Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 2: Sword Storm (1)

If there is no knife in your hand!

Holding a knife in the air and cutting it down, the invisible knife is silent and breathless, but it is extremely fast. It cuts across the sky and is as fast as lightning.

When he came, Lord Zong listened to His Holiness the Lord. His Holiness had researched and created a very magical and unique method. It was not entirely a method of martial arts, nor was it completely a martial art. Knife tactic.

The so-called phaseless, invisible, colorless, invisible body.

Without a knife in hand, you can also cut out amazing knife energy, terrible power.

Chen Zong had the intention to try his opponent ’s sword without phase, instead of drawing a sword, but pointing at a stab in the forward direction of the sword.

"Oh ..." Lord Sword stunned slightly, surprised.

He has a good knife and practiced his life. He casts, sharpened, and trained his knife. He is paranoid about the knife and has amazing accomplishments.

In fact, the sword lord's talent is flat, but he has a strong strength. It is precisely because he has amazing accomplishments in one way of the sword, even if it is some strong on the mysterious list, it is difficult to talk about the sword alone. ratio.

The sword is different from the sword, but there are similarities.

In the end, we all have different goals.

Therefore, Chen Zong's shot, even though it was just a stab in the air, let the sword lord see something.

Not bad!

Great swordsmanship!

Maybe it can be a frontless opponent.

The invisible sword air collided with the sword air in the mid-air, exaggerating the terrible power. Chen Zong could feel that his sword air was crushed in an instant, and the invisible sword air was still beheaded, extremely sharp.

The swordlessness of the phaseless sword tactics is more amazing with skill concentration, while Chen Zong's swordfulness is issued directly, lacking a skill, so under the same strength, it is not as good as the opponent's swordsmanship.

This is also because Chen Zong has never practiced some martial arts or secret methods of sword-qi.

The golden Shen Yue sword came out of the sheath, and the amazing power burst out in an instant, chopping the sword, and Jianguang struck the ground with a long trace, and it was like a bamboo shoot to the front, and the amazing sword pressure made it impossible. The ground behind the front was split.

Wu Feng's eyes became sharper and sharper, and Wu Xiang's knives evoked to the extreme.

It was just a sword, and Wu Xiang ’s knife air was chopped, Wu Feng was slightly surprised, and the long sword leaped out behind him. The astonishing sword was rising into the sky, as if to pierce the clouds.


Hold the knife from top to bottom with both hands, like cutting mountains and mountains.

The sword and sword spit out an astonishing sharp edge, and each stroke seemed to tear the sky and the earth apart.

The eyes of His Majesty the sword shone extremely sharply, staring at Chen Zong.

Wu Feng is his disciple. He is very clear about his strength and ability. His disciple can even compete with his disciple Wu Feng. His sword skills are even more brilliant, which is really unexpected.

After all, he chose Wufeng as a disciple, and it was precisely Wuyuan's amazing knife-path talent, which was the natural pride of the natural sword-bone. His understanding on the knife-path was also amazing, and he was his perfect heir.

The extraordinary talent of the swordsmanship and the teaching of his own dedication make Wu Feng an ascendant strength, with few rivals among his peers.

The Lord of the Swords decided to let Wu Feng go out to challenge the Mingjiao Tianjiao after a while and be ranked on the Mingwei.

He feels that his disciples are not weak and can definitely defeat the disciples of His Holiness.

However, at this moment, it seems that this is not the case. The swordsmanship of the disciple of the disciple of wine is very clever, and is not inferior to the disciple Wu Feng who he carefully taught.

The Supreme Master of Wine is also surprised at Wu Feng's strength.

It seems that the practice of Wu Feng is the same as the practice revealed by Chen Zongzhan, both of which are intermediate-grade semi-holy, but in fact the practice of Wu Feng is indeed intermediate-grade semi-holy, and Chen Zong ’s true practice is It is a low-order semi-holy level.

But neither the sword lord nor the wine lord nor Wu Feng did not know.

Wu Feng's knives are extremely fast. They do not perform any sacred martial arts. They are the most common basic knives, but each one contains amazing powers, such as the raging fury of a thunderbolt.

Chop Chop!

Wu Feng looked cold and cold, his eyes twinkled with extremely sharp brilliance, staring at Chen Zong through the void, and his eyes seemed to contain an amazing momentum, which was to pierce Chen Zong's mind and will.

Each blade is as fast as lightning, and each blade is as thunderous. The strength of each blade is very concentrated and there is no waste.

The sword had disappeared into the air, and only Mori's radiant sword light was chopped down like a thunderous rage.

Facing Wu Feng's knife, Chen Zong looked dignified.

Before exploring the secret place, Chen Zong had seen Zheng Tuo's shot, with a big knife in his hand, extremely violent, known as madly cut.

But this Wufeng does not seem to be inferior to it.

But Wu Feng's knife is different from Zheng Tuo's knife.

Wu Feng's knife is very pure and sharp. The sharp interpretation of the knife's sharpness is the cutting of the knife.

Zheng Tuo's knife is just a tool, a tool that releases his strength. The reason why he chose to use a knife is that he likes it a bit, plus martial arts, and that's it.

If it is to be described, Zheng Tuo is a practitioner, while Wu Feng is a knife practitioner, which is more pure.

Pure, also means extreme, terrible in some cases, but restricted in some cases.

But at this moment Wu Feng has a knife in his hand, and his strength is undoubtedly very scary.

However, Chen Zong is not inferior.

Resist and fight back.

The fifteen thousand catty Jin Jinyue sword stunned in the hands of Chen Zong. At the moment when the sword and sword fought, there was no sharp change in the face, and it felt like the knife in his hand was almost coming out of hand.

The power is overwhelming and unimaginable. The sharp edge of the sword is extremely amazing.

There is no frontal dignity, but there is excitement and excitement in the eyes.

He practiced here all year round, and rarely contacted outsiders. Although he did not lack combat sharpening, he seldom competed with his peers' geniuses, especially a arrogant and proud swordsman with strong sword skills.

The meaning of excitement, the zeal of war, and the spirit of the sword.

The momentum soared, and the sword suddenly changed. It was a little less violent, but it was a bit more powerful. The speed of the knife was directly increased by three points.

The blade was hidden in the void, but only a ray of knife-like light rose up like smoke, and each ray of smoke was a knife gas, terribly cutting and tearing everything, and it suddenly fluttered with the wind, let Chen Zong With a cold look, his eyes tightened and his eyes were creepy.

Wu Feng has already exhibited holy martial arts.

"Crazy madman, this is your smoke-cloud fantasy mist knife." The Wine Master whispered.

"That's right, although it is only sacred-grade lower-grade martial arts, but Wu Feng has cultivated it to a state of smoke and fog." The Sword Master is quite proud.

The Yanyun Magic Fog Knife is a sacred lower grade martial art that the sword lord obtained in his early years. It has already been practiced, and it has been improved to be more mysterious.

A middle-level semi-holy level can cultivate it to the state of Dacheng, only one level away from completeness, which is undoubtedly amazing.

The smoky knife light shone with colorful brilliance, which looked very dazzling, but extremely dangerous.

Can't see through!

Chen Zong found that he couldn't see through the knife, and he could only capture the slightest shadow of the knife.

Field of Hearts!

The five-meter circle is in my grasp, and the smoke-like knife light floats into the realm of the heart, and is immediately accurately captured by Chen Zong.


The so-called swordsmanship, which is dubbed as "unmixed", is once again exhibited.

In an instant, all of the sword lights were resisted by Chen Zongyi sword, and Wu Feng was shocked by himself, and the sword master was also shocked.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?" His eyes narrowed and stared at Chen Zong.

"My disciple's title on the Ming Bang, but Hunyuan Sword, has a sword skill that is unbreakable." Jiuzun smiled proudly.

"Hybrid Yuan is not broken." The sword lord first stunned, then smiled, extremely confident: "There is no unbreakable defense under the sky."

"Let's watch it." The Supreme Master of Wine also smiled coldly.

There is no unbreakable defense under the sky, and the Lord acknowledges that everything is relative.

You can defend the attack of this person, but not necessarily the attack of others.

Some people are extremely good at defense, but they can't resist everyone's attacks.

For example, Chen Zong is good. He can block the attacks of many peers, but he can't stop the attacks of strong men who enter the sacred realm. Therefore, it is relative.

As long as the attack is strong enough, all defenses can be broken.

As long as the defense is strong enough, all attacks can be resisted.

Wu Feng cast the Yanyun Magic Fog Knife to the extreme, killing it from all directions, and the smoke permeated all around, but he could not see the knife light, but it was extremely sharp.

Just under the envelope of the realm of heart, each knife was clearly captured by Chen Zong.

Wu Feng's sword is indeed very strong and amazing in strength, but in the end it is only a medium-level semi-holy practice. If it is a high-level semi-holy grade, Chen Zong may not be able to block it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ his strength is necessary A lot more arrogant than that fierce wolf.

This period of improvement and strength improvement, Chen Zong blocked Wu Feng's knife blocked Wu Feng's offensive.

When the Yanyun Magic Mist Blade is stretched to the extreme, it almost exceeds its own limit, but it is still unable to break through the defense of Chen Zong's swordsmanship. Instead, it is completely resisted. Every time the vibration force recoils, it makes Wufeng feel uncomfortable.

Suddenly, all the smoke-like blades of light converged and turned into a dazzling but dazzling blade-hanging air.


A low-drink screamed so much that the momentum soared for more than a dozen. The sword stunned the world and cut off everything, making Chen Zong's expression look terrible.

This knife-light condensate has not yet been cut off, but its momentum is already horrible, and it scares itself.

Perfect knife!

A sword that gathers all of its own strength, with its cohesion of spirit and spirit, and an unparalleled belief in cutting everything, just to cut off all the obstacles in front of it and cut it apart.

Chen Zong suddenly developed a feeling that this knife would break his defense.




The sound like a curse sounded continuously from the deep inside, constantly impacting Chen Zong's mind, just like the magic barrier disintegrating Chen Zong's will.

Chen Zong's heart was stunned, but he did not expect that the other side's knife still contained such impulsive ideas.

Can't I really stop it?

If you are sure, then the momentum will weaken, and it will indeed not stop the knife.

However, Chen Zong's spiritual will is extremely firm, and external evils are difficult to invade. Even if there is a continual impact of magical thoughts, it is difficult to shake Chen Zong's will and mind.

Stop it!

Even if your knife is strong and fast, I can stop it. nt

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