Sword God

Vol 24 Chapter 51: 70% potential

Qi and blood swelled endlessly, his bones trembled endlessly, and a terrible chill poured into his body like a torrent of dyke, trying to destroy Chen Zong's body wantonly.

Dai Donglin had a dignified look, and on his palm, there was a little bit of it, which was exactly punctured by the sharp edge of Chen Zong's sword.

Although this person's absolute strength is still not as good as himself, his sword skills are terrible and powerful. If he is not careful, he may be defeated by this person.


Dai Donglin paid more and more attention to Chen Zong, and shot more fiercely.

The black fingers broke through the air, one after another, as if the black cold water was highly compressed into a sharp arrow, and shot through the sky, every power was terrible.

Chen Zong ducked, waved his sword, and kept back.

Sima Rui's strength is good, but in the case of using half-step sword intention, he is not his opponent.

But Dai Donglin's strength is much stronger than Sima Rui. Even if he uses half-step swordsmanship and secret methods, he is not his opponent and can only barely compete.

In this case, Chen Zong flew back immediately.

Dai Donglin alone can't defeat himself, not to mention there are other people, if they join forces, it is very bad for themselves.

Even if the power of Shura's avatar was borrowed, they could not be defeated.

Go first!

If it is absolutely necessary, you don't need to die with them to the end.

"Want to escape." Dai Donglin smiled coldly, and as soon as his body unfolded, it looked like Dapeng spread his wings, and the speed was amazing, and it was faster than Chen Zong.

Speed ​​is the advantage of Dai Donglin.


Ten fingers in a row.

A series of dark fingers continued to shoot and kill, Chen Zong cast his body to the extreme, avoiding the opponent's attack, turned back to a sword, and the sword turned into a storm and killed him.

Others followed suit.

For Sheng Yuan, it is necessary to give Chen Zong a hard lesson. As for killing or not, it depends on the specific situation.

For Xu Mulong, the first thing is to regain the Xuanming fruit, preferably two, and then consider how to deal with Chen Zong.

After a little hesitation, Smali quickly began to follow up.

Since it was difficult to get out, Chen Zong was ready to use his hole cards.

The power of Shura's avatar rushed out instantly, and the overwhelming holy force of sacredness poured into the body in an instant, and the icy breath spread out as if freezing in all directions.

Immediately, Chen Zongyi sword shot back.

Fierce as a dragon!

Suddenly, the terrible evil turned into a roaring dragon, and with a horrible power, he suddenly blasted to Dai Donglin.

Dai Donglin was shocked.

The power contained in that sword made him shocked and very strong.

The half-step sword-like spirit is like a dragon, and its power is more terrifying than a sword flying. Dai Donglin blasted it out with a full palm, and the black palm print fell down like a mountain.

Suddenly, the evil dragon and Montenegro had a meal and broke apart. The terrible breath hit all directions, as if to blow everything up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Zong was far away, and Dai Donglin's body stopped for a moment before chasing again.

With the strength of Shura's avatar, it can't last long. Dai Donglin's strength is very strong, and Chen Zong was not sure to defeat it in a short time.

Besides, there are other people who are not weak. If you take a shot, you can hardly resist it.

Sheng Shali pervaded the whole body, and the ascension of the displayed body was astonishingly fast, and Dai Donglin was quickly set aside.

Under the pursuit of Dai Donglin, he could only watch Chen Zong's figure getting farther and farther, until disappearing from his eyes, he gave up, or in other words, temporarily gave up the pursuit.

In fact, if he continues to pursue, Chen Zong will be able to catch up, because Chen Zong bears the holy force, with the passage of time, the load becomes more and more, and in the end, it is difficult to bear.

When found that no one was chasing, Chen Zong immediately sent Sheng Shali back to Shura's clone, and felt pain all over his body, as if cut and strangled by a sharp sword.

Gradually, the exercises will gradually relieve the pain and completely recover.

"I don't know how long it will be before Xuanming Small World will close?" Chen Zong secretly said.

Time is short, but Chen Zong is not in a hurry to find the so-called opportunity, but intends to fully understand the application of a half-step sword.

To put it simply, I have mastered half-step swordsmanship and put it on display. It really improves my strength a lot, but it is not enough, and it seems to be rough in application.

It can be said that the potential of the half-step sword is still very simple, but only 20% of it has been mastered.

At least, it must be continuously improved until it is ten percent, and its power can be fully demonstrated.

Even Chen Zong had the idea that he had to create his own trick.

If it is created based on half-step sword intention, it will only be more fit and powerful.


Everything has its own characteristics, which is a special essence, different from others. Only by digging its unique essence can it be brought to the extreme and show its power different from others.

The most urgent task is to fully master the half-step swordsmanship and fully apply it, at least it can be incorporated into other swordsmanship and sword tricks, making it more powerful.


Only in the first battle, he first gained the upper hand and then fell into the lower hand.


The body of the pan sitting suddenly jumped up, Chen Zong's eyes burst out with extremely sharp light, like a sword blasting out, as if piercing the sky, extremely sharp, nothing is not worn.

The right arm shook, and the Jin Shenyue sword flew out of the sheath instantly, but the heavy sword was as light as a feather, breaking instantly, the golden light penetrated everything, with an incomparable sharpness, piercing the sky through the tear.

The sword returned to the sheath, and the golden sword marks slowly disappeared.

"Three percent." Chen Zong secretly said.

The previous excavation of the half-step sword's potential was almost 10% to less than 20%. After a short period of insight, 30% was excavated, and one sword was killed, but its power was more than 20% .

Progress, let Chen Zong see hope.

Continue to enlighten.

Time passes slowly.

Chen Zong stood in place, thinking silently for a while, pulling out his sword and killing, combining thought and exercise, silence and movement.

Sword after sword, Chen Zong is looking for feeling and inspiration.

If half-step Jianyi's potential is divided into 10%, it will be easier to dig at the beginning, and the harder it will be to dig it.

As soon as Chen Zong mastered the meaning of half-step sword, he was able to dig into nearly 40% of the area immediately. It was also based on the accumulation of solid kendo.

The accumulation of Ming Jianli's realm gradually showed its benefits.

Another sword waved, Jin Guang turned into a straight line, stabbed straight out, and disappeared until it was 70 meters away, and the golden sword mark stayed in the air for a while and then disappeared.

"40%!" Chen Zong secretly said, more powerful.




Chen Zong wields the sword again and again, and Jian Guang runs through the sky one by one. The mind, spirit, and soul are all concentrated. Numerous inspirations emerge suddenly, lingering in his mind, lingering in his heart.

I didn't know how many swords were issued, Chen Zong suddenly realized that his eyes were brighter and brighter, as if piercing the sky.

Another sword waved.

The masterpiece of gold light is extremely dazzling, and condenses into one in an instant. It is extremely dazzling and bright, as if it was a golden aurora killing it. It passed through the sky for 100 meters before dissipating.

Golden Jianguang stayed for more than two breaths before dissipating.


The potential of half-step Jianyi has been tapped to reach 50%.

"60% of excavations are not so easy." Chen Zong secretly said.

This is how I feel.

It is possible to dig into 50% in a short time, thanks to the grandeur of his kendo accumulation, and his solid foundation in the realm of Mingjian theory.

And that majestic foundation can greatly promote the mastery of half-step swordsmanship, but the more difficult it is to dig and master, the more time and energy it will take.

Chen Zong does not know how long the Xuanming Small World will be closed, but guesses that it should be less than ten days, or even less than five days. After all, half a month has passed before entering the black hole virtual shadow. Jian Yi's potential took another few days.

"Fifty-and-a-half steps of swordsmanship, the **** swordsmanship developed in this way, is more than twice as powerful as before, enough to defeat that Dai Donglin." Chen Zong secretly thought.

Of course, even if Dai Donglin still has hidden strength, Chen Zong is also confident and will not be inferior to the other side, moving forward and backward.

So, look for opportunities again.

Opportunities in the Xuanming Small World often have to pay for what they want.

Some are assessments, while others are some guardian beasts, such as the Xuanming fruit of the Xuanming Tree, and the Xuanming Viper is guarding ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong did not find any opportunity, but met Wu Feng.

Wu Feng is fighting with one person and fighting fiercely.

That person was ordinary and of ordinary appearance, and it was difficult to distinguish in the crowd. There was no characteristic at all. However, the opponent shot very sharply, especially the short blade in the hand, which was very tricky and weird.

His body style is even more erratic, like a ghost, which makes people elusive.

A trace of the cold breath wafted all around, and the air temperature dropped plainly.

"Heisha!" Chen Zong took a look, and he had some speculation. He took another look to determine the identity of the other party, which was Heisha's killer.

In addition to himself, Wu Feng also encountered the black killer's sniper. It seems that more than one black killer entered here.

Wu Feng has a knife in his hand, and the blade is extremely powerful. Each knife is not only extremely fast, but it is like lightning passing through. The power is even more amazing. It can be said that the knife without a blade is extremely sharp and pursues extreme lethality. Terrible.

In terms of attack, Wu Feng is very good, better than that of Heisha Killer. Moreover, Wu Feng's strength is much stronger when he fights with himself before.

But in other respects, Wu Feng seems more ordinary.

In the face of the ghostly flickering Hexa killer, it is difficult to split the opponent, and the ultimate attack power is difficult to exert its due power.

Chen Zong did not approach immediately, but watched.

If Wu Feng can handle it by himself, then there is no need to take his own shot. After all, this battle is also a kind of grinding.

Of course, if Wu Feng loses sight, Chen Zong will not stand idly by. He will definitely try to save Wu Feng, whether he is a disciple of the sword lord or whether he is a good opponent or because of black Killer's sake. nt

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