Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 25: Hengjian (5)

Tiansha force field!

Invisible and colorless, covering all directions and covering a range of 20 meters, Sima Huanyu is included.

The icy atmosphere was like thousands of ice needles, which severely pierced Sima Huanyu's mind, as if to pierce the sea, pierce the spirit, and pierce the soul, and immediately made Sima Huanyu's face snorted and changed greatly. As if the blood and blood of the corpses emerged, the astonishing spirit was like a hurricane.

Sima Huanyu's spiritual will was extremely tenacious. He knew immediately that he had fallen into a vision and had to get rid of it, but found that it was difficult to get rid of it. The mind was constantly being disturbed by shocks, which caused his terrible trick and power to be affected. .

The starlight armor outside the Star Wars waved up, and it seemed to disintegrate, so that Sima Huanyu had to devote more attention to maintaining it. Invisibly, it also affected the exertion of its own power.

The terrible blast that followed was also volatile.

Chen Zong Sword!

Sword of blood!

A flash of blood flashed out and killed.

Sima Huanyu's strength is indeed very strong, and a move that just broke out has already threatened the low-level power of ordinary entry into the sanctuary, making Chen Zong feel a great threat.

However, Chen Zong released the Tiansha force field, directly interfering with the opponent's impact, which indirectly caused his strength to drop significantly.

In the ordinary sanctuary, when a strong person faces the Tiansha force field, his strength will be at least indirectly weakened by 30% to 40%. If Shura is cast as a double, the weakening will be more obvious.

Sima Huanyu is very strong, but after all, he is not a true sanctuary, and it is even more obvious that it is weakened by the Tiansha force field.

With this sword of Chen Zong, Sima Huanyu had no resistance at all.

Killed instantly, through the sky, everything is not broken.

The state race does not allow murder, and Chen Zong does not plan to kill Sima Huanyu, which will disqualify himself, which is not cost-effective for Chen Zong.

However, Sima Huanyu can be wounded to capture its beast.

In an instant, Xueguang shot and killed him, hitting Sima Huanyu, there was no escape.

But at that moment, a ray of light spread out like water waves, and countless starlights were derived from nothingness, as if they were flowing across the water waves, they gathered from all directions, and finally condensed in one point, just blocking Chen Zongyi's assassination.

With a bang, countless starlights seemed to explode in an instant, sending out a terrible impact, driving Chen Zong's sword back, and at the same time, Sima Huanyu's body flew hundreds of meters away in an instant.

Without hesitation, with the power of starlight explosion, Sima Huanyu immediately broke out the only remaining power and turned into a starlight-like speed and swept away.

The moment he flew away, his eyes were filled with resentment and murderous power, as if piercing the sky, trying to penetrate Chen Zong, with so many holes.

When Chen Zong was struck by the exploding star power, his sword trembled, his arm was numb, and when he took off his power, Sima Huanyu had already turned into a streamer-like speed and had no time to pursue.

"It's a pity." Chen Zong secretly said, inside Sima Huanyunna's ring, when there were a lot of beasts, he was taken away by the other party.

However, Chen Zong had no intention of chasing.

Just before the battle with Sima Huanyu, his own strength was consumed a lot. If he chased away, if he encounters other Tianjiao, will he be defeated because of his insufficient strength.

Be bold and aggressive, and be cautious.

Restore strength first.

The elixir cannot be taken out, and the restoration of strength can only be achieved by running exercises.

In the distance, a meteor-like light landed, and Sima Huanyu rushed forward for a few moments to pause, panting.

Only after the first battle, I was defeated in the end. If there was no defensive secret treasure in my body, then even if the sword did not kill myself, it would be enough to make himself vulnerable.

Suffering from minor injuries here, it is not far from elimination.


Sima Huanyu was full of hatred for Chen Zong.

What was originally an inconspicuous casual repair now has strength that threatens oneself.

Although unwilling to admit it, just now, I developed a feeling of being killed, very bad, and smelled the smell of death.

This hate is in the heart.


After a while, Chen Zong's strength was finally fully restored.

The battle with Sima Huanyu also gave Chen Zong a lot of gains.

In all fairness, Sima Huanyu's strength is very strong. If he does not borrow the Tiansha force field, he will not be his opponent.

Then speaking, the strength of his own deity may be similar to that of the tenth peerless Tianjiao of the Underworld, and may be stronger, but not too much.

But when he borrowed the Tiansha force field, Sima Huanyu was not his opponent, it was almost crushing.

In this way, Chen Zong also did not know what level of strength he could achieve after borrowing the Tiansha force field.

Eighth on the bottom list?

Or seventh?

Or higher?

Without comparison, it is impossible to determine, after all, every peerless Tianjiao has its own means.

Like this Sima Huanyu, the terrible power of the star warfare makes him feel a great threat.

It is difficult to guarantee that other Peerless Tianjiao will not have its own tricks, or some secret treasures and the like.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong became more cautious.

In the whole world, it is not that you are a genius alone, nor that you have a hole card.

But anyway, defeating Sima Huanyu and verifying his own strength, Chen Zong has more confidence.

You know, not long ago, your own strength was far worse than now.


This is Superman's potential.

"Sima Huanyu, next time you fight, there is no need for Shura's avatar strength. With my strength, I can beat you." Chen Zong said secretly, extremely confident.


"Yangquan, I really want to try your current strength." Hei Yanze seemed to have a trace of black flames burning around his body, emitting a terrible breath, as if burning everything.

"Then you try it." Yangquan was wearing a golden red scorching sun robe, looking up high, like a king, brilliant, with an indescribable tendency in a calm tone.


The terrible breath suddenly burst out of Hei Yanze's body, and the black flames surging over the sky, as if to fill the heavens and the earth to burn everything and turn everything into ashes.

This terrible momentum is even more amazing than entering the Holy Land.

However, Yangquan's figure remained motionless and unaffected.

"Don't these two plan to do anything?" The strong man in the sky looked down, slightly surprised.

Hei Yanze and Yangquan are the strongest Tianjiao in Tianyun Prefecture. They have amazing achievements in defeating the saints and relying on their own strength without resorting to foreign objects.

Both have the talent and potential of the top king, and their strength is very strong, if you do, it is definitely a terrible battle.

But in the next breath, the horrible black flames that seemed to burn everything in the sky and heavens were introverted into the body, and the sharpness of Hei Yanze's face disappeared instantly.

"Now, it's not the time when you and I battled, and stayed at the Xuanyuan Sacred Church." As soon as the voice fell, Hei Yanze had a roll of black flame around him, turning it into a black flame, and disappeared instantly.

Yangquan's look remained unchanged. It seemed that everything was under control.

The body flashed, Yangquan turned into a golden red light, and quickly left.

The strong man in the sky was also slightly relieved.

In all fairness, they don't like the fight between the two. That's not a trivial matter. It might be bad if it affects the state game.

With the strength of Yangquan, Hei Yanze, and Ye Xuandao, it is inevitable that they will be qualified. Even if they enter the Xuanyuan Sanctuary through Daosai, they have 90% certainty.

If they fight internally, it may affect the final result.

It's best not to fight.

In another place, Ye Jiandao, the king of the sky sword, had a sword in his hand. The sword light could not see what color it was. It was erratic, like a dragon, and filled with the deep breath of the sky and the sea.

Without seeing the momentum, there was Jianguang's lasing, just like the sky breaking through the clouds, extremely fast and unparalleled.

Suddenly, a pseudo-high-order monster that was hundreds of meters away was penetrated directly, as if it were fragile.

A roll of Jianguang, Beast Dan flew into the hands of the King of the Sword Ye Yedao.

"One thousand and five hundred and fifty points." Ye Xuan said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

If Chen Zong heard it, he would be absolutely shocked.

Only two days have elapsed. Ye Xuandao actually has as many as 1,550 points, and his own points are only more than 400, less than 500. This is a big gap. It is several times.

However, Ye Yidao's strength is very strong, and the front is enough to fight against the invasion and sacrifice. The strength is strong, and naturally there is no scruples. Naturally, he can kill the beast faster to capture the beast. In addition, he can also grab other people to grab and accumulate points. The speed will naturally be faster ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong has a creepy feeling.

Before Hei Yanze asked, if the high-end monster was beheaded, how would the Beast Dan's points be calculated? I did not expect that he actually encountered a high-level monster.

It looks like it should be a high-level first-level monster, which is equivalent to the level of a strong person entering the sacred realm.

This is a black bear, three meters tall. Among the monsters, it is actually not very large, but it exudes an amazing breath. It is as cruel and violent as if it was going to crush Chen Zong.

The black bear's huge eyes stared at Chen Zong, as if to eat Chen Zong, bringing terrible coercion.

Chen Zong's muscles were tight, his blood flowed like the water of a river and a river, and he chattered. He was surrounded by a sacred semi-sacred level. He clasped the sword handle of Jin Jinyue's sword with his right hand. The body moved forward with a slightly low center of gravity. Shrinking, a shimmer of sharpness flickered in it.

Eighty-and-a-half step Jianyi all came together.

In the face of a high-level monster, even if it is just a high-end monster of ordinary blood, no matter how cautious it is.

Chen Zong is not a trio of Yangquan, Hei Yanze and Ye Yidao, and he doesn't have that kind of strength yet.

The black bear monster also felt the slightest threat from Chen Zong's body, and seemed to be very sharp, able to cut his own fur and hurt himself.

High-level monsters, although unable to utter words, already have good wisdom and can think normally.

Of course, even if the monsters are wise, most of them don't have that much mind. They are relatively straightforward, just like some reckless people in the human race.

Observing Chen Zong, the black bear gradually lost patience, and the animal nature prevailed over the rational, and immediately gave out a terrible roar that sounded like a thunderous thunder, blowing the wind. nt

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