Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 36: Sweeping the edge (6)

On this day, the wind is beautiful and the sun is shining.

In the Wangcheng Wudouchang, there were no overcrowding in the past. The chair that could seat thousands of people at the same time was gathered, but only hundreds of people gathered.

In this era, under the leadership of the royal family, the influence of the samurai was weakened step by step, and the influence of the royal family was strengthened.

In the final analysis, the royal family needs the high-end samurai force to work, but it does not like the people too much respect for the warrior's force, but just maintain a certain influence under the royal rule, and better rule.

These hundreds of people are not ordinary people, but people with a certain family background. In addition, in the pavilions surrounding the martial arts arena, there are people from the eight noble families, the four major residences and the general's residence.

Battles of top-ranked samurai are rare.

Hundreds of people of some net worth were secretly excited.

"Chiyang Sword Madness and Sword God, I don't know how wonderful this showdown is." A child of a noble family secretly excited.

"So what." The sneer of another noble family next to him sneered: "No matter how terrible, it is not our running dog."

"You've passed it like that," another aristocratic disciple retorted, "even if you think so, you can't say it directly."

The implication is that you can treat those warriors as running dogs in your heart, but you can't tell them because it's not good.

A red short-haired Chiyang knife madly walked down from one of the pavilions carrying a big sword. It was the pavilion of Jinghou House, followed by his disciples.

Chen Zong also stepped from outside the martial arts arena.

Suddenly, their eyes collided in the air.

Chiyang Sword Madness was surprised by Chen Zong's young appearance. Even though he knew that the other party was only twenty years old, what he saw with his own eyes was different.

For this battle, the Chiyang Swordman has a little more expectation.

His body leaped, as if a stone was hit on the martial arts ground, and Chen Zong leaped gently, as light as a flying feather. If this hand is in the world of the practitioner, it is nothing, but here, it is very Amazing and shocking.

"So smart." They were all amazed.

"Yes, this hand alone is eligible for us to solicit."

Noble families said secretly.

"I heard that you were tied with Changhe Sword King. It seems that the strength of that guy has dropped a lot." When Chiyang Sword Man opened his mouth, he devalued Changhe Sword King to suppress Chen Zong's momentum.

"I will know it in the first battle." Chen Zong answered, pointing straight to the core, extremely sharp, causing the pupil of Chiyang Knife to shrink.

Know in one battle!

My generation of warriors, why talk about the benefits, just use force to determine success or failure, victory and defeat.

"Okay!" A word exploded like a thunderbolt, and the eyes of Chiyang Knife suddenly burst into an astonishing sharpness, as if piercing the sky, and then the broad underneath of the huge body seemed to be able to carry the shoulders of the mountain and flicker. His legs rushed out in a flash.

The sword on the shoulder of the original disaster suddenly waved out, and the black scabbard shot with amazing power and burst into the air, turning into the first wave of offensive to Chen Zong.

Immediately, a dazzling red blade of light rips through the sky, as if chopped down into the earth, permeating an indescribable blazing heat.

Burning like fire, shining like the sun's rays.

Chen Zong's body shook, avoiding the scabbard to shoot, the crooked body shot for a moment, and suddenly, like a spirit snake flew out of the hole, the Mingxin sword suddenly emerged from the sheath, bringing a touch of fine golden sword light, dazzling and tearing Rift sky assassinates.

Sword Madness and Sword God!

Red sword and gold sword!

The sword of Chiyang Sword Madness weighs 52 kilograms, and the power is very terrible.

Chen Zong did not intend to resist it, which is not good for himself, but to use the sword skills to the extreme.

The sword trembled, slammed across the blade, and shifted it slightly with clever energy. Then, with the force of the impact, the sword surged by one point and stabbed towards the Chiyang sword.

Chiyandao's crazy eyes reflected a shattered golden light, startled, and the sword's edge was astonishing, it seemed to pierce his eyes.

As a top-ranked samurai, from the practice of martial arts so far, the Chiyang sword has gone through hundreds of battles and is very experienced. It has a very rapid response ability. The head is tilted, and the wrist is turned at the same time.

Chen Zong also changed moves at an instant, forcing Chi Yandao Kuang to follow suit.

Under the persecution of Chen Zong, the Chiyang sword madness broke out, and the proud Chiyang sword technique was exhibited.

This sword technique was also created by Chiyang's knife knives' own understanding of the sword technique and many battles, which were finally created after observing and enlightenment. It is indistinguishable from the Changhe sword technique of the Changhe sword king.

The sword technique of the long river lies in the continuous light of the sword, like the river rushing, and the strokes are connected, endless, and the mystery of the Chiyang sword technique lies in the heat and strength.

The Chiyang swordsmanship does not have the continuous offensive of the Changhe swordsmanship, but each sword has an amazing enthusiasm. When ordinary people approach, they will feel hot and intolerable. Although the samurai has extraordinary force, the body is still a mortal body. affected.

And every move of Chiyang Sword is full of amazing power, as if the last sword, it is even more difficult to deal with.

However, Chen Zong soon saw through the mystery and calmly coped.

A sword in hand, like a wind.

A trace of consciousness flows, surrounds, and spreads in the heart. It seems to be breeding something, as if weaved into a cocoon. There is already movement in the cocoon, it seems to break out of the cocoon.


Still a little bit worse!


More pressure is needed.

At the same time as Chen Zong and Chiyang Knife fought fiercely on the battlefield, a team also dispatched from the Minghou House and headed for the battlefield.

The first three of them were filled with amazing momentum. Ten people behind them, all wearing bright silver armor, looked stern and cold. They wore long knives on their left waist, and their left arms clasped with crossbows. It's like the same step.

If the slightest breath permeates and spreads the air cold, even those who are a hundred meters away can't help but feel cold, and a knowledgeable person can discern that kind of breath, which is murderous.

Only by killing a certain number of people will it be possible to accumulate murderous environs.

Each of these people has killed, and more than one.

"Isn't that the Ming Guangwei of Minghou Mansion?" The sharp-eyed person recognized the ten identities, exclaiming suddenly.

"Mingguangwei!" After hearing these three words, many people's faces changed greatly.

People who live in the city and have certain wealth and status have never heard of Ming Guangwei.

Six kings of David, or six kings of Longxuan, are famous.

The Dragon Blood Guard, which belongs directly to the Royal Palace or the personal control of the state, is the head of the Six Guards.

As for the other five guards, they come from the four major Hou government and the general general respectively.

Ming Guangwei belongs to the Ming Hou Mansion and directly accepts the control of Ming Hou.

Ming Guangwei was dispatched, and Ming Hou personally ordered that an important event is expected to occur.

Suddenly, many people followed closely to see where the ten bright light guards were going.

As for the three leaders, they are not Mingguangwei, and not many people know them, but if anyone recognizes them, they will be shocked because they are all titled samurai.


"Nine days Chiyang!"

The Chiyang sword leaped abruptly and burst into full force, three meters above the ground. Both hands clasped the handle of the knife, and held the knife high, leaving everything to burst.

Suddenly, a trace of invisible power permeated, spreading the sword, and the sword suddenly burst into a terrible light. The redness was extremely hot and towering, as if it turned into a round of sun, emitting an amazing light and heat.

This is the unique skill of Chiyang Sword Madness. The strongest one is the great killing skill of Chiyang Sword.

One move, as if Shuangyang shines in the air with the same air, the amazing enthusiasm permeates all directions, as if melting steel.




Even the people watching the battlefield around the battlefield, they also felt hot, sweat can not help flowing out.

Chen Zong was also affected. He felt as if he was burnt, extremely hot. Instantly, a kind of enlightenment emerged.

This enthusiasm is not real enthusiasm, not that the flame is not the enthusiasm emitted by the real scorching sun, but the enthusiasm released by the spiritual will of the Chiyang swordmaniac.

Strictly speaking, it's like a kind of hypnosis, a kind of hint. It is simulated or hinted with a strong mental will, which makes people feel that it is hot, and even they think so.

The moment this thought rises, the enlightenment deepens, and the slightest opportunity is looming.


The body of Chiyang Knife fell, and the sword fell off, as if the fierce sun fell. The terrible zeal seemed to burn Chen Zong into ashes.

However, with that slight realization ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ what Chen Zong grasped vaguely, he felt that this enthusiasm had dropped a lot.


From this sword, Chen Zong felt a kind of pressure, which was greater than that of Changhe Sword King. Of course, this is not to say that the power of this knife is stronger than that of Changhe Sword King, but the emphasis is different.

Changhe Sword King's trick is the endless offensive. The pressure will not erupt all of a sudden, but will gradually accumulate to the extreme.

But this move of Chiyang Swordmania burst out with all the power in an instant, and the pressure naturally broke out in an instant.

It's just not enough.

This pressure is not strong enough. It is not strong enough to excite your own opportunities and achieve breakthroughs.

A little worse!

Just a little bit worse!

If the power of this trick can be one point stronger, it only takes one point.

That point is like the last straw that can crush a camel.

That point is like a space that lays the distance between heaven and earth.

It is precisely this difference that makes Chen Zong unable to really break out and break through.

Under my heart, I can't help feeling a little lost.

However, Chen Zong also quickly responded, wielding a sword and hitting the center of that knife. That was exactly where Chen Zong found the flaw.

Under a sword, the broken golden sword light permeated the air, as if the stars were spinning, very gorgeous.

The fierce sun paused for a moment, but slowly dissipated, losing its power.

The Chiyang sword was stunned to the extreme.

His own tricks, his best-effort tricks, were broken.



This son, really tied with Changhe Sword King?

When is the strength of Changhe Sword King better than himself?

For a while, thoughts were chaotic. nt

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