Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 19: When the sword comes out of the sheath (4)

(Mid-Autumn Festival full moon reunion, family and friends get together and drink)

The sky of Xuanming's small world has always been dark, as if the dark clouds are dangling and solidifying, and it is filled with an amazing cold.

Chen Zong jumped up to the end of his cultivation, feeling a smile of half-strength in his body.

Intermediate semi-holy peak.

Not far from the high-end semi-holy level.

This is because not long ago, Chen Zong got a few exotic fruits for refining and absorption. If not, it will take a lot of time to reach this level.

As long as you break through to a high-level semi-holy level, your strength will go further.

And the improvement of Xiu Wei also unlocks the suppression of potential to a certain extent. There will be improvements in all aspects, and the improvement is amazing.

It can be said that Xiuwei's breakthrough has brought far more benefits to Chen Zong than others.

"If there are three more different fruits, I will be able to break through to the high-end semi-holy level." Chen Zongxin was not only a bit sorry.

Suddenly, his complexion suddenly changed, and a trace of chill burst out from his eyes. The instincts that have been refined in countless times in the crisis of life and death have already erupted and manifested themselves.

The nine magic changes!

Suddenly, one person turned into three figures, and it was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The first figure was penetrated, and then the second figure was penetrated, silent and horrible.

That tiny black mang shot to the third figure, which is exactly where Chen Zong is.

The golden mang flashed, bringing the majestic magnificence of the mountains, and the tiny black mang in the extreme point made it broken.

A shadow seemed to emerge from the nothingness. If the ghost was strange and spooky, it rushed to Chen Zong and turned into nine lanes, which were killed from nine different directions.

Chen Zong frowned.

This breath is clearly the only breath of Heisha members.

In the small world of Xuanming, how can there be black people?

Xuanming Palace is controlled by Xuanming Palace, and Xuanming Palace is the head of Xuanming Realm. It is not incompatible with Heixa. Xuanming Palace cannot let Hexa people enter Xuanming Small World.


Chen Zong was frightened, and he couldn't help but come up with an idea and speculation that made him extremely horrified.

If this guess is true, the mysterious realm is in danger.

However, Chen Zong was not 100% sure. After all, it was just speculation, not to mention that he was not a person in Xuanming Realm, and did not have such a great sense of belonging and honor.

It is more important now to avoid the killing of the opponent and kill the opponent in turn.

Regardless of whether there is a relationship between Heixa and Xuanming Palace, this person is a Heixa. If you want to kill yourself, you **** it.

Field of Hearts!

Celestial War Body!

Dachengtianjing warfare made Chen Zong's strength stronger, his sword broke, his blood glowed like thunder.

Sword of blood!

Xiaocheng Realm has a sword that bleeds blood faster and more powerful. No sword body can be seen. The only blood light that passes through the sky and directly kills one of the nine shadows is where the real body lies.

As for the other eight figures, all of them are fake. Under the cover of the realm of the heart, they have nothing to hide and cannot confuse Chen Zongmin.

This black evil killer secretly was shocked. The opponent was so decisive that he sent a sword to kill his true body. Was it luck or did he really break the truth?

If the former is nothing, if the latter is more vigilant.

The black shadow seemed to be somewhere between real and illusory. The blood shone through the air, but it was instantly dissipated. It wafted forward like a smoky billow, and quickly drifted towards Chen Zong, containing an astonishing extreme Murder.

With a wave of Jin Shenyue sword, he swept across all directions, a terrible storm raged, blowing black smoke, but a phantom of shadow penetrated the sword light and was forced to kill.

Chen Zong was so horrified that the cold current penetrated the bone marrow and forced the soul away. The whole person was frozen in an instant.

Under the realm of the heart, Chen Zong clearly grasped the hit of Heisha Killer.

It was a blow that was launched from behind, and it turned into a moment when the smoke spread, and the black evil killer also appeared behind him along with the smoke, thus launching a fatal blow.

I have to say that this is indeed a terrible figure, very strange and difficult to entangle.

However, if you want to practice this kind of body, you have to pay a great price, even suffering from torture and torture.

In the realm of the heart, everything in the other side has nothing to hide.

With Chen Zongxiu's ascension, although the scope of the realm of the heart has not increased, it is more stable, even if it is a heavy force to enter the sacred realm, it is difficult to break.

Even though the Jin Shenyue sword has a horrible weight of 150,000 kilograms, it is an epee that many practitioners can hardly pick up, but it is nothing in the hands of Chen Zong.


A sword that is extremely precise, dances with the delicate and subtle embroidery needles, and blocks the opponent's blow with extreme precision. The powerful force passes through the sword body, like a violent wave.


Under the sword, Heisha Killer was immediately repelled, as if he couldn't withstand the bombardment of that mighty force, it burst instantly and diffused again.

Chen Zong is more focused. Within six meters of the realm of the heart, everything is under his control.

The smoke was diffused, and a trace of virtual shadows shuttled through it, floating away like a cloud of smoke in the wind, with an elusive trajectory.

Heisha Killer didn't hit Chen Zong immediately, but blended into the black smoke and waited for the opportunity to find the best time.

But he had a feeling of being stared at, which made him feel uncomfortable and more alert.

Suddenly, a touch of Jianguang broke through the air, with a very majestic and overbearing momentum, as if smashing everything to the ground, making the Hexa killer terrified.

Seen through!

His method of hiding body was even seen through.

how can that be!

You must know this hidden body method, but one of the very clever ones in Heisha is extremely difficult to practice. You must endure great pain and even practice self-harm to practice.

With this body method, I also rely on calmness to come and go. I have assassinated many righteous semi-sacred masters. No one will miss and will not be left behind.

Even with this method, he succeeded in getting out of the hands of a powerful man who entered the sacred realm.

But this time, it was impossible to see through a middle-level semi-holy level.

The sword had already reached the air, and it was astonishing and overbearing, as if it was about to smash one side of the world.

Since being seen through, it can only come out to resist.

Under one sword, the mighty power is like a tidal wave, and it seems like a volcanic eruption. All power is released in an instant. Under the realm of the heart, it is even more accurate.

Forcing the sword of Chen Zong, it was too late for him to convert, and he could not help spitting out blood.

With it, blood glowed like lightning.

Sword of blood!

Heisha Killer was so terrified that he almost flew away from the sky and quickly cast his body skills to the extreme, but couldn't completely avoid it.

Because his body has been investigated by Chen Zong, but he still doesn't know that he is within the realm of the heart, so he can't escape Chen Zong's perception.

If he could know this, he would be far away from Chen Zong, and the realm of mind would be invalid.

That sword cut off one arm of the other.

Sword of blood!

It was another sword.

The sword in Xiaocheng's realm is the strongest sword mastered by Chen Zong now.

The sword passed by blood, and there was no trace.

The black smoke disappeared, a figure appeared in front of Chen Zong, and his neck was cut off.

After tearing off the black robe, it was a middle-aged man with scars on his face. He could not see the original appearance, but on the back of his opponent's hand, there was indeed a unique sign of the Hexa organization: the Hexa mark.

In addition, it is a black short blade, extremely sharp, is a special high-end semi-holy artifact, very spicy.

Staring at the corpse of Heisha Killer, there was a haze in Chen Zong's heart.

There is no doubt that the emergence of the Heixia killer has added a lot of danger to the Xuanming Small World.

After all, Heixa killers entered here. Chen Zongke didn't think they were here to play, they definitely had their purpose, and Hexa group didn't know how many geniuses in the right way had been assassinated. The purpose was imaginable.

The previous speculation has surfaced again. Is there a relationship between Xuanming Palace and Heisha?

If it doesn't matter, why the black world of Xuanming Palace under the control of Xuanming Palace was entered by Heisha killer. If you think about it, you will feel horror, which means that the foundation of Heisha organization is richer than imagined.

If it is related, it is also a very horrible thing. It is like a huge vortex, swallowing everything up, smashing and destroying it.


Chen Zong felt that his thoughts were a bit confusing, so he didn't think too much.

For the sake of today's plan, we still need to improve our own strength. Only with sufficient strength can we calmly face all conspiracy and conspiracy.

At this time, the Xuanming Order fluctuated and filled a trace of light. Chen Zong grasped the Xuanming Order and felt that wave of fluctuations seemed to be a guide.

When the decision was made, Chen Zong quickly followed the instructions of Xuan Mingling ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the same time, others also received Xuan Mingling's instructions and went in the same direction.

This mysterious order seems to have another mystery in it.

Xuanming Small World opened for one month, now ten days have passed, and only twenty days remain.

In these ten days, Chen Zong has indeed made a lot of gains.

Mysterious ancient fire tactics!

Two mysterious fruits!

There are also a few exotic fruits for promotion!

However, it is not enough. Chen Zong needs more opportunities to improve his skills and strength as soon as possible to cope with everything.

Chen Zong couldn't help but come up with an idea, maybe this Xuanming Order's guidance would be an opportunity.

Chen Zong did not know, even many Xuanming Palace disciples did not know that Xuanming Order was not actually found in Xuanming Palace, but was obtained by the first generation of Xuanming Palace many years ago from Xuanming Small World. It matters.

Xuanming Ling is exactly 108 yuan.

Everything seems to be a coincidence, and it seems to be some kind of arrangement.

Located at the deepest part of the small world of Xuanming, a dark phantom permeates, as if swallowed up, it looks like a black hole phantom, as if it can devour everything and absorb it, emitting an amazing breath.

A little mysterious light surrounds it, as if the fireflies are flying, there are a hundred and eighty, is exuding a trace of breath fluctuations, extremely mysterious, it seems to be pulling something.

No one knows what's in the black hole's shadow, but the fluctuation of its guidance has attracted every Tianjiao who enters the small world of Xuanming to rush from all directions.


One hundred and eight, all came in order, but some were closer and faster, and they could arrive earlier. nt

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