Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 8: protagonist

In the 73rd Xuan Ming Yuan.

"One hundred days Yuandan." The middle-aged man in a short brown robe said directly, "You give me the mysterious order, and our homeowner promises that you can get a favor from our family. If you need it in the future, you can let Our family is doing something for you. "

"Go out." Chen Zong's response was very direct.

"Chen Zong, although you are Tianjiao Tianjiao and the potential is good, but now it's only semi-holy, don't be too arrogant." The middle-aged man said angrily.

A dignified strong person visited in person and gave generous conditions. The other side reacted so much, how could he not be angry.

"Go!" Chen Zong was even more rude.

"You ..." This powerful man in the holy realm was almost furious.

"Or do you want to do it here?" Chen Zong stared at each other indifferently without fear.

However, it is triple to enter the sanctuary, let alone Xuanming District. The other party dares not to take action. Even if the other party dares to take action, you can use Shura to fight against yourself. You may not be able to defeat the other party, but you can do it against one or two.

With the cultivation of Shura's strength, he is improving every moment.

What's more, Xuanming's order was his chance. The other side tried to seize it, even threatened to say it, and wanted to entertain him kindly?

"Remember, you're ruining your future." The middle-aged man angered and dropped a sentence, suddenly turned and rolled up a gust of wind, and strode away.

He was angry and wanted to shoot Chen Zong to death with one hand, but he didn't dare.

Because if a breath is locking him, as long as there is a sign of action and has not hit the moment of Chen Zong, it will be crushed, crushed like a small bug.

It will even affect the family behind him.

Can't do it, just retreat.

After seeing the other party leave, Chen Zong turned off the protective forces, dispelled the distractions, and continued to cultivate.

Since I got the Xuanming Order, it was already the second time I was approached. The first time was to cleverly grabbed the money. I gave a short promise without giving anything, and wanted to get the Xuanming Order from myself.

The second time was the genius, paying the price of one hundred days of Yuandan and the so-called family friendship.

Relatively speaking, the second time is many times better than the first time, after all, a hundred days is better.

But Xuanming Ling represents a rare opportunity, and its value should be even higher.

Not to mention a hundred-day Yuandan, even if it is a 230-day Yuandan, Chen Zong cannot give up.

Starting from Tianyuan Dan, wealth is increased, but starting from opportunity, it is added to the background and strength. The strength is strong enough to naturally get more wealth.

Wealth and strength are linked.

If you are strong, you can get more wealth.

The strength is weak, no amount of wealth can be kept.

Nothing is too important, Chen Zong has long understood that he will not be blinded or confused.

It was another few days, and the door of Xuan Ming Yuan was knocked again on the 73rd, and someone came to visit again.

However, it is not known whether it is a normal visit or a visit of a stingy nature.

Open the door and welcome.

There are two people standing outside the door, one male and one female. It seems that they are not very old, and it is estimated that they are similar to themselves, but the actual age is difficult to see at a glance. They may be older than themselves or younger than themselves.

However, the breath fluctuations emitted by the two people demonstrate their cultivation.

Higher semi-holy level!

In Tianyuan Sanctuary, there are many semi-holy levels, and they are generally younger.

"Mixed Yuan sword Chen Zong, I am Xuanming Palace Sheng Yuan, this is my teacher Ming Lan." The young man said directly, seemingly humble, but secretly hiding a hint of pride.

"Zhang Yuejun Sheng Yuan?" Chen Zong asked with a bit of rhetoric.

There is indeed a person named Sheng Yuan who is a disciple of Xuanming Palace, who is named Zhang Yuejun, and is a monarch-level genius. He is ranked 62nd on the list.

"It's me." The pride in Sheng Yuan's tone became even more apparent.

The source of pride is the Xuanming Palace, but the heavenly pride of Mingbang.

"I don't know what Brother Sheng Yuan is teaching?" Chen Zong didn't meander.

He and Shengyuan didn't have a half-friendship, and they hadn't had contact before, but the other party came to the door, something must be wrong.

Something to say, this has always been Chen Zong's style.

"Of course there is something." Sheng Yuan's arrogance became stronger and stronger, and the meaning was also to say that if nothing happened, he would not come to Chen Zong, meaning rather dignified: "Not long ago, you got a piece of mystery Injunction. "

Chen Zong's eyes sank slightly, and sure enough, he came towards Xuanming's order again.

"Mixed Yuan sword Chen Zong, Xuanzang Order is owned by my Xuanzang Palace, and should be owned by my Xuanzang Palace." Sheng Yuan continued to say, his purpose is to master Ming Lan, to capture a Xuanzang Order , Let the sisters who fall in love with themselves can also enter the small world of Xuanming and make rapid progress. Naturally, if they want to get Xuanming order, they can only start from other Mingbang Tianjiao.

And Chen Zong was the first group he chose to seize the Xuanming Order.

Casual repair is the easiest to start and the easiest to threaten.

Before that, some people have successfully obtained the Xuanming Order from a meditation retreat.

"I came to you, naturally I want Xuanming to make things belong to the original owner." Sheng Yuanxin said vowingly.

"Xuanming Order is the messenger of Xuanming Palace sent to me in person, it is what I hold." Chen Zong's tone was extremely resolute, and he also indirectly told the other party not to hold Xuanming Order in his hands.

"I said that the Xuanming Order belongs to my Xuanming Palace and should be held by my Xuanming Palace disciples." Sheng Yuan stepped out, and he was very aggressive. His eyes flashed with extreme precision, it seemed to pierce Chen Zong's body Similarly, it brings a strong oppression.

But this kind of oppression has no threat to Chen Zong as if the breeze is blowing.

"Then you try." Chen Zong smiled coldly, without fear.

Sheng Yuan had some headaches. Before he came here, he heard that he was a thorn with Chen Zong and it was not easy to surrender.

"I have always made sense." Sheng Yuan stroked his forehead and said again: "Give up the Xuanming Order, you can make a request to me, or I can be your referee and let you join our Xuanming Palace . "

Chen Zong could not help laughing.

Although Sheng Yuan ranks higher than himself, in the final analysis, it is only a semi-holy level.

A semi-sacred level, only the 62nd place of the Hades, but said that asking himself to make a request is too much, and also said that he was recommended as a referee to enter the Xuanming Palace.

With his own talent, if he is willing, Xuanming Palace is 100% welcome, so no one needs to refer him.

"My brother is so polite, why are you so ignorant?" Ming frowned and scolded Chen Zong.

"You're welcome?" Chen Zong glanced at the woman, not knowing whether the other side was talking blindly or not thinking, but Chen Zong didn't mean to justify the other side.

"I reiterate that Xuanming Order belongs to me." Chen Zongzheng said, after closing, he closed the courtyard door and shut out Sheng Yuan and his sisters.

Looking at the closed courtyard door, Sheng Yuan and his younger sister Ming Lan were embarrassed at first, then became furious.

I was a casual repairer, dare to do so.

"Very good." Sheng Yuan took a deep breath, only feeling that his chest was full of amazing anger, almost bursting, like a volcanic eruption, destroying everything: "You are forcing me to use other means."

"Brother." Ming Lan looked worried at Sheng Yuan who was angry.

"Shimei, it's okay." Sheng Yuan suppressed the anger that was about to erupt, and smiled at Ming Lan: "Sister, I decided to give you this piece of mysterious order. As for the mysterious order I need, I will Obtained from Chen Zong. "

"Brother, are you ready to challenge Chen Zong?" Ming Lan was surprised.

"Yes." Sheng Yuan said, originally he didn't want to take this step. After all, he ranked more than a dozen on Chen Mingzong than Chen Zong. He was also an important disciple of Xuanming Palace. Just repair, how can you compare with yourself.

Taking the initiative to challenge yourself is a way of condescending and diminishing your status. Moreover, if you give Xuan Ming Ling to Shimei Minglan, it is not that simple. Shimei must first challenge herself and defeat herself. Only then can you get your own Xuanming Order.

As a result, his own name will also disappear from the undercover list, replaced by Shimei Minglan.

But now, the other side has forced himself to take this step.

"Chen Zong, Wu Doutai decided against each other three days later, and my mystery made me want it." Sheng Yuan shouted directly, his voice turned into a thunderous sound, blasted into the Xuanming courtyard, and also impacted all around.

This kind of challenge must first apply to Xuanming District, and then arrange it. The shortest time is three days, so Sheng Yuan said three days later.

Of course, Chen Zong can refuse this challenge.

Otherwise, if you ca n’t refuse, it ’s not a mess.

But why did Chen Zong refuse?

This is also a party to sharpen oneself, why should we refuse.

Without refusal, the fight was just three days later.

As soon as the news spread, it caused a great sensation.

Since the appearance of Chen Zong in Xuanming City, it has caused several sensations and impressed everyone.

"Zhang Yuejun unexpectedly took the initiative to launch a challenge ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ his ranking on the bottom line, but it was more than ten times higher than Chen Zong."

"Supposedly for Xuanming Order."

"You don't know yet, in order to get Chen Zong's Xuanming Order, Shengyuan deliberately asked his sister to challenge himself and directly admit defeat, so now he is no longer on the list."

"So it is."

One by one suddenly realized.

At this stage, Xuanming Ling is the protagonist, causing a lot of sensation, and things that are closely related to Xuanming Ling often occur.

Such as challenges!

Such as intimidation and lure!

and many more!

Now it is Chen Zong, a hybrid sword, who was challenged by a prince who was more than a dozen above him because of the Xuanming Order. This person is also an important disciple of Xuanming Palace.

For three days, Chen Zong was not affected by the outside world, he practiced wholeheartedly, and improved his strength as much as possible.

Regardless of his temperament, Sheng Yuan is an important disciple of Xuanming Palace. He has the heritage of Xuanming Palace. He is also the 62nd in the Ming Dynasty. He is powerful and should not be underestimated.

This battle is about the ownership of Xuan Mingling. There is no room for mistakes. Even if the deity is lost to the opponent, Chen Zong will use the Tiansha force field to suppress the opponent.

But if you ca n’t use the power of Shura ’s avatar, you do n’t use it. You have to rely on the strength of the deity first, so you need to further improve the strength of the deity.

For three days, the cultivation was unchanged, but the sword practice was improved.

Three days later, Chen Zong set off, and all his spirits climbed to the top. He opened the gate of the courtyard, strode out, walked out of Xuanming District, and walked toward Wudoutai.

Wudoutai has long been crowded.

Every battle of the Underworld must not be missed.

Shengyuan, who was full of clothes, had already stood on the Wudou platform. nt

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