Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 44: Golden Dragon Sword Master

The battles were extremely fierce, the **** smell pervaded, filled the air and spread in all directions.

"It's so bloody." The tall and mighty body of a golden armour was a little meal, carefully sniffing the breath in the air, looking cold.

Samurai practice is in itself the pursuit of the ultimate physical practice. After the elite warrior reaches the physical limit, he breaks through from the level of spiritual will and achieves the title of samurai.

A martial arts saint, has reached its peak in terms of body, coupled with the maintenance and conditioning of the day after tomorrow, can be in the peak state for a long time, even if it is old, it will not degenerate.

Of course, if you want to maintain the peak state, the price is not small. Ordinary families cannot afford to support them. Even the forces such as the Four Great Hou Houses cannot afford the consumption of Wu Sheng.

Only the royal family can.

Such as the sunset martial arts, unwilling to accept the royal family, alone, has gradually gone downhill, such as the word sunset, but the two royal martial arts can still maintain the peak state.

The peak of the human body refers not only to strength and speed, but also to the five senses.

The speed of the golden figure suddenly accelerated, and after a dozen breaths, a corpse was seen falling to the ground, and blood was flowing across it, while a slender figure stood in it, holding a sword, blood dripping slowly.

The figure looked young but panting.

Very tired!

The strength of the twenty Dragon Blood Guards is indeed very strong, and together they make Chen Zong feel tired.

Physical exhaustion is too much, at least 70% is consumed.

There is no way, although Chen Zong's strength is far better than them, but he is helpless, his body is ordinary and he can't cultivate, it is not as good as the other party. It is even harder to say that Chen Zong ’s mastery of strength is even more difficult.

The sound of footsteps sounded extremely heavy, as if stepping on the heart, making Chen Zong look dignified.

Looking straight ahead, Chen Zong tried his best to adjust his breath, trying to restore his exhausted energy.

An old man who walked head on was a golden armor with dragons on it, which looked gorgeous, but Chen Zong's pupils shrank in an instant. What he saw was not gorgeous, but tough.

That armor may be tougher than the Dragon Blood Guard's armor, and its defense is higher and stronger.

The old man is tall and mighty, with a long and stance of walking, step by step, extremely stable, a slight momentum rising from his body, as if an invisible mountain traverses, bringing significant to Chen Zong pressure.

Between walking, the golden armor kept making dull metal collision sounds, which seemed to enhance the momentum of the other party invisibly.

Twenty meters apart, the old man stopped his feet, his feet seemed to be rooted, and his eyes were flashing with an extremely sharp brilliance, as if to see Chen Zong through. The vision is as substantial as Chen Zong. Little stress.

"At a young age, but with such strength and swordsmanship, it is a rare talent. Even in the era of ancient warriors, it can also be the peerless arrogant of the contemporary." The old man spoke, his voice was low and vigorous, with a kind of upper rank He is as high as he is, and the majesty is astonishing.

That is the majesty brought about by the mixture of power and strength. Under this voice, most people will only feel fear and fear.

But Chen Zong did not, but also felt a touch of pressure.

"For another place, the old man is very willing to discuss with you and make a friend." The old man said again, the voice became deeper and more vigorous, and the sense of oppression also increased: "Unfortunately, you should not oppose the country. "

"Not what I wish." Chen Zongwei smiled, taking the opportunity to delay time, and restore physical strength as much as possible: "I just want to live, that's all."

After all, it is all others who provoke themselves, not the initiative to provoke others.

Since someone wants to kill himself, he can only kill the other party.

"If it is possible, the old man is willing to let you recover as much as possible, and you will fight again." The old man also saw Chen Zong's plan and delayed time to restore strength, but he did not give Chen Zong this opportunity: "But since you and The country is the enemy and the royal family is the enemy. Only one death. "

The voice fell, and the old man pulled out the long sword at the same time.

The sword body has a wide palm, longer than ordinary swords, and has golden dragon-shaped patterns on it, which looks very delicate.

Chen Zong was more certain of the identity of the other party.

Golden Dragon Swordmaster!

Longxuan has three major martial arts. The sunset martial arts has established a warrior hall, does not trust the royal family, but will not oppose the royal family, and will respond whenever the royal family needs signs.

As for the other two martial arts saints, one is the martial arts recruited by the royal family, and the other is the martial arts of the royal family itself. It is said that it was an prince in the early years of the royal family who was not interested in power and was keen on martial arts. After the supply of resources by the royal family, he became a martial artist.

Its sword technique is very clever, so it is named Jinlong Sword Master.

Golden Dragon Swordmaster!

This is the highest representative of individual force in Longxuan.

He dispatched six Davids, and sent another Wu Sheng to deal with himself. I have to say that King Longxuan's family really deserves him.


Now that you don't have time to recover your energy, fight.

This battle is inevitable.

The Golden Dragon Sword The Golden Dragon Sword came out of the sheath, bringing a piece of golden light, dazzling to the extreme. Immediately, a sword chopped out, and a golden sword gas crossed the sky, tearing the distance of 20 meters directly and killing Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's footsteps shifted a little to avoid the golden sword slash.

At a distance of 20 meters, the power of Jian Qi also became very weak. Chen Zong could easily break it, but did not do it because he had to save his strength.

Save as much energy as possible to restore energy.

The Jinlong Sword Saint did not pay much attention to the sword qi, but it was issued at random. The purpose was actually to test Chen Zongyi and see how strong it was, or how much was left.

But did not try it out.

Footsteps stepped out. Immediately, the speed of the Jinlong Swordmaster surged, and the Jinlong sword was waving. There seemed to be a dragon murmur ringing through the surroundings. If the golden sword light wanted to pierce through all the assaults.

If viewed from the side, the sword and man are united, and Jin Guang becomes a large piece, like a golden dragon winding.

In Chen Zong's eyes, the golden light seemed to turn into a dragon's head, and he was severely culled to come to life.

The Golden Dragon Sage is worthy of the name.

This move immediately brought strong pressure to Chen Zong, which was more than twice as powerful as the Chiyang sword madness.

It shows that the spiritual will of Jinlong Sword Saint is at least double that of Chiyang Sword Madness.

But is it just that simple?

Just a doubling of the spiritual will will not make such a big difference in strength.

Only now, Chen Zong still can't see it, or in other words, Jinlong Sword Master hasn't come up with all the strength yet.

A sword strikes, like a golden dragon, winding through the air, with amazing power.

Chen Zong took a deep breath for a moment, and his strength also gathered and exploded.

The arrogant spiritual will spurted out, penetrated the sword's body, and showed a ray of light. When the long sword waved, it turned into a violent thunder and smashed in a vacuum.

Only before the battle with the Dragon Blood Guard, Chen Zong consumed mainly physical strength. As for the spiritual will, it was powerful but there were still a lot left.

With an overwhelming spiritual will, Chen Zong's sword surged in strength and terrible. At the moment when the sword was in contact with the sword, Chen Zong felt a bright and majestic shock.

The Golden Dragon Swordmaster felt a strong impact, full of destruction and destruction, like a thunder.

Jinlong Juggernaut can't help but change his face, this spiritual will is really too strong, more than twice as strong as himself.


As a martial art saint, Jinlong sword sage is very clear about how important the warrior's spiritual will is, that means potential.

The promotion of spiritual will is also very difficult.

Thinking about yourself, being able to have the strength of today's spiritual will, in addition to some talents, is uninterrupted grinding and the supply of royal resources.

But the other person is much younger than himself, but his spiritual will is more than doubled. Is this natural? Or is it for other reasons?

Too late to think about it, Chen Zong had already hit him with a sword.

Since we started, we show no mercy, and we will make a quick decision.

That sword, turned into an aurora, was approaching the extreme, shocking Jinlong Sword Saint.

It wasn't the speed of the sword that shocked him, but the speed he could barely catch, but its power.

If he read it right, what Chen Zong exhibited was the power of thunder, but now it has become the power of light.

Does this person master the method of transfiguring the two powers?

Or is it talent?

Too late to think, the Jinlong Sword of the Great Sword waved, and immediately blocked Chen Zongyi's assassination ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Wusheng level of strength, is so terrible.

In the next breath, Chen Zong's sword turned into a mountain. When it fell in the air, it was extremely heavy and heavy, as if to suppress everything and crush everything, so that the look of Jinlong Sword Master changed dramatically.

The third one!

The spiritual will turned out to be the third power, which is incredible.

Even if the two martial arts sacrificed by the royal family and mingling with themselves, they are only mastering the two powers of spiritual will, and they are better than themselves.

This person has three masters.

My heart suddenly became cold.

Jinlong Sword Master knows that this son's talent and potential are really terrible, and now he has life and death resentment with the royal family, no matter how he can not let him live.


Take advantage of this son and Dragon Blood Guard after the battle, the weakest moment, kill it to prevent future troubles, otherwise the reputation of the royal family will be challenged, or even shaken.

For Jinlong Sword Master, the decline of the samurai has no effect. On the contrary, it is a good thing, which means that he can stand high in personal force.

Therefore, he does not have half the glory of the samurai, hoping that the samurai will be revived and the glory of the samurai era will return.

"It's a pity." Once again secretly, the look of Jinlong Swordmaster became solemn, his breath changed, and the amazing majesty came out.

A faint golden light flashed through his eyes, penetrating everything.

A low roar, suddenly sounded like a dragon's groan, and then, on the Golden Dragon Sword of the Golden Dragon Sword, the golden light flickered, and the dragon's pattern on the sword seemed to be activated. Lifelike.

"Golden Dragon Slash!" A low drinking sound followed, and the roar of the dragon roared.

That sword was madly killed, and the golden dragon shadow Zhang Yawu claws blasted to death. nt

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