In any case, it is extremely important to be able to make it to the bottom of the list. It is the greatest loss if you die.

This investigation is naturally to see if it can be resolved.

No matter how the outside world reacts, Chen Zong ignores it. Tomorrow is the decisive battle with Li Xielang. Today, Chen Zong is not relaxed, he is still practicing and improving himself as much as possible.

There will be no accidents in the first battle tomorrow.

Li Xielang is also practicing. Although he did not use all the means and had reservations in Qiankun Garden that day, he did not have the slightest care and despise Chen Zong's ideas.

In this battle, Chen Zong must be beheaded to eliminate future troubles.

Both thought the same.

The moonlight is silent and the stars are dim until the dawn.

The day was bright, and when the first rays of the rising sun pierced through the sky, Chen Zong in the 105th Xuanmingyuan and the fierce wolf in the 93rd Xuanmingyuan opened together. Eyes burst out with extremely sharp brilliance, like a sword across the sky.

"It's time to go." Looking at the ray of rising sun, Chen Zong stood up and secretly said, the spirit of qi reached the peak in an instant and took a step.

"It's time to kill." Li Xie Wolf got up, his eyes were cold and murderous, but his face became gloomy, as if the killing was overwhelming, and the temperature around him dropped sharply, making people fearful.

At the Wudoutai, many people have gathered, all crowds are coming to watch the war.

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