Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 20: Yunhuang Daze (below)


The earth seemed to be turned into a tuyere, and strong winds, squalls, and storms rose into the sky, seeming to blow everyone up into the air, throwing them away.

But everybody was filled with a domineering atmosphere, or domineering, or violent, or fierce, or sharp, or cold, or cold, one after another to withstand the impact of the strong wind and wind, and quickly fell.

Some Tianjiao's body is falling like a meteorite, and the speed is getting faster and faster. The sound of a scream on the surface immediately blows out an astonishing flame. It is a flame formed by high-speed falling and air friction. The ball fell like a huge fireball.

Some Tianjiao's figure became extremely light, like a feather falling slowly.

Some Tianjiao spread their arms as if flying high, and immediately went away, falling diagonally.

Each exhibition means!

Chen Zong did not control his body and allowed it to fall, the speed was getting faster and faster.

Kilometers seem to be very high, but in fact they fell, but it was only a short period of time.

When he was ten meters from the ground, Chen Zong's body dropped quickly, as if frozen in midair, and then fell again, the speed became slower, and the body was light and feather-like.

Landed with light, silent footsteps.

Boom boom!

Several figures fell without slowing down, the ground shook endlessly, the sky was filled with dust, and several large pits were smashed.

After Chen Zong landed, he didn't stop and immediately went to Yunze Dazai.

Although it is limited to the periphery, in fact, the periphery is also very large, covering a region of tens of thousands of miles.

One hundred and eighty people went forward without hesitation after landing, and went deep into Yunhuang Daze. Before they were in midair, they had seen Yunhuang Daze clearly within a certain range.

Five days!

The state race lasts five days.

There are only thirty places.

Only more killing monsters can get Beast Dan and get more points to qualify for advanced road races.

Most of the 180 people were scattered separately, but some people chose to join forces, but not many, just two people joined forces.

Many people join forces, although the strength is stronger, you can hunt more monsters, but you have to divide.

It has to do with quotas and how to allocate them, sometimes it becomes a problem.

Therefore, it is better to act alone.

Chen Zong looked calm, unfolded the streamer flying shadow, quickly moved forward, and gradually separated from other people, so as to avoid contact with other people and unnecessary competition.

Among the 180 people, their strength is not the weakest, but it is not the strongest. It is estimated that they can only be regarded as middle-level.

And he has a hole card, and others don't necessarily have a hole card.

Not long after, Chen Zong found the whereabouts of the monster, but unfortunately, it was not a pseudo-high-level monster, and it was useless to kill it, and he ignored it. The clinker found that monster, too, and rushed over to try to bring Chen Zong eat it.

As a result, Chen Zongyi was shot and killed.

Spiritual knowledge diffused in an instant, covering all directions.

Chen Zong's spiritual knowledge is many times more powerful and broader than ordinary high-level semi-sacred spiritual knowledge. If the breeze is slow, it is more difficult to perceive.

Immediately after that, Zong Yixi was just a few kilometers away from the left, and there was a pseudo-high-order monster, which was not sure which level of pseudo-high-order.

However, as long as it is a pseudo-high order, you can get points by beast-danting.

With a bang, Chen Zong was amazingly fast and extremely fast. He flew away quickly, thousands of kilometers were passed in a short period of time.

Suddenly, a huge tiger-shaped monster appeared in front of him, and that monster also saw Chen Zong, and immediately made an amazing roar, and his eyes were full of blood.

Pseudo-high order!

This is the human definition of monsters.

Perseverance spreads out, letting Chen Zong know that this pseudo-high-order monster should be intermediate, and one beast is worth two points.

The level of this monster is equivalent to the middle-level semi-holy level. Although it is a little stronger than the ordinary middle-level semi-holy level, it is not an opponent of Chen Zong. He just clicks with a finger to break the air, and quickly takes the beast dan into the ring. within.

Chen Zong looked away and looked into the distance.

The cloudlessness of Daze, filled with breath, gave Chen Zong a sense of being ancient, but, of course, it wasn't really ancient but just a bit similar.

The landforms and vegetation here seem to be very old. The trees are towering, and the numerous vines are like pythons running in all directions.

The ubiquitous and majestic atmosphere permeates the air.

One by one, Tianjiao are fast, constantly searching for monsters to hunt.

"Dead!" On a red robe there was a round of golden sun dangling from the sun. The look of the Yangquan was high, as if the king was in the dust. Between the eyes of his eyes, a sharp and domineering spurt burst out, and it seemed to bring the air with amazing heat It all kind of ignited.

At the moment when the voice fell, I could not see it, but a ray of gold-red energy burst out, like a thin needle running through the sky, and it instantly hung hundreds of meters away, one on the vine, as if fused with the vine. One big boa shoots.

And the fine needle-like golden red vigor did not disappear, but cut open the body of the python, flew back with a beast of Dan, and fell into the man's hand.

"Intermediate." The man frowned slightly, seemingly dissatisfied with the grade of the beast.

However, Intermediate Beast Dan can also count two points, which is better than nothing.


Chen Zong's figure leaped on the thick trunk, as if the star ball bounced.

Suddenly, a streamer spewed out from the dense trunk with a stench, astonishingly fast. As lightning rushed into the sky, Chen Zong suddenly felt creepy.

The response is extremely rapid, and refers to a stroke of void in the sword, an indescribable sharp cut, leaving a trace in the darkness.


The void was torn like a cloth, and spread quickly.

The sudden attack was a dead wood-like poisonous snake, with a triangular head and green eyes, giving people a sense of brutality.

A sword broke, and it was killed directly.

This is a high-level pseudo-high-order monster. Chen Zong got a high-level pseudo-high-order beast, which was counted as five points. In this way, he had seven points.

With seven points, Chen Zong estimates very few. Among the one hundred and eighty people, the ranking is definitely not high.


Need more Beast Dan more points.

Spiritual consciousness swept across all directions like a storm, evoking to the extreme, as if the breeze and drizzle were pervasive, constantly searching for the whereabouts of pseudo-high-order monsters.

When it comes to the strength of spiritual knowledge, Chen Zong is a lot better than others. This is the advantage. Now, we must make good use of this advantage.

Another pseudo-high-order monster was found, whether it was low-level, intermediate-level, or high-level or top-level. In short, the mosquito legs were as small as meat and could not be ignored.

In most cases, Chen Zong does not need a sword, but only with his sword finger is enough to kill those pseudo-high-order monsters.

After all, with Chen Zong's current strength, unless it is a top-level pseudo-high-order monster, the other three levels of pseudo-high-order monsters are difficult for Chen Zong to exert his full strength.

Even if you don't use a sword, you can also kill those fake high-level monsters one by one to obtain the beast.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, most of the time passes.

Eight low-level beasts, five middle-level beasts, and two high-level beasts total 28 points.

Chen Zong frowned.

It is not easy to get the top 30. There are many people who are more powerful than themselves, at least 40 or 50. Although hunting monsters is not only related to strength, it also has a bit of luck, but regardless How to say, having strong strength is always the most reliable.


That kind of thing is sometimes bad, and it cannot be relied on.

Outside of Yunhuang Daze, a lot of powerful people are waiting.

Five days, this is not a long time for a strong leader. Usually, one practice is many days, and one retreat is months, even years or even longer.

After five days, I closed my eyes and thought for a while, maybe he passed.

But for the arrogant Tianjiao who entered the perimeter of Yunhuang Dazao, five days was not so easy. They needed to be vigilant at all times. One was hunting for pseudo-high-end monsters, and the other was to be attacked.

This attack may come from monsters or from other contestants.

After all, the rules just don't allow killing, but they allow robbery of others.

If you do n’t give it, it ’s easy to take away the beast dan inside the ring immediately after the injury.

At that time, strength became particularly important.

In the setting sun, the night was getting darker.

The night fell, and the entire cloudlessness and dazzle shrouded in darkness, adding a bit of mystery and deepness, and the ancientness seemed to be more intense.

In the night ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The activities of the monsters are more and more frequent, and the roar of the beasts sounds one after another, spreading from one side to another, giving people a feeling of being in the herd.

If you are not brave enough, you will feel panic and lose your mind.

However, one hundred and eighty Tianjiao are talented one by one, with a firm mind and no fear, and after daytime fighting and killing, they have not consumed much energy and are full of energy.

Night is the time for the monsters to hunt, and it is also the time for them to hunt more monsters.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed with extreme sharpness in the darkness, as if two sword lights radiated in all directions, dark, and could not stop the slightest.

At a glance, Chen Zong also saw a few green eyes glanced from the surroundings like ghosts and fires, and approached at lightning speed, with a ferocious meaning and fishy wind.

They are evil wolves. The three evil wolves form a triangular formation, cooperate with each other, and directly kill them. Obviously, they use Chen Zong as a prey.

Chen Zong also found that the breath fluctuations emitted by the three evil wolves all reached the intermediate pseudo-high level.

"It started with three beasts." Not only was Chen Zong not afraid, Chen Zong showed a touch of joy.

In this way, six points are counted.

Suddenly, the three wolves rushed to his feet, and Razor's eyes flashed across the night, and those eyes flashed like ghost fire, as if to tear Chen Zong into pieces.

Chen Zong was immobile, and seemed to be frightened, but at the moment when the three wolves smashed into the body, Chen Zong's right hand and a finger stroked like a sword, and a half arc passed in front of him. The waves ripple away, and in the night, it seems that the moonlight is reflected on the water, and there is a kind of quietness and deepness.

The three wolves wore a body meal, and then fell to death. nt

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