Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 6: Bullying

Mountain Stream House is one of the 27 Houses of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty.

The title of "Fu" also exists in the Xuanming Realm, but in the Xuanming Realm, there are as many as thirty-two prefectures, and the number surpasses that of the Xuanyuan dynasty.

Of course, quantity is quantity and quality is quality. The two are different.

The cultivation atmosphere of Shanliufu is much richer. The richness of the vitality of the heavens and the earth here is not inferior to the Xuanming Realm, even more than a few points.

The stronger the heaven and earth's vitality, the better it is for cultivation, and the easier it is for geniuses to appear.

Shallow water can't raise a true dragon!

This is not a lie, but truth. Of course, there may be some exceptions. Some Tianjiao came out of the backcountry, but that's just an example, very few, and even if it comes from the backcountry, it will be good in the end. Achievement, to compete with other Tianjiao, then you must enter the big world, otherwise the resources are not enough to carry on and inherit, and the talent is wasted.

Xuan Ming Yu has already filed a report with the Xuan Yuan Dynasty. When will people be brought in to participate in the qualifying match? As for which of the 27 provinces to participate in the qualifying match, it is a lottery.

Each of the five domains will enter one of the 27 provinces to participate in the qualifying round. The 27 provinces will decide by lot.

If you are unlucky, you will get a lottery and let one of the five domains Tianjiao participate.

Xuanming Realm was drawn by Shanliufu.


This is a manor built by Shanliufu. It is a place for the heavenly pride of Xuanming Realm and a strong man to live.

When the people in the mountain stream led down to Xuanmingyuan, they all froze.

It doesn't look big, and it's quite simple, but everyone doesn't care much.

As the other party stepped into the Xuanming Garden, all of them suddenly changed greatly. This place is not just simple, but rather rude.

The name Xuanmingyuan sounds good, but not only is it simple on the outside, the building inside is simply rude, giving everyone the impression that they are in a slum area.


They are all thatched cottages, and they are simply thatched cottages.

"I'm really sorry for the rush of time, but for everyone, it should be acceptable, after all, you are from a small place." The strong man who led the way from Shanliufu said with a smile, and he could not see it The slightest apology, as if taken for granted, was clearly intentional.

"There is work." The elder, headed to Xuanming Palace, responded coldly, waving his sleeves and turning away, not wanting to bother with each other.

The strong men who came from the Xuanming Realm also suppressed their annoyance and snorted. Here, it is not appropriate to move. If you change places, for example, in the Xuanming Realm, you have already taken a shot and taught the other one. Pause.

What is time rush?

Lottery started when the news of the Xuanyuan Shenghui was about to be held. In the past three months, if it is an ordinary people's world, it will be difficult and almost impossible to build a huge manor in three months. .

But this is the world of practitioners. With the ability of practitioners, if you have the heart, don't say three months, even if it is less than one month, you can build a huge and luxurious manor.

The other side said that time was rushed and the perfunctory meaning was too obvious.

It is also acceptable to everyone. This is clearly despising everyone and despising everyone in Xuanming Real Estate, especially the last sentence "You are from a small place." It is even more contempt to stimulate everyone, even Chen Zongye. Feeling annoyed.

"You have to take a good rest, and then you have to participate in the qualifying match, but you can't be eliminated because of a bad rest." The other side said something in a smile and turned away.

He certainly knew what the other party was angry and angry about.

This is Shanliufu. There are countless strong players. As long as the other party dares to take action, the consequences will be very serious. They will be taught a lesson and lose face. In other words, they will be directly disqualified from participating in the qualifier. Where to go back.

"Too deceitful!" A strong man angered in the late stage of the sacred state, and the terrible breath permeated.

"It's just not looking at us."

"Damn thing."

They are strong men, strong men of great power and status, when did they experience such birdishness.

Burning in anger, it almost rises to the sky and destroys everything.

"Okay." The elder of Xuanming Palace made a sound, his voice was low and vigorous, as if a thunderous billowing, sounded in everyone's heart.

The elder of Xuanming Palace is the strongest in this trip, or one of the top ten in Xuanbang. Among the people, he has great prestige. His words are naturally very important.

"The other party's purpose is nothing more than to target us. It deliberately angers us, and even deliberately affects the Tianjiao of our Xuanming Realm, so that they are affected and unable to participate in the match with the best state." The elder said in a low voice.

Everyone thought that this was indeed the case. The purpose of the people of Shanliufu was to anger them to affect the state of heavenly pride of Xuanming Realm, and they could not play in the best state, affecting the outcome of the house race.

If it is really affected, maybe it will be difficult for several to pass the house.

After all, the original Xuanyuan sacred meeting was a grand event and big match in the Xuanyuan dynasty, but it was participated by the people from the five major domains. No one would feel comfortable if they were divided.

However, some of the methods adopted by Shanliufu are too small, which makes people feel angry. After getting angry, they will find it ridiculous.

"Whenever you come, you will be safe." Another elder of Xuanming Palace said, "Since the people in Shanliu Province have made this strategy, it also shows that they are not confident in themselves. If they have full confidence in themselves, Where do we need to play around with these inaccessible means. "

After hearing this, everyone's eyes brightened again.

Indeed, such a situation does exist. It is because you are not confident enough in your own strength that you need to play with some small tricks and evil ways to fight against each other and improve yourself in disguise.

If you have enough confidence in yourself, you will not play with these means unless you are born with a villain.

There must be villains in the huge mountain stream, but there are others.

Therefore, under the analysis, it should be the former and lack of confidence.

In this way, it means that the Tianjiao of Xuanming Realm have greater hope to win the place and advance to the state competition.

"You have all heard the words, you should know something, but no matter what, Shanliufu is one of the regions of the Xuanyuan Dynasty. The cultivation environment is excellent and the inheritance is perfect. Genius and arrogance are not a minority. Is there sufficient confidence? Their problems, you, you must not have any luck. "

"Remember, make good adjustments to your state, come up with the best state to participate in the tournament, do your best to win the place, and let the people in Shanliu know that it is useless to play with these small tricks. It will bring them any benefits, on the contrary, they will let them taste the bad results. "The deep voice of the elder of Xuanming Palace sounded in everyone's ears, as if the thunderous billowing, inspired everyone, and seemed to inject a deep heart into them The new force looks like it.


Fighting spirit!

Playing tricks?

so what?

Only use the most powerful strength to break it down and let the other party understand that everything depends on strength.

Thatched hut is very simple, and the number is not large enough to make it for everyone.

But in order for the 108 arrogants of Xuanming Realm to enter into a good condition, the strong men in Xuanming Realm had to sacrifice themselves and not enter the hut, but stay outside.

Rao is so, can not be a hut for one person.

Basically, the top ten peerless Tianjiao people can have a hut for one person, and the following Mingbang Tianjiao people can only have two to three persons for a hut.

This hut is not big yet. It's almost the same when you enter two. It's a little crowded when you enter three.

Chen Zong and Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong were friends, so the three of them had a hut.

Fortunately, the three of them are not of high origin, and they are all hard-working people. Although this environment is not good, it is not so bad, and they have all experienced it.

The next time, naturally, is to adjust the state of rest and rest as much as possible, eliminate all external influences, adjust the state to the best, and maintain it until the government match starts.

Must win!

We must fight for more advanced places, give the people in Shanliu a fierce counterattack, and let them know how severe the consequences of playing with these inaccessible small means are.


Shanliufu has a vast area, although it is not as large as Xuanmingyu, but it is also one-third the size of Xuanmingyu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And in Shanliufu, there are many strong people, although not as good as the whole There are many Xuanming Realms, but more than half of them. There are also many geniuses and arrogants, and the quality is very high.

Within the main stream of the mountain stream house, the main leader of the mountain stream house sits first, and below it are the strong men of the mountain stream house, each of which emits a breathtaking atmosphere.

"The group of people have already settled in. It is said that their expressions were ugly at that time." One of the old monkeys with sharp-billed monkey goggles was gloomy and gloomy. It seemed that he was proud of it, and that means was what he proposed.

"The house owner, I suggest that before the start of the game, we should give them some more material and entertain them." The old man with a sharp-eyed monkey cheek said again, and the grin on his face became more obvious.

The so-called cutting and entertaining, of course, are not positive, but some other means, some small means targeted at people like Xuanming Realm, will not cause them any harm, but they will be disgusting to them, and then affect their state. , Unable to participate in the house race, and ultimately lost.

"Okay, don't have to do this." But the houseowner refused, playing with a little tricks, and some are out of hand. If this continues, it may be too pretentious: "Elder Sun, so far, the Tianjiao of this government , The strength will only be stronger than them. "

"Of course, the owner, I know, just to ensure that our government can get more places." Elder Sun laughed, without blushing at all.

"After three days, the house race begins, and all preparations are made, and no half-point errors are allowed." The house owner has the majesty of the house owner, and here, he is the same as the emperor.

"Be assured that the master of the house, the preparations have already been done, you just need to maintain it." Another tall and mighty elder had a loud voice. nt

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