Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 32: Sweeping the edge (2)

Undercurrent is turbulent!

"Brother Chen, although I am very reluctant, I still have to say that you must leave." In the restaurant courtyard, Chen Huang stared at Chen Zong and said Shen Sheng.

"Minghou is one of the people in Longxuan who is second only to the lord of the country. He has a high weight. Not only are there many samurai in the Minghou house, but also Mingguangwei, which is more terrible than the elite soldiers. A serious person, you killed the Rift Mountain Knife, and Minghou will not give up when he knows it. "Chen Huang said positively.

"Practice your sword well," Chen Zong said to Chen Huang, carrying his own baggage, and got up to leave.

Did Chen Zong leave because of what Chen Huang said?


After killing Rishan Dao, Chen Zong was intent on leaving.

After listening to Chen Huang's words, there was one more reason to leave.

Since it is very likely that Ming Hou will not give up, then staying on his own will probably affect Chen Huang and then the Chen family, which was not what Chen Zong wished.

Another reason is the main reason, that is, Chen Zong needs to fight with other title warriors and even stronger ones.

The knife of the split mountain knife is actually not so clever, but it contains a shock of spiritual will, like a collection of beliefs.

Especially the last sword, which is called the split mountain cut, must be also a famous trick of the split mountain sword. The spiritual will contained in it is several times more powerful, which makes people feel like they have become a mountain, unable to move. Can watch the opponent's knife cut off, splitting himself.

This is very clear, even in the Tianyuan Sanctuary, Chen Zong has played against many people, but has never encountered it.

So, are these methods the only method unique to the Mountain Cleaver, or can they be mastered by the title warrior?

Chen Zong was curious.

Leaving is to find other titled samurai duels and verify it.

Chen Zong left the restaurant but did not leave Longjiang City directly. Instead, he strode to the city's main mansion and reported Li Yang's name.

Li Yang, as the titled samurai, still had some status in the city's main government house. Someone soon reported it, and Li Yang came out, and saw Chen Zongshi for a moment.

He did not know why Chen Zong came to find himself, but still welcomed it.

"I came to you for a fight." Chen Zong directly stated his intentions.

Li Yang's face changed suddenly, and then he smiled bitterly: "Sir, the Mountain Knife is not your enemy, and I am not your opponent."

"Relax, just learn." Chen Zongwei smiled, letting Li Yang relieved.

It's just a matter of learning.

Immediately, Li Yang's mind was also alive and he practiced the sword on his own, and the other side also practiced the sword. If he studied, maybe he would make his sword skills a step further.

Li Yang immediately took Chen Zong to the training martial arts ground. His spirit was condensed and the thoughts were dispelled. The breath was condensed, and the sharp edge of the sword permeated faintly, and his eyes became sharp.

"Offended." Li Yang's voice dropped, and the sword in his hand flew out of the sheath instantly, and a flash of green sword light flickered, as if bringing a blast of wind to tear the air to kill.

Chen Zong stared and felt carefully, but did not pull out his sword, but avoided it.

Li Yang knew that the other party was powerful and did not mean to keep his hands. One sword was followed by another, and the swords were killed in succession. Each sword came like a breeze blowing around, but even Chen Zong's clothes No corner can be touched.

I feel that Chen Zong's dodge, if there is divine help, happens to be the dead corner in his sword skills.

"The lord has offended, and I want to show my fame." Li Yang Jianguang gave a meal, Hengjian was in front of him, his breath became more and more sharp, his eyes shot sharply, and his words revealed an amazing momentum.

"Come." Chen Zong had some expectations.

"Chaotic cloak!" He drank aloud, as if the iron and steel were squealing, Chen Zong's eyes stared at the other side, his eyes flickered endlessly, as if "seeing" and "feeling" that there was a ray of invisible power around his sword Go, and increase the power of the sword.


A sword waved out, suddenly, the sword light seemed to disappear, only a large force of wind hit, seemingly chaotic, but covered in all directions, nowhere.

In that wind, the sword qi was amazing and seemed to cut everything.

The iron sword came out of the sheath, out of thin air, the wind wiped out the sword, Li Yang's arms trembled, his body shook, and he couldn't stop taking two steps back.

One sword!

He is proud of his unique trick chaos cloak, which was broken by the opponent with a sword, and he repelled himself, which was horrible.

"The cloak of chaos is the trick you made to break through the title of the samurai?" Chen Zong asked, interrupting Li Yang's terrified thinking.

"I first realized the mystery of the chaotic cape before I became a titled samurai." Li Yang replied.

Chen Zong said nothing but thought about it.

It seems that the key to becoming a titled samurai lies in spiritual will.

Let your own moves contain a strong spiritual will shock, forming a so-called trick, which is not available to warriors and elite warriors.

"How did you learn the trick?" Chen Zong asked again.

"I ..." Li Yang revealed his thoughts, then shook his head immediately: "I can't speak."

Chen Zong frowned slightly, and saw that Li Yang didn't want to say it, but really didn't know how to say it, how to express it.

For a time, Chen Zong had no clue.

"Where is the most famous warrior?" Chen Zong asked.

"Wangcheng." Li Yang replied instantly: "In this era, if there is not enough money to supply, it is difficult to maintain its own consumption, so except for a few, most of the samurai choose to be recruited, and the title of samurai is very strong. The daily consumption is greater, the ordinary families can't meet it, only those big aristocrats and big families can have the patience, and most of the big aristocrats and big families are concentrated in the King City. "

"Wangcheng ..." Chen Zong's eyes flashed.

It seems that the imperial city is imperative. It is said that there are also several towns in the royal city.

Chen Zong is more interested in the so-called Wu Sheng.

"Farewell!" Chen Zong said to Li Yang, stepping away.

Li Yang didn't stay. He just fought with Chen Zong. Although he was defeated at once, Li Yang gained something. He planned to practice for a period of time so that he could go further.

"I don't know what kind of storm will be set off in this city when this person goes?" Li Yang muttered to himself.

Chen Zong's strength is very strong, and he has no doubt experienced it. If Chen Zong is too young, Li Yang even suspects that the other party is Wu Sheng.

So young, but at least the strength of the top-ranked samurai, with amazing potential and extraordinary talents, it is bound to be a martial art in the future.

Entering Wangcheng to challenge everywhere will definitely set off a storm.

But we can be sure that there are many dangers.

No riding fast horses, but with enough legs to run, like a galloping horse, speed is amazing, quickly away from Longjiang City, heading for Wangcheng.

Along the way, there are three cities, namely Longshan City, Longlin City and Longjia City.

Like Longjiang City, there are also titled samurai in the three cities, all of which were recruited by the city's main government.

Since it is a titled samurai, of course, Chen Zong has to come to challenge.

The titled warrior of Longshan City is the hand of Montenegro. The palms of both hands have been trained, the skin is darker, and the toughness is like cowhide, which can resist the sharp edge of ordinary swords with strength.

As soon as his martial arts unfolded, it seemed as if black mountains were shot down. His trick, Daheishan, was directly transformed into a black giant mountain. The fierceness and heaviness seemed to crush Chen Zong.

But Chen Zong is very clear that it is not the real Montenegro, nor is it a practitioner, and it is a collection of all kinds of power, but a very pure aggregation of spiritual will.

The purpose of Chen Zong was to observe its mystery, and then he slashed out the sword, breaking the black mountain and defeating the other side.

However, Chen Zong only challenged and did not kill or hurt the opponent, but only defeated him.

The next city is Longlin City. The title of the warrior in Longlin City is Aoki Gun. A large gun is amazingly powerful and impenetrable. His unique skill is that Aoki hits it like a giant tree.

But it was still broken by Chen Zongyi.

The title of the warrior in Dragon Armor City is that the armor is unbreakable. Two shields are in hand. The defense is extremely amazing. The attack power is not bad. The shield is smashed and smashed with amazing power.

However, he is best at defense, but was defeated by Chen Zong.

Defeating several titled warriors allowed Chen Zong to have a deeper understanding of its mystery. It seemed to capture something, but it was a little behind.

not enough!

not enough!

Since it is not enough, continue to challenge it.

Straight to Wangcheng ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong's journey is very fast. Starting from Longjiang City, and counting the time of challenge, it takes about 12 days to reach Wangcheng, which happens to be the same as that of Minghou House. People stagger.

The scale of Wangcheng is not comparable to that of Longjiang City. The wall alone is twice as long as Longjiang City. The height of ten meters seems to make ordinary people feel desperate.

Even if the title warrior wants to climb up without the help of foreign objects, it is extremely difficult.

The city walls of ten meters, Chen Zong naturally does not think how high it is, after all, the walls of the practitioner world are as high as 100 meters.

But everything is relative.

This world is a world without extraordinary powers, or without tens of thousands of pounds, or even tens of thousands of pounds. It is not easy to build a ten-meter-high city wall based on the capabilities of ordinary people. I don't know how much financial and manpower to spend.

Such a city wall does not know how much blood and tears are contained.

After shaking his head, Chen Zong found that he had lost a bit of cultivation and felt more emotional.

The gate of King City is five meters high, open, and the left and right sides are guarded by elite soldiers armed with spears, waistbands, and long swords. The elite soldiers have sharp eyes, flashing brilliance, and imposing manners, which are obviously very comparable.

With his iron sword on his waist and striding into the city gate, several sharp eyes fell on Chen Zong's body. It seemed that Chen Zong should be seen through, but Chen Zong's appearance was normal and he was not intercepted.

If you are born with timidity or a strange look, maybe you will cause trouble, after all, Gulai has always been a guilty conscience.

The prosperity of Wangcheng is more than ten times better than that of Longjiang City. If you enter here for the first time, you will be shocked, but Chen Zong's look remains the same. After all, Chen Zong, who is in the bustling city, has seen it Not surprisingly. nt

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