Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 4: Xu Mubai

Xuanming Palace, one hundred and twenty days gathered together proudly, the breath permeated in all directions, like water and wind.

An ancient black giant ship emerged from the deepest part of the Xuanming Palace, and slowly came at a high altitude, and the overwhelming cold atmosphere permeated.

Everyone looked up, and along with the black giant ship, there was a heavy black ghost image, the ghost image was solid, as if the black tide was surging, and the sound of rattling was faintly heard.

The black giant ship looked like an ancient giant black turtle, with eighteen oars on each side. It was rowing in the void like many feet, very regular.

Xuanming Giant Ship!

This is Xuanming Palace's most powerful flying spirit.

The Xuanming giant ship stayed above the crowd, as if it was covering the sky, the black pressure was a large piece, and the breath was amazing, making everyone underneath feel difficult to breathe.

Immediately, a round gap was opened at the bottom of the Xuanming giant ship. Under the command of the Xuanming Palace strongman, 102 Tianjiao jumped up and turned into an off-string arrow, quickly passing through the sky, like flying swallows. Like a homing, one after another entered the bottom and entered the Xuanming giant ship.

Ascending all the way, eventually appeared on the deck of the Xuanming giant ship.

A total of 108.

Xuanming Palace's six Mingbang Tianjiao are already on board.

In an instant, Chen Zong's gaze was drawn to him, as if it were a kind of traction in the middle, falling directly on one of them.

In a white coat, it seemed to have a floating feel. Standing on the deck of the deck with his back and hands facing the crowd, he could not see the front, but the white coat and breath gave a pale and ethereal feeling, which did not seem to exist in this. world.

No need to think about it, a name jumps out and rings in my mind.

Xu Mubai!

The first genius of Xuanming Palace and the peerless Tianjiao who ranked first on the Mingbang list, ranked first on the Mingbang list, has been challenged many times for many years, but no one can shake its status.

He, like the scorching sun in the sky, is high above him, and his light is so bright that no one can compare.

Even the peerless Tianjiao, who ranked second, is not its opponent at all.

In addition to Xu Mubai, the other five Xuan Ming Bang Ming Bang Tian Tianjiao, one Chen Zong has never seen.

And that Xu Mulong was impressively among them.

Xu Mulong also saw Chen Zong. Suddenly, a sneer hung from the corner of his mouth, quickly turned to face Xu Mubai, and Chuan Yin spoke.

Suddenly, the pale figure turned.

Between turns, it seemed to bring a double image, as if across time and space, appeared in front of the crowd, his eyes burst out a touch of incisive coldness, swept through the void.

For a moment, people dared not look at them, as if they suddenly saw the intense sunlight.

Immediately, the gaze stared at Chen Zong, and met Chen Zong's eyes.

Chen Zong only felt that the other person ’s eyes were not only fierce, but also contained an indescribable nothingness, as if he could see through all the delusions and see through all his own secrets. The pressure that this eyes brought to himself was even more extraordinary Into the sanctuary is even stronger.

Xu Mubai is just a high-end semi-holy level.

Chen Zong had to be surprised at the high pressure of a semi-sacred class.

However, just such pressure is not enough to form pressure on Chen Zong.

Look at each other!

No fear!

Chen Zong suddenly found that the blazing light was just an appearance. After seeing the appearance, he saw a blackness. The darkness seemed to be contained in nothingness, and filled with heaven and earth, covering everything, covering everything, engulfing everything.


Pure black!

It's dark!

"It was you who took the mysterious fruit and handed it over." Xu Mubai said, her voice soft, as if she was sighing, she seemed to mumble to herself in her ears, and with an unspeakable toughness, Unquestionable and undeniable, as if the words follow the law, as if the emperor Jinkouyuyu words, one word, everyone must obey.

This is a momentum, a momentum accumulated over a long period of time, a momentum developed from a high position, and a momentum with great confidence in one's talent and strength.

Under the momentum, everything must be followed.

It is also because of such momentum that the extraordinary whiteness is created, and the two are interdependent.

All eyes focused on Chen Zong in an instant.

There are sorrows, sneers, and doubts.

The stunner, stunned that Chen Zong actually had an intersection with Xu Mubai. What xuanming fruit seemed to be taken away? Is it something that belongs to Xu Mubai?

Or is it something that Xu Mubai likes?

With a sneer, he was laughing at Chen Zong, and he dared to take away Xu Mubai's things. No matter what Xu Mubai looked at or what, in a certain case, it belonged to Xu Mubai.

A casual repair, some talents, ranked on the bottom line, called Tianjiao, but the gap between Xu Mubai and the other is beyond description.

Xu Mulong's face was full of pride and ridicule.

At that time, in the small world of Xuanming, he did not give Xuanming fruit to himself. Now, he was asked by his cousin himself, and he will lose face.

Sheng Yuan's face also showed a touch of pleasure.

"I ate." Chen Zong replied easily, Xu Mubai did bring a lot of pressure, but that's all.

Chen Zong could not be moved simply by his gaze.

Of course, Chen Zong also knows that with his current strength, I am afraid that he is not an opponent of Xu Mubai. Perhaps, his strength is not enough to enter the top ten of the bottom list.

But what about that?

What is the fear of doing everything possible to expose Shura's avatar?

If you want to fight, then fight, just right, you can use this to try out the power of the trick that you created.

Hearing Chen Zong's answer, whether they were in doubt, sneer or ridicule, they all turned into the same expression.


Chen Zong dare to answer Xu Mubai so.

Xu Mubai was also a little stunned, this answer made his mind stiff, and did not know how to respond.

have eaten?

have eaten!

Simple answer.

If you eat it, it will be gone. Even if you kill Chen Zong, you will not be able to retrieve Xuanming Fruit again.

"You ... have a lot of courage." Xu Mubai smiled softly, and then, that dark eyes disappeared, I do not know when, Xu Mubai turned back to face everyone, it seems that everything before, just an illusion, From beginning to end, Xu Mubai never turned around.

Chen Zong could not help but be shocked.

Xu Mubai, can't see through, can't see through completely, as if the whole person is in the clouds and fog, very mysterious and terrible, this is an extremely terrible opponent.

But Chen Zong did not feel afraid, but was excited and excited, permeated and flowing in his heart, and wanted to burst out.

"You dare to offend my cousin, you are dead." Xu Mulong's voice sounded in Chen Zong's ears, with a bit of scorn and sarcasm.

The other Tianjiao of Xuanming Palace, including Lin Chaoqun, stared coldly at Chen Zong, as if to pierce Chen Zong's body.

Chen Zong did not care.

Do you care if it works?


How precious is the mysterious fruit, and the effect is so overbearing, so that Shura's avatar can directly understand and master the meaning of Tiansha Taoism. The remaining one, Chen Zong, naturally wants to keep it and make good use of it.

By that time, it will be enough to make yourself stronger.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to surrender.

Talking about eating, that is naturally an excuse. As for Xu Mu's disbelief, it doesn't really matter.

On the huge ship of Xuanming, in addition to the 108 arrogance of heaven, there are naturally other people, elders of Xuanming Palace and elders of other powerful forces. They are escorts.

This time, going to the Xuanyuanjie Center is of great importance. We must also prevent being attacked by masters of dark organizations on the way.

Of course, what happened on the deck was naturally known to one of the powerful men in the giant ship.

"This retreat is very bold." A powerful elder laughed softly.

"It's a bit bold, but blind and ignorant." An elder of Xuanming Palace sneered. Who is Xu Mubai? The one who is the strongest disciple in Xuanming Palace. The first talent in the millennium is so amazing. , How powerful it is.

However, it is a arrogant Tianjiao who can't even enter the top ten of the Ming Bang, but he dares to do so. He can only talk about blindness and ignorance.

Relatively speaking, these strong men are optimistic about Xu Mubai, not Chen Zong.

In their opinion, ten Chen Zong and even 20 30 Chen Zong are not as good as one.

One hundred and eight Tianjiao, each has a room for rest and practice, after all, starting from the Xuanming Palace, it takes a few days to go to the Xuanyuanjie ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

"Brother Chen, you are too reckless today." Zheng Tuo sat not far from Chen Zong and said solemnly.

Nan Wukong sat on the other side without speaking.

At first they dismissed the admiration behind them, and now they have become friends of Chen Zong.

Even in the case of Chen Zong's guilty conscience, they did not set aside the relationship.

"Xu Mubai is the No. 1 on the bottom of the list, and her energy should not be so narrow." Chen Zongwei smiled. Of course, this is just what Chen Zong casually said. Even if he is not afraid of Xu Mubai and wants to fight him, Can't speak in front of Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong.

It's not that Chen Zong doesn't treat them as friends, or because he treats them as friends, he can't say, otherwise, they might be implicated.

"You ..." Zheng Tuo had nothing to say.

"Is this giant ship Xuanming Palace, can Brother Zheng understand?" Chen Zong shifted the subject.

"Xuanming Giant Ship is the strategic treasure of Xuanming Palace." Zheng Tuo also knew that Chen Zong was shifting the topic, but still said: "It is rumored that the hull of the Xuanming Giant ship is extremely hard enough to withstand attacks in the late stage of the Holy Land. Unbreakable, if the protective cover is opened, it will be enough to withstand the attack of the half-step Great Holy Power. "

Chen Zong was suddenly surprised.

A half step saint, how powerful and terrible it is.

"Xuanming Giant Ship is more than just defense." Nan Wukong, who has been sitting quietly, laughed, "It is said that the Xuanming Cannon on the Xuanming Giant Ship can be killed in the late stage of the Holy Land, and the Xuanming Cannon can be seriously damaged Great step. "

Under normal circumstances, Xuanming Palace does not use Xuanming giant ships. Even if it is used, it often does not open the protective cover, Xuanming cannon, Xuanming cannon, etc., because it requires a lot of energy. nt

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