Sword God

Vol 23 Chapter 82: Gu Xuanhui invited

The 93rd Xuanmingyuan is a lot larger than the 105th. The concentration and purity of the heaven and earth vitality are also a little stronger, which is more conducive to cultivation.

Chen Zong first practiced qi, then refined his body, feeling a little increase in his internal strength, showing a sincere smile.

Nowadays, Qi training and body training are both broken through to the low-level semi-holy level, and there is no need to deliberately suppress it. It can be improved as much as possible. After all, Chen Zong's foundation is very solidly cast and can be called perfect. What impact.

In this way, you can fully promote.

The next thing that needs to be suppressed is the high-order semi-holy level. If it is the limit of the extraordinary world, it is usually suppressed. After it is suppressed to the extreme, it will be better.

But now for Chen Zong, it is a stage of rapid development.

Time flies, and the time agreed with the Master of Wine is gradually approaching. Chen Zong's practice of qi training is gradually improving, but the improvement of practice of cultivating qi becomes very slow. Compared to qi training, it is slower than snails. .

A few days later, Chen Zong walked out of the Xuanming District of Xuanmingyuan and planned to buy some resources for refining, such as the medicine of the elixir.

Xuanming City, as the central city of Xuanming Realm, is very prosperous and has everything.

It can be said to be more atmospheric. If you can't buy things in Xuanming City, it is difficult to buy them in other places in Xuanming City, unless it is some treasures that are treasured, it is another matter.

Guxuan Tower is a well-known place in Xuanming City. It sells all kinds of items, especially some precious things. Even if you do n’t have it, you can explain it. Guxuan Tower has a lot of ability to help you get it, provided you want to Pay enough.

"Recommended for you to apply semi-sacred refining elixir." When Chen Zong arrived at the Guxuan Building, he immediately said to the people who came to entertain and opened his eyes.

"Okay, please, please." The guest of Gu Xuanlou was obviously professionally trained, with a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze, and the words spoke softly and softly in his ears. There was a clear spring. Flowing comfort.

The other party first brought the fragrant tea and fragrant desserts, and took a silk book to open it, and there was a detailed and clear introduction of the elixir.

"Guest, all four elixir are suitable for semi-holy body."

Chen Zong looked carefully.

All four elixir belong to the spirit level, the top spirit level, but there are still high and low points.

One is the lowest, one is the highest, and the other two are flush, with a different focus.

The highest is also the most expensive, and the lowest is the cheapest.

A minimum of ten tablets of Yuandan is needed, and a maximum of one Yuandan is needed. This may not be a big deal for those who have entered the sacred realm, but it is a great asset to most semi-sacred classes. .

However, Chen Zong is different. He has received many spoils. The people in the appetite Yuandan are thousands of dollars, the diyuandan is nearly three thousand, and the Tianyuandan has a few.

"Dragon Tiger Blood Spirit Dan and Dragon Tiger Blood Spirit Dan each come with ten capsules." Chen Zongdao said.

Dragon Tiger Blood Spirit Dan is the lowest level of the four elixir, Dragon Tiger Blood Spirit Dan is the highest level.

However, the effect of this is not clear to Chen Zong, so buy ten capsules each to take a look, and then decide which one is better to buy in the future.

"Good guest, wait a moment." The waiter stood up and turned into a scent of fragrance.

Not long, when people come back, there is an old man.

"Oh, I'm the manager of Gu Xuanlou. The last name is Lin, and the mixed sword is here. The timing is right." The old man said with a smile, something said.

"Guest, this is your elixir." The beautiful young waitress put two jade bottles in front of Chen Zong.

"Lin Guanshi, hello." Chen Zong responded first, and then asked, "how much?"

"Free of charge." Lin Guanshi laughed. "As a small meeting."

"No power is not affected by Lu." Chen Zong was very direct.

"Of course it is not reactive." Lin Guanshi is also very straightforward: "In fact, we are going to visit the hybrid sword."

"Please say." Chen Zong's invariable tone was indifferent. The forest director spoke very directly. Chen Zong quite liked to talk like this. There was something to talk about, nothing to chat about.

"The ancient Xuanlou is owned by the Ancient Xuanhui. At present, we have found a secret place in the Ancient Xuanhui, but there are restrictions on entry. It is not possible to enter the sanctuary, but the semi-holy level is allowed. Approve powerful semi-holy levels to enter the secret place to explore. "Lin Guanshi said in a few words.

Gu Xuanhui is a great force in Xuanming City, with profound wealth and wealth, and maintains a good relationship with all parties, and the eight-star forces are not willing to easily fight against it.

Therefore, Gu Xuan will find a secret place. Under normal circumstances, those powerful eight-star forces and even nine-star forces will not intervene. As for the seven-star forces, they cannot intervene even if they want to intervene.

There are many powerful semi-holy ranks in the Ancient Xuanhui, but there is only one who is listed on the Underworld.

There is no doubt that among the semi-holy ranks, it is the best to be ranked on the bottom.

Perhaps there are some geniuses who have the strength of the Mingbang but do not make it into the Mingbang because of some reasons. After all, there are very few. The Mingbang is not an empty name. Only a strong enough person can qualify for inclusion and cannot be fake.

And that secret place seems to be in great danger, because Gu Xuanhui has sent a number of high-end semi-holy ranks who are not weak to enter, but they have lost contact and are suspected of death.

Therefore, you can only ask the people in the Mingbang to take a shot, then it will pay some price.

However, Gu Xuanhui's wealth was rough, and there was not much hesitation.

In just a few words, Chen Zong understood the cause and effect.

"The Lord is known as the Mixed Yuan Sword. The sword defense is extremely strong and the Mixed Yuan is not broken. It is exactly what we need and what conditions we have, despite mentioning it," said Lin Guanshi with arrogance.

"Who else did you invite besides me?" Chen Zong didn't immediately agree, and asked after a little groaning.

Exploring a secret place is dangerous and, of course, beneficial, but it requires careful consideration.

"There are not so many arrogances in the Blackboard in Xuanming City. In addition to Your Excellency, we also invited Bloodstained Junnan to have no space and madly cut Zheng Tuo and Jackdaw. In addition, it is the Xuankong Sword Forest Wing of our ancient Xuanhui. Said Lin.

In this way, it is the five arrogant Tianjiao.

Bloodstained Junnan is ranked 84th on the Underworld, and Zheng Tuo is ranked 80th. As the Jackdaw is ranked 89th, it is very mysterious. Jackdaw is both a title and a name. Of course, whether Real name is hard to say.

As for the Xuankong Jianlin wing, it is ranked 91st in the Underworld.

In the current Xuanming City, the highest ranking in the Mingbang is to slash Zheng Tuo.

"Mr. Yuanyuan Sword, if we agree with the invitation of our ancient metaphysical society, we will first provide a suitable batch of elixir. The type of elixir can be selected by ourselves. In addition, two high-end semi-holy artifacts are also provided, one for the weapon and one for the weapon. It's a armor. "Lin Guanshi continued, tempting Chen Zong.

Chen Zong did not answer right away, but was thinking, Lin Guan was not disturbed, and the room was silent.

About a quarter of an hour later, Chen Zong's eyes flashed.

"OK." Chen Zong agreed.

"You won't regret it." Lin Guanshi laughed, relieved. If Chen Zong did not agree, he would have to further persuade the other party to agree, but it was not feasible at the end.

If it still does not work, you need to choose another person.

"In this way, in addition to this meeting ceremony, the Dragon Tiger Blood Sweat Dan plus 20 capsules, Xuan Yuan Lian Sheng Dan 30 capsules, Xiao Fu Yuan Dan 20 capsules, Xiao Fu Tian Dan 20 capsules, and 10 Xiao Fu Sheng Dan. "Lin Guanshi said quickly:" As for the two high-end semi-holy artifacts, you can choose them in the Guxuan Building yourself. "

"These are just the initial rewards. After the exploration of the secret land, follow-up rewards will be given based on the value of the secret land." Lin Guanshi added.

One Dragon Dragon Blood Pill is worth one Yuan Yuan Dan. Twenty capsules are equal to twenty. Counting the previous ten capsules, it is thirty Yuan Yuan Dan. Xuanyuan Liansheng Dan is a semi-holy qi. Medicine is also worth one yuan of Diyuan Dan, as well as thirty yuan of Diyuan Dan.

Xiaofuyuandan and Xiaozhantiandan are elixir for restoring qi and refining strength. They each have twenty capsules, with a total value of twenty diyuandan.

Xiao Fu Sheng Dan is a healing elixir that can treat internal and external injuries. The effect is obvious. One capsule is worth two yuan.

In such a calculation, it would be one hundred yuan yuan.

One high-end semi-sacrifice is also worth a lot of Yuandan, two more valuable.

For this calculation, three to four hundred yuan yuan would be needed.

This is just upfront compensation.

I have to say that the reward given by Gu Xuanhui is really good and quite generous. Of course, it is also because they invited the relationship of Mingjiao Tianjiao. If it is not Mingjiao Tianjiao, where can there be such value.

From another point, we can see that the ancient Xuan Huicai was thick and sincere.

After all, according to a normal point of view, the early payment is often small, and the later payment will be greater ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Soon, all the promised elixir was sent over, Chen Zong took a look, his hand waved, nothing Within the unwelcome income, Lin Guanshi laughed and saw Chen Zong's actions.

In fact, he also appreciates people like Chen Zong. He does not deliberately make gestures, want to seize the old people, etc., just do it, not do it, simple and straightforward, without so much trouble.

"Sir, do you want to choose a high-end semi-sacrifice now?" Lin Guanshi asked.

"Please lead the way." Chen Zong would not be polite.

His own Yue Yue Sword is a gift from the Baiyun Mountain Lianyun Taoist, but it is only a medium-level semi-holy artifact. Its power is not as good as a high-order semi-holy artifact. .

Guxuan Tower is five stories high, and the high-order semi-sacrifice is placed in the third story.

In the eyes, there are many high-end semi-holy artifacts, with swords and other weapons, and armored shoes and other defenses.

The early reward is two high-order semi-holy artifacts, one weapon and one defense.

Chen Zong looked at the sword.

There are nine high-end semi-sacred swords here, each with a different shape and a different thickness.

"Lin Guanshi, please show me this sword." Chen Zong glanced over and said, pointing at one of them.

The forest director immediately opened the ban and took down the sword.

The sword's body is dark, and the sword's spine is made of gold. It seems to be flowing continuously and is very agile, but the width, thickness and length of this sword are similar to the heavy dragon sword. This is why Chen Zong chose it at a glance.

As soon as the sword started, Chen Zong was surprised.

At least more than 100,000 catties.

"This sword is named Jinjin Shenyue. It is cast from ground-sinking iron and mixed with Tianjin gold. It weighs 150,000 kilograms and is amazingly powerful." Lin Guanshi laughed, and his introduction made Chen Zong's eyes slightly bright. , More and more desirable.

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