Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 9: Fusai (3)

The Didi Palace is a sharpened state of secret controlled by Shanliufu. As soon as it enters, it appears randomly at any place in the Di Palace.

The underground palace is huge, with many channels, and looks like a maze.

It is necessary to break through the underground palace within the prescribed time before passing the first level and entering the second level.

So how long is the prescribed time?

Chen Zong saw a huge water leak in the upper part of the palace. There was a continuous drop of water dripping slowly. Looking at the speed, Chen Zong silently calculated it, almost three days or so.

In other words, it took only three days to pass through the palace.

The three days are long or short, and Chen Zong's heart is not complete. After all, his understanding of the Didi Palace lies in only four words: the Didi Palace. It can be guessed that it should be related to the Di, there is no other information.

This is a disadvantage, which intensifies the difficulty.

However, since we have obtained such an opportunity, we must make every effort to fight for it so that we will not leave regrets.

Xuanyuan Tower!

That is said to be the ultimate reward.

Chen Zong is yearning, but he will not ignore others, such as process, because of yearning.

Fighting with other Tianjiao is also a gain.

After all, those who can participate in the Xuanyuan Congregation each have good strength and ability. To fight with them is to sharpen themselves and improve themselves.

"It is imperative to find the right path first." Chen Zong secretly said.

Back and forth, four passages, I don't know where to go, Chen Zong must make a choice.

how to choose?

When not clear enough, trust your instincts.

Gaze swept away and moved as he pleased, Chen Zong chose the channel on the right, took a step forward, and walked forward like a water ski, unhappy or slow.

The sullen footsteps suddenly sounded, coming from directly in front of them, and approaching constantly, making Chen Zong's complexion look calm.

what is that?

Sharp eyes saw a tall figure striding forward, the steps seemed extremely heavy, and each step seemed to trample the earth and collapse the mountains.

Chen Zong can see clearly. It is a figure more than three meters tall. The whole body is built like another piece of brown rock. The gap between the brown rocks is filled with magma-like red light. The upper body of the inverted triangle looks extremely strong. His shoulders and elbows were sharpened with sharp spikes, which looked like fiery red crystals, and looked very scary.

The breathtaking scorching heat also permeated from the nagging body, and the temperature rose rapidly, so that Chen Zong felt a heat wave coming.


This is the puppet in the palace. When encountering the puppet, Chen Zong was not surprised at all, and he was already mentally prepared.

The cricket that radiated amazing heat came forward, a pair of eyes twinkled with fiery red light, and fell on Chen Zong's body, as if to ignite Chen Zong.

Immediately, there was a roar, and the stride speed suddenly increased, from a slow walk to a fast step, and then to a trot. The battle for the grounds seemed to be shaking, and the sound was astonishing and loud.

Echoes bounced back and forth from the faint, thick walls of the passage, humming and mixing.

The terrible breath hit, and Chen Zong felt suffocated.

This rampant strength is at least a semi-holy level, or even a high-order semi-holy level.

Chen Zong didn't mean to evade in the slightest, staring at the nagging, calculating the distance silently, and then stepping out one step, the soles of the feet re-landed, as if to step on the ground, a strong force rising from the soles of the feet, such as the torrent rolling through the waist spine Straight to the right arm.

The right arm slammed suddenly, and Jin Shenyuejian squirt out instantly. The terrible weight of 150,000 kilograms erupted in an instant, smashed in a vacuum, and the void shook and the wind roared.

This sword, like a thunder, violently thunderous and unmatched in power, is like a lightning bolt full of terrible power that bursts through the air and hits the puppet.

The puppet was huge and seemed to have infinite strength, but its reaction speed was relatively slow, and it was immediately bombarded by Chen Zongyi sword.

After the rushing forward, Chen Zong also felt a terrible reactionary force that hit the blade, and then came through the blade.

With both feet as rooting as if standing on the ground, the body is leaning back like a bamboo in the wind. After removing some of the impact force, the waist naturally twists, the upper body is drawn through a small circle, and another part of the impact force Borrowed, a sword came out again.

This sword, like a volcanic eruption, is even more terrifying, as if it was smashed in a vacuum, and it was bombarded on the arm of the puppet, which suddenly broke the arm.

The strength of the bamboo in the wind and the use of force to make the second sword more powerful, this is not a trick, just a force technique, very practical.

One arm was broken, and the body was suddenly out of balance. Taking this opportunity, Chen Zong killed the second sword.

Sword of blood!

Blood flashed, pierced the sky, and passed across like a **** meteor.

This sword, Chen Zong used half-step sword, but did not burst out full force, but only 70% of the force.

A sword passed, and the sharpness was extremely sharp.

Chop Chop!

The golden sword light was extremely fast, and it stopped instantly, and the stiff hard body had been dismembered and scattered to pieces.

He is not a living creature. Generally speaking, he can continue to move regardless of whether he has cut off his arms, legs, or skull. Therefore, Chen Zong dismembered him and could not move even if he did not die.

With the half-step sword's blessing, the sword became extremely sharp, and easily cut open the extremely hard body.

Chen Zong's eyes were extremely sharp, gazing past.

Wherever there is a core, there is usually a core, and that core provides strength to be able to act and fight.

So, where is the core?

With strong spiritual knowledge, Chen Zong quickly locked on the core part, which was his chest.

With a sword splitting his chest, Chen Zong saw a regular octagonal fiery red crystal. The fiery red crystal shone in red light, constantly fluctuating from the inside, and the hot breath permeated in all directions.

Chen Zong's sword provoked, and the fiery red crystal immediately fell into his hands. Chen Zong immediately felt a hot breath permeating from the fiery red crystal, as if the fire was burning.

It can be confirmed that this is indeed the core of the puppet, because as soon as the core falls into the hands of Chen Zong, the light on the puppet shard quickly dims and disappears.

Chen Zong did not know what the core of the maggot was, so he planned to include it in the ring, but found that his own ring could not be opened. It seemed that there was an invisible force to seal the ring.

Failure to open the Nasa ring means that you cannot put things into the Nasa ring, and it also means that you cannot take things out of the Nasa ring.

This is not good news.

What should I do?

Chen Zong thought, whether to discard the puppet core?

But there was a feeling in my heart telling Chen Zong, don't throw it away, it might come in handy.

Since you have this feeling, you should take it with you, so put it in your arms for now.

Fortunately, this core is not large, it is almost the thickness of a finger, the size of a baby's fist, and it is not heavy, which will not affect its own actions.

After collecting the core of the cricket, Chen Zong ignored the scattered things and proceeded again.


"To pass through the Didi Palace, in addition to finding the right direction, you also need to get the corresponding core of the dice to open the door to leave." Ma Xifeng laughed at the people next to him: "Those outside dunes certainly don't know this."

"Of course they won't know that this is our advantage." Wei Zidong smiled coldly, showing a little disdain: "And we must try our best to make them unable to get a place."

"Of course, what should belong to our place, they must be allowed to compete." Masifeng was full of faces.

The people in Shanliu Province believe that these places should belong to them. Whether it is thirty or twenty, even if it is competition, they should compete internally instead of letting others participate.

But since the above is so stipulated, it can only be followed, but it does not prevent them from using some means.

If you want to participate, then participate, so that you will get nothing, come here for nothing.

After Ma Xifeng and Wei Zidong entered the Didi Palace, the place they appeared was not far away. When they found each other, they proposed to join forces to increase their odds. This is normal.

Suddenly, an amazing roar sounded, coming from a distance, like the roar of an ancient beast, with vigor and grandeur, astonishing.

Ma Xifeng and Wei Zidong looked at each other, and immediately set off, spreading their stance and quickly moving in the direction of the sound.

They all knew it was a cricket's voice.

And whoever makes a sound, that means finding someone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~

Are you from Liuliu?

Or are those earthworms from Xuanming Realm?

If it's the latter, it's fun.

Although Ma Xifeng and Wei Zidong have not actually entered the Didi Palace, they have entered the Didi Palace several times, so in comparison, I found that the Didi Palace and the Didi Palace have many similarities and familiar feelings, making them like fish Like.

A relatively familiar environment always feels reassuring, so you can be in better shape.

"Sound should come from here."

Ma Xifeng narrowed his eyes and judged.

"Here." Wei Zidong found the scattered puppets and saw that the puppet core was gone.

"Is it ours?" Ma Xifeng whispered.

The Tianjiao of Shanliu Province only knew the role of the core of the puppet, and would certainly take the core of the puppet, but the soil puppet of the Xuanming Realm did not know.

"Not necessarily." Wei Zidong said, looking forward: "Catch up and see."

If it is the Tianjiao of Shanliufu, they will catch up to see if they are not as good as their own, of course, they must hand over the core of the opponent. This is competition, which involves the 30 places in the state competition, even if they are brothers. Time will not be modest.

If it is from the soil of Xuanming Realm, it is even better, not only to take away the core of the puppet on the other side, but also to take the opportunity to teach the other side a hard meal to let the other side know how serious the consequences are.

The speed of Ma Xifeng and Wei Zidong was very fast, passing by like two blasts, and proceeding forward.

Immediately, they saw a blurry figure moving forward.


The speed of the two suddenly increased, and they chased quickly. nt

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