Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 33: Sweeping the edge (3)

"The cost of King City is really amazing." Chen Zong couldn't help laughing in a not-so-premium restaurant room.

How long, I have never been troubled for money, this time, if I had not found some gold shells from the Mountain Cleaver, I am afraid that even food and accommodation in this king city is a problem.

Even if it is an ordinary restaurant room, the cost is not low.

With all the Jinbei on him, it is estimated that it can last for seven or eight days, which is the most common expense. If it is better, it will be gone in two or three days.

How to get some money?


Chen Zong couldn't do it, nor would he.

Become a noble or family offering?

Nor was Chen Zong wishing.

Then go to the casino.

King City's casinos are very popular, brazen, and rumors have a strong backing.

Chen Zong has not studied gambling, but his superb ability in all aspects has given Chen Zong an amazing learning ability and insight. Therefore, after losing a few hands at the beginning, he won.

At two hours, Chen Zong won hundreds of Jinbei, which was enough for him to live well for a while and then leave.

This casino is huge, with thousands of tens of thousands of jinbei going in and out every day. Hundreds of thousands are nothing, and they will not attract the special attention of the high-level casinos, so there is no unnecessary trouble.

With Jinbei, Chen Zong started buying information, and this information was naturally related to Wang Cheng.

Such as the various forces and warrior masters in the King City, it is not a secret, so it is not expensive, ten Jinbei is enough.

Wangcheng is the place where the royal family is located, but it is the center and important place of a country. There have always been many great forces here and there.

The royal family is headed by the strongest, followed by the Four Houfu House and the Town General's General House, and once again, the Samurai Hall and the eight noble families.

Of course, Chen Zong cares more about masters.

There are as many as eighty-eight warriors listed in the information, of course, not all of them, and there are hidden parts. If you want to know, you must pay more for Jinbei.

However, Chen Zong felt that eighty-eight samurai titles should be enough.

In addition, there are three martial arts saints.

The eighty-eighth title samurai and the three great martial arts became the targets of Chen Zong's challenge.

Sharpen the sword with a master!

Chen Zong looked one by one.

The strength of the eighty-eight title warrior is naturally strong and weak, and two identities are special.

The first is the general of the town and country. Not only is he a high-ranking power, he is also a powerful titled samurai.

The second is the martial arts, which is one of the four princes. It is also one of the four princes who has an extraordinary force. Although the samurai has fallen, it is not a bad thing to have an extraordinary force.

It is only because the martial arts practitioners need to devote themselves wholeheartedly, and are very hard-working, and have to consume a lot of food tonics, which leads to fewer and fewer people practicing martial arts.

The martial arts martial arts ranks high in weight and has the title of powerful samurai force. It is also called Longxuan Kingdom Ssangyong together with the general of the National Grand Army.

However, Chen Zong did not intend to challenge these two people, but his purpose was to analyze the mystery of the titled samurai. If the two were challenged, they would be in trouble after winning.

The strokes were written, and the names of the titled samurai that Chen Zong was going to challenge were marked.

Chiyang Sword Madness!


Changhe Sword King!


A total of nine people, with the exception of Wuhou and the General of the Town and Country, were the nine strongest of the eighty-eight samurai.

Among them, four belong to the royal family. It is not easy to challenge, so start with the other four.

The easiest one to challenge is the Changhe Sword King of the Samurai Hall.

The samurai hall is the base of the samurai. It was created by the sunset martial arts in the new era. The sunset martial arts felt the decline of the samurai in this era. If the samurai wanted to leave the last dignity, they created the samurai hall.

The headquarters of this samurai hall is located within the city of kings.

The sunset martial arts is one of the three martial arts of Longxuan Kingdom. It has the terrorist strength of one enemy and one thousand soldiers. If it is in a complex terrain, it is even more terrifying. All will die.

Such a terrible strongman, even if the samurai has fallen, others dare not despise half of it.

The husband was angry and blood splattered five steps.

Of course, if it is not the honor of the saint saint, it is just a samurai, even if it is a titled samurai, the samurai hall cannot be successfully created, even if it is a lucky one, it cannot be maintained.

Everything lies in the deterrence of force.

Although the Samurai Museum was successfully established and operated for more than 20 years, the decline of the Samurai is a general trend and unavoidable. Therefore, the Samurai Museum is not strong.

The juxtaposition with the eight noble families is entirely in the face of the setting sun martial arts.

As a martial saint, naturally, he will not handle everything in the hall. The agent is the Changhe Sword King, a top-ranking samurai.

As soon as the sword king of Changhe finished handling some things in the pavilion, someone sent a post. When he looked at it, he immediately gathered his eyes, how long, and never received such a post again.

Battle post!

This post looks quaint, silver-gray, with the pattern of swords fighting on it, which is the standard post for the samurai challenge.

In the past, Changhe Sword King sent war posts to others and also received war posts from others, but since the strength reached the top of the title warrior, he never received it again.

Putting down some feelings, Changhe Sword King opened his post with his calloused fingers, and his eyes suddenly burst into a ray of coldness, sharp like a sword.

That word!

That word ...

The word ... actually made him have an indescribable feeling. The moment when he opened the post, it was like seeing a sharp sword out of every sheath. Every word and every stroke revealed amazing sharpness. Sheath.

And this sharpness can only be felt if there is a certain accomplishment in swordsmanship.

"It's strong!" The silent heart of Changhe Sword King was immediately lifted, and a hint of warfare sprang up.

Regardless of who it is, just the sharpness revealed in this word is enough to let yourself take the fight and immediately look at the money.

Sword God!

The two words immediately made the eyes of the Changhe sword king contract like a needle, and an indescribable anger grew from the deepest part of the heart.

"Arrogant, arrogant!" Changhe Sword King could not help but lay a palm on the back of the chair, as if to smash it.

Sword God!

Who dares to call the sword god.

Even if it is the Golden Dragon Sword Master among the three martial saints, don't dare call yourself that.

Sword God!

God in the sword!

Not only arrogant, but also very ignorant.

"After three days, good, I'll let you know, the end of arrogance." Changhe Sword King was angry.

Annoyance lies in the arrogance and ignorance of the other party, and professing to call God is an insult to the sword.

As a sword player for decades, he is never allowed to use the sword as his closest partner.

Three days!

The time of the engagement was three days later, and the location of the engagement was in the samurai hall.

time flies.

For the past three days, Chen Zong has been honing his sword skills while enlightening.

On the third day, the Changhe Sword King bathed and burned incense, wiped the sword, his fingers were soft, as if touching the lover's delicate cheek, his eyes flowed softly like the water of the long river.

Immediately, put down the soft white silk cloth, clasp the sword handle with the fingers of his right hand, and a sword flower bloomed out of thin air.

With a short whistle, the sword entered the sheath, the glory disappeared, and the Changhe Sword King stood up, a whisper of quietness condensed, and the soft light in his eyes turned sharp.

Turning around and striding out the door, he knew that the man who claimed to be the sword **** had arrived.

This battle will begin.

Chen Zong stood in the wide front yard of the Warrior's Hall and was exposed to the scorching sun, but he remained motionless and no sweat was seeping out.

I have come to challenge the Changhe Sword King, and the Changhe Sword King, but the agent of the Samurai Hall, the people of the Samurai Hall naturally will not give Chen Zong any good looks, nor will he invite him to enter, but leave it alone Chen Zong stood under the strong sun.

Chen Zong looked calm and calm, without the slightest anger, if his heart was clear, then his enthusiasm was hard to hit, not to mention that Chen Zong's control of himself reached an astonishing level. With such enthusiasm, standing for an hour or two, there was nothing Greatly.

Of course, if the exposure time is too long, you will also feel uncomfortable.

The first reason to challenge the Changhe Sword King is because the status and status of the Changhe Sword King are relatively easy to challenge. Secondly, the other party also uses the sword. Again, Chen Zong needs to have a sufficient reputation to better challenge others. .

The sword post was written as the word "sword god", which is amazing, naturally to avoid the Changhe sword king rejecting his challenge.

Chen Zong was waiting, because it is said that before the Changhe Sword King would fight with others, he would have the habit of bathing and burning incense to wipe the sword. This would take at least an hour ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Immediately, the door opened to the front yard A figure appeared. The figure was long and slender, and was walking on the steps of no slackness, no illness, no seriousness, and each step seemed to be carefully measured, just right.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed slightly at such a pace, and he immediately determined that his combat experience was extremely rich and his combat talent was superb, because that step seemed simple, but he could make offense and defense in an instant.

This will be a good opponent.

Walking up the steps, Chen Zong saw the other side's body, slender and erect, with his back as a sword.

His five fingers are slender, and the outline of calluses on the palm can be seen faintly. This is the hand with a sword.

That face seemed to be about forty years old, with sharp eyebrows like swords, but eyes were deep, and there was a hint of sharpness quietly condensing in the depths, as if the sword was about to emerge from the sheath, showing surprise The world is sharp.

Ordinary face, with a bit of vicissitudes, those eyes, like a finishing touch, make that face extraordinary, unforgettable.

Changhe Sword King!

Changhe Sword King stepped out, his gaze fixed on Chen Zong's face through dozens of meters, and he suddenly froze.


This was the first impression of the Changhe Sword King, and it was a little incredible at once.

Although the self-proclaimed sword **** is very arrogant, it is undeniable that the characters on the war post are unique and in his opinion, that is not something a young man in his 20s can write.

If a thirties swordsman wrote such a word, the Changhe sword king could barely believe that if a thirties swordsman wrote such a word, the Changhe sword king would not doubt it.

But in his twenties, he is too young. At this age, he can be regarded as an elite warrior. nt

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