Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 17: Tianyun

At the end of the mountain stream mansion competition, the first pass is the ground palace, and the second pass is the peak of Tianfeng.

There were two hundred Tianjiao in Shanliufu, a total of nineteen people won the state competition place, and one hundred and eight days in Xuanmingyu, a total of eleven people won the state competition place.

In the humble Xuanming Garden, everyone in Xuanming Realm was very happy, especially the strong men in Xuanming Realm.

Eleven places!

Regardless of what happens afterwards, it is a very good thing to just win eleven places in the government tournament.

You know, this time the Fushui match has two advantages, but for the people of Shanliufu, there are some advantages. In contrast, for Xuanming Realm, it is a disadvantage.

Under the inferior position, the Tianjiao of Xuanming Realm can still win eleven places, even though it is not as good as the nineteen in Mountain Stream House, it is a very good thing.

You know, at the beginning, the Tianjiao people in Shanliu Province wanted to get less than three places.

Eleven, but far more than three.


"Nice, but don't be complacent."

A lot of powerful people have said to the eleven who got the quota.

The eleven people who got the quotas are the peerless Tianjiao in the top ten of the Mingbang. They won the quota, which was somewhat unexpected. After all, among the 108 Tianjiao in the Mingbang, their strength is the strongest.

Finally, the eleventh person who got the quota surprised them.

Chen Zong!

Chen Zong's ranking on the low rankings is not high. He was able to win a place. It was really shocking and incredible.

In particular, Tianjiao who ranked eleven, twelve and so on, couldn't believe that they could not win the place by their own strength, but Chen Zong did.

"Shit luck." Someone was very upset.

"Elders, the disciples have a suggestion." At this time, one of Tianjiao, Sima Li of the Sima family, suddenly said: "Chen Zong won the quota. That is a good thing. It is gratifying, but the disciples think that there is no Including the small luck component, Chen Zong's strength is not enough. If he participates in that state race, it may be eliminated at once, which is a pity, so the disciple suggested that Chen Zong give up this quota to the strength. The strongest person. "

As soon as this word came out, Chen Zong's complexion was a little stunned, and some people's eyes were brilliant and his heart was moving.

"Chen Zong, you must not think that I am aiming at you. This is the general trend. Only with sufficient strength can we win glory for our Xuanming Realm." Sima Li faced Chen Zong with a smile on his face. And talking about it, it looks like a big picture.

Chen Zong did not speak, but looked carefully, and found that among the strong men, some people were indeed thinking, indicating that they had some intentions.

"Chen Zong, what do you think?" At this time, a strong man from the Sima family stared at Chen Zong and asked.

"This quota is based on my ability and belongs to me." Chen Zong responded very directly, his eyes twinkled, extremely sharp, as if piercing through everything: "Why give to others?"

"Because, the strength of others is better than you." Since the strong man of Sima Family has already spoken, his tone has become more firm.

"Hehe." Chen Zong smiled coldly, and then looked at the elder of Xuanming Palace: "Elder, please be fair."

The strong Sima family was a little stunned. Originally, he thought that after answering himself, Chen Zong would be stimulated, and then challenged, but he did not expect that the other party would not follow his own thinking at all.

All eyes fell on the elder's face.

The elder of Xuanming Palace groaned, his eyes fell on Chen Zong's face, as if to see it through, and Chen Zong looked at him without fear.

"This quota was won by Chen Zong, and naturally belongs to Chen Zong. If he does not want to let it out, no one can force it." The elder of Xuanming Palace said finally.

He felt that Chen Zong could win one of the places, but it was not only a matter of good luck, but his strength was certainly not weak.

Moreover, it is not clear what the state race is.

This person, Chen Zong, has a feeling that it is difficult for the elder of Xuanming Palace to see through. If he forces the other party to give up the quota this time, he will definitely be remembered and hated. That is not a good thing.

Hearing the words of the elder of Xuanming Palace, the Sima family members were naturally unwilling, but they didn't say anything. If they continued, the purpose for Chen Zong would be too obvious.

At this moment, if you do this, you will not be united, and you will be criticized. If you return to the Xuanming Realm, it will be a blow to the reputation of the Sima family.

Smali hated it even more.

He was unhappy with Chen Zong, and he couldn't see Chen Zong getting a place, so he put forward the so-called proposal, no matter who got the place, as long as it wasn't Chen Zongde.

Unfortunately, a little careful thinking failed.

Sheng Yuan and others who dislike Chen Zong are also disappointed, but Zheng Tuo and Nan Wukong and others are happy for Chen Zong.

"You eleven have a good rest, and will leave for Tianyun tomorrow tomorrow." The elder of Xuanming Palace changed the subject.

Everyone was excited.

Tomorrow, we will go to Yunzhou that day. The state race is about to start. I do n’t know what kind of challenges we will face.


"Waste, all waste!" The strong man in Yishanliu Road said angrily.

"Eleven places were taken out of eleven places, still under training."

The strong faces of Yigan Mountain Stream House are ugly.

Thirty places, but they only got nineteen, too few and too few.

You know, there are as many as two hundred Tianjiao in the government competition, and each one has been trained, and they know the two levels of Wudi Palace and Tianfeng Capture the Flag. This is better than the Xuanmingyu Tianjiao. Know nothing.

But even in such a situation, it does not occupy much advantage, and even, it is not an advantage.

Eleven places!

"Without these people participating in our government tournament, eleven places will belong to our mountain stream government."

"There is nothing if you can only say that you are unlucky," said the owner of the mountain stream house. "Since it is a foregone conclusion, don't complain any more. Let them have a good rest for 19 people and set off tomorrow to Tianyun."

As soon as the Lord of the Mountain Stream said, everyone had no objection.


On the second day, the people of Shanliu Province set off and took a huge whole-body cyan flying boat. The flying boat seemed to be surrounded by a clear breeze.

As far as Xuanming Realm rides, it is naturally the Xuanming giant ship.

Xuanming Realm is both a strong and one hundred and eighty days proud. Although there are only eleven participants in the state race, other people can go to watch, increase their knowledge and experience, and it will also help future cultivation.

From Shanliufu to Tianyunzhou, the road is not close. Depending on the speed of the Xuanming giant ship, it takes a day to arrive.

And everyone rested and adjusted on the Xuanming giant ship to meet the next challenge.

Tianyun state is one of the nine states in the Xuanyuan dynasty.

In such a vast area, the richness and purity of the heaven and earth are more than ten percent better than the mysterious realm. Under this environment, it is undoubtedly more advantageous to grow up and cultivate.

Therefore, Tianjiao in Yunzhou will only be more, and even stronger, than Mountain Stream House.

Knowing this, not only did they not be half afraid, but they felt that their fighting spirit was full of blood.

Real genius never fears challenges.

The center of Tianyun Prefecture is a huge city called Tianyun City.

This time, the people participating in the Tianyun state race for the place in the advanced races came from Shanliufu and Hengjiangfu, as well as Tongshanfu and Tianyun Prefecture.

Shanliufu has thirty entries, eleven of them from Xuanming Realm.

The number of entries for Hengjiang Prefecture and Tongshan Prefecture is estimated to be the same, and it is also 30. As for the number of participants in Tianyun Prefecture, it is not clear.

However, no less than thirty.

When they came to Tianyun City, the people were immediately arranged to live in the Mountain Stream Garden, without being oppressed when they were in Mountain Stream.

However, it is not a comfortable thing to live with the people of Shanliu, and the Tianjiao people in Shanliu also feel uncomfortable.

The state race is scheduled for three days later.

In other words, everyone has three days to take a good rest and can get a good understanding of all kinds of information about Tianyun State, especially the information of Tianjiao who participated in the state competition this time.

Knowing oneself knows the other.

"Brother Chen, I and Nan Wukong are going to take a look outside. Are you together?" Zheng Tuo found Chen Zong and asked.

"I won't go," Chen Zong responded.

I have some insights, and I plan to take advantage of these three days to get some insights. Maybe I will improve my strength because of this. Naturally, time is not to be wasted. "Zheng Tuo understands this too, so he didn't say anything, turned around and left with nowhere to go.

Chen Zongjing settled down and began to enlighten.

The battles in the Didi Palace, the shock when Tianfeng captured the flag in the face of the avalanche, etc., were all clearly presented in Chen Zong's mind, and Chen Zong carefully understood.

Yan Lan sword!

It was a self-made trick, constantly improved, but after the battle, Chen Zong found that there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Martial arts inherited from predecessors are not the same as self-creation.

What has been passed down by the predecessors has already been shaped, and to practice, at most, is to practice to the extreme of the martial arts. Due to the limitations of the predecessors, it is difficult to break through.

If there is a breakthrough, it will surpass the original trance, surpass the limit, and surpass Nawu.

Self-made martial arts is full of endless possibilities, which will change as you continue to hone and learn, but no matter how you change, it will only move in one direction, which is more powerful.

Self-made martial arts is more in line with oneself, because if you want to create your own martial arts, you must have almost absolute control over your own strength and have a very deep understanding of yourself.

Knowledge and action in one!

Just to say!

Creating martial arts is the way of preaching.

All kinds of auras emerged in my mind, as if a ray of sword energy was pulsating, and it seemed that the sword lights were flying in a row. The sword lights and the qi energy flashed like aura, bringing more insights to Chen Zong.

The half-step sword intention is 70%, and at this moment, it is slowly improving.

The improvement from 70% to 80% is more difficult than before. Normally, it takes several months or even longer to slowly understand, but with the battle, the time will be shortened. nt

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