Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 27: What is this magic

The ancient city, standing at the end of the wilderness, is vast and uncast. I don't know how many years there existed, like a sleeping giant.

A figure, covered with mud and grass, walked slowly.

When others pass by, they are too disgusted, it seems that it is a beggar full of odor, but it is not the case, there is no odor, just because the rainstorm invaded the mud and water splashes attached, just be clear.

However, there is no water for the time being, so it cannot be cleaned naturally.

This is Chen Zong!

In the field, Chen Zong stopped walking, and it took several days and nights to get out. Before coming to this city, he was ready to enter the city for a rest. After all, the dry food carried on his body had been eaten. This ordinary body must be Eating can guarantee strength and survival.

Entering the city did not encounter any obstacles, but after entering the city, the appearance of Chen Zong will inevitably attract the attention of many people.

While walking, Chen Zong paused, because he heard the screams and sighs filled with the atmosphere of the rivers and lakes, and saw the crowd crowded in a circle.

It was a man with a bare upper body, with muscles bulging, like steel and refined. He was somber and moving, muscles bulging up, as if full of explosive power.

Immediately, after the end of his luck, he exhaled, his arms suddenly moved forward, and he immediately grabbed a half-height stone, his eyes widened, his arms swelled, and his blue tendons seemed to be swimming.


With a loud shout, the man squatted down and stepped firmly on the plate. He immediately picked up the big rock and raised it above his head.


"That stone must weigh two or three hundred pounds, and it suddenly lifted up."

"A true warrior."

The audience all around was amazed, seeming to be astonished that the man was able to lift two or three hundred pounds of stone. This was an incredible thing in Chen Zong's view.

Two or three hundred catties!

What's that?

"Is there no such thing as cultivation in this world?" Chen Zong couldn't help secretly guessing.

If so, depending on the strength of this body, I am afraid there will be no danger.

Before Chen Zong was still worried about one thing, that was that he had not cultivated himself. If he encounters a master who has cultivated himself, it is difficult to say whether he is an opponent.

It now seems that my worry is superfluous.

Of course, Chen Zong is not sure how it is. After all, his understanding of the world is very simple.

After a few more glances, the man performed a set of knives with a large knife in the corner again. The knives looked dazzling and dazzling, but it seemed astonishing in Chen Zong's eyes. The audience screamed and marveled, and received a lot of money for it.

But I don't know why, but Chen Zong felt a kind of sadness and sorrow.

Shaking his head, Chen Zong exited the crowd and continued to walk forward. After about a distance, Yo Mo saw someone performing a show, also known as a samurai.

"What the **** is going on?" Chen Zong felt dazed. , But the stomach suddenly cooed.


Chen Zong hasn't eaten for a whole day, no matter what the world is like, or to find something to fill his stomach first, then just a short distance away is a restaurant.

"Where did the beggar come from?" The restaurant was next to the window.

"This is ... a samurai of asceticism." The other person at the table hesitated, not sure.

"Samurai ... no matter what the samurai is, no matter how good I am, I smashed it with money, and I didn't have to kneel down obediently." The man in gorgeous clothes sneered.

In this era, there is no so-called extraordinary strength. Samurai is just a group of people who polish their bodies and hone their martial arts. They have superior strength and speed and skills than ordinary people. They have extraordinary strength and can achieve a pair of Second, ten or more.

But even the legendary strongest warrior who can fight one thousand, called the super existence of martial arts, is also inseparable from the restrictions of mortals, will still be old and sick, and will need to eat eclipse three meals late at night.

In the final analysis, samurai are just a group of ordinary people who are seeking personal strength.

In this era, almost all of the samurai have become the guards of those families or wealthy businessmen, etc., but they are called differently, but the essence is the same.

Even though it is a martial arts town in this country, it seems to have a high status, but in the final analysis, it has not yet served the country.

In the eyes of ordinary people, a powerful warrior possesses superior force and is above all others, but in the eyes of the wealthy family, the warrior is a high-level thug.

"You ... come over and perform. If I am satisfied, I will give some rewards as appropriate." The gorgeously dressed young man seemed to show his superiority. He picked up a piece of fruit on the table and smashed it out the window. Throw to Chen Zong.

Chen Zong seems to have been aware of it for a long time, avoiding it lightly.

"It seems a bit of a skill, come, give Ben Shao a good performance, the performance is good, the Ben Shao is rewarded." The gorgeously dressed young man seemed to be aroused a bit of interest, and shouted at Chen Zong under the window again. The voice was loud and caught the attention of many people.

"That's the second son of the Liu family, it's time to tease those warriors again."

"The second son has a high status and is teased by him, it is an honor."

Chen Zong looked up and saw exactly the young man in a gorgeous dress, who looked like an oily head, but stared at himself in a condescending manner, as if he was full of superiority.

That look made Chen Zong feel disgusted, his eyes burst into a ray of cold, like a sword breaking through the air, shooting everything.

Liu Ergong suddenly hesitated, as if pierced by his eyes, screamed and leaned back, knocking over the drink on the table.

Immediately, he also realized that his reaction was very embarrassing and humiliated, and immediately became irritable.

"You ... immediately kneel and scratch your head for mercy, otherwise Ben Shao told you to die better than life." Liu Ergong suddenly got up, leaned out of the window, pointed at Chen Zong, his saliva splashed, his face murderous.

Although he did not kill anyone himself, Liu Ergong had directed his men to kill many people.

Outside the restaurant, the people who had been attracted to watch the scene suddenly changed, and retreated, lest they be implicated.

"You're looking for death!" Chen Zong suddenly became angry, a trace of murderousness permeated from the deep inside.

At any time, an ordinary person who did not have any soft bones would dare to speak to himself like this.

"Bold, dare to rebel against the boy." A thunderous billowed like a thunder, and suddenly, a tall and sturdy figure leapt out of the wide window, like a heavy stone falling, and forced Chen Zong away. The momentum was astonishing, as if to compress Chen Zong into a meatloaf.

The momentum came under pressure, and it was very shocking, and there was a stun in the air. Chen Zong slipped on his feet, as if sliding across the ice, avoiding the other's blow between the understatements.

"Liu Er, interrupted his two legs and dragged me in front of him to confess his guilt." Liu Ergong called immediately.

The strong man with a strong body and a big sword was his guard Liu Er, a warrior cultivated by the Liu family. He was born with an astonishingly strong body. He could lift two hundred pounds of weight with one arm. A boxing slaps a large, buffalo.

Liu Er's eyes are like a bronze bell, fierce and evil, and his murderous is amazing. He shot for Liu Ergong and killed many unpleasant people.

"Okay." Liu Ersheng sounded like a thunderous thunder, and his thick legs and feet stepped out, like a bison rushing forward, and the large sword weighing 30 pounds in his hand whistled with a terrible wind. Extremely dazzling, fiercely split, as if to split the mountains with a stab.

The people in the distance were even more shocked.

This Liu Er is in the city, but a famous warrior.

The ascetic warrior is dead. This time, it will definitely be miserable.

Will be broken legs, dragged in front of the second son for mercy, will be severely humiliated before killing and killing.

Thinking about the past, people who know can't help but look pale, and some timid people have closed their eyes and dare not look.

"Isn't that Liu Huan's guard?"

Not far from the window of another restaurant, there were also people sitting, attracted by the sound, and suddenly hesitated.

"Liu Huan instructed the guard to kill again, and he was just as successful."

This knife looks amazing, at least for others around him.

But in the eyes of Chen Zong, this knife is nothing. Of course, the speed is not slow and the power is very strong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But it seems rough, at least in the eyes of Chen Zong's superb state, it is full of flaws.

Chen Zong didn't move. In the eyes of others, it was frightened and stupid. He couldn't react at all. Second son Liu Huan couldn't help showing a cruel smile. He was already thinking about how to torture this bitterness. The samurai has dared to offend himself against rebellion.

On Liu Er's face, there was a hint of cowardice, which was extremely fierce.

At the moment when the blade of light fell, a sharp blade of sword light suddenly lit up, but it was too fast, extremely fast, flashing like a streamer in the sky, and disappeared without a trace.

Even a superb samurai like Liu Er felt like an illusion, let alone other ordinary people, and he could only glimpse a fleeting stream of light.

But when I saw Liu Er's split knife, he fell weakly in front of Chen Zong. Chen Zong's face remained unchanged and intact, but Liu Er's brows didn't know when there was a blood hole. .

Chen Zong's footsteps moved slightly, then Liu Er's eyes widened with incredible fear and fell forward. His strong body smashed on the hard ground, as if the drums were moving. The dust was flying away, and everyone only felt the ground. With a shock, their brains were blank.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. There seems to be only one light."

"Dead ... dead, Liu Er is dead ..."

The people all around were horrified and shocked.

"Liu Er ... Liu Er ..." Liu Huan also reacted, his face changed greatly and exclaimed, but he could not get any response. Then he pointed at Chen Zong in shock and anger and fear, his fingers trembling again and again: "You ... you ... what are you ... what magic do you use ... "nt

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