Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 34: Sweeping the edge (4)

The scorching sun hangs in the sky, shining in all directions, the earth, and the world.

The King City is bathed in this glory, many people are hiding in the house or in the shadows, and are unwilling to go out unless necessary.

"Young man, you wrote this post yourself?" Changhe Sword King questioned somewhat.

Chen Zong didn't speak, but his eyes flashed, and a ray of splendour appeared like a sword coming out of his sheath. The sharp edge made the Changhe Sword King stunned, then surprised.

This kind of sharpness is exactly the same as the sharpness revealed in the text on that post.

This is the best proof.

Immediately, a trace of warfare emerged from the heart of the Changhe Sword King, inspires, and spurts out, and his eyes became sharper and sharper.

"Young man, maybe you have a good swordsmanship, but claiming to be the sword **** is too arrogant and you don't know the height and height of the sky." Changhe Sword King's eyes grew colder and he stared at Chen Zong. Sharp, sharp words: "Today, I will keep you awake so as not to go astray."

"Swordsman in my generation, right and wrong under the sword." Chen Zongwei smiled, and the words were sharper, making Changhe Sword King startled and unable to express his feelings.

"Okay!" Changhe Sword King's voice dropped, stepped out, and the sharp momentum condensed in an instant, as if straight to Chen Zong like an invisible sword.

For a moment, Chen Zong gave a feeling of standing in front of the river.

The sword came out of the sheath, between the sword light and the clear, as if a river was passing by, the sword gas was endless.

This sword is not a unique skill, but it has extraordinary condensed will. When it is shot, Chen Zong knows that the title of the top-ranked samurai is not arrogant, and it is more arrogant than the split mountain sword.

Chen Zong did not immediately pull his sword, but avoided it.

Suddenly, the second sword of Changhe Sword King followed.

One sword after another, when it unfolds, it is like a long stream of water that flows endlessly, and there is no pause at all. The connection between each sword is perfect, and the flaws are hard to find.

Chen Zong still did not pull the sword, but constantly moved his foot shape in a small area to avoid the attack of the Changhe Sword King. He was surprised.

Previously, whether it was a mountain warrior, a cloak swordsman, a black mountain hand, or Aoki guns, iron armor, and other title warriors, they did not perform any tricks, and their moves were common. According to Chen Zong, it was rough.

However, the swordmanship of the Changhe Sword King is very exquisite, as if it has been carefully drilled and ground. Although it is not strong enough compared with the practice of the practitioner, it is better than the sword.

Chen Zong suddenly came up with an idea.

Perhaps because it is impossible for this world to cultivate other powers, it is only possible to work on martial arts and strive for exquisiteness.

Recalling the martial arts of other titled samurai, although many flaws are seen in their own eyes, if compared with the practitioners, it is better to be more clever in the larger whole.

The surprise of Changhe Sword King was better than Chen Zong.

Although he is only forty years old, he has unique talents in swordsmanship. He has practiced swords since he was a child for 40 years. In his youth, he has challenged many warriors with good swordsmanship. After three years of quiet retreat before Changhe, he finally achieved swordsmanship.

This sword technique is also named as the Changhe sword technique. It is an extension of the basic sword technique. It is a fusion of a hundred swordsmanship and the final observation of the Changjiang River water. When it is unfolded, the sword light becomes the Changhe The flowing water is endless, defeating many opponents.

So far, the Changhe swordsmanship has been perfected to an extremely high level. The Changhe sword king has paid for it one by one, and there are very few defenders among the title warriors.

The other party is very young. When he was at this age, he was not even an elite warrior, and he was still running around to improve his military strength.

Unexpectedly, under the attack of his Changhe swordsmanship, he even avoided it, and looked at it with ease.

In this way, only full force can erupt.

Just now, Changhe Sword King is just using 70% of his strength.

Ten percent strength and 70 percent strength, a difference of 30 percent, is huge.

As soon as the strength of 10% erupted, the speed and power of the Changhe swordsmanship increased to a great level, and the power was even more amazing.

The people in the Warrior Pavilion were shocked one by one. They rarely watched Changhe Sword King's shots, but only knew that Changhe Sword King's strength was very strong and his sword skills were very good.

I now know at first glance that it turned out to be so terrible. I couldn't see the sword or the people at all. Only the sword-like light of the long river kept flowing and rushing away, sweeping everything.


"How could he be Lord Sword King's opponent."

Chen Zong's figure has been drowned by the sword-like light of the long river, which makes people invisible, so they have speculated.

However, Changhe Sword King himself was very clear that under the outbreak of his own strength of 10%, he still could not defeat the other party, because Chen Zong also drew his sword.

See Hunting Heart Hi!

As soon as the 10% strength of Changhe Swordsmanship broke out, the power of Changhe Swordsmanship became more amazing and exquisite, making Chen Zong unable to pull his sword.

The sword technique of the Changhe Sword King, even if it is placed in the world of the practitioner, is also top-notch. If it is one of the best, the strength will definitely be terrible.

In martial arts, King Changhe Sword has already defeated many practitioners.

The iron sword came out of the sheath, and the sword light glowed into the dazzling light and merged into the sword light of the Changhe sword.

Chen Zong ’s Kendo realm is the fourth most important sword theory, and he continues to deepen. Although Changhe Sword King ’s swordsmanship is superb and sophisticated, compared with Chen Zong, it is still somewhat inadequate.

However, the swordmanship of the Changhe Sword King contained an impact of spiritual will, as if the water of the Changhe River was turbulent and endless. It was the impact of this spiritual will that greatly increased the power of the swordmanship.

Spiritual will shock, if the person is not strong enough, it is difficult to resist, weak defense, slow response, naturally not an opponent.

However, Chen Zong's spiritual will was not deprived, and he was extremely strong. Therefore, this level of spiritual will shock is not enough to affect Chen Zong.

The Changhe Sword King horrified to find that when his opponent's sword came out of the sheath, his Changhe Sword King actually became unstable, and seemed to be found flawed, with an awkward feeling.

how can that be!

You must know that your sword skills of Changhe River have already reached the point of no improvement after many sharpenings. Even after the sunset Wu Sheng has seen it, she also feels very good and cannot suggest amendments.

Now, even a junior who is many years younger than him is pointed at the flaw.

It was scary to hear.

After completing a full set of long river swordsmanship, not only was he unable to defeat the opponent, but he could not even let the opponent fall behind, but he felt more awkward and uncomfortable.

"The long river ... the water is endless!" The sword sword king of Changhe paused for a moment, then, a moment of momentum condensed and erupted, as if the river was flowing eastward, and the strong spiritual will burst out, covering everything in that sword on.

The sword's body is as bright as water, and Chen Zong found out that there seems to be a fascinating power in the body of Changhe Sword King, which is like water vapor rising up and turning into a river surrounding the whole body.

However, that power is very subtle, looming, it seems that the latter force is not the same.

A sword waved out, and the sword disappeared. Only a long river rushed forward, as if all things were swallowed up, even the light from the sun in the sky could not escape.

This sword is the strongest sword of Changhe Sword King, having defeated many powerful enemies.

With a sword out, Chen Zong's eyes lightened slightly. The mystery contained in this move was several times stronger than the previous tricks of the titled samurai.

Moreover, that trace of power, which made Chen Zong feel a palpitation, seemed to have terrible power.

Just looking at the Changhe Sword King, it seems that he still cannot control that kind of power, but it comes out side by side and is out of control, otherwise the power of this sword may be improved a lot.

Rao is so, this sword is enough to attract Chen Zong's attention.

The meditation was deep, the eyes were deep, reflecting the long river sword light, and Chen Zong wielded the sword to kill.

The sword is an iron sword!

The sword is wielded by an ordinary arm!

But when a sword was waved, there was an indescribable mystery that pervaded all around and scattered in the heavens and the earth.

To this day, Chen Zong still does not have the means to condense the spiritual will of the title warrior.

However, the sword of the Changhe Sword King has been hard-working for many years, and it has already reached a state of perfection. Even if there is a flaw, it is a flash, and the change is uncertain. The body is not enough.

The gap in physical response!

The speed gap!

Unless he does not count on the outbreak of physical damage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But Chen Zong does not think that such a battle requires himself to overload the power of the body.

The sword and the sword collided dozens of times in an instant, the sound was harsh, and Mars sputtered in all directions. The terrible sword light seemed to tear everything.

When the two sword collisions ended, all the sword lights disappeared, all sparks disappeared, and the sound was silent.

The bodies of Chen Zong and Changhe Sword King shuddered, and each retreated.

This retreat then withdrew.

Changhe Sword King retired three steps, while Chen Zong retired two and a half steps.

Half a step away!

The difference of half a step is nothing in the eyes of ordinary people or samurai, but in the eyes of experts, there is a difference.

Chen Zong was surprised by the swordmanship of the Changhe Sword King. That move was really amazing. He had to deal with his normal strength of 10%, and was unable to defeat the opponent.

The Changhe Sword King was extremely shocked. His own trick was completely resisted, and he was repelled by three steps, a half step behind the opponent.

The sound of clicking and clicking suddenly sounded extremely harsh, and immediately broke a point of Xiao Xiao.

I saw a crack in the iron sword in Chen Zong's hand, and the crack quickly spread, spreading across the blade, and began to shatter.

Chen Zong's sword is just an ordinary iron sword. Even after ten refining is comparable to fine iron, the sword in the hand of Changhe Sword King, but the sword is carefully cast with better materials. There is a gap in quality. .

However, Chen Zong's iron sword did not have any external force protection. After repeated collisions, it broke apart, which was normal.

The sword king of the Changhe River froze, and the rising momentum of the sword suddenly restrained.

Without the sword, one's strength will be greatly reduced. There is no need to fight again. nt

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