Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 50: Dagger

The palm print fell, and its mighty power was extremely powerful and mighty, ejecting from the palm of his palm, as if to crush Chen Zong.

The pressure struck, making Chen Zong look calm and his eyes twinkling.

In the palm of Sima Rui, there is a kind of might. For others, this might be inexplicable and inexplicable, even Sima Rui himself can't say clearly.

However, Chen Zong could feel that it was a kind of oppression of spiritual will, as if it were the illusion of his own spiritual will.

In the end, is this the ability that Sima Rui masters himself, or are those who are ranked higher Tianjiao master?

Chen Zong didn't know, and now he doesn't have time to think more.

Sima Rui ’s cultivation is a high-end semi-sacred level, and his practice has been practiced to a very high level. The semi-sacred power is extremely vigorous and pure, plus a martial arts accomplishment is very high. Super force.

As soon as he shot, Chen Zong was certain that Sima Rui's strength was several times stronger than Simali and Sima Rou. The two of them would be easily defeated by Sima Rui.

This is a strong enemy.

Is it just the 37th place in the rankings?

Killing with one sword is like accumulating a thousand years of volcanic power. It erupted in an instant, and the power was shocking.

But this sword was defeated by the palm of Sima Rui, and the palm print came as if everything was derailed.

Sima Rui's look was not shocked, but deep in his eyes there was a touch of sharpness and self-confidence, self-confidence in his own strength, the palm of self-confidence, enough to defeat all the powers of Chen Zong and suppress it.

Sima Rui is very confident that his analysis will not be wrong again this time, and the third time is not allowed.


Suppressed with one palm!

Simali and Simarou retreated one after another, and the power of Sima Rui's palm also surprised them.

Under this palm, Chen Zong has nothing to hide and can't resist, only the result of being suppressed. Thinking of this, Sima Li's eyes flashed with excitement.

Abrupt changes occur!

Chen Zong's eyes burst into doubtless sharpness, as if the lightning thunder that tore through the sky, and the aurora that penetrated the world, making Sima Rui's heart tremble suddenly.

Immediately, Chen Zongyi sword stabbed, and suddenly stabbed at Sima Rui's palm, and a sharp edge of suction was condensed on the sword.

Half step sword meaning!

Sima Rui's strength is very strong, and after entering the small world of Xuanming, he also has a chance to make his strength even further. Chen Zong's spiritual will alone is not enough to fight.

In this case, you can only use half-step sword.

The half step sword came out, sharp and boundless, terrible.

A sword is broken!

The sharpness of this sword seems to pierce the sky, and nothing is broken.

Sima Rui's complexion changed greatly. From Chen Zong's sword, he felt an indescribable sharpness that seemed to be able to penetrate some of the world, and everything could not resist.

Only in a moment, Sima Rui felt the power of his palm was pierced and crushed, and that sharp edge had to pierce his palm, and that was a big sword. Once stabbed, it is not as simple as piercing, but the whole The palm of your hand will be smashed, and even your arms will be smashed into powder.


With a low drink, Sima Rui not only did not close his hand, but his arm trembled. It seemed to be undulating, with a lot of force surging and blasting away.

Although the previous palm used 10% of the force, it was only 10% of the force. The exercise was just normal martial arts. Now it is a unique skill.

Triple strength!

It's Sandie Lang!

A very common name, but it has extraordinary power.

The force came out with heavy and heavy bombardment, and each one did its best. The first heavy was defeated by Chen Zongyi sword, the second was also defeated, and the third heavy blocked Chen Zong's sword.

Half-step Jianyi is very powerful, but unfortunately, Chen Zong's application of half-step Jianyi is very simple.

After all, it's only just recently mastered, and there is no time for Chen Zong to settle down and develop more applications with half-step swordsmanship.

Sword of blood!

Suddenly, Chen Zongshi exhibited the first trick of the Blood Sword Sword Technique, which reached Xiaocheng's real strength. Now, it is even more integrated into Chen Zong's half-step swordsmanship. .

With a sword out, blood light radiated into the sky, as if penetrating the heavens and the earth. In the eyes of Sima Rui, there was only a sharp condensed blood to shoot to the extreme.


As if this sword was enough to penetrate itself.


Without hesitation, Sima Rui's figure flashed, she retreated quickly with extremely flexible stature, and avoided Chen Zong's sword.

At this time, Sima Rui could not ignore the anger, because he once again wrongly analyzed Chen Zong's strength.

Hide too deep.


That bit of sharp blood, but it seemed to spread endlessly.

Sima was so surprised that Simali thought he had a hallucination.

The powerful Sima Rui brother was repelled by the opponent.

How Chen Zong ’s strength improved, how could it be so fast and so terrible, is simply counterintuitive.

At the same time, in the distance, three more figures appeared, approaching quickly.

"It's Chen Zong." Sheng Yuan's eyes flickered sharply, full of hate, and gritted his teeth.

"Very good." Xu Mulong's eyes burst out, I just hope that Chen Zong has not taken Xuanming fruit, but even if it is taken, there is at least one.

"Despite the two brothers' shots," Dai Donglin said with a smile, and the 28th place on the bottom list gave him a strong confidence.

Maybe for those who are in the top 20, he knows that he is out of reach and naturally converges, but a person who is far inferior to himself is nothing.

"Who is that?" Xu Mulong's eyes were frozen, and she saw the person who was flying back and dodging under Chen Zongjian.

"Sima Rui!" Dai Donglin raised an eyebrow and recognized the identity of the other party.

Although Sima Rui's ranking is not as good as his own, he is also more than thirty. Is his strength not weak and even being chased by the other party? Is it hidden?

Do not!

Dai Donglin still has confidence in his eyesight. It can be seen that Sima Rui is not hiding, but has to retreat. The sharpness contained in Chen Zong's swordsmanship is extremely amazing, and he dare not dare to connect.

The ability to continuously push Sima Rui back shows that Chen Zong's strength is at least thirty or even in the top thirty.

This is a rival.

However, Dai Donglin has full confidence in his strength. Although his ranking is 28, that is just the previous ranking. The benefits of his trip to the small world of Xuanming brought him great benefits.

You know, the Xuanming Small World originally belonged to the Xuanming Palace, but he is a disciple of Xuanming Palace. He understands the Xuanming Small World better than those of other forces, and it is easier to get benefits and opportunities.

Therefore, now that he has the strength, he must be above 28.

"Two younger brothers, this person gave me to deal with." Dai Donglin said, leaping forward, leaping high, his arms spread out, as if the wings of a flying eagle were shaking, the whole person immediately dived down from a height of tens of meters.

As if an off-string arrow, it was as fast as lightning, landing with an extremely imposing momentum, locking Chen Zong, and instantly making Chen Zong feel creepy.

Sheng Yuan was very reconciled. He felt that his strength had improved a lot to deal with Chen Zong, but now he saw Chen Zong chase Sima Rui. The sense of fall almost made him vomit blood.

Although Shengyuan's self-confidence has increased greatly, he has not yet grasped against masters such as Sima Rui, but Chen Zong can, the gap is obvious.

Although Xu Mulong is unhappy, he also knows that Chen Zong's strength is very strong, not his own enemy.

In this case, it was handed to Brother Dai Donglin.

Fortunately, I encountered Brother Dai Donglin this time. Otherwise, even if I find Chen Zong and his opponents, they may be the same as the last time, and fled.

Now, I can only hope that with Brother Dai Donglin.

Locked up by Dai Donglin's momentum, Chen Zong suddenly felt completely cold.

That's the momentum of Xuanming's true power, and the chill is amazing. It seems to freeze everything. At a glance, you can see that the sky is filled with black, as if a black wave is sweeping over, exuding a chill.

Immediately, Dai Donglin shot it with a palm, and the black wave behind it suddenly condensed into a dark palm print, like black water condensed, and shot down in the air.

The palm print was huge, with tens of meters of full circle, the terrible heavy pressure directly bombarded Chen Zong, and the terrible chill kept infiltrating into Chen Zong's body to freeze the strength and blood.

This palm is overwhelming and terrible, and the pressure makes it difficult for Chen Zong to breathe.

As a last resort, Chen Zong could only abandon the pursuit of Sima Rui, Sima Rui was able to breathe, and was immediately very angry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a sword flying blood!

Chen Zong urged half-step sword intention to the extreme, a sword broke through the sky, and blood penetrated the world.


The sword was killed, and was immediately defeated by the black palm print, and the black palm print was also penetrated at the same time, gradually spreading out.

one strike!

It may seem evenly matched, but Chen Zong knows that he is actually falling behind.

After all, that sword is the strongest one, and it is unknown whether the other hand is the strongest one.

"This palm will suppress you!" Dai Donglin was also a little surprised, the other party could actually block his own blow. It was really extraordinary, but what about it, it was just a normal one.

Now is the real strength.

Xuanming's Handprint!

Xuanming Palace's famous secret method, Dai Donglin practiced to a high level, the power is amazing.


The black wave swept across the world, as if to swallow everything. The breath of breath came from all directions, and it instantly condensed into a terrible palm print. The palm print did not look as big as before, about 10 meters, but The coercion that pervaded it was double what it was before.


The power became even more terrible. It seemed to be able to sink the earth with a single palm, and the amazing weight made Chen Zong creepy, even the tyrannical physique felt the pressure.

break out!

Celestial War Body!

In an instant, Chen Zong's strength increased by several percent, and once again killed a sword.

Sword of blood!

The blood shines through the world, without hesitation, just to break it.

This is faith!

best of all!

Extremely firm!

With a loud bang, the spirit was full of energy, and the waves swept heavily, the sword light was broken, and Chen Zong flew back. nt

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