Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 10: Outland Tianjiao

It's dark!

The sky is falling apart!

Xuanming's Handprint is a very scary mystery of Xuanming Palace. It is Jiupin. The initial training is the power of Qipin to attack the mystery. It is amazing.

The ten-meter-old Black God Mountain was shot down, crushing the vacuum.

Chen Zong's complexion was extremely dignified, and his body was crushed and crushed by terrible forces, and the muscles of the bones trembled and rushed to resist the impact and suppression of this force.

Celestial War Body!

In an instant, the white suffocation filled his arms and twirled violently, which greatly increased the strength of Chen Zong's arms, as if he could smash mountains with one punch.

With Jin Shenyue sword in hand, she burst out with more and more amazing power.

Burst of blood!

The blood shook, as if the volcanic magma erupted, releasing earth-shattering terror.

With the increase of Dachengtianjing's warfare method, this sword is extremely powerful.

Scarlet sword light was a meal first, and then collapsed, and the huge black **** mountain ghost image also followed, a little shaking, it seemed to fade for several minutes.

Burst of blood!

Chen Zong's power erupted again, and it was a fiery blaze of blood.

Three swords in a row, the Black God Mountain suddenly shattered.

The fourth sword, a volume of blood, rose into the sky.

Sheng Yuan immediately operated the Xuanming True Armor to protect his whole body, trying to block Chen Zong's sword, and his body flew up with the power of that sword.

With both hands waving, the trajectory is mysterious, and the Xuanming fingerprints are displayed again.

The cultivation of the high-order semi-holy level limit allows Sheng Yuan to have a majestic strength that can erupt multiple times without exhausting.

Chen Zong also realized that although his own cultivation has been a great improvement in strength during this period of time, compared with Shengyuan, there is still no advantage.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to defeat the opponent. In this case, only some hole cards can be exposed.

The strength of Shura's avatar, Chen Zong still does not want to be exposed, then, let's expose the strength of the **** sword mark.

Now that he has begun to practice the Dripping Sword Technique, the power to spur the Dripping Sword Mark can also further deepen his understanding and mastery of the Dripping Sword Technique.

The sea of ​​blood is endless!

A trigger is the third and most powerful one.

The sword tricks sealed in the Dripping Sword Technique are sword tricks cultivated to the full level. They are very powerful and powerful. They are motivated by Chen Zong's mid-level and semi-sacred power.

The blood was permeated, and it turned into a sea of ​​blood that was hundreds of meters long. The amazing coercion pervaded and spread, and even everyone around Wudoutai felt an indescribable depression.


As if the Thunder roared, the mighty power was overwhelming.

Waves of **** waves turned into violent waves sweeping through the impact, crushing everything.

The sea of ​​blood was drawn endlessly, and the world changed drastically.

Xuanming's large handprints broke down in a flash, and then fell apart under the mighty power of the **** tide.

A volume of blood light, cutting with endless sword gas, crushed the black shadow of the black mountain, and then directly killed Sheng Yuan in the air.

"Xuanming Zhenjia!" Sheng Yuan was frightened, and hurriedly displayed his defense martial arts again, but the endless power of the sea of ​​blood was very tyrannical. When Chen Zong was still beyond the limit of the transcendent realm, he could use this trick to delay the entry of Gufengfu The disciple is a heavy disciple, not to mention that he is now trained to reach the mid-level semi-sacred level, and its power is much more powerful.

The mysterious real armor support with amazing defense force collapsed and collapsed into powder maggots in less than an instant. The terrible force directly bombarded Sheng Yuan. Amazing sword gas poured into the body and frantically raged. It seemed to tear the body.

The body trembled, blood spewed out, and the body was raging wildly, as if cut and fragmented.

The endless power of the sea of ​​blood in a perfect state is indeed too overbearing, exceeding the upper limit.

A strong man who entered the sanctuary of Xuanming Palace immediately shot, and when the robe sleeves were swung, there was an empty volume, which immediately turned into a black horse. It spreads out like the water of a long river, and Sheng Yuan is trapped away from Wudoutai, and it will rag The sword gas in Shengyuan's body was shattered and eliminated, and the endless power of the Sea of ​​Blood was eliminated.

"Win again."

"This Chen Zong is unexpected."

Many discussions sounded and exclaimed.

"This time Chen Zong can win, not by his strength, but by using his hole cards."

Someone else saw it very clearly and saw the facts.

The meaning of defeating the opponent with their own strength and defeating the opponent with an external card are different.

"It seems that the strength of Chen Zong, a hybrid sword, stops here."

"Wrong. Chen Zong's cultivation is only a medium-level semi-holy level. If he is promoted to a high-level semi-holy level, it will definitely be stronger than Sheng Yuan."

Some people are not optimistic about Chen Zong, and some are optimistic about Chen Zong.

However, regardless of optimism or disapproval, Chen Zong defeated Sheng Yuan, and thus kept his own mysterious order.

As for the ranking on the bottom of the list, it remains the same, after all, Sheng Yuan has fallen off the bottom of the list.

In this battle, Chen Zong did not lose, and Sheng Yuan did not actually have any substantial losses, but in the following, he would be reduced to a public talk, a joke.


In the 73rd Xuan Ming Yuan.

Chen Zong's closed eyes opened in an instant, bursting out a ray of astonishing coldness, tearing the sky.

And refers to the sword point breaking through the void, directly killed, a mountain of blood, a sword that tears the sky and the earth, the sword is extremely fast.

Sword of blood!

This sword, the speed of the sword is as striking as the flash of light, and it has a feeling of working as expected, releasing its sharp edge as much as possible.


This sword, finally Xiaocheng.

In the battle with Shengyuan, Chen Zong was not without gains, but with gains. Especially after he urged the Blood Sword Seal to display the endless blood sea, he gained a deeper understanding of the Blood Sword Technique.

After returning to the 73rd Xuan Ming Yuan for meditation for three days and three nights, I finally realized all kinds of understanding and digestion, so that the first trick of the Blood Sword Technique, Yi Jian Biao Xue, was elevated to Xiaocheng Realm.

Dripping blood sword is the first-grade swordsmanship of the holy level, powerful and incomprehensibly profound. It is difficult to practice on the level of the semi-holy level.

Even if it is Tianjiao on many low rankings, it will take a lot of time and energy to cultivate the introduction. It is almost impossible to achieve small success.

Chen Zong's soul is strong, comparable to the late stage of the sacred realm, his understanding is extremely amazing, and he has the **** sword mark, so he can cultivate.

Previously, it was too difficult and difficult to practice Yi Jian Biao Xie and Yi Jian Bing Xie to the entry level.

Unexpectedly, this time, being challenged by Sheng Yuan, during the First World War, he got an opportunity to achieve a level of **** sword.

The gap between Xiaocheng and Getting Started is very obvious.


At least twice the difference.

In terms of power alone, Yi Jian Biao Xie has beaten Yi Jian Bing Xue several times, and its speed is far better than that.

It can be said that with the exception of some hole cards, one sword is the strongest sword of Chen Zong.

"If I fight that Shengyuan again, I can defeat it without resorting to the power of the Bloody Sword Mark." Chen Zong hung a smile.

The improvement of strength is always so wonderful, so exciting and fulfilling.


"This is Xuanming City, it looks good." The slender young fat man swiped slowly with a pair of small eyes, murmuring while holding the beast legs that were constantly oiling.

"It's okay, but it's worse than Xuanmo City." The young man who walked side by side and walked thinly like a bamboo pole said with an iron-blue face, his bulging eyes were dead and heavy, watching everything A look of bitterness and hatred.

"Of course, how can a cryptic realm be compared with our genre black realm." The fat man ate a mouthful of oil, but laughed at all regardless of the image, and his teeth were covered with meat.

"Xuanming Realm is not as good as our Xuanmo Realm, but the small world of Xuanming is good and worthy of entry." The skinny man's look remained stiff.

These two people are clearly practitioners from other fields.

Xuan Mo Realm is bordering Xuan Ming Realm.

The two men came from the Xuan Mo Realm and entered the Xuan Ming Realm.

Encountering Xuanming Ling happened, he changed his direction towards Xuanming City.

Xuanming Small World They have also heard that Xuanming Palace is in control and only opened once in a century, which is quite good.

Xuanming Palace is very powerful. Although they believe that Xuan Mo Realm is more powerful than Xuan Ming Realm, it is undeniable that in front of Xuan Ming Palace, they are nothing.

Since this opportunity exists, of course, you can't miss it.

The two were not reckless. They did not immediately launch a challenge as soon as they entered Xuanming City, but investigated first.

Xuanming Realm has Xuanming Realm, and Xuan Mo Realm has Xuanmo Realm. The list of entering the Holy Land is the same, both are Xuanbang, but the names of entering the Holy Realm are different.

Different titles, the same essence.

These two people are the Tianjiao on Xuan Moyu's Mo Bang, and the reason for Tian Bang on Tian Bang.

Although my heart is proud ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, I do not act recklessly. I first investigate clearly, then choose opponents to challenge, capture the Xuanming Order, and enter the Xuanming small world.

"In my opinion, the overall level of Mingjiao Tianjiao is only one line worse than the overall level of Tianjiao of our Mobang. You and my brother are ranked 43 and 42 respectively on the Mexican list, challenging the same ranking and In the future, it ’s safer, ”said the fat man, holding his beast's legs.

"Okay." Slim did not object.

On the 73rd, Xuanmingyuan welcomed two guests.

Zheng Tuo and Nan were empty.

"You don't practice well now to improve your strength, why are you free to find me?" Chen Zong asked with a smile.

At this time, but in a very tense time, in addition to the unshakable Tianjiao in the top ten, anyone can be challenged to capture the Xuanming Order.

Although Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong are on the bottom of the list, they are very powerful, but in fact they are not very high on the list.

Under normal circumstances, it should be one by one, or even directly announce the retreat. One is to improve the strength as much as possible, and the other is to avoid being challenged and keep the mysterious order.

"You don't know yet, something just happened." Zheng Tuo smiled bitterly.

"What's the matter?" Chen Zong was a little curious.

"There are two Outlanders Tianjiao, who defeated Dianguang Daobeidian and Hengjiang Jun Xu Tong," Zheng Tuo said with a stern look.

"Dianguang Daobeidian, Hengjiang Jun Xu Tong." Chen Zong was a little surprised, a little surprised, these two positions on the bottom of the list, but forty-one and forty, they are themselves top-level genius.

"What are the origins of those two Outland Tianjiao?" Chen Zong asked again.

"From the Xuan Mo Realm adjacent to our Xuan Ming Realm, one Zhao Fang and one Zhao Yuan have the title Fangyuan Shuangjue." Zheng Tuo said suddenly. nt

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