Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 15: Holy medicine mystic fruit

The black shadow flickered, and the black light passed through the void, penetrating it.

"You ..." Tianjiao Tianjiao covered his heart with blood, but could not stop seeping blood from his fingers and dyed his fingers. His eyes were wide, and he looked at the figure of the black robe with an incredible and unbelievable expression, only It's impossible to say a word.

Immediately, I saw the light of the black robe flickering like a wave of water. Immediately, the black robe flew forward like a golden cicada husked, covering the body of that arrogant heavenly arrogant body, and the light was soaring and diffused in all directions.

When the light was gone, there was only one standing figure, and it was like the arrogant look of the sky.

Isn't he dead?

Immediately, the eyes of Tianjiao flashed a dim and deep luster, revealing the extremely cold breath fluctuation, the corner of the mouth slightly tilted, a touch of horrible murder, a flicker of the body, and turned into a virtual shadow. Fly away.


Under the ancient tactics of refining fire, Ziyun Heixingyan is like a tamed tiger, very clever, but not fierce.

As he hurriedly searching for other opportunities, he also operated the Xuangu Refinery Technique. Although Ziyun Heixingyan's power could not be improved in a short time, Chen Zong's mastery of the Xuangu Refinery Technique became more and more profound.

There seems to be a sign of change with the power of fire, but it is not enough, and the change cannot be generated.

A huge tree grows on the ground. The tree is dark and the trunk is very thick. At least hundreds of big men must try their best to open their hands to form a circle. The tree can reach thousands of kilometers, and its canopy covers several kilometers. It's like a huge black umbrella.

The breathtaking coldness continued to emerge from the trees, sweeping in all directions, covering a range of tens of thousands of meters, colder and more pure than other places.

A figure flew at an amazing speed, stopped for a few kilometers from the huge black tree, and stared in astonishment.

"Xuanming tree, it is really amazing." The man said to himself in wonder, he was a disciple of Xuanming Palace, but he was not on the list, and even his order was not his own. But someone else gave him.

The Xuanming Small World acknowledges that it does not recognize people, and can only enter when Xuanming Order is obtained.

Of course, at the same time that Xuanming Order was obtained, it often represented the ranking, but there are always some exceptions.

For example, Xu Mubai, the number one in the bottom list.

This mysterious order was handed to him on the first day of Mingbang, because he was a cousin of Xumubai.

"Xuanming fruit is mine." Xu Mulong's eyes twinkled brightly, staring at the dark fruits condensing on the Xuanming tree, excited.

There are many opportunities in the Xuanming Small World, and this Xuanming tree is also one of the opportunities.

Xuanming tree itself is not an opportunity, but it can condense Xuanming fruit.

In addition, every 100 years, the black tree will condense a batch of black tree fruit. If no one picks it, the power contained in the black tree will be absorbed by the black tree and re-condensed.

As it happens, the small world of Xuanming is also opened every one hundred years.

Only the talents of Xuanming Palace know that there are only a maximum of nine Xuanming fruits condensed on the Xuanming tree, at least three, usually in the middle.

And what effect does Xuanming fruit have?

It is impossible to grow and cultivate, and it is not possible to directly improve strength, but it can make people enter a peculiar state of cultivation within a certain period of time.

That state of cultivation is also called the mysterious state of mind. Under the state of the mysterious state of mind, understanding and other aspects will be improved, and the efficiency of enlightenment and cultivation will also be greatly improved.

It can be said that the Xuanming fruit is a cultivation treasure and one of the rare holy medicines.

As soon as Xu Mulong entered the small world of Xuanming, the others did not dare, and started directly at full speed, and rushed here.

"Seven, there are actually seven mysterious fruits, great." Xu Mulong was extremely excited.

Although it is said that there are nine coniferous fruits condensed in the mysterious tree, there are few, most of them are only five or six, and seven are condensed, which is extremely amazing.

"Seven mysterious fruits, I will keep one for myself and give three to my cousin, and the remaining three can be dedicated to Zongmen, or I can trade it in exchange for other cultivation things I need." Xu Mu Long said again.

Before he got the Xuanming fruit, he started to distribute.

"According to my cousin, the mysterious fruit of this mysterious tree is not easy to pick up, because there will be the mysterious viper guard." Xu Mulong said to himself, while glancing away with sharp eyes. , Looking for the so-called Xuanming Viper.

However, I couldn't see or feel the breath of Xuanming Viper at all.

Although Xu Mulong is very confident in his own strength, he thinks that he will not be inferior to that of Tiangan, but he is not arrogant enough to think that the Xuanming Viper is nothing, and be cautious.

Take a step and slowly approach the Xuanming tree, staring at one of the Xuanming trees, and pay attention to the other movements.

However, when Xu Mulong approached the Xuanming fruit, he still did not encounter any danger. He immediately shot, and waved a wave of black light between the hands. He wanted to cut off Xuanming fruit's head and remove it.

Sudden changes occur suddenly.

A black brilliance is as thin as a cow's hair, but it is faster than lightning. It is radiated from one side silently and silently, as if it was shot from the emptiness. It is shot at that ray of light in an instant, and it is broken and emptied. A turn, mercilessly killed Xu Mulong.

Xu Mulong was suddenly shocked, his body flickered, moved away like lightning, and shot with one palm. The palm print gazed at the black body, as if made of black metal, exuding an astonishing chill, and faintly sharp. .

The black lightning-like strike was broken in an instant. Immediately, an astonishing roar sounded, and a terrible black storm struck, as if to blast everything.

As if screaming and roaring from a reason, Xu Mulong's heart suddenly jumped, his complexion turned pale.

I saw a whole black python coiled around the trunk of the mysterious tree. The python had a large bucket full of feet, an amazing skull, golden and icy heartlessness in the eyes, and between staring, Xu Mulong could not help but emerge. chill.

This python is different from ordinary pythons. It has short limbs, but it is very strong and powerful.

There are three claws on each limb, very sharp, fastened to the trunk of the mysterious tree, and the whole body is filled with terrible breath fluctuations.

This mysterious world has limited power and will not reach the sanctuary, but the breath fluctuations emitted by the mysterious viper, have suddenly reached the extreme limit of the semi-holy level.

Staring at Xuanming Viper, Xu Mulong was very stressed.

He found himself belittled Xuanming Viper.

I thought that with my own strength not inferior to that of Mingbang Tianjiao, it should be able to deal with the Xuanming Viper and pick the Xuanming fruit. Now it seems that it is not so easy.

Fortunately, I am not unprepared.

With a sudden wave of his hand, a figure appeared beside him. He was a man wearing a black armor, but there was no vitality.

Suddenly, the eyes of this black Warframe man burst into a golden mang, his arms raised, and a spear was assembled in an instant. The gun body pierced the void like a poisonous dragon drill, with amazing power running through everything. Everything, like a huge cannon, blasted to Xuanming Viper.

Taking the initiative to provoke the mysterious viper, with a roar, the terrible energy shot out of his mouth, and blasted at that shot, which caused a slight meal with a thick tail to destroy the mountain. Yue's horrific power shattered the sky and bombarded the man's chest.

With a bang, such as hitting a big drum, the black warframe man was shot hundreds of meters in an instant, but it was a meal, his body stood upright on the ground, like a lance, and then a bounce. Turned into a terrible light through all kills.

This is not a real person, but a powerful puppet, a puppet that is much stronger than the ordinary high-end semi-holy level.

With this scorpion holding Xuanming Viper, Xu Mulong was relieved immediately, and immediately turned into an arrow off the string to shoot another Xuanming fruit.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when he was about to pick up the mysterious fruit, it was a terrible black storm that swept through, with an amazing smell of smell, let Xu Mulong's heart beating wildly, and quickly cast his body to move sideways Avoid.

Xuanming Viper!

There is even a second one!

Xu Mulong's eyes widened and his face was incredible.

Did n’t you say there was only one?

Why does the second one appear?

Although this Xuanming Viper looks smaller than the previous one, it is undeniable that its strength is also very strong, which is not what it can match now ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But that Xuanming Xu, I only have one, and my cousin lent it to myself.

Xu Mulong's heart sank immediately.

If there are two Xuanming Viper, how do you pick Xuanming fruit?

If you do n’t get Xuanming fruit, then the trip to Xuanming Small World is not complete, and you have n’t finished your cousin.

Xu Mulong did not move, while staring at the Xuanming Viper, his thoughts spun up and thought.

Xuanming Viper didn't move. It seemed that as long as he didn't strike Xuanming fruit or take the initiative to attack, Xuanming Viper would not fight back, but stared at Xu Mulong with a pair of cold and ruthless eyes. .

Xu Mulong slowly backed away, pulled away from the Xuanming Viper, exited several kilometers away, and recalled the Xuanming Viper.

Xu Mulong pondered, how can he pick up the fruit of Xuanming under the guard of two Xuanming Vipers?

And, not one, but seven.

At this moment, a figure flew quickly from a distance and entered the eyes of Xu Mulong.

Xu Mulong's eyes suddenly flashed.

"Sir, please come and tell," Xu Mulong said.

Chen Zong also saw Xuan Mingshu and Xu Mulong, and when he heard the voice of Xu Mulong, he turned around and flew forward.

"What's the matter?" Chen Zong asked without asking.

"Sir, I would like to ask you a favor, after the completion of the matter, there will be heavy thanks." Xu Mulong also said very directly.

Chen Zong took a subconscious look at Xuan Mingshu.

"My name is Xu Mulong, a disciple of Xuanming Palace, and Xu Mubai is my cousin." Xu Mulong went on to say his identity and also wanted to see the shock on Chen Zong's face.

Xu Mubai!

That's the strongest Xuanming Palace, it's Tianjiao, the first in the Mingbang. nt

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