Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 52: Fighting with Dai Donglin

The evil spirit of Heisha Killer is like a ghost. It is erratic and elusive. It constantly appears in Wufeng's whole body to launch attacks. Chen Zong can see that the Heisha killer is consuming Wufeng's power. When he finds the best time, he will launch it. A critical strike will kill Wu Feng.

Wu Feng, although exquisitely skilled in swordsmanship, is more in pursuit of the ultimate attack and lethality, but is more general in other aspects.

The pursuit of ultimate attack and killing has its advantages and advantages, that is, its power is very terrible. If it is hacked, people who are stronger than him can hardly bear it.

But if you can't hack, you can easily make yourself embarrassed.

As it is now, Heixa Killer's body is too strange and erratic, almost restraining Wufeng.

"Wu Feng, I'll help you." Chen Zong's voice passed into Wu Feng's ears through the void. Wu Feng heard that it was Chen Zong's voice and did not refuse. In fact, this opponent was too difficult. It is precisely to address their weaknesses.

Wu Feng knew that after that, he would strengthen all aspects, but the road he set would not change because of this.

The words fell, Chen Zong quickly approached, Jin Jin Shen Yuejian came out of the sheath, and a sword burst out and blasted out.

If the sword is like a thunder, its speed is astonishing, it will tear the sky directly, with a terrible power to smash everything, it seems to destroy everything under the sword.

Heixia Killer was suddenly shocked, this sword directly locked himself, there was a feeling of nowhere to dodge.

The stature is exaggerated and becomes more erratic, turning into black shadows, and a trace of black mist permeates the surroundings, making his body more erratic and difficult to distinguish between true and false.

However, all this in Chen Zong's eyes seemed to be nothing.


This sword is extremely terrifying. Although it does not use half-step sword intention, it uses spiritual will to transmute. A thunderous sword strikes to the ground and the sky breaks down.

Heisha Killer was instantly creepy.

Can't dodge!


Without hesitation, Heisha Killer didn't fall in love and immediately retreated.

Only by surviving first can we find the opportunity to kill more Mingbang Tianjiao.


But he couldn't escape.

Wu Feng seized the momentary opportunity, and his eyes shot out a terrible cold mang, like a cold electric lasing sky. Immediately, the long sword crossed, and the amazing power turned into the cold cold mang on the knife, such as waves The stream is endless, and the blade is condensed to the extreme.


Cut out across the air, seemingly understatement, but there is an indescribable sharp split.

As if the breeze was blowing, Chen Zong, who was far away, suddenly felt creepy, as if this knife was enough to kill himself.

The blade of light was slightly fine, as if the breeze was passing by, and the dark green grass on the ground suddenly burst into a meal, as if it had been cut by an invisible sharp blade, and a layer was broken directly.

Strong grass and blade break through.

Heisha Killer's body shivered unconsciously, a chill from the bottom of his bones, and it seemed to emerge from the deepest part of his soul.

This knife is inescapable!

When all the power erupted, the Heisha killer made an immediate decision, and did not retreat, madly smashing towards Wufeng.

Even if it is death, it is necessary to pull a back.

But Wu Feng's sword is a masterpiece, but a killing trick, a trick, very terrible.

His face was indifferent, his blade was sharp and he did not hesitate to kill it.

One sword is absolutely empty!

This is the absolute sword!

Chen Zong can see, and also sees that Wu Feng's absolute sword has made a significant improvement compared with the previous one.

It's a terrible sword. It completely pursues lethality. It is the most extreme. There is no hesitation and hesitation.


Just kill!

Pure kill!

Once killed, the black killer's body was stunned, all the black smoke was dissipated, a body fell to the ground, the body was divided into two sections, and the blood flowed to one place.

Wu Feng quickly turned to look at Chen Zong, his eyes were extremely sharp, and his radiant radiance appeared like a knife. It seemed to pierce Chen Zong.

Agitated by Wu Feng's sword qi, Chen Zong's sword qi was also gathered instantly.

The wind drew to a halt, and the sword's air collided, cut, and shredded all the surrounding grass, turning it into dust.

Immediately, the long knife returned to the sheath, and the knife was restrained.

"Thank you very much," Wu Feng said to Chen Zong, turning around and unfolding, and rushed straight away like the sword. The breath of breath suddenly cut the ground a trace, and a voice full of vigor came: "Come Fight again. "

"Good." Chen Zong's voice was not high or low, but Wu Feng could hear it.

That unbelievable potential gave Chen Zong a creepy feeling, and his intention of killing was very heavy, much more aggressive than before.

The previous knife potential can be likened to a sword that has not yet been opened. Then the current knife potential is the sword that has already opened.

Seeing Wu Feng's absolute sword potential, Chen Zong was a little bit aware, but it was only a little bit. If he fought with Wu Feng, perhaps, he could get more understanding from it.

However, Wu Feng obviously does not want to fight with himself now.

Well, this war will be postponed.

The Xuanming Small World has a vast area. One hundred and eight people enter it and look for opportunities. Some people will never meet.

Chen Zong did not know if he was lucky or unlucky, but he encountered Dai Donglin.

But this time, Dai Donglin was only one person, and he did not travel with Sheng Yuan and Xu Mulong.

Dai Donglin's strengths are much stronger than those of Sheng Yuan and Xu Mulong. They also have to find opportunities and cannot always act with them.

When he saw Chen Zong, Dai Donglin froze slightly, which was unexpected. Immediately, his eyes blinked for a moment.

Sheng Yuan has to deal with Chen Zong, Dai Donglin understands, and Xu Mulong has to deal with Chen Zong, saying that Chen Zong snatched the opportunity that belongs to him, but what is the specific opportunity, Xu Mulong did not say, Dai Donglin did not ask because it was Helping Xu Mulong.

So now, not for Xu Mulong, but for himself, to capture everything from Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's strength has improved very quickly, and there must be a big secret. If he succeeds, it may be another opportunity.

A hint of killing was breeding in his heart. Dai Donglin's speed erupted, turning into a rushing sky, and the black wave surged behind him, turning into a dark sky like a dark sky, and raging.

Strength ... all open!

This time, Dai Donglin would not let Chen Zong escape.

It's just the past few days. Dai Donglin doesn't think that Chen Zong's strength can leap forward to the point of surpassing himself.

Although the strength of Chen Zong broke out a few days ago, it can be seen that it is only temporary, a kind of hole card, or something similar to the secret method.

He also has the secret method to improve his strength, which he has never performed before.

This time, Chen Zong could not escape.

But Chen Zong didn't mean to escape halfway, watching Dai Donglin explode with all his strength, like a winged sky Dapeng spreading his wings, descending with a mysterious darkness, a spirit of energy also gathered together instantly.

Dai Donglin's strength is very strong, the general means, is not an opponent at all, so let's burst into full force.

A half step sword that inspired 50% of the power!

Jin Jin Shen Yuejian immediately emerged from the sheath, fifty-and-a-half step sword intended to burst out in an instant.

Gold dazzled to the extreme, tearing the sky in an instant, beheading everything, piercing the sky and penetrating the darkness.

The sharp sharpness of this sword at the moment made Dai Donglin's complexion look as if Chen Zong's figure had disappeared in front of his eyes. Only a golden sword edge broke through the air, and it was extremely fast, running through the sun and the moon.

The extreme sharpness made Dai Donglin creepy.

It seems that his body will be pierced from head to toe at the moment.

Xuanming's Handprint!

When he shot, he burst out.

The ten-meter black fingerprint is like a black mountain condensed to the extreme. It is majestic, heavy and boundless, exuding an endless chill. The temperature of the surrounding air has dropped, and it seems that frost is spreading.


As soon as the seal was shot down, it seemed to sink the earth.

If it was a few days ago, this seal would be enough to suppress Chen Zong, unless the power of Shura's avatar was borrowed, but now.

One and a half swords, the power of the sword is even more terrible, more than double.

A sword was killed, and Jian Guang was broken, and that seal was also followed and spread.

Sword of blood!

The blood glow spread and killed, and the power was even stronger.

Dai Donglin's face changed dramatically and was shocked.

I never expected that in just a few days, the strength of Chen Zong would have been so great, more than doubled, it was terrible.

This sword has exceeded its own limit under normal circumstances.


break out!

Instantly, the black waves behind condensed from all directions, as if compressed into the body. Immediately, a black figure attached to Dai Donglin's body, like a layer of humanoid armor.

The tyrannical breath spreads out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xuanming's big handprint!

Dai Donglin condensed once again, and fell instantly.

It is also a black mountain seal of the size of ten meters, but the breath fluctuating from it is much more powerful and even more powerful.

As soon as the seal was shot down, it immediately collided with Chen Zongyi Sword. At that moment, the mountain seal was penetrated by Chen Zongyi Sword, but at the same time, the **** sword light also flickered and broke apart instantly.

Evenly matched!


Do not!

Celestial War Body!

Chen Zong immediately displayed his secret method, and his strength was further enhanced.

Sword of blood!

The semi-holy level can practice holy martial arts to the small realm. It is very rare, its power is amazing, and it is blessed by the power of the Tianjing warfare secret magic and half-step sword. The power is even more terrible.

Xuanming's Handprint!

Dai Donglin shot again, this move is his strongest move.

Shan Yin condensed and shot down again, terribly terrible, as if to smash the ground and break everything.

However, under the **** sword light of Chen Zong, it was broken and broken through. The **** sword light dissipated most of it, and a little strength remained, stabbing at Dai Donglin.

Dai Donglin's face was extremely dignified, with a forefinger and dark fingers bursting out, condensing high-strength mysterious true power, hitting the **** sword light, instantly breaking, and both breaking apart.

Chen Zong did not hesitate to kill again with a sword.

Dai Donglin's expression suddenly changed greatly and he immediately displayed his body skills to dodge quickly. He did not dare to confront Chen Zong again.

"Stop!" Dai Donglin shouted loudly while avoiding.

However, Chen Zong ignored it and stepped out in one step. His shape changed to three in an instant.

Sword of blood!

Blood flashed through Dai Donglin's body. nt

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