Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 14: Ancient Fire Refinery

Red, red, red ...

Fire, fire, fire ...

Blazing roundabout, continuous, endless ...

Chen Zong continued to be roasted, as if to be burnt to ashes.

Even more amazing is that Chen Zong found that his powerful semi-strength disappeared, and his powerful semi-strength also disappeared.

At this moment, the powerful practice of practicing qi and refining practice disappeared without a trace. If Chen Zong was determined, he would even doubt whether he had such power.

Facing this situation, Chen Zong did not panic, but calmly responded.

The body has become very ordinary. It seems that it has not been cultivated, but it has to endure the high temperature here. It feels like the whole person is going to be cooked.

The heat and moisture are constantly evaporating, and the whole person seems to be ignited and burned into ashes.

Chen Zong calmly responded, looking for vitality.

The flames in front of it burned, and the tongue of fire was fluctuating. It seemed to burn everything to ashes and become nothing.

Staring at the flames, Chen Zong carefully examined himself, and eventually found that his strength had not completely disappeared.

The power of Ziyun Hexingyan is suppressed, but it still exists, and the fire power of several extraordinary secret forces also exists.

"Is it ... directly related to fire?" Chen Zong couldn't help guessing.

Neither the immediate signs nor the only power in the body showed this.

Standing in place, Chen Zong did not rush into action, but felt and thought carefully.

The power of the flame was realized based on the power of the Ziyun Hexingyan in the body, which once became the help of Chen Zong, and even when the Ziyun Hexingyan was mixed with the power of the flame, the power was stronger.

However, gradually, with the improvement of Chen Zong's own strength, the strength of Ziyun Heixingyan has not kept pace with Chen Zong, and only its purification characteristics still have an effect on Chen Zong.

This time, is it about inheritance related to it?

In the ancient memory fragments of King Taiyuan, there seems to be records about the magical powers of the heavens and the earth, and there seems to be corresponding exercises, but there are only a few, which are more difficult to obtain than ordinary practice exercises.

If you divide the exercises, the practice of Qi and body exercises is a normal practice of exercises, and the practice of practicing heaven and earth is called odd exercises.

In the memory of King Taiyuan, there is no magic work, and even the information of the magic work is very little, just a little, maybe because of the incomplete memory relationship, or other reasons.

Chen Zong's mind filled with a flash of thought. Here, maybe there are things related to the magical work, even the magical work closely related to the heaven and earth.

If so, and if obtained, it is also very good, at least the power of Ziyun Hexingyan will not be wasted.

The thoughts flashed by, but the main thing now is to pass the assessment here.

How to pass the assessment?

For a time, Chen Zong had no clue and could only try.

Mobilize the power of the extraordinary mysterious flame, and use it as the lead to awaken the silent purple cloud and black star inflammation.

Ziyun Hexingyan is completely silent. Under the contact of the power of the flame, Ziyun Hexingyan trembles slightly. It seems to be waking up, but he is not strong enough to wake up.

Repeated attempts and repeated failures failed to awaken Ziyun Hexingyan.

Chen Zong couldn't help but stop thinking.

Immediately, his eyes stared at the raging fire ahead.

Then, Chen Zong stepped forward, his steps were extremely firm, his expression was calm, and his eyes were cohesive.

Step directly into the blazing fire.

At the moment when the fire burned, Chen Zong felt that his body seemed to be directly transformed into the ashes and souls, but there was no fact. Only a terrible and fiery force continued to be forced into the body from the outside. The body continues to penetrate deep into the body.

The feeling of being continuously penetrated into the body by the blazing flame is like the red hot iron wire piercing the skin fiercely, and then tearing the flesh and bone to continue to penetrate, which is extremely painful.

To resist this severe pain, Chen Zong walked towards the center of the flame, the temperature seemed higher, and the flame was diffused. It was like a fire dragon swimming, constantly ejecting amazing dragon breath, and destroying everything.

Chen Zong felt that his body and his soul seemed to be burned into ashes under this terrible flame and completely disappeared between heaven and earth, and there were no traces of traces.

But it is intact and intact. This strange sense of contradiction has turned into a kind of torture, such as purgatory torment, which is repeated between life and death.

Vaguely, Chen Zong raised a kind of enlightenment, and to pass the test, he must resist the burning of this flame.

It seemed to be a sound in the bottom, a reminder.

But the burning of this flame did not cause any harm to his body, but the terrible blazing caused his body and soul to endure torture and torture.

Can't carry it, although he won't die here, he can't pass the assessment.

Time passed slowly, Chen Zong felt that the blazing heat seemed to be getting higher and higher, and the whole person was extremely uncomfortable, as if even the soul was ignited, and the pain was incomparable.

This pain is difficult to describe clearly in words, but it exists all the time, and it is constantly increasing.

Chen Zong constantly mobilized the power of the flames to resist this hot burning, which was alleviated to some extent, but gradually felt powerless.

When Chen Zong felt that it was difficult for him to support himself, suddenly, the silent purple cloud and black star inflammation seemed to sleep enough. He suddenly woke up and was immediately urged by the force of the flame, and quickly swept the whole body up and down, and repelled the invading fire. Resist.

Although the power of Ziyun Heixingyan was not very strong, it seemed like a life-saving straw, which made Chen Zong secretly relieved.

At least, resisting half of the power of the flames, so that you can support longer.

Another thing that makes Chen Zong feel pressure is time.

I do n’t know how long it takes to pass the assessment. Unknown, it is always easy to make people feel scared.

As time passed, gradually, the blazing heat rose again. With the power of purple cloud and black star inflammation and the power of flame, it was already difficult to resist this terrible high temperature.

Chen Zong's consciousness gradually became blurred, like a smoke-like wandering, which continued to be supported only by the toughest instinct.

That point of instinct, like the eternal light, is like an inextinguishable fire. Although it is subtle, it persists in burning as if it never goes out.

A strong soul gives Chen Zong a stronger resistance.

In the midst, Chen Zong felt that his consciousness seemed to be separated from his body, soaring into the air.

It seemed to be ignited, and a flame burned from the body, spreading rapidly, the body seemed to turn into an immortal flame, existing between heaven and earth, staying in eternity.

Immediately, even the soul seemed to burn, turning into a soul flame.

When this feeling rose, Chen Zong felt relaxed for a while. It seemed that the burning fire could no longer affect himself and could not make him feel pain.

Fire fire fire!

Burn burn burn!

I don't know how long in the past, when Chen Zong felt that he had become a flame, a stream of information appeared like a torrent of flames and poured directly into Chen Zong's soul.

The powerful soul felt slightly full, and it quickly received the message.

Before Chen Zong had time to look carefully at the information pouring into his soul, he suddenly appeared outside the stele.

Pass the test and get the chance.

Chen Zong immediately unfolded his body, and quickly went away, watching the information flowing into his soul while watching the movements around him.

Mysterious ancient fire tactics!

This is a marvelous practice of practicing the heaven and earth fire.

The magical powers of practicing the power of heaven and earth have never been divided into different levels. At the beginning, they are all the same level, the lowest level. Of course, the magical powers are the magical powers, which belong to different systems from the orthodox methods. Make a detailed comparison.

But Qi Gong has one characteristic, that is, it can continuously absorb and refine the Qili Heaven and Earth Qili, so as to better improve its quality.

For example, Chen Zong's Ziyun Heixingyan, after mastering the ancient ancient fire tactics, can gradually improve with cultivation, and even break through the original maggots, and be promoted to the power of heaven's strange fire.

Of course, it is not so easy to upgrade the power of the earth to the power of the sky by practicing Qi Gong alone. It takes a long time and requires a lot of energy.

But if it can refining and absorbing other heaven and earth forces, it can be improved faster and better, breaking through the original maggots, and reaching a higher level.

Chen Zong hurried to learn the mysterious ancient fire tactics.

This mysterious ancient refining fire tactics can not be counted as mysterious and inscrutable. With Chen Zong's understanding, he soon realized it and mastered the essence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and began to cultivate.

Suddenly, Ziyun Hexingyan was mobilized to run in the body with wonderful routes and trajectories, and a hot breath permeated.

Chen Zong immediately noticed the difference.

In the past, the transfer of Ziyun Hexingyan was only a very direct transfer. However, the transfer of the ancient fire-refining tactics now has an indescribable ease and smoothness, and it is as if it were born with the arms and fingers.

As a result, its efficiency has been improved by more than ten percent, and its power has become more concentrated and its consumption has been lower.

This is just a preliminary practice. If you continue to practice, it will be even more terrifying when you get deeper.

Chen Zong didn't expect that his first chance after entering the small world of Xuanming turned out to be related to the strange fire of the heavens and the earth, which was a martial art.

With this method, if you get the strange fire of the earth or the strange fire of the sky in the future, you can refine and absorb it.

As a kind of natural strength, Tianqiqili is extraordinary and possesses extraordinary mystery, but it is also not easy to master. If it is not a coincidence, it will often be life-threatening.

The stronger the power of Heaven and Earth, the more difficult it is to overcome, but if there is help from Heaven and Earth, the difficulty will be reduced a lot.

In addition, different heaven and earth forces must be merged with each other, and the difficulty is also very large. The first fusion is the simplest and full of dangers. When the second heaven and earth forces are merged, the danger and difficulty will be magnified tenfold.

In other words, before that, even if Chen Zong got a kind of strange fire, he wanted to incorporate it into the purple cloud black star inflammation, so that the purple cloud black star inflammation was transformed, which was ten times more difficult than before. .

If it fails, it will certainly suffer heavy damage, but now that there is a mysterious method of refining fire, the probability will be greatly increased. nt

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