Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 26: Everything can be a sword

The wilderness is vast, and I have a glimpse of boundlessness.

Chen Zong stood on the field, standing still in the wind, his eyes gazing ahead. It was a tree, a tree standing alone in the wind, withered leaves and withered leaves, but still tenacious.

But in Chen Zong's eyes, that was not a tree, but a sword.

This sword stands in the wind, proudly standing in the heavens and the earth, looking at its branches, it stands up like many swords, exuding an astonishing sharp edge, and the sharp edge has an indescribable tenacity, as if the wind and rain are used to strike the sun, Even the alternate rotation of the sun and the moon is stubbornly supported.

Chen Zong's eyes flowed with a ray of light, as if he saw a seed breaking out of the earth, in the wind, in the rain, in the sun, in the alternation of the four seasons in the sun and the moon, the tenacious and tenacious growth.

This kind of tenacity and tenacity has brought great spiritual shock and emotional touch to Chen Zong.

Bao Jianfeng emerged from sharpening!

A hint of Ming Wu emerged.

How to grow into a tree without experiencing wind and rain.

How to become a strong person without experiencing life and death.

The wind blows and the chill strikes, but Chen Zong does not seem to be aware of it. I don't know how long it has been. When the sun sets in the mountains, Chen Zong is sober, his eyes are sharp and cold, and then he is restrained.

Unconsciously, Chen Zong's breath became stronger and stronger, and he also had a kind of tenacity.

Immediately, gradually restrained and returned to normal.

Carrying the iron sword, Chen Zong stepped forward and walked briskly.

Practice for ten years.

Building a car behind closed doors is only a partial door in the end, and only knowing and doing things is one, and Fang is the right way.

Chen Zong has always understood this and has been doing it, but no one has been as pure as now.

It ’s just a sword, it ’s a sword, you do it yourself, and you know what you are doing.

Cultivation, strength, sometimes it is a bondage.

Suddenly, a glimmer of understanding emerged.

Since stepping out of Shanhai Village and stepping into Montenegro, Ming Wu has emerged again and again. Although cluttered, there are traces of involvement.

This is a deeper understanding of the True Sword of the Heart Sword, and a clearer understanding of one's own path.

Let go of obsession, let go of illusory, and pursue the truth in front of you and the way in your heart.

The night was deep, but the stars were gone. Only the crooked moon was suspended, releasing the glorious white light like a veil of water.

Chen Zong lay on a large rock, looked up at the moon, and lost his thoughts.

Moon is hometown Ming!

The bright moon always makes people feel, especially when it is late at night, when you are traveling, you will inevitably think of your loved ones and friends, and you will feel more lonely inside.

Chen Zong is a person, a normal person, not a ruthless person, who will be happy, sad, sad, angry, depressed, and uplifted.

His eyes were bewildered and he stared at the moon, but he seemed to see the sound and smile of his father Chen Zhengtang.

How many years ...

How many years have passed and I have never seen Aye again.

It seems to be short and long.

The road to cultivation, I do not know the years, maybe, is another lonely road.

Thoughts were chaotic and thoughtful, but Chen Zong did not contain it, letting it grow wild like a weed and ignore it, as if it drifted with the wind and the waves.

Gradually, the chaotic thoughts converged, becoming pure, ethereal, and sharp, like a sword.

That round of hook moon also seemed to turn into a peculiar sword, and the faint moonlight also shone like a sword, shining on the night sky and spilling over the fields.

The light of the sword is like yarn, and everything has nothing to hide.

In the sword, there should be thoughts.

Suddenly, Chen Zong stood up, drew his sword, and waved.

Moon Sword Dance!

The sword light is so quiet and clear like a moonlight, empty and clear, one move and one style, seemingly simple, but returning to the true is almost a Tao, each sword contains a myriad of mysteries.


The rainstorm was pouring down, and the madness was falling from the sky. The raindrops of the size of the thumb brought amazing power, as if to crush the earth.

Darkly, the vast wilderness also seemed to be sunk by heavy rain.

A figure stood in the torrential rain, letting the rain of the size of the thumb hit the body hardly, leaving the rain flowing in the river, and didn't care.

This thumb-sized raindrop fell fiercely from high altitude, and the carrying power was amazing. Ordinary people would feel pain when they were hit, not to mention the dense and continuous shooting down, and the power was extremely terrible.

Change to a normal person Under this kind of environment, definitely find a place to avoid the rain, otherwise standing in the rain, you will be devastated if you don't die, it is definitely uncomfortable.

Moreover, the rain was very cold, and the constant invasion of the whole body caused a serious illness directly.

But Chen Zong is not afraid, but the body of ordinary people may burst out amazing power.

In Chen Zong's eyes and perception, it wasn't rain that fell, but sword energy.

Countless sword qi fell from the sky like a heavy rain, falling wildly, as if to crush the wilderness.

Under this crazy rainstorm, Chen Zong felt that his body seemed to be penetrated and full of holes.

However, only by experiencing it in person can we realize more intuitively and thoroughly.

The road to cultivation is to compete with heaven, with earth, and with people.

If you want to practice, you have to fight, and if you want to fight, there is danger.

A torrential rain lasted one night, and it turned into drizzle at dawn, and there was a lot of water everywhere on the field, as if there was nowhere to go.

Chen Zong's feet were sinking deep into the puddle, immersed, but unaware, and still enlightening.

The torrential rain is like a blast of sword gas, extremely fierce, destroying everything and destroying everything, but the drizzle is like a sword gas. Regarding the lack of power, the torrential rain is terrible, but it is not mysterious, as if it is pervasive, it is more difficult to detect.

This stop was a day and a night, when the rain stopped, and Chen Zong's eyes permeated a sharp but subtle brilliance, which was immediately restrained.

Unconsciously, there is a deeper level of enlightenment for one of the swords.

Today, instead of rushing to break through and master the sword, Chen Zong intends to continue to deepen in the important realm of Ming Jianli and tap more potential.

The fourth realm of Kendo, or the fourth realm of martial arts, is infinitely possible, which means that there is no upper limit, no limit, and constant enlightenment in it is equal to continuous accumulation. This realm is the easiest to perceive. The mystical realm of martial arts kendo, if it passes, will weaken.

Of course, each realm has its advantages.

This fourth aspect cannot directly increase the strength, but it can increase the background, which will be invaluable for future practice.

However, when most practitioners reach the fourth level, they will not be immersed in it for too long, but will instead seek opportunities for breakthroughs while enlightening.

Once you encounter an opportunity, you will immediately seek a breakthrough, not a miss, because the opportunity is difficult to find. If you miss it, it is not clear when you will encounter the breakthrough next time. It may be fast, or it may take a long time, or even a lifetime. Hard to come by.

This makes the accumulation of many practitioners in the fourth realm often not long, and only a few people can do it.

Before, Chen Zong was also seeking to make a breakthrough as soon as possible, but now, as he continues to walk and continue to enlighten, he puts it down and is not so anxious.

Of course, if the opportunity comes, Chen Zong will not miss it, but instead of eagerly as before, he will lay the foundation first.

As much as possible in the fourth realm of Kendo, there is more accumulation.

The more vigorous the accumulation, the greater the chance of finding opportunities, and the more beneficial it will be for future cultivation.

Since entering the cultivation path, Chen Zong has always sought the foundation first.

No matter what level or level you are in, you are striving to consolidate the foundation to the extreme before you seek a breakthrough. In this way, you can ensure that the foundation is stable and will not be shaken because of the rapid development of repairs. You can also make yourself stronger in the same realm.

It also helps a lot in subsequent cultivation.

In this case, Chen Zong will not run counter to his original practice.


Accumulate as much as possible!

Do your best to accumulate!

As everyone knows, it may be that Chen Zong is spending more time and energy, but it has amazing help for Kendo in the future.

Accumulated in the heart, in the brain, in the soul ... wandering, sedimentation, silence.

Exhaling a long breath, Chen Zong moved, and found that his body was stiff and cold, and he quickly controlled the blood and blood to speed up the operation, which immediately generated heat and dissipated the cold in the body, making the body quickly return to flexibility. Consumed, Chen Zong had to take out dried jerky to take.

Fortunately, when I left Shanhai Village, I thought about it, took a lot of dried meat, and wrapped it in waterproof greaseproof paper for several layers. Otherwise, it is estimated that it is broken under this heavy rain and drizzle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ While eating meat Dry, while Chen Zong stepped on the puddle to continue.

The field is vast and I don't know how big it is, as if the whole world has only one field left.


Dark clouds filled the sky, the thunder was rolling, dull and shocking.

Among the dark clouds, there were dazzling rays of light shuttle, like haunting dragons, escaping into the sky and wanting Jiuxiao.

Chen Zong stood under the sky in the field and looked up, his eyes were clear reflecting the dark clouds and the thunder, like a dragon, shining brightly.

In Chen Zong's eyes, that thunderbolt seemed to turn into sword spirit, each sword spirit carried the power of terrible power and destruction, as if to split everything, destroy everything, destroy everything, exterminate everything, and terrify it.

Immediately, the perception seemed to spread, and the comprehension went deeper, and even the dark clouds seemed to turn into the overwhelming black sword pressure.

The sword is as strong as a mountain, and it is extremely heavy, as if to crush everything and crush the earth.

The sword is like darkness, covering the sky and covering the sun, covering everything to devour the world.

The violent wind suddenly struck, between the heavens and the earth, invisible and colorless, but in Chen Zong's perception, it seemed to be transformed into a violent invisible sword spirit, raging between the heavens and the earth, it was like to destroy everything.

Lightning can be a sword!

Dark clouds can be swords!

Gale can be a sword!

Mountains and plants can be swords!

Running rain is also a sword!

Sword sword sword!

Everything in the world can be a sword!

Ming Jianli, deeper and deeper, Chen Zong's eyes twinkled with extremely deep and mysterious light, turning between, like two small black holes, devour everything and absorb everything.

In my mind, aura of light emerged, a feeling, just want to burst out. nt

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