Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 26: Hengjian (6)

The smell of the wind was like a storm, and suddenly, Chen Zonghan's hair was upside down, and he was creepy.

For a moment, Chen Zong had a quaint feeling, and the whole person seemed to be shattered.


Amazing pressure is coming, and this feeling can be greater than the ordinary low-level face of the sanctuary.

The speed of the black bear monster is amazing. A black monster wind is rolled up and killed in a violent manner. The huge palm is lifted up, and it is as heavy as a black mountain. It exudes extreme oppression, surrounded by countless black monster winds. As if to slap Chen Zong into a patties, sinking the earth.

The roar, straight through the ears, dizziness and brain swelling, it felt like a stone was stuffed into the brain, which was extremely uncomfortable.


It was too tyrannical. The terrible coercion came from all directions, restraining itself, and seemed unable to move at all.

Field of Hearts!

The realm of the heart spread out. Suddenly, the pressure eased and Chen Zong returned to freedom. As a result, the Tiansha force field was released.

Suddenly, all the pressure was gone.

Affected by the power of the Tiansha force field, the black bear monster's eyes flashed a bit of turbulence, and it was replaced by scarlet. It became frantic and amazingly killing, and issued a terrible roar, and suddenly burst into a huge palm of Chen Zong. He blasted out to the side again.

Compared with the human race, although the monster is wise, it also has a greater beast nature, which is cruel in nature and more susceptible to the influence of the Tiansha force field.

However, the effects of monsters and humans are different.

The influence of the human race will give birth to the illusion of killing like a **** mountain, which will cause the mind to be disturbed and have to resist, thereby weakening the control of its own power and indirectly affecting the exertion of strength.

The monsters are affected by the illusion of corpse blood and sea killing, but they will not resist, but they will shoot, because most monsters will mistakenly believe that it is real, and under the influence, they will be wild. , Crazy shot and blasted out.

In this state, the monsters will not only be weakened, but will become violent because of their madness, and they will do their best with every hit, even more terrible, at least 10% to 20% stronger than normal.

But one thing is that after the monster becomes violent, it is not clear what the real goal is.

For example, at this moment, the black bear monster beast slaps at Chen Zong, and wants to shoot Chen Zong into a meat pie, and kills it to the slag, but after a meal, he has turned his direction. The terrible wind wiped Chen Zong. Going around, Shengsheng blasted the ground into a huge gully, pushing forward like an invisible earth dragon.

The ground was shaking, and Chen Zong was shocked.

So strong!

What a terrible power, if it was hit, it was completely impossible to resist with its own body, and it instantly turned into flesh and blood.

However, this attack did not hit Chen Zong. Chen Zong was not afraid and stepped forward in one step. The golden Shen Yuejian scabbed in an instant, struck a touch of fierce golden sword light, the arc light stretched out, and it seemed that a trace of the moon was killed , Straight into the body of the black bear monster.


The next scene shocked Chen Zong.

Jin Jin Shen Yuejian beheaded and killed on the black bear monster, but he failed to cut it off as he wished, but was resisted by an extremely tough force.

As a high-level monster, not only is the body and blood physically powerful, it is infinitely better than stainless steel, and there is even a layer of protective power to cover it, further enhancing the defense.

Therefore, Chen Zong's sword just broke the protective force on the surface of the black bear monster and split it slightly into the extremely tough film. The damage caused was very slight. For the black bear monster, it had no effect at all.


The mad and extremely violent black bear monster raised his sturdy arms, and the huge bear's palm was blown out fiercely. With two palms in a row, he rolled up the terrible black demon wind, tearing everything and destroying everything, as if everything Turned into powder.

Chen Zong can only retreat.

The black bear monster under the fury is horrible to the extreme. People block and kill gods, they hurt when rubbed, and die when touched.

Chen Zong retreated, but did not stay away, because the black bear monster was affected by the Tiansha force field and became mad, and the range of the Tiansha force field was 20 meters. Chen Zong can control the Tiansha force field in one direction at most. Twenty meters away.

Such a distance is actually very dangerous, because the black bear monster under the fury is too powerful, even if it is 20 meters apart, Chen Zong can still feel the terrible wind blowing and screaming, it seems to tear himself Destroy the same.

During his performance, Chen Zong kept dodging and kept a distance of about 20 meters from the black bear. This distance can just affect the black bear monster with the Tiansha force field and make himself the safest.

Boom boom!

It was shaking like an earthquake, and it was completely destroyed by bombardment.

A piece of land within a hundred meters was shattered and collapsed under the palms of the black bear monster. It looked shocking and terrifying.

As if the black bear monster was unaware of tiredness, he frantically shot and bombarded.

The Tianyunzhou powerhouses above were naturally attracted by the gaze and stared away, and were immediately surprised.

What does this person mean?

It can make a high-level first-level monster become so.

Seems like a force field.

In an instant, Chen Zong was remembered and was impressed.

"But it is speculative by some means. If Yangquan and others need to do so, they can kill the black bear in the front." Another strong man in the sanctuary sneered and said coldly.

He is a strong man in Tianyun State, and he is more inclined to Tianjiao in Tianyun State. Of course, he has his own personality.

The other strong man knew the character of the other party, so he didn't speak, and he did not argue with the other party, because there was no need, but this is from Tianjiao outside Tianyun Prefecture, which is really extraordinary.

Perhaps, the opponent is expected to get a place in the state competition and enter the road competition.

As for whether it is possible to obtain a place in the Dao Tournament and enter the Xuanyuan Holy Congregation, it is not clear, and no one can guarantee it.

In fact, all Tianjiao native Tianjiao people, except Yangquan Hei Yanze and Ye Yandao, can not guarantee 100% access to the Xuanyuan Holy Church.

Sometimes strength is important, but sometimes luck is also important.

On the ground, Chen Zong continued to deal with the violent black bear, avoiding the bombardment of the opponent's huge bear again and again, as if walking on a steel wire, and there was endless hell, extremely dangerous and terrifying.

Although the action of the black bear monster is slightly awkward, it is relatively speaking. For the semi-holy level, it is still very fast. The most important thing is its power. It is really terrifying, as if it can destroy the mountains and destroy the mountains. Break everything.

However, although the black bear monster is very strong and strong, the physical strength is not endless, especially in this violent state, the consumption of power is even more amazing.

After a moment, the movement of the black bear monster was a little slow, and Chen Zong keenly grasped it.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed, and he continued to wait for the opportunity to come.

As long as the power of the black bear monster is almost exhausted, that is, when he really fights back, when he kills the opponent, he is expected to get a beast of one thousand points.

It was another moment in the past, and two and a half minutes had passed. The power of the black bear monster was consumed a lot, the movement was at least 20% slower, the power was not so strong, and there was gradually a feeling of incapability.

However, it is still very strong. If he is hit positively, Chen Zong will probably die, so he still needs to continuously consume his power.

Chen Zong ’s power is also constantly being consumed, but relatively speaking, its consumption is much smaller, because it is just a constant exercise of physical training, and under such high crisis pressure, Chen Zong also has a lot of physical training. With the improvement of enlightenment, the enlightenment is deeper.


The four figures are difficult to distinguish between true and false, but true and false. It is the magical transformation of Luo Jiujiu, which is even more sophisticated.

Strength is comprehensive in nature. Combining various aspects to improve your physical performance also enhances your strength in disguise.

On the other hand, the black bear monster and beast's breath weakened, the movement became more dull, and the power of each hit became even less.

"It's time to fight back." With a flash of severe to extremely cold eyes, Chen Zong made up his mind and stepped out, avoiding the black bear's blow in an instant, bullying himself, approaching Jin Shenyuejian across. .

Eighty-five percent step sword blessing, which made the sword sharp to the extreme, seemed to be able to cut through all the hard and nothingness between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the sword's edge was cut across the body of the black bear monster, and that layer of strong protective power was cut open immediately ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The black bear monster's originally very tough film was also due to the power consumption. It descended and was cut open by Chen Zongyi sword, straight into the flesh.

Torn flesh!

The pain was so severe that the black bear monster beasted a roar, and the roar was shocking.


"The sound of this monster is not ordinary." In the distance, a passing figure suddenly stopped, his eyes flickered with incomparable sharpness, and the light flashed endlessly: "The monster seems to be injured."

The thought flickered in his mind, and he immediately made a decision, and once again opened his body and flew away in the direction of the sound.

This person's body was filled with breathtaking breath fluctuations, very scary, as if the fiery flames were about to burn everything. In the distance, he saw two figures, two figures fighting fiercely.

"That's ... a high-end monster!" The man was shocked.

There is even a high-level monster, and he can tell that the state of the high-level monster is not very good, and his strength is greatly reduced.

"Just right ..." The man's eyes twinkled and his mind was full of thoughts.

The beast of the high-level first-level monster is worth a thousand points. There are many. The most important thing is that killing the high-level monster is also a great glory. In the native land of Tianyun Prefecture, only Yangquan and Heiyan The brothers of the Ze ethnic group and the three talents of Ye Yidao had the strength to cut into the holy realm, which represented the supreme glory.

If you kill this black bear high-end monster, you will not be the fourth person to obtain the supreme glory.

He also saw people fighting fiercely with the black bear monster and beast. The strength is very good, and there seems to be good means, but he is stronger.

The idea must be, this person's body turned into a black light, as if the flame flow across the ground, approaching quickly. nt

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