Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 47: Sword Broken Void (2)

Immediately, barrels of barrels of oil were pushed over by carts. Immediately under the cover of the Sword and Shield soldiers, they pushed towards the entrance and surrounding of Wuwu Lane, poured out the oil and spilled it everywhere.

Then, a strong archer of the Guards launched the rocket and fired. The rocket shot down, hit the oil accurately, and instantly burned. The fire spread out and burned the alley.

When he saw the oil, Chen Zong was startled.

This mysterious lane is not very big. If the opponent uses fire attack, there are only two ways to go.

The first is to enter the center of Miwu Lane. In this way, you will eventually be trapped in it, because most of the houses in Miwu Lane are wooden, or they have been abandoned for many years, very dry, and Mars is falling. It will be ignited quickly and then burn.

Therefore, entering the center of Miwu Lane only delayed for some time. In the end, when it was burned everywhere, there would be nowhere to hide, and it would be burned to death directly.

There is no need to spread the fire to the center. The burning heat is high enough to scorch the body's moisture, dry mouth, and even breathe air.

In the end, it was either burned to death or suffocated.

This method is not desirable.

Well, the only other method left is to rush out.

Chen Zong also knew that if the opponent used the method of fire attack, even if he could rush out, he had already set up an ambush outside.

I'm afraid that as soon as I took the liberty, I was immediately attacked by a wave of arrows.

Chen Zong acted quickly and must not sit still.

Dress up the armor that was previously taken out of the twenty Dragon Blood Guards, one of which is similar in shape to yourself, and fully armed.

Originally, Chen Zong didn't have the idea of ​​killing out so fast, but wanted to use the advantages of Miwu Lane to wipe out the enemies one by one.

Anyway, the dry food you prepared is enough to support your own consumption for several days. When you want to break through, wear these armors, otherwise these armors are not light and you have been wearing them all the time, which will increase your power consumption.

Now it's time to wear it.

A dragon's blood armor is on his body, which protects all of his body firmly. The left crossbow is also equipped with four crossbow arrows. The equipment of the dragon's blood guard is much better than the other five Davids.

Mingxin sword was on his waist, Chen Zong took a deep breath and ran straight away.

This set of dragon blood armor has a weight of at least 30 pounds. His body is just an ordinary person's body, and cannot be practiced to the limit of the human body like other warriors.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's mastery of himself and his clever use of strength can make this ordinary body exert extraordinary power, otherwise it is really difficult to support such a heavy armor.

The fire continued to spread from the periphery, very crazy, like the devil of fire, and wanted to burn everything to destroy everything and turn everything into ashes.

Chen Zong felt an astonishing enthusiasm, coming through the invasion of Dragon Blood Guard's armor, and in an instant, it seemed to be burnt.

Can't stay long!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong guarded his eyes, and the entire person rushed straight out. When he entered the fire, Chen Zong could feel the amazing enthusiasm burning frantically, and seemed to burn himself to ashes.

Fortunately, the armor of the Dragon Blood Guard is extraordinary, and everything has been designed as early as forging, which can resist the invasion of water and fire to a certain extent.

Of course, it is only slightly resistant, and you must leave as soon as possible.




With full force erupting, Chen Zong was rushing like a wild horse.

"Shoo!" A thunderous sound rang into Chen Zong's ear, and the next breath, Chen Zong heard a sharp sound.

The arrows flew into the sky like a locust, and it was extremely fast and dense. There were more than two hundred in an instant.

This arrow is amazingly powerful and penetrating, and part of it is still burning with flames, making it more threatening.

As soon as Chen Zong opened his eyes, he saw countless arrows bursting into the air in front of him, covering from the front left, right, and up and down, and it was necessary to shoot himself into a honeycomb.

Mingxin Sword came out of the sheath, Chen Zong's footsteps did not stop at all, rushing out, like a cheetah trying to hunt prey.

The long sword was empty, and the sword became a storm that swept in all directions. In a flash, the arrows that were shot and killed were swept away, and quickly moved to the side, showing an extremely amazing sword technique.

The sunset Wu Sheng's pupils narrowed sharply.

Even if he faced more than 200 strong bows and arrows at the same time, he could not completely resist his martial arts martial arts.

But Chen Zong did it.

The name of the sword **** is worthy of the name.

Sunset Wu Sheng felt admiration from the bottom of his heart and was very happy.

Fortunate Samurai!

In this era of samurai's decline, it is still possible to present such powerful warriors as invincible in the legends of ancient times. It is indeed the honor and the last honor of the samurai.

Now, I just hope he can kill the siege and stay away from here.

By that time, Tian Gao Ren Fiao, Hai Kuo jumped by the fish.

The power of the royal family is even more powerful, but if a strong man who does not confront him and has nothing to worry about, he is not afraid at all. A big drill into the mountains is enough to become a hunter and slowly kill a dry soldier.

After all, even the Jinlong Swordmaster was killed. In high-end force, it is already invincible.

To deal with such people, they can only be introduced into the open space and besieged by a large number of elite cavalry.

Otherwise, it is the means of poisoning and so on.

All in all, if you want to deal with such an invincible powerhouse, it is not possible to pay a huge price, and it will even cause national unrest.

It is just now. The royal family has suffered incomparable losses. One hundred and twenty six David and one Golden Dragon Sword Master, the losses are not significant.

In addition, more than two hundred guards were killed.

Even if Chen Zong is finally killed, the royal family is uncomfortable.

Perhaps the folk who secretly want to revive the glory of the samurai will take this opportunity to make trouble.

Resisted a wave of attacks, and immediately, the second Polly Arrow attack killed again, and other guards were also mobilized and quickly came over here.

Chen Zong knew that the time was urgent and the situation was urgent. While swinging his sword and splitting his arrows, he rushed forward and approached the opponent.

The Sword and Shield soldiers immediately lined up, with the shield in front, and a long knife between the gaps, and the cold light flickered endlessly.

The pikemen lined up and immediately launched an assault. The pike stabbed Chen Zong fiercely.

Chen Zong made a leap, avoiding the long gun, and the whole person rushed forward. The sword light passed by like a waning moon, killing five gunmen in an instant, and kicked his feet on the shoulder of a gunman. The gunmen knelt down, while Chen Zong leapt forward with his arms stretched out, and the whole man flew forward like a goshawk.

Favorable arrows shot through the air, extremely fast, obviously a master shot.

Chen Zong was too late to resist, and was shot at once. Fortunately, Dragon Blood Armor's defensive power was amazing and blocked the sharp arrow. Chen Zong was harmless.

If there is no bodyguard for Dragon Blood Armor, this arrow is enough to cause Chen Zong to be fatally injured. Whether he can get out next is still unknown.


Like a tiger into a flock, a sword swept across, killing a guard at once.

Kill kill!

Kill the blood into the river!

Kill the corpses across the wild!

Sword and shield soldiers squeezed in from all directions, planning to bombard Chen Zong with a shield, limit it to a small area, and then assassinate it.

However, Chen Zong responded extremely quickly. The sword contained a terrible force. The sharp and boundless, hard shield was easily torn like a thin piece of paper.

With a sword in hand, there is no enemy!

It was like harvesting straw, waves of the Guards were killed, blood was flowing across the ground, **** smells were pungent, and they matched with the fierce burning flames, staining half of the sky.

Everyone in the distance was already stunned.

When did they see such a fight, no, it should be said of a one-sided massacre.

Kill nonstop, invincible, no one can stop.

The people of the royal family looked pale, panicking at the killing man.


"Kill him."

The prince was terrified and frightened, panic-stricken. This enemy was so terrible that he would not have asked to besiege if he had known it.

Now, even if it can be killed in the end, the loss is heavy, it is not credit.

The Guards obeyed the order and kept on rushing, as if the moths were fighting the fire.

Chen Zong also does not plan to kill all these enemies, because without this ability, there are too many people and limited physical strength.

If the physical strength is unlimited, there is no problem.

Killing hundreds of the Guards, Chen Zongsheng killed a blood path and rushed to the royal family.

This time, these people are the originators.


"do not come!"

The royal family Chen Zong saw that Chen Zong was full of murderous approach, and he was so frightened that he burst into tears.

It's terrible. It's the same as a killer.

But Chen Zong's speed was extremely fast, without a pause.



Suddenly, all members of the royal family were beheaded.

"My father won't let you go." The prince said angrily, in response to him, it was an extremely cold sword.

Jianqi tore through the sky, and directly killed the prince through a dozen meters.

The qi of the half-step sword has multiplied several times.

Evening Wu Sheng and others twitched at the corners of their eyes, killing even the prince. This man's killing is really serious. It's terrible. I'm afraid this country is going to be turbulent.

Chen Zong did not bother so much. If he wanted to kill himself, he was ready to be killed by himself. It was as simple as that.

Besides, Chen Zong has decided to leave the world, because he has got what he deserves, and there is no good to staying.

Then when leaving, leave the last shock to the people of this world.

Chen Zong looked a few kilometers ahead and looked at a very high tower, looking at the top of that tower.




Chen Zong sprinted quickly towards the tower. Behind him, the Guards chased frantically, and his arrows rushed away like locust swarms. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ rushed down the tower, Chen Zong rushed into In the tower, one side of the dragon blood armor was unloaded, thirty pounds, after all, it was a bit heavy. As soon as the dragon blood armor was removed, Chen Zong's speed increased sharply, and he continued to go up the stairs.

This tower is a hundred meters high. It is the tallest building in the King City. A tower left in the ancient warrior era is a symbol and honor, but now it has become a building for people to visit.

Soon, Chen Zong rushed to the top of the tower, stood at the slightly pointed top, and looked down at him, looking like an ant.

Immediately, Chen Zong looked up.

"What is he going to do?"

"Can't think of it?"

One by one guessing.

The sunset Wu Sheng couldn't guess Chen Zong's purpose. It stands to reason that he should not be trapped in the Jedi. That is the way to death.

After all, the tower is easy to be surrounded. When the fire attacks again, you can't escape. If you fall a hundred meters high, you will die.

"Give you ... the last shock." Chen Zong murmured softly, and the voice drifted with the wind.

Immediately, the Mingxin sword emerged from the sheath, bringing a touch of stunning to extremely dazzling extremely bright light to the sky, as if there was something there.


The crowd widened their eyes unconsciously, their eyes bulging, their hearts filled with confusion.

Under the sword, a crack appeared in the sky as if torn, with colorful luster, as if the waves were rippling. Suddenly, a force emerged from the crack and fell on Chen Zong. Chen Zong did not Rebellion was allowed to be pulled by the force, and the whole person flew up in the air, approaching the colorful cracks, and then submerged into it, disappearing as if swallowed.

Sword broken void!

It ’s gone!

In this world, there are countless legends left. nt

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