Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 11: Yan Lan (on)

Ma Xifeng and Wei Zidong were leaning against the wall, and they all felt pain and injuries.

If they can open, they can take the elixir for healing, but now they are temporarily blocked, and they cannot deposit or remove anything to prevent cheating.

In this way, you can only rely on your own ability to treat injuries. According to such injuries, at least one day can be relieved, and it takes several days to recover.

The time in the Didi Palace is limited to three days at most, and it has now passed more than an hour.

"Damn!" Ma Xifeng killed himself.

"This man should be killed ten thousand times!" Wei Zidong was equally angry.

It was even forced to be like this by a soil turtle. Not only was he injured, but also the only core of the dragon was taken away. He was also forced to ask how to break through the palace.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you are forced to ask, the focus is on being asked.

Burn in anger!

"Damn thing, even if we can't break through the Didi Palace, he never thought of breaking through." Ma Xifeng secretly fiercely.

Heal the injury first, wait for the injury to stabilize, and then take revenge.


Every second to the left!

Every four to the right!

Chen Zong followed this pattern and encountered other crickets, swords and beheaded.

The strength of these puppets is at least a high-level semi-holy level, even if weak, it is more powerful than the ordinary high-level semi-holy level, and a powerful puppet, its strength is comparable to the Mingbang Tianjiao.

Among them, Chen Zong also encountered two puppets joining forces, with great strength, and had to use half-step swords to defeat and kill them to obtain the puppet core.

A fire core, a storm core, and an ice core.

It took almost a day for these gains, too little.

After all, each plutonium core needs six, at least six.

The Didi Palace is very large. There are 308 people entering here, and the probability of meeting is not large, at least, on the first day.

And as time goes by and you are gradually moving in the right direction, you will definitely meet more people.

In the distance, Chen Zong heard a huge noise and felt an amazing breath collision. It was that someone was fighting, and it didn't seem to be a fight between people and puppets, but a fight between people.

One of them sounded familiar.

As soon as Chen Zong looked condensed, he quickly moved forward, and saw three figures fighting fiercely. Two of them were very familiar. It was Nan Wukong and Zheng Tuo who were friends. They even joined forces together.

It can be seen that Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong tried their best to shoot, but they were suppressed by each other.

Not an opponent!

They are not opponents at all, they are already on the lottery. If they have cooperated very well, they are likely to have lost.

In addition, Chen Zong also saw that the other side was in a joke, and it seemed that he did not devote all his efforts to deal with the two, otherwise the two would not be able to support them to this day.

"Brother Zheng, Nan Wuxi, I'm here to help you." Chen Zong's voice passed directly into Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong's ears, making them instantly rejoice, as if injected with a new force, cheering up, this change Immediately let Tianjiao of Shanliufu notice, slightly surprised.

You can't kill people here, and he intends to play around with the two, slowly destroying them and cracking down on their sense of direction, which is worse than killing them directly.

Is something going to happen?

Suddenly, an extremely violent storm blasted through the air, and the astonishing sound made this person's complexion look a little dignified.

Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong were split back with a single knife, and they immediately turned around and looked around. Their eyes were as sharp as blades, and they crossed the sky, seeing a golden violent sword light, like a thunderous bombardment.

The sharp eyes saw Chen Zong through the golden thunder-like sword light, as if to pierce it.

A knife slashed out violently. The murderous spirit was amazing and terrible. It made the split of Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong look very different. Even if the sword was not shot against them, they still made them creepy.

If they were directed at them, they would die.

Subconsciously, Zheng Tuo and Nan could not help worrying about Chen Zong.

This person's strength is too strong, and I don't know if Chen Zong can compete.

This knife is extremely sharp and extremely dazzling. It seems to be stabbing Chen Zong's eyes through the sword light, and Chen Zong's eyes are slightly stunned, and they have a chilling and creepy feeling.

The sword and the knife collided in an instant, the astonishing momentum stirred all directions, and the energy tore everything, terrible to the extreme.

Chen Zong immediately felt a terrible sharp assault through the sword body, as if he was chopping his arm and chopping it. At the same time, the mighty power of that sword was also blasted away. The other party smashed.

Take three steps back!

"Oh, your strength is good." Shan Liufu Tianjiao's eyes flickered a little, and he stared at Chen Zong with a bit of surprise, and said that the knife was the only one, but the ordinary knife spurred by his ten success was actually blocked by the other party. It will also fight itself back in three steps.

At least it looks like the two are evenly matched.

Chen Zong was also a bit surprised at the strength of the other side, and he was a lot stronger than the two before.

"In this case, don't die." Shan Liufu Tianjiao's eyes burst into a savage, breath of breath suddenly burst out, as if a storm of flames swept in, immediately, cut out with a knife.

The blade of light was shocked, and it passed through the dim, as if a lightning-like lightning flash was extremely powerful. The power of this blade was more than 50% stronger than the previous blade.

The power of this knife surprised Chen Zong.

The opponent ’s cultivation has reached the limit of the high-level semi-sacred level. Apart from breaking through to the sanctuary, the cultivation has no longer been able to improve by half a point.

The knife method is terrible, the power is amazing, and the accomplishment is very bright.

And in that sword, there is also a terrible power, similar to the power of spiritual will, which makes the sword stronger.

Sure enough, every powerful Tianjiao has mastered the power of spiritual will.

Just don't know, does this person have a half-walk meaning?

Chen Zong ’s cultivation is a high-level semi-sacred level. In terms of cultivation, he is still inferior to the other party, and the other party ’s cultivation is also a holy class. The level is not low. Therefore, the purity of semi-sacred power is worse than A lot of myself.

I don't know what supplementary methods have been supplemented to make the sword more powerful.

In the world of practitioners, there are countless exercises and martial arts, and no one knows which genius or geek has created what kind of exercises, martial arts, and secrets. They are different and each has its own magical effect.

This person's knife speed is extremely fast, the power is even more overwhelming, and the collision between the sword and the sword again and again, Chen Zong gradually discovered its mystery. The other power contained in the opponent's knife method was superimposed power.

That is to say, each time when the knife comes out, they are superimposed with two swords, which means that the power is doubled. It is no wonder that it will be so overbearing that Chen Zong will fall behind for a while.

It is certain that this person's strength is completely able to be included in the top thirty, even the top twenty.

This is a tough enemy, and you must come up with real strength to deal with it.

Half step sword meaning!

For a moment, the astonishing sharpness permeated through the sword body, and the sensation of breath spread around, making people shiver.

Shan Liufu's Tianjiao Fang's self-contained look also changed slightly, his pupils contracted like needles, and the breath permeated by Chen Zongjian made him feel a little threat.

A sword strikes, the sword light is amazing, across the sky.

Fang Zicheng looked shocked.

"Half step sword!"

Under a sword, Fang Zicheng was repelled.

"You have a half-step sword!" Fang Zicheng exclaimed.

He was considered to be well-informed, and suddenly recognized the strength of Chen Zong, which was half-step swordsmanship, and he was talented and powerful, ranking 13th among Shan Liufu's arrogance. But he has not yet mastered the half-step sword.

"Do you think that half-step sword is good, I tell you, I have no half-step intention, and I am stronger than you." Fang Zicheng's arm was shocked, his expression was so dignified, the sword was shocked, the sword was brilliant, the sword was absolutely brilliant Killed out.

Chen Zong's pupils shrank like a needle, and he saw the knife light extremely cold, and the shadow of the knife was dimly blurred, bringing an amazing threat.

Kill with one stroke, much more powerful.

Three knife stack!

Each additional stack of swords will increase its power a lot.

Sword of blood!

One half of the sword with a half-step sword is soaring in blood and its power soars. It directly defeats the opponent's three-knife stack and kills it.

Fang Zicheng was frightened, and took two steps to avoid Chen Zong's sword.


He never expected that this person would be so difficult, not only comprehending the half-step sword, but also his horrible strength ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ enough to compete with himself.

In this case, you can't keep your hands.

"Remnant knife ... ash!"

A low drink sounded, as if the stress was roaring loudly, shocking all directions.

A terrible breath suddenly rose up from the other side and diffused out. The breath was violent and blazing. It seemed to burn everything in the world to ashes and destroy everything. It was terrible to the extreme and let Chen Zong Feeling creepy, there was a feeling of being crushed and burned.

This knife ... can't resist!

A gray flame permeated the bright red flames, which suddenly permeated the sword, burning silently, seemingly silent, but violent to the extreme, like the fire of the end of the world, burning everything, burning everything, All turned into ashes.

Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong were far away, and the pupils contracted like a needle.



The flame permeated by this knife gave them a sense of horror that turned to ashes. It seemed that the world was dark and caught in the end. It made people feel deep inside but helpless and hopeless. It seemed like the whole world. It will sink into it, dissipating under the blazing flame, and turning into ashes.

In the face of Chen Zong, what will happen?

Chen Zong looked extremely dignified and had a feeling that if he could not stop the knife, he might die.

At this point in the battle, it is already difficult to stop. Even if the opponent kills himself, it will be punished at most, not to mention that they are all people of Shanliufu, which is also the boundary of Shanliufu. There will be partiality. It is inevitable.

Can't die!

Don't get hurt!

Because the elixir in Najie could not be taken out, so only one sword could be used.

That sword is called Yan Lan! nt

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