Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 30: Like a demon

Day by day, Chen Huang's body gradually adjusted to the level of a normal person, and the basic swordsmanship became more and more proficient. Every day, he felt progress, which made Chen Huang full of motivation.

At the same time, Chen Zong also felt progress. While pointing at Chen Huang's basic sword skills, he was also a sort of combing his own sword skills. How can he express it more clearly and intuitively? .

The basic swordsmanship is the basis of all swordsmanships. All other more sophisticated moves are developed based on the basic swordsmanship.

The more the basic swordsmanship is cultivated, the more Chen Zong feels its mystery and profoundness, as if the masterpiece.

Giving people to swords, etc. If we sort out our own kendo, if Chen Zong only wanted to repay a little humanity at the beginning, then the latter is to better understand swordsmanship.

"Brother Chen, the big deal is not good. This morning, the mountain knife Liu Tiezhan entered the city." Chen Huang came to him early in the morning and said to Zong in a hurry, without worry.

Although Chen Zong always looks like he doesn't put it in his eyes, he has his feet full, but the Mountain Knife has been famous for many years and is well-known. It is one of the masters of Longxuan. It has a strong deterrent effect.

"Go." Chen Zong said.

"Great, Brother Chen, I have already made arrangements. As long as you nod your head, you can leave Longjiang City unconsciously to avoid the limelight." Chen Huang said immediately.

"Who said I'm leaving." Chen Zong said without Xu Buji, walking with the iron sword outside the courtyard.

"Then Brother Chen ..." Chen Huang froze, puzzled.

"Where is the split mountain knife now?" Chen Zong asked.

"The Liu family ..." Chen Huang answered subconsciously.

"Go to the Liu family." Chen Zong said directly, Chen Huang nodded subconsciously, and his face changed suddenly, terrified.

Not only did he not go, he even went to the Liu family to find the split mountain knife.

In fact, in this period of hidden cultivation, although there has been no change in the body, Chen Zong's accumulation in Ming sword theory has become more vigorous and profound, and his mastery of sword skills has become more sophisticated.

Therefore, Chen Zong's strength has been greatly improved than before.

How strong is the title warrior?

Chen Zong didn't know, but wanted to know.

This is a challenge and grind to oneself, how can we be afraid?

Since the other party will come to you sooner or later, it is better to take the initiative once.

Fight when you fight!

When you cut, you cut!


Now, instead of rushing to explore the so-called fantasy state, Chen Zong intends to use this world to further sharpen himself and accumulate himself. In the heavy realm of Ming Jianli, he will go deeper and deeper, until after his own limit, Seek a breakthrough.

Over the period of time, Chen Zong has discovered a bit. Although there is no clever cultivation system in the world, it is very useful for himself, more free from the shackles of cultivation, and more purely participate in the sword.

Vaguely, Chen Zong even felt that he had always wanted to learn his own unique skills, and gradually got a glance. The difference was only the last one, an opportunity.

As soon as the opportunity came, it came naturally.

Now, let's see if Liu Tiezhan is powerful enough to find that opportunity.

"Which direction is the Liu family?" Chen Zong asked after leaving the restaurant.

"That way." Chen Huangyi pointed to the right, and he still couldn't seem to react.

Chen Zong immediately took a step, stepped out two meters away, the speed was fast, and the breath on his body gradually condensed, as if he had become a millennium, and pierced the sky.

Between that amazing momentum and sharpness, faintly, the shadow of the sword was condensed on Chen Zong's body.

Chen Zong was too fast. Even though Chen Huang spread his legs and ran, he could only look at his back. Soon, Chen Zong's figure disappeared into his eyes.

"Brother Chen." Chen Huang called as he tried to chase after him.

"what is that?"

"do not know."

"It seems to be alone."

"No, it looks like a sword."

Chen Zong's speed is extremely fast, it is incredible, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is like a streamer passing by.

After a while, Chen Zong's figure suddenly faced, facing a red gate, which was the gate of Liu's residence.

"Crack the Mountain Knife, come out and die." Chen Zong stood outside the gate of Liu Jia's mansion. His voice was cold and shocking. It was like a thunder and a thunderous sound.

A banquet is being held in Liu's residence. This banquet was naturally held for the battle of Liu Tieshan.

"The adults came from a distance from Wangcheng, and the Liu family was full of energy." The owner of the Liu family raised his glass with a smile on his face and said to an old man with a rough face and a red face, a little respectful.

Liu Tiezhan was a samurai. In this era, the status of the samurai dropped a lot, but Liu Tiezhan was not an ordinary warrior, but a titled warrior who served the Minghou government.

Title Samurai!

Minghou House!

This means that Liu Tiezhan's status and status is unusual. Compared with the Ming Dynasty, the Liu family is like a chicken compared to an eagle.

Even if the samurai declines, their status is always relative.

Liu Tiezhan comfortably accepted the flattery of the Liu family. He always had a habit of eating a good meal and drinking a few bowls of fine wine before killing.

Of course, this habit was also developed after becoming a titled samurai. Before the titled samurai, his status was far inferior to that of now, where can he have such qualifications.

While Liu Tiezhan was enjoying the delicious wine and food prepared by the Liu family, a shout came from outside. If the thunder bursts, Liu Tiezhan's face will sink and cold, and his eyes will be full of murderous power.

The last thing he likes is being disturbed while enjoying his food and wine.

In the fury, Liu Tiezhan took a fierce shot, and the wine bottle was immediately embedded in the wooden table, and everyone in the Liu family jumped into the eyelid. Walked outside Liu's residence.

The Liu family was shocked, and quickly followed.

The black giant knife suddenly slashed out, the dark sword was bright and powerful, terrible, and directly cut the door, and saw the figure outside the door.

Chen Zong's footsteps moved, avoiding the impact of the door debris, his eyes stared out.

The old man with a strong body was full of qi and blood, apparently possessing extraordinary strength, and the black giant sword seemed to be full of amazing oppression.

Very strong!

The momentum alone made Chen Zong feel very strong.

Especially the black giant knives seemed to contain amazing momentum.

Instantly, Chen Zong judged the identity of the other party.

Split Mountain Knife Liu Tiezhan.

"Dead!" Liu Tiezhan turned a blind eye, glaring at Chen Zong, stepping out suddenly, as if the momentum of a tiger descending from the mountain was extremely fierce and amazing. So far, it seems to separate everything ahead.

Even if there is a mountain, it will be broken by this knife.

The Liu family was shocked. What about Liu Da's strength, they have seen it more than once, but compared to the split mountain knife, it is almost like a child compared to an adult.

In the face of this knife, Chen Zong raised her eyebrows slightly and felt a little extraordinary. This knife even contained a spirit of spiritual will. That momentum gave Chen Zong a feeling that he seemed to be a mountain and would be cut by this knife. open.

The body flickered, the black was cut off, and the knife light was lost. The terrible knife pressure instantly scratched the ground through a crack and spread quickly to a few meters.

Liu Tiezhan was a little surprised, but after a hundred battles, he responded quickly, his wrist turned, and his crossbow moved forward. As if it was amazing, it also contained a hint of spiritual will.

It's like a belief!

Chen Zong did not pull out his sword, but kept dodging, every time it was dangerous but precise, to avoid Liu Tiezhan's mountain slash.

"It's him!" Liu Huan came, exclaimed when he saw Chen Zong.

"Who?" The Liu family stunned.

"The one who killed Liu Er." Liu Huan gritted his teeth.

"It turned out to be him!"

"He dared to come to him."

"Just right, find your way."

The Liu family suddenly sneered.

It's okay to bring it to your own house, saving time and effort.

As for the statement that the other party escaped, spies from the Liu family were scattered around Longjiang City.

Liu Tiezhan didn't know who Chen Zong was, but he was avoided by the opponent again and again, and he became more and more angry.

"Splitting the mountain!" Liu Tiezhan suddenly stunned, holding the black giant knife with both hands, his eyes twinkling, it seemed that there was a terrible force condensing on the knife.

Cut off!

The terrible knife light shocked the world, Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly, and I could clearly feel that the power of this knife was compared with the previous ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In fact, there was not much enhancement. The only change should be the above. The spiritual will, or belief, is several times stronger than before.

In this way, it is equal to the power of the promotion in disguise.

This knife made Chen Zong feel a threat, but that's all.

The iron sword emerged from the sheath, as if assassinated by a streamer. It was extremely fast. The sword was so dazzling that the Liu family couldn't help closing their eyes and couldn't look directly.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a piercing sound of golden iron and iron, piercing the eardrums of everyone, and it was shocking.

Immediately, another muffled sound seemed to sound.

"Who are you ...?" Liu Tiezhan's rough voice sounded, not knowing why, but a little weaker and unwilling.

"Chen Zong." Chen Zong responded without waiting.

"It turned out that you ..." Liu Tiezhan's eyes shot fiercely, this person was the one who killed his two apprentices, and the purpose of his arrival was to slay them for revenge on the apprentices. I did not expect that the strength of the other was So strong: "You ... what swordsmanship ... is it like a demon ..."

"Sword of killing," Chen Zong replied, understatement.

The look in Liu Tiezhan's eyes became gray, and then he died.

There was a sword hole in his heart, and Zheng Yan's blood spewed out, and the **** smell spread out, which was very pungent.

Immediately, Chen Zong's eyes swept away, and Jingman's eyes flew out, staring at the Liu family.

"Liu family, it's time to settle the accounts." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, his voice was a little cold.

When the Liu family opened their eyes, they saw that Liu Tie was down in a pool of blood, while the other was standing intact and already stunned. At this time, when he heard Chen Zong's words, there was a shock of surprise. nt

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