Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 25: Sword World

The name of the mountain is Heishan, which is eight hundred feet high and stretches for hundreds of miles. There are many poisonous insects and beasts in the mountain. The more they enter the mountain, the more primitive they are and the more dangerous they are.

When Chen Zong wanted to turn the mountain, he had to go deep. It was inevitable that he would encounter danger.

However, these dangers are what Chen Zong now asks for.

Finding breakthrough opportunities in the crisis of life and death is the purpose of this trip.

The forest is dense and lush, with the leaves and branches covering the sky, and the shadows surrounding all directions. The sound of Chen Zong's footsteps and the sound of touching the leaves between the walking makes the silence in the depths of the mountains more obvious.

Chen Zong's steps were not fast or slow, and each step seemed to be carefully measured in general, exactly the same, and the lifted and dropped strength was as brisk and powerful as a thousand hammers.

Chen Zong's figure was slightly lower, moving forward like a cheetah in Foshan. His eyes were sharp and sharp, as if he were a sword. He could see everything in front clearly, without letting out any nuances.

The ears trembled slightly, and all the sounds around them were clearly in the ears.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's eyes flashed a sharp edge, like a cold electric lasing, at the same time, the iron sword brought a dazzling light across the shadow of the tree, as if to cut it open.

A sword greeted the light, and the light disappeared in an instant. The sword had returned to its sheath. Chen Zong walked forward without any pause.

On the side, a poisonous snake that was about to attack had been split into two.

Since entering the mountain, Chen Zong has suffered multiple attacks. With his own ability to resolve one by one, unknowingly, Chen Zong has a deeper understanding and understanding of the sword.

It doesn't seem to be a bad thing to temporarily lose cultivation and strength, because this can make your swordsmanship more pure.

Running to the top of the mountain, Chen Zong's endurance is long. This is due to the control and reasonable distribution of his strength. Otherwise, with the body of ordinary people, it is impossible to go so far without rest.

When he reached the top of the mountain, Chen Zong also had to pause for a while, take out dry grain, and replenish his physical strength.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the mountain wind was blowing with a bit of chill, and Chen Zong couldn't help it.

How long.

How long have I never experienced such an experience.

With the practice of the middle-level and semi-holy level, neither ordinary heat nor cold can bring a slight influence to oneself, which is equivalent to nothing, but now, it is just the body of an ordinary person, even if he can control how many With the strength, I ca n’t get rid of the ordinary people. I still feel hungry, feel hot, feel cold, and even get sick.

However, Chen Zong will not get sick because of his super strong control. Of course, if Chen Zong is willing, he can also speed up the blood flow, thereby generating heat to resist the coldness of the outside world. However, this will increase the consumption of the body and must Eat more food to replenish it.

Take a thick cotton coat from the backpack and put it on to protect against the chill of the mountain wind. Chen Zong also found a leeward zone, so that he can better spend this lonely and cold night.

I don't know what world this is. There are countless eyes blinking and blinking in the sky, there seem to be countless stories.

Suddenly, Chen Zong found that the stars in the sky turned out to be 108.

One hundred and eight!

This number surprised Chen Zong.

One hundred and eight mysterious orders, one hundred and eight light points, are now one hundred and eight stars.

There seems to be an inexplicable connection, but Chen Zong cannot explore and think for a while, but he is completely confused, but he will feel tired. After all, this is an ordinary body that can't bear the thinking operation too fast.

Closing his eyes, holding a sword in his arms, Chen Zong eliminated all thoughts and rested.

The body of an ordinary person needs to eat, drink, sleep, sleep, and so on.

However, even if Zong was resting, he still maintained a high degree of vigilance to prevent sudden attacks such as the beastly viper.

However, on such a night, the chill was so deep that most of the viper beasts were lurking and rarely dispatched.

One night passed safely. In the early morning, Chen Zong ate a piece of jerky and drank a few mouthfuls of dew. Then he packed up and set out again, and went down the mountain.

Over the mountains!

Down the mountain faster, flying like a waterfall, but Chen Zong is still very vigilant and avoid poisonous beasts. If it is difficult to avoid, naturally draw a sword to fight and sharpen the sword.

One day and one night, Chen Zong turned over this Montenegro. In front of him, there was a river flowing endlessly, and the waves were endless, as if the ancients had endured forever and never rested.

The river is several kilometers wide, and when viewed from left to right, it seems to be endless. Chen Zong can't help frowning.

Now, I ’m essentially just an ordinary person who has n’t cultivated. How can I cross the river without corresponding tools?

Fortunately, Chen Zong didn't worry too much. He quickly cut down some trees and made a simple raft like a river. He jumped lightly and his body stably fell on the raft.

It ’s just that the river is more urgent, and the raft is going down the water. It ’s difficult to cross to reach the other side, but Chen Zong is not in a hurry. The raft is quite strong. No impact will be caused by the impact of the water, and Chen Zong does not know Where is the other side, then let's follow the current.

Standing steadily in the center of the raft, Chen Zong's body rose up and down with the raft, and the sound of the river lingered in his ears, as if a piece of music mellowed into his ears.

Chen Zong stared at the river, feeling vaguely.

The water can be like a sword. Immediately, the iron sword emerges from the sheath and turns into a beam of sword light. It is not lightning fast, nor fierce like thunder, nor sharp like a blast. Some, just An endless stream like water.

This sword pierced the feeling of flowing water.

It was a very wonderful feeling, which immediately made Chen Zong a meal, and there seemed to be a flash of aura in his eyes.

At the next breath, Chen Zong suddenly found out that it wasn't the flowing water that seemed to be rushing in front of him, but the sword air, a stream of sword air like a stream of water, moving forward endlessly, with different thicknesses, uncertain strength, and full of variables , Contains infinite mysteries.

Sword management!

This is a kind of swordsmanship!

Ming Jianli!

For a moment, Chen Zong had a deeper understanding of Jianli.

The realm of Kendo, known to Chen Zong, is divided into five realms.

The fourth realm is Ming Jianli, and the fifth realm is palm swordsmanship. The so-called swordsmanship is the meaning of swords.

Ming Jianli is a near-infinite realm, and there is a great difference between it and Zhang Jianyi.

Just like nature!

Understanding the fourth realm may not necessarily comprehend the fifth realm.

What is sword theory?

The sword is right.

That exists between heaven and earth, in everything, is a law, a mystery, a truth.

In the past, Chen Zong also kept enlightenment, only limited, but now, after losing one's self-cultivation and strength, he is more pure, clearer, and more enlightened.

Chen Zong left Shanhai Village first to explore the illusion, and then to find an opportunity to master the half-step sword.

With a clear goal, there is a direction and motivation to move forward, and the accumulation of vigor makes Chen Zong's epiphany more direct.

The sound of water bursting into the ears, not only did not wake up Chen Zong, but instead plunged him into a deeper understanding.

The iron sword in his hand waved one sword after another, but the sword body was not seen. Only the sword light, like the endless stream of water, never stopped.

Jianguang and flowing water seemed to resemble one another, forming a resonance. At a moment, Chen Zong's consciousness trembled, and he woke up instantly, feeling only as if he could connect with the flowing water.

The idea moved, and sure enough, the raft was pushed to the opposite side between the flowing waters.

However, Chen Zong felt dizzy when he stayed behind.

Too weak!

However, Chen Zong was encouraged.

It seems that he has found a direction to enlighten Jianyi.

I thought before that I was putting myself in a crisis of life and death, and then set aside the outbreak of life, thus inspiring the sword meaning, so as to grasp and grasp the half-step sword meaning.

The half-step swordsmanship is a prerequisite for mastering swordsmanship.

As long as you master the meaning of the half-step sword, and then continue to enlighten, you can master the true meaning of the sword, and the power is greatly increased.

But putting yourself in a crisis of life and death is also extremely dangerous. Success is already. In case of failure, it is death.

Chen Zongke does not know if death in this world will really affect himself.

It may be possible that oneself will die as a result of this, or that he may be severely injured as a result.

If there are other ways to grasp the sword, it is better.

Now it seems that he found it.

"The rivers and rivers can help me understand sword theory, and the mountains, stones, trees, and grass ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Maybe it is the same, and can help me understand sword theory." Chen Zong secretly thought, eyes bright Flashing again and again.

But now, his mind was dizzy, Chen Zong didn't think much, but stood still, dispelled the distractions, and let the flowing water take the raft forward, and he slowly recovered his spirit.

I don't know how long in the past, Chen Zong opened his eyes, flashed a sharp sharpness, stared at the front, the flowing water seemed to become a torrent of sword gas.

Unconsciously, under the impact of the flowing water, the raft approached the other side a little bit. When approaching a certain distance, it was about to collide with the protruding stones on the other side. Chen Zong's feet suddenly force, and the arrogant force made the raft Slightly sinking, undulating layers of ripples, the body rushed up in an instant, as if an arrow off the string spanned a few meters, quickly and securely fell on the boulder.

With a bang, the raft slammed into a boulder under the drive of the rapids, and it suddenly split apart.

If the force of that impact falls on you, it will definitely be killed on the spot.

Chen Zong retracted his gaze and stared at the front, a field that seemed endless.

A small leap, like a bird-like lightness, fell on the field, and Chen Zongmai ran forward, as if a horse was running, with a momentum and beauty in the world between the muscles of his body.

This is a world without any name, a strange world, a world that filled Chen Zong with curiosity.

Here, I was able to inspire half-step swordsmanship, deepened the understanding of swordsmanship, and made Chen Zong look forward to it. It seems to be full of amazing potential, like a treasure, it is worth trying hard to dig.

Sword in the palm!

We must pass the stage of Ming Jianli and master the half-step sword intention, so as to further improve our strength. nt

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