Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 31: Sweeping the edge (1)

Outside Liu's mansion, the body of the split mountain sword fell into a pool of blood.

Even though the rising sun was floating and the sun was shining, the Liu family did not feel the slightest warmth. Instead, they were cold all over the body, and a trace of inexplicable astonishment grew from the heart like wild grass.

What can you do with money and power? At this moment, it is difficult to play any role. One person with one sword is enough to kill them.

"Sir, don't be impulsive." A figure quickly rushed from a distance like Deng Ping crossing the water, shouting to Chen Zong.

Soon, the man rushed to the scene, appearing more than ten meters away beside Chen Zong, his eyes gazed at the split mountain knife lying in a pool of blood, and his pupils shrank like a needle.

The split mountain knife with a title of twenty years was actually killed. You know, the split mountain knife of this age is almost fifty years old. For ordinary people, it is considered that the body is going to go downhill, but for the samurai, especially For the powerful forces to recruit powerful warriors with sufficient support, the fifties is at its peak, almost in terms of physical strength and experience.

It can be said that the split-blade sword at this stage is at the height of life's heyday. It is a little older, although it has more experience, but the body is gradually weakening, and the younger, the body is strong, but the experience insufficient.

The split mountain knife in such a heyday was actually killed, or was beheaded by a young man who seemed to be in his twenties.


"His Excellency is Chen Zong. I am a lord of the city's mansion. My name is Cloak Swordsman, and my last name is Li Mingyang." This man quickly introduced himself. He was also a title warrior, but he got the title five years ago. .

Even the split mountain sword is not the young man's opponent, not to mention himself. If one angers the other, killing with one sword will have unpredictable consequences.

"My Excellency Chen Zong, the Mountain Knife is dead, this Liu family cannot move." Li Yang did not rely on the city's main government to oppress Chen Zong's thoughts, because he could not see the depth. In case the oppression did not succeed, it would anger the other side, even worse, Can only be understood by reason.

Immediately, Li Yang explained everything.

In the Long Xuan Kingdom, the samurai fell, the status of nobles and families was higher, and laws were promulgated to protect the interests and status of noble families.

If you only kill a few members of the aristocratic family, it is just a grudge against that aristocratic family.

But if you kill too much or destroy a family directly, it is tantamount to provoking the royal family. After all, the protection order against the nobility and the family is issued by the royal family.

The consequences of angering King Longxuan's family were serious and miserable.

After all, the royal family has a powerful legion, inside and outside.

There were tens of thousands of elite soldiers in that legion, forming battle formations, and their lethality was terrible.

Compare the samurai and the elite.

Ordinary warriors can fight together two or three elite soldiers.

Elite warriors can fight against ten elite soldiers in one fight.

The title of samurai can be one enemy one hundred.

Wu Sheng, can be a thousand enemy.

Sophisticated soldiers, although not samurai, are stronger than ordinary people. One-on-one can easily kill ordinary people. The terrible aspect of elite soldiers is their quantity.

The more elite soldiers, the more terrible the lethality played by mutual cooperation.

In addition, there are heavy cavalry, a hundred heavy cavalry charge, Wu Sheng did not dare to confront directly.

In addition, there is the Shengong Camp, a hundred archers in the Shengong Camp fired in three rounds, and once shot a martial arts saint.

Chen Zong listened, his expression remained unchanged. About this, he had already learned about Chen Huang before.

This is a very magical world. No matter how much you exercise, the body of ordinary people will not exceed the limit, but it will be more powerful. Even if it is a born god, it is only a heavy weight of four or five hundred pounds.

However, after practicing martial arts, he will exert his power more reasonably, and even more powerful when he reaches the title of samurai. As for Wu Sheng, Chen Zong does not know how strong it is.

His current body is an ordinary body that cannot be cultivated and improved. Even if his application and control of strength reaches an unparalleled height, the sword in his hand can exert extraordinary power, but he cannot hold his body ordinary and endurance. Physical strength is limited.

Chen Zong estimates that a few hundred rounds of a hundred archers can't resist himself and can only escape. It is difficult to say whether he can escape.

After all, the force of this world has not broken through the sky after all, and the manpower is limited.

Chen Zong is confident, but not arrogant.

Don't try to challenge the rules without the power to break them.

"Today, I only blame the culprit." After listening to Li Yang's words, Chen Zong said slowly and impatiently. Immediately, his eyes glowed with a chill-like lasing, falling on the face of Liu Huan, the second son of the Liu family.

Immediately, one step out, approaching like a blast, it was incredibly fast. Even the titled samurai Li Yang couldn't help but be shocked, and his pupils shrank like a needle.

In the next breath, a dazzling sword light illuminates, like a shooting star across the sky.

The Liu family almost closed their eyes, not because they wanted to close, but because Jian Guang was too dazzling, a reaction of the body's instinct, and Li Yang suddenly felt creepy.

That sword is too fast and fierce!

As a titled samurai, Li Yang's body has been exercised to an astonishing height, and his eyesight is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Only to see that beam of sharp sword light penetrated through the sky and disappeared in an instant.

The sword returned to the sheath, and Chen Zong turned around, and then quickly searched for the Shanshandao and left.

The Liu family opened their eyes one after another, only to see Chen Zong's back like a lonely peak, and then immediately thought of something frightening, and quickly looked at Liu Huan.

I saw Liu Huanyu standing, his eyes were dim and dull, and his throat didn't know when a little bit of red appeared and gradually spread.

"Huaner ..." The voice was sad, like cuckoo crying.

Killing Liu Huan and killing the Liu family are two concepts. The former only increases the resentment against the Liu family, but it has already existed before, so it is more and less. Chen Zong does not care.

The latter would anger the King Longxuan's room, and it would be very detrimental to him if he dispatched a fine army.

Of course, if the Liu family didn't know the life or death, and they were going to kill themselves, then next time, it would not be so simple.

Li Yangbi looked at the back of Chen Zong's departure, as arrogant and upright as a lonely peak.

Immediately, Li Yang examined the wound of the split mountain knife, his face became more dignified.

"Listen, you better not think about how to retaliate, otherwise there will be a disaster." Li Yang turned to warn the Liu family, and then turned and strode away. He will return to the city's main government and report the incident to the Liu family. Whether they are willing to listen to their warnings is their own business.

Inside the city's main palace.

"Sir, I suggest that you show your sincerity in soliciting this person." Li Yang bowed to the salute and said to the main character sitting in the main seat.

"According to you, this person's strength is indeed terrible. He is also among the best in the title of samurai." The city master groaned, and the city master himself had learned martial arts, but because of the relationship between talent and time, he stopped at the elite warrior level However, it is clear that the samurai's strength is divided.

It's absolutely terrible to be able to easily kill the split mountain sword.

The Lord of the City is also very enthusiastic. If he can recruit such powerful warriors to work for himself, of course, it will be of great benefit to himself.


"The Split Mountain Knife is an enshrinement of the Ming Hou Mansion, which is highly valued by the Ming Hou. This man killed the Split Mountain Knife, I am afraid it would anger Ming Hou." The city owner hesitated, his eyes twinkling, hesitant.

In the Long Xuan Kingdom, the king is the king, and under the King is the Hou. It is conceivable that Ming Hou's status in the Long Xuan Kingdom.

The position of Longjiang City Lord is not low, but it cannot be compared with Hou Ye.

Soliciting Chen Zong may offend Ming Hou. In this era of samurai decline, it is not cost-effective.

"Forget it." The city owner waved his hand: "Come on."

"Yes." Li Yang opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but when he saw the look of the city owner, he could only bow his head in response and turned to leave, feeling a bit lonely inside.

Hundreds of years ago, how beautiful and honorable the samurai was, but now, it has not fallen like that. The mighty samurai is also afraid to attract because of all kinds of awe.

How sad!

Although he is the enshrinement of the city's mansion, but to put it plainly, it is just a higher-level thug. It cannot control the city's decision. It can only be so.


Chen Zong met Chen Huang who came to him. Chen Huang learned that Chen Zong not only killed Lishan Knife, but also Liu Huan, and was shocked into a statue.

Shanshan Dao, that is an old titled samurai, who is reaching the peak of his life, and was killed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For a time, Chen Huang seemed to follow Chen Zong like a puppet, The mind is chaotic.

Inside Liu's house, there was a dead silence, one by one looking sad or indignant or angry.

The head of the Liu family, it is also the father of Liu Huan, with a somber face, eyes full of anger, murderous.

No revenge!

No direct revenge!

After all, this person's strength is too terrible, and the powerful titled samurai such as the split mountain sword are not their opponents.

However, the hatred of killing a child is not shared, and it must be reported. As for Li Yang's warning, the angry Liu family has long been left behind.

"The Split Mountain Knife is an enshrinement of the Ming Hou Mansion. He was killed by Ming Hou. He was killed. When Ming Hou learns, he will be furious and will not give up." Big Brother, the eldest son of the Liu family.

Although Liu Huan was a little hesitant, he was his own brother and blood brother.

Now he has been killed, or in the presence of everyone in the Liu family, this revenge must be reported.

But the Liu family didn't have that kind of force to retaliate. After all, the two elite warriors in the family were not opponents of each other.

You can only kill with a knife.

Ming Hou is a peerless knife.

"Immediately send the body of the split mountain sword to Wangcheng Minghou Mansion." The Liu family cried, and immediately looked at Liu Ze: "This matter, you handle it yourself."

As the mother and father of Liu, Liu Ze has been carefully cultivated since he was a child. He is very reliable in handling matters and has made the Liu family trust.

"Okay." Liu Zechen whispered, and immediately set out to set off without delay. Let the enemies live for another day, and suffer another day.

Liu Ze immediately set off, took the corpse of the split mountain knife, quickly left the Longjiang City with a whip, and quickly headed for Wangcheng. This trip must be to make Minghou angry, and then use powerful force to kill the Chen Zong. nt

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