Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 27: Hengjian (7)

The black bear monster and beast raged violently, bombarded in all directions, while Chen Zongshi continued to evade his body, while wielding his sword to counterattack and kill, 80% of the sword's sharp edge cut on its membrane, and continued to cut a wound.


The strength of the black bear monster is too strong, Chen Zong can only take this method to slowly kill it.

As long as the killer gets the beast dan, Chen Zong will have a thousand points to account, which is greater than the hunting of so many pseudo-high-end monsters.

Suddenly, a strong crisis struck, causing Chen Zongmei's heart to beat suddenly and suddenly, and her body turned to avoid the violent bombardment of the black bear and monster. The speed is flying, as if a flame of burning and jumping, terrible.

The source of the crisis is the black flame.

Hei Yanshi!

Although Chen Zong didn't come to Tianyunzhou for a long time, after knowing it, he recognized the characteristics of the other party. It is the family of Heiyan who came from the same family as Heyanze.

Is this person Hei Yanze?

The opponent's sense of crisis is very strong, almost like a black bear monster, but there is still a gap, it should not be Hei Yanze.

After all, on the day of the arrogance, there were three children of Hei Yan's children, including Hei Yanze. This person may be one of the two other people outside Hei Yanze.

At a distance of hundreds of meters, the opponent shot, and a huge black flame seemed to repel the sky like a meteor, with terrible power, destroying all the bombardment.

Chen Zong was creepy.

The black flame made me feel the breath of death.

The raging black bear monster also felt it.

Instinctively, monsters outperform humans, and suddenly feel the danger of being killed.

Maybe hit, not necessarily die, but absolutely uncomfortable.

Under the crisis of life and death, the black bear monster and beast once got rid of the influence of the Tiansha force field, and all the power erupted in an instant. Outbreak, full blow, no reservation, terrifying.

At the same time, Chen Zongyi sword was killed and his blood burst.

Eighty-five percent step sword intention!

Burst of blood!

A sword blasted out, but Chen Zong did not move forward, but instead performed a streamer flying shadow figure and retreated quickly.


Suddenly, Chen Zong's sword bleeds blood and the black bear monster's full-strike hits a group of meteor-like black flames. After a slight pause, it seems to be a counterattack, but he is defeated in an instant.


Suddenly, the Black Flame meteorite slammed into it, hitting the Black Bear Monster, and exploded instantly, turning into a terrible black flame torrent, and the Black Bear Monster was swallowed up instantly.

However, Chen Zong quickly retreated, exiting the scope of the Heiyan bombardment, and immediately felt a terrible blaze of fiery waves. It was extremely hot and seemed to burn himself into an adult.

Shocked in his heart, his expression was sinking, his eyes bursting out with great murderous power.

Be merciless to yourself and kill.

But Chen Zong was not stunned by the intention of killing, but backed away, backed away, and withdrawn enough distance to observe.


A large group of black flames raged, and a wave of horrible explosions continued to emanate from the waves. Immediately, a horrible roar rang out from the black flames and rushed away.

Amazing power burst, and Shengsheng tore and burst the black flame, revealing the body of the black bear monster.

The extremely strong body turned black, as if it had been burned by fire for a long time, and many black wounds could be seen.

not dead!

The black bear monster with its own powerful power and amazing vitality resisted that black flame attack. Rao is so, the black bear monster is also not badly damaged.

At first, it was disturbed by Chen Zong ’s Tiansha place, and the madness became violent. After repeated shots, he had consumed 60 to 70% of his strength, and later fought with Chen Zong and was attacked by Chen Zong. A sword was cut on the body. Although the damage of each sword was not serious, it couldn't stand much, and it continuously consumed the power of the black bear monster.

Because of this, they will be seriously injured by a blow from the opponent's black inflammation. Otherwise, if the black bear monster in the heyday is enough to defeat that group of black inflammation, it will not be harmed by itself.

The current black bear monster has little strength left, and his injuries are not light. His strength has fallen sharply, which is the best time to kill.

Chen Zong is sure. At this moment, the black bear monster can only be killed with three swords to obtain the beast dan that is worth one thousand points.

However, Chen Zong still didn't do anything, because the Heian Yan's Tianjiao was approaching the black bear monster and shot again.

A punch punched out of the air, and the horrible black punches burned like black flames. They were blown out like a black meteor. The power was terrible. Far away, Chen Zong felt an amazing glow. On his face, it seemed to burn himself to ashes.

This attack contains a strong Taoist flavor, which seems to be a half-step fire, but the exact meaning of the fire is unclear.

I can only feel that it is a terrible half-walk idea, which is extremely amazing.


The punch hit directly on the black bear monster. The movement of the black bear monster was slow, and it was too late to resist. It was hit immediately, and the strong but scorched body immediately shook, and backed up again and again.

Where it was bombarded, a broken charred pit appeared directly, and blood was evaporated and burned.

The black bear monster beeps with painful roar, and it is more grief and fury.

Trapped beasts fight!

Regardless of his injury, the black bear monster beast exploded with only remaining power, like a heavy tank chased out side by side.

Fighting desperately, even if you are dead, you must pull the other side back and end up all together.

The counterattack under the desperation of the black bear monster beast that was born after death is also very terrible. Even if it has little power left, it still explodes with amazing power.

This black bear monster is a high-level one, with a strength that is much stronger than the ordinary one when he enters the sacred realm. At the beginning, he is extremely strong, with strong vitality, and survives numerous deaths. He has combat instinct and will. amazing.

Even in despair, there is no half fear, but a desperate fight.

"Look for death!" Hei Yanlin looked cold and murderous. If he was a black bear monster during the heyday, he wouldn't dare to fight with him, because he was not his opponent, and even if he tried his best, he would hurt the opponent.

But now, the strength of this black bear monster is significantly reduced, and there is little left, which is a good opportunity to kill it.

Killing this black bear monster, not only can he get a monster beast worth one thousand points, but he can also obtain the supreme honor of the high-end monster monster.

Can be described as both fame and fortune.


Hei Yanlin is full of strength, his fists are burning with black flames, and they are constantly bombarding. Each punch has not only terrible power, but also inexplicable mystery and unpredictable trajectory.

The black bear monster can not dodge, and is bombarded with punch after punch, constantly injured, and the accumulation of injuries is aggravated. Once the outbreak, the black bear monster will die.

At the same time as being attacked, the black bear monster also furiously counterattacked, his palms shot down, as if meteorites were swept away and killed, but Hei Yanlin kept dodging, leaving a terrible pit on the ground.

"Take advantage of this opportunity." Chen Zong's eyes flashed, immediately.

Either go!

If you do n’t leave, it ’s just right now, otherwise you will be dealt with when the opponent kills the black bear monster.

While the black bear monster is alive, it can restrain the opponent to a certain extent.

One step forward, the streamer flying into the shadow, the speed is amazing, the sword moves with the blood, and the speed is extremely fast.

Sword of blood!

Without hesitation!

No mercy!

A sword struck through the sky.

One and a half steps of the sword is a sword that smashes blood. The speed of the sword reaches the extreme. Its power is also very terrible. It is still displayed with a 150,000-pound Jin Jin Yue Yue sword with an indescribable grandeur.

Blasting came, as if shattered into the air.

Hei Yanlin's complexion changed suddenly, and immediately, his eyes filled with killing.

"You're looking for death!" Under the rage, Hei Yanlin banged on the black bear monster and punched Chen Jian's sword light.

In the terrible half-step fire, the power of that punch reached the extreme, as if it could smash everything. The horrible power contained in it seemed to be able to turn everything into ashes.

The boxing force collided with Jian Guang. After a slight pause, Jian Guang was defeated, which surprised Chen Zong.

Seeing that black boxing came like Mars, Chen Zong blasted out his second sword.



Cut off!

Ji Jin Shen Yuejian immediately rolled up a terrible storm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and killed everything and smashed everything.

Facing the black bear monster and Chen Zong, the pressure on Hei Yanlin increased sharply.

"All of you must die!" Hei Yanlin was so furious that a terrible black flame erupted on his body immediately, rising into the sky, burning, the astonishing blazing breath continued to spread out, it seemed to be between heaven and earth Everything was burned to ashes.

Chen Zong receded in an instant, only feeling the heat waves coming from the surface, there was a feeling of being burnt by an adult.

The black bear monster beasts roared, but it did not step back, still violently bombarded, but its strength is getting weaker and weaker, and the threat to the black flame forest is getting smaller and smaller.

The threat that Hei Yanlin poses to Chen Zong is very strong.

Tiansha force field!

For a moment, the force of the Tiansha force field covered Hei Yanlin, and saw that He Yanlin's brows frowned, and he immediately resisted.

Chen Zong was surprised.

Tiansha force field turned out to be invalid.

No, it should not be said to be invalid, but the other party seems to have some means, or some kind of treasure, to resist the invasion of the Tiansha force field.

After all, the Tiansha force is aimed at the mind and soul of the other party, causing it to have an illusion, which indirectly affects its strength.

If the mind and soul are strong enough, they can resist it. Similarly, if there are treasures that can resist the invasion, they can be safe and sound.

"It turns out that this is your dependence, give me death!" Hei Yanlin smiled coldly, and in a short breath he got rid of the impact and influence of the Tiansha force field and burst out in one palm.

The black palm print has blazes of flames that seem to cover the world and burn them to ashes. Among them, the half-step fiery path of up to 80% is contained in it, and its power is unmatched.

"You can only borrow the power of Shura's avatar." Chen Zong secretly said. nt

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